ban kimoon carta ingles

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  • 8/12/2019 Ban Kimoon Carta Ingles


    Montevideo, 15 June 2011

    Hon. Ban Ki-moon

    Secretary General of the United Nations

    Dear Secretary General,

    I kindly appreciate you could pay attention to the terms of the present note,

    hich is the result of the need to responsi!ly inform you on aspects of the recent historyof "ru#uay, particularly relatin# to the statements you have made$

    You're wrong Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

    %he &ead of the "nited 'ations con#ratulated the (resident of the )epu!lic on

    his *lifelon# leadership and commitment to democracy and a !etter +uality of life for

    the hole "ru#uayans$ -La Repblica Newspaper 06/15/2011).

    'o, Mr$ Secretary General, your affirmation is not true at all$ Mu.ica, the

    (resident of the )epu!lic, as a mem!er of a terrorist #roup hich attempted a#ainst

    the democratic/repu!lican institutions of our country and he did so convinced that the

    ay throu#h the democratic practices did not ork$ &e as part of the leadership of a

    #uerrilla #roup hich attempted a#ainst our onstitution as ell as a#ainst the freedoms

    and human ri#hts$ &e killed, he #ave the order to eecute innocents, coldly decidin# it,

    as some of them stated, amon# them, his ife, Senator uc3a %opolansky, hen she

    relates the decision to kill (ascasio 4e6, hose story you can re+uest to your history

    and political advisers of country Mem!ers of the "'$

    Durin# a decade, the #roup or !and called %upamaros, carried out terrorist

    activities, kidnapped people, keepin# them trapped in inhumane conditions$ Such

    human ri#hts violation as suffered !y am!assadors, !usinessmen, scientists,compatriots and forei#ners$ %hey carried out countless thefts, ro!!eries, riots, !om!

    attacks resultin# in deaths of innocents and su!stantial destruction of properties$ %he

    most valued #ood that they contri!uted to destroy as precisely the democracy$

    %he person ho drafted the speech you ould deliver in "ru#uay at this time,

    did not inform you correctly, on the contrary, he7she misinformed you$ %hus, perhaps is

    the reason hy you have made the mistake e mentioned a!ove, such a mistake that

    !ecomes part of the *cleanin# operation of the un+uestiona!le historical !ack#round of

    terrorism practiced !y the %upamaros of hich Jos8 Mu.ica has !een leader$ Such a

    mistake, made !y an important and influential personality like you, is a serious fla that

    offends the conscience and the truth of "ru#uay, causin# an irresponsi!le understandin#of our reality at the international level$

  • 8/12/2019 Ban Kimoon Carta Ingles


    %hat the "ru#uayan society has made and still makes honest and hard efforts to

    overcome the tra#edies of the past, the violent confrontation, the #hosts of intolerance,

    is a merit of all compatriots$ 9nly a fe, aay from the #reat ma.ority, su!.u#ated the

    society in #eneral ith terror$ :irst, those ho dreamed of comin# to poer le#itimi6ed

    !y tommy #uns and violatin# human ri#hts, and then those ho .ustified in that to #uidetheir #uns to destroy the )epu!lican coeistence and to set up the dictatorship e

    suffered until 1; the ima#e of our "ru#uay of !ein#

    tolerant, respected in the international arena, protector of &uman )i#hts and :reedoms,

    is the capital of the entire "ru#uay, of all ho did not hesitate durin# its eistence of the

    #uarantees offered !y the democracy, the eercise of popular soverei#nty !y votin# and

    the validity of the rule of la$ ?nd !y the stoicism and democratic virtue of our people,

    some of hom offended it in that time, can !e it rulers today$ %his, in the life of

    (resident Mu.ica and his %upamaro@s companions had at least a lapse of no less than ten

    years that you should kno$ %hen, that of (resident Mu.ica has not !een, as you stated,Aa lifelon# leadership and commitment to democracy$A

    :or the a!ove mentioned, that you can confirm ithout ma.or inconveniences, if

    you kno the history and the reality, e should mention you that you have made a

    mistake, and e respectfully tell you$

    aime Mario !ro"o

    Mem!er of the &ouse of )epresentatives

    e#islative (oer / "ru#uay