3rd set (13-17) ipl

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 3rd set (13-17) IPL


    William Yao vs People of the PhilippinesGR No. 168306, June 19, 200

    !a"ts# Petitione$s a$e in"o$po$ato$s an% o&"e$s of '()(G(N( G()*+RP+R(-+N '()(G(N(/, an entit enae% in the $ellin, sale an% %ist$iution

    of 4PG p$o%u"ts. P$ivate $espon%entsPet$on *o$po$ation Pet$on/an%Pilipinas )hell Pet$oleum *o$po$ation Pilipinas )hell/ a$e t5o of the la$estul supplie$s an% p$o%u"e$s of 4PG in thePhilippines. hei$ 4PG p$o%u"ts a$e sol%un%e$ the ma$s 7G()4 an% 7):;44(N;, $espe"tivel.

  • 8/10/2019 3rd set (13-17) IPL


  • 8/10/2019 3rd set (13-17) IPL


    Repuli" Gas *o$po$ation vs Pet$on *o$o$ationGR No. 19F062, June 1 2013

    !"ats# Petitione$ Repuli" Gas *o$po$ation R;G()*+/ 5as "ha$e% 5itht$a%ema$ inf$inement fo$ enain in the $ellin an% sale of 4PG "lin%e$s

    ea$in the $eiste$e% ma$s of $espon%ents 5ithout autho$it f$om the latte$.:o5eve$ the p$ose"uto$, 5hi"h 5as a&$me% the )e". of @usti"e, %ismisse% the"ase fo$ insu&"ien" of evi%en"e an% that the$e 5as no p$oale "ause. :en"e not$a%ema$ inf$inement.

    -ssue# W+N the$e 5as t$a%ema$ inf$inement?

    :el%# Yes. he me$e unautho$i=e% use of a "ontaine$ ea$in a $eiste$e%t$a%ema$ in "onne"tion 5ith the sale, %ist$iution o$ a%ve$tisin of oo%s o$se$vi"es 5hi"h is liel to "ause "onfusion, mistae o$ %e"eption amon the ue$so$ "onsume$s "an e "onsi%e$e% as t$a%ema$ inf$inement.

    he "ou$t pointe% out that the "onsume$s ma e misle% into elievin thatthe 4PGs "ontaine% in the "lin%e$s ea$in the ma$s HG()4H an% H):;44(N;H a$ethose oo%s o$ p$o%u"ts of the petitione$s 5hen, in fa"t, the a$e not. +viousl, theme$e use of those 4PG "lin%e$s ea$in the t$a%ema$s HG()4H an% H):;44(N;H5ill ive the 4PGs sol% R;G()*+ the ene$al appea$an"e of the p$o%u"ts of thepetitione$s.

  • 8/10/2019 3rd set (13-17) IPL


    *entu$ *hinese 'e%i"ine *o. vs People of the PhilippinesGR No. 188>26, Noveme$ 11, 2013

    !a"ts# Respon%entis the sole %ist$iuto$ an% $eiste$e% t$a%ema$ o5ne$ of+P G;4 .G. I ;-*; +! ( 4;(! papaa 5hitenin soap. +n the asis of a sea$"h

    5a$$ant petitione$s a$e "ha$e% 5ith t$a%ema$ inf$inement fo$ sellin "ounte$feit5hitenin papaa soaps ea$in the ene$al appea$an"e of $espon%ents p$o%u"ts.:o5eve$ a motion to Duash the sea$"h 5a$$ants 5as le% petitione$s on the$oun% of p$e@u%i"ial Duestion on the %ete$mination of $ihtful hol%e$ of thet$a%ema$ in Duestion in this "ase. he R* $ante% the motion.

  • 8/10/2019 3rd set (13-17) IPL


    *o"a *ola vs Gome= an% Gali"ia

    GR No. 1>FF91, Noveme$ 1F 2008
