bhaktivinoda thakura y su agenda diaria

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  • 8/18/2019 Bhaktivinoda Thakura y Su Agenda Diaria


    28. His Daily Schedule

    LALITA Prasad Thakura, in his notes on his father's life, describes the Thakura's daily

    schedule hile he as stayin! in "a!annatha Puri. He as ne#er idle, bein! alaysen!a!ed in the ser#ice of the Lord. $eteen %&( and 8&(( P.). he ould !o to bed. He

    ould then rise *ust before +(&(( P.)., li!ht his oil la- and rite books until &(( A.).

    Then he ould a!ain rest for a a/iu of half an hour. At &( A.). he ould ashhis hands and face, sit don and chant on his beads. He ne#er shoed his beads to

    anyone but ould chant on the constantly as tie -eritted. At %&(( A.). he ansered

    all corres-ondence, at %&( A.). read #arious reli!ious and -hiloso-hical orks, and at8&( A.). he recei#ed #isitors, if any, or else continued to read until 0&(. At that tie he

    ould alk back and forth on the #eranda of his house, conte-latin! different reli!ious

    1uestions and sol#in! the in his ind. Soeties he ould sol#e the aloud as if 

     -reachin! to soe unseen !uest. He ould rest briefly fro 0&( A.). to 0& A.)., thentake bath and breakfast, hich usually consisted of a half31uart of ilk, to cha-atis and

    soe fruit.

    At 0& A.). the Thakura ould don his unifor and lea#e for court in his carria!e. As a

    )a!istrate he ore a coat and -ants. 4n his neck ere si/ strands of lar!e Tulasi beads.He as resolute in his court decisions and ould decide a case iediately, not

    toleratin! any hubu!. He did his business and left. He sha#ed his head onthly andne#er cared hat anyone thou!ht of it.

    The layers and 5n!lishen ere astounded by the Thakura's ca-acity for ork. At

    +(&(( A.). court be!an. He ould hear beteen thirty and fifty cases -er day, yet hefinished by +&(( P.). 6hat took other )a!istrates one3half hour, he finished in fi#e

    inutes. He took another to inutes to rite the *ud!ent in detail. Soe of his $ritish

    su-eriors becae en#ious and tried to discoura!e hi, but he as not affected. At +&((

    P.). he ent hoe, refreshed hiself and then returned to ork fro 2&(( P.). to &((P.). 5#ery e#enin! after his court duties, $hakti#inoda Thakura ould translate soe

    Sanskrit reli!ious ork into $en!ali by dictatin! it to a secretary. Then there as ane#enin! bath and eal, consistin! of a little rice, to cha-atis and another half31uart of ilk.

    Srila $hakti#inoda Thakura orked ith a -ocket atch, so that e#erythin! he did as

    on schedule. Des-ite his hea#y doestic and official res-onsibilities, $hakti#inodaThakura's e#ery oent as ebellished ith an intense desire to render ser#ice to the
