ahara parinamakara bhavas

Understanding of the आआआआ आआआआआआआआ आआआआआ & आआआआ आआआ By: Dr.Vinaykumar Hiremath P.G. Scholar Guide: Dr.J.R.Joshi Proff. & H.O.D Department Of Moulika Siddhantha Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hubli

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Understanding of the ahaara parinaamakara bhaavas

Understanding of the &

By:Dr.Vinaykumar HiremathP.G. Scholar

Guide: Dr.J.R.JoshiProff. & H.O.D

Department Of Moulika Siddhantha Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hubli


: S :, .. (../) The substance consumed, which on their vipakva nourishes the respective gunaas of panchamahabhuta in the body is called as aahaara.

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The process of digestion(& metabolism) of the ingested food is called as parinaama.

: : (../)The factors present in the body are called as bhaava.

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Thus the factors present in the shareera which are responsible for the digestion & metabolism of the ingested food are collectively called as s. They are , , , , , & .

: : . (../)Here is to be considered as the viz.. , & as because the takes place at these levels consequently.: Here it is to be considered as & based on there vishesha karma i.e.. . .. .: , .. (../): :.Here it is to be considered as jala bhaaga present in the body specially the kledaka kapha present in amaashaya which does the annasanghaata.

: , . (../) The snigdhamsha of the body which maintains the moistness of the body & helps for malasanga naasha is Sneha. : : The time taken for the . : :.. The is attributed to the wholesomeness of food as explained in the .


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digests - divides the food into tiny particles & propels to the next organ.- - disintigrates the food mass to form a mucilaginous substance.- - makes the food soft & slimy.- - allows the food to get properly digested & absorbed,- : - brings about dhaatu saamyata.

The active form of the , sMaintaining the proper functioning of & Maintaining the moistness of Maintaining the softness of Maintaining the proper digestion of : - Maintaining the wholesomeness of as per

DigestionDefn.- Breaking down of large & complex molecules of food into small & simple molecules for the utility of body cells & synthesis of Energy.PhasesIngestion----------------- Movement--------------- Digestion-----------------, , & Absorption---------------Excretion------------------

Processing of foodTypesMechanical (physical)ChewTearGrindMashMixChemicalCatabolic reactionsEnzymatic hydrolysisCarbohydrateProteinLipid


Digestive System OrganizationStructuresMouthOral CavityPharynxEsophagusStomachDuodenum JejunumileumCecumAscending colonTransverse colonDescending colonSigmoid colonRectumAnusAccessory structuresOrgansTeethTongueSalivary glandsLiverGall bladderPancreas

Functions of mouth:Mastication.Salivary secretion Saliva: 1000ml/day Specific Gravity: 1002-1008Composition :99.27% waterInorganic salts: 0.2%(NaCl, KCl, NaH, Ca2CO3, Ca2Po4, K2SO4)Organic Substances:0.3%Enzymes: Ptyalin , maltase lysozyme etcGases: 0.03% (CO2, O2, N)Partial Digestion of CarbohydratesMoistening of Food(anna sanghata kledana)Rasa bodhanaMukha shodhana

Deglutition (swallowing)

SequenceVoluntary stagePush food to back of mouthPharyngeal stageRaiseSoft palateLarynx + hyoidTongue to soft palateEsophageal stageContract pharyngeal musclesOpen esophagusStart peristalsisControlNervesGlossopharyngealVagusAccessoryBrain stemDeglutition center Medulla oblongataPons

- : : ..The series of acts guided by praana vayu , by which the food in the mouth passes onto the stomach is called annapravesha. This act consists of 3 stages.1st stage: passing of food from mukha to saptapaada(pharynx). This is effected by the closure of the mouth caused by the jihva & urdhva taalu. This act forces food into the pharynx.2nd stage:The food from the pharynx is pushed into the oesophagus by the contraction of the constrictor muscles of the pharynx. 3rd stage: The contraction of the oesophagus push the food into amashaya.


Functions of StomachMix foodReservoirStart digestion ofProteinNucleic acidsFatsActivates some enzymesDestroy some bacteriaMakes intrinsic factor B 12 absorption

AbsorbsAlcoholWaterLipophilic acidB 12

The process:Mucous cells of neck of stomach secreating mucous.Zymogen cells secreating enzymes.Parietal cells secreating HCl.The contents of all these cells together constitute gastric juice. The components of gastric juice--- Enzymes + HCl + Mucin a) gastric lipase acting on fats b) gastric proteinase acting on proteins c) rennin- curdling of milk

The enzymes mentioned above act upon different food substances and prepare them for the next phase of digestion. And the end products formed at this stage of gastric digestion are1) insoluble casinogen is changed to soluble casinogen of milk by rennin.2) fats are changed to fatty acids and glycerols3) proteins are converted to meta proteins , protioses & peptones.The gastric mucin ( + ) protects the mucous membrane of stomach. Disintegration of food into fine particles by the churning movements of the stomach is called Chymification and the food thus formed is called as Chyme (action of under the influence of facilitated by / & due to ) .

Small Intestine

Extends from pyloric sphincter ileocecal valveRegionsDuodenumJejunumIleumMovementsSegmentationPeristalsis

There are finger like projections called Villi. the digestive glands of small intestine are called Crypts of Liberkuhn which are seen in between the villi throught the mucous membrane. The Brunners glands present in duodenum Secrete Haemopoitic principle. Payer`s patches present in the ileum , consists of lymphoid tissue. The villi are made up of single layered semi permeable epithelial membrane & helps in absorption of the digested food material by Diffusion. this inturn enters the capillaries & lacteals. Capillaries of villi, form portal venous system to drain their contents into liver through portal circulation. The lacteals converge together to form cisterna chyli & thoracic duct. This duct opens into left subclavian vein, which ultimately joins superior venacava ending in right atrium.

Functions:Secretes digestive enzymesPeptidasesAmino-Di-Tri-SucrasesMaltaseLactaseSaccharidasesDi-Tri-LipaseNucleases

Absorbs80% ingested waterElectrolytesVitaminsMineralsCarbonatesActive/facilitated transportMonosaccharidesProteinsDi-/tripeptidesAmino acidsLipidsMonoglyceridesFatty acids

Intestinal juice:Quantity: 1-2 litres/dayspecific gravity: 1010water: 98.5%solids: 1.5%Among the solids, the inorganic salts are NaCl, KCl, MgCl, NaHCO3, Na2PO4, & organic compounds are enterokinase, a hormone which activates the enzymes of this juice.Enzymes of Intestinal juice: Erepsin & arginase- protein splitting enzymeAmylase starch splitting enzymeSucrase- acts on sugarcane sugarMaltase- acts on maltsLactase- acts on lactoseLipase- acts on fats

But the intestinal juice , alone cannot complete the digestion process. The bile juice from liver & the pancreatic juice from pancreas join the job & the digestion almost completes at this level.

Functions of Liver Produses bile juiceConverts carbohydrates into glucose (Glucogenesis)Converts fats into glucose (Gluco neo genesis)Stores fat soluble vitamins- A.D.E.KProduces urea , uric acids & some of the amino acids from proteins

Composition of Bile juice: Water: 94.14% Solids: 5.86% Mucin & Pigments: 3.42% Fats: 0.37% Cholesterol : 0.63% Fattyacids: 0.97%Bile Salts : 1%

It helps in the digestion & absorption of fat. The bile salts reduce the surface tenstion by the process of Emulsification and thus render the fats into fine molecules which are easily digested by the intestinal juice. Bile salts convert the insoluble fats into water soluble fatty acids , affecting their easy absorption through intestinal villi. Helps in the synthesis & absorption of vit.A.D.E.KPromotes peristalsis.Imparts colour to urine & feaces and helps in excretion of toxins like Cu, Zn, Hg, pathogenic organisms, bacterial toxins & cholesterol.

Functions of Pancreas:

Exocrine pancreas secreting Pancreatic juice.Endocrine pancreas secreting Insulin & Glucagon.Composition of Pancreatic juice: 1000ml/day Water: 97% Solids: 3%NaHCO3 Alkalises foodRennin- curdles milkPancreatic protease- converts proteins into peptonesPancreatic amylase- converts starches into glucosePancreatic lipase- converts fats into glycerols

The food so digested will be absorbed by the intestinal villi, reaches the liver through portal vein. Part of the absorbed fats of the food reaches heart directly, through thoracic duct. Final transformation of the nutrients takes place in liver & from there, only the required portion of the nutrients is carried to the heart and from there to the tissues through aorta. Thus the digestion is almost completed at this level, but the remaining water, salts, B-complex factor factor, and minerals which are still left over will be digested & absorbed by the mucosa. The movements of the large intestine propel the intestinal contents and when the left over material reaches the rectum , its called as feaces and is periodically excreted out by the process of Defecation.

& Process of Digestion .. (../) The nourishment of dhaatu,oja etc.. will be done by the aahaara, only when, the agni is acted upon it properly. (importance of agni)

: : (../,) The anna ingested is acted upon by the drava & sneha of mukha (saliva) gets splitted & softened, thus forming a bolus which is propelled into the koshta by praana vayu. There after it is acted upon by the jataraagni which is stimulated by the samaana vayu & helps in the digestion of food of appropriate quality taken in required quantity & in right time to promote the aayu.

: (../)As the Fire , Placed below, helps in the cooking of the food, namely, rice & water kept in a vessel placed there on koshti., so does the agni helps in the digestion of food located in aamaashaya , for the production of Rasa (Chyle) and Mala(waste products).

: : : : : (../-) As soon as the ahaara is taken () the madhurabhaava is manifested in the first stage of digestion resulting in the stimulation of Kapha which is thin & frothy. Next the food remains in the semidigested form () results in amlabhaava & while moving downwards from the amaashaya , stimulates the production of acchapitta. When this food product reaches pakvaashaya , it gets further digested & dehydrated by the agni and takes a bolus form resulting in katubhaava thus nourishes the vaayu.

: : (...)Vipaka represents the taste of ingredients at the time of metabolism when the food product gets divided into two parts viz.. Rasa(the nutrient part) & mala(the waste product).

:: : : : : (../) The paaka of paarthiva , aapya, taijasa, vaayavya, & aakaashiya gunaas present in the food are acted upon by the respective bhutagnis. : : : :.. (../) Thus the five mahabhutaas as well as their attributes in the tissue elements of the body are nourished by the attributes of respective mahabhutas present in the food.

: : : : (../,) the metabolic transformation of the dhaatus will be carried upon by the respective dhaatvagnis in two parts kitta paaka(transformation of waste products) & prasaadapaaka(transformation of nourishing materials). And thus the will be nourished by the preseding prasaada paaka.* this process of dhaatu poshana has been explained under the heading of 5 nyaayas..viz.. 1) (the law of transformation) 2) (the law of transmission) 3) (the law of selectivity) 4) 5)

- : .. The essence of digested food Rasa (chyle including plasma) is being acted opon by the & transformed into Rakta by the process of . .. The rakta having undergone paaka by its own dhaatvaagni, gets solidified by vaayubhuta, becomes maamsa which is predominant of vaayu, jala, & prithvi.

: :.. owing to the paaka of under the influence of the nutrients destined to reach medas get liquified , & thus produced medas acquire liquid form. :.. Here in, medahpaaka, there will be predominance of prithvi, agni, &vaayu bhutas which produce kharatva thus forming Asthi dhaatu.

.. (../-) The aakasha and vaayu bhutas make hollowness in the bone and the snigdhaamsha of medodhaatu will be left there, to form majja. The vaayu and aakasha bhutas create fine holes in the Asthi dhaatu & shukra will constantly be oozing through these pores just like water oozing out from new earthen pot. Thus , the shukra which pervades throughout the body , collects down in the shukravaha srotas & whenever the man gets harshana, sankalpa etc.. the shukra dribbles down through medra under the influence of apaana vaayu.

Time taken for : : .. (../) The transformation of dhaatus (from rasa to shukra) is effected in six days and nights. This process of transformation of the tissue elements requiring nourishment is a continuous one, like a moving wheel.

Excretion: .. Thus produced kitta bhaaga of aahara is of two forms viz.. & . And they are expelled out of the body under the influence .

Conclusion:The Ahaara parinaamakara bhaavas explained in the classics can be understood as: the chemical/ metabolic reactions : the energy/ heat required for these reactions. - initiator , various neuro branches responsible for the movement of food substance in the G.I.T. i.e.. Peristalsis . , , The various digestive juices acting at different levels of digestion. - the time taken for the proper digestion at different organs. - the wholesomeness of the food which can nourish the body tissues after proper metabolism.

The modern science explains the nourishment of different tissues of the body, by the process of digestion & metabolism of the food substance. Wherein, explains the as : .. Thus the explained in the classics clarifies the whole process of the nourishment of & s, and proper expulsion of , thus maintaining the saamyavastha of .


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