brahmacharya – walk with brahman

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  • 7/30/2019 Brahmacharya Walk with Brahman


    Brahmacharya Walk with BrahmanBrahmacharya is exactly the very Knowledge that you alone are the Fourth State of

    Consciousness which is Reality for all other States, which is a Foundation to all other Statesof Consciousness. Brahmacharya Technique tells that all and everything around you is the

    very Absolute, Brahma alone. It is not a word about some god or some persona behind

    Brahmas name, the word is about the very Reality. This technique is not only Work on

    Sustaining of Awareness, it is a possibility of overcoming the Third State and entering into

    the Fourth. You loose your sense that you Are in it, and you get the feeling that Reality Is

    and that It is Manifesting through everything around you, and through you as well, i.e.

    your sensation of True I, through your Mind and its parts. Although Tantric Techniques

    use Mantras as a way of reminding an Intellectual Center, they (techniques) must be felt,

    you must Emotionally Perceive them, i.e. you must feel that it is true. Next Level is even

    not an Emotional Understanding but something that I would call Higher Feeling in which

    you Know that you Are that (as long as You are Aware of Self you Feel that You Are), andthe next level is loss of even this insight and BEING IT. A student is reminded, throughMantra, that everything is the Absolute Reality or Brahma alone, but this must be laid

    down to Feeling. When this happens, when you Feel it, a certain experience happens, in

    which every feeling of I Consciousness is lost, and realization occurs, that the very I

    Sensation or True I are the products of Reality which is dense i.e. it exists because what is

    being Witnessed exists. If a human succeeds in performing the Technique, in one moment

    he looses the I sensation, looses Witnessing, looses Consciousness about self as of I

    Consciousness, I Am, and becomes the very Reality. He starts noticing how Reality is built,

    i.e. how layers are stacking on each other and he realizes that he has never been

    separated from Reality, i.e. that everything that he as a human being is, is actually the

    very Reality, Brahma alone.

    Brahmacharya, usually translated as Celibacy, is in translation Walking withBrahma.

    Within yogic culture this term is used in denoting celibacy i.e. sexual abstinence.

    But, within Tantric Science Brahmacharya denotes certain stage of a Conscious Work,

    which means Being Self Aware. Walking with Brahma means to be Conscious of yourTrue Nature whole day long. In accordance to that, there are certain techniques withinTantric Tradition which are added to some other techniques, so to say, and which enable

    a Student to put into effect what he experiences during the basic Meditation

    Technique given on Initiation. In Tantric Meditation technique a human experiences thathe is a part of an Integral Consciousness, a part of the Absolute, even that he is the very

    Absolute (and this can be an obstacle if not comprehended Properly), and with the help

    of this other techniques this feeling is lowered onto everyday life, i.e. through certain

    Mantra, a human during the day, everything he does, experiences as an extension of the

    basic Meditation Technique, or what he has experienced during the performing.
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    We have said that Meditation is Being Self Aware, or that it is Third State ofConsciousness i.e. Awareness. Human who is Self Aware is in the Third State ofConsciousness therefore he is in Meditation. But Meditation technique must not and

    cannot hold on to only that. As many other techniques and ways it has a two way mean

    of work. Firstly, it serves to induct a human into a higher state of Consciousness of him

    Self. Secondly, it serves that a human brings down this State into everyday life.Meditation, therefore Tantric Work cannot be single sided. As such it has no purpose,

    because if a human does not bring himself to Consciousness during the day, his daily

    temptations, then it has not fulfilled its purpose. More less, the aspiration of all

    Teachings is to lower down certain Stage of Consciousness onto this level of existence

    i.e. onto our daily life and its temptations. But to do so, it requires very much Knowledge

    of what our daily life consists of, how we act within it. Tantric Techniques are not made

    for a human who is not in a Wakeful state of Consciousness. Before a human even gets

    the possibility for Tantric Work he must go through the basic Teachings, which have, for a

    goal, to bring him to the Third Stage of Consciousness, i.e. Awareness. According to

    Tradition, Tantric Path appears only when a human has brought his Consciousness to Agja

    Chakra. For lower Chakras, other Paths, or Ways of Work, are recommended. Once a

    human begins directly to experience that he is a part of overall Consciousness, but stillonly a PART, not the Consciousness Itself, then a Tantric Path opens before him, whichhas for a Goal to bring him to the next stage of development. The experience which

    human has on Agja Chakra looks like Awakening, but it is not. Hence many Masters and

    Students who have had Agja awakening have the conviction that they are Awake. Thevery experience of Agja Awakening could be interpreted as I Am One with the Universe(the world around me). And this experience, if not recognized in time and properly, canactually shut down further Path to Liberation. Many of the top Masters were actually

    stuck on this level, because the Experience of Agja is just another obstacle to Liberation,

    but from the other hand this Experience is needed so the human could have theopportunity of further Work on Self. Also, once a human experiences state of Awareness

    i.e. Third State of Consciousness he feels as part of the Universe, he is that Universe. And

    if there isnt someone who can comprehend such experience, what will happen with him

    in the worst case, is that he will remain stuck in the Third State of Consciousness without

    possibility of further progress, and that is exactly what happens with the most of the

    people who work on Awareness. They remain stuck in the constant circle, Consciousness

    Unconsciousness. But, to overcome this stage, what a human needs and must do, is to

    reject all the Work he has had until then.

    For example: In order to reach Awareness we must observe Self, we must havedirect Insights in what makes us, and here I do not speak of our True Nature, but to

    Insights into our way of functioning, our Mind and Body. We must know Laws and Forces

    which rule over us, we must bring processes within us to the consciousness, must

    become Aware. This Awareness or Consciousness has two functions at the same time.

    One is to enable a human to see the processes which rule inside of him, to see himself,

    his reactions, mechanisms, ideas that he has, to bring his life under control. Second

    function is that that Consciousness brings him to a higher State of Consciousness, i.e. to

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    enable him to enter into Third State of Consciousness and to stay there Spontaneously

    Conscious i.e. Aware. Next Stage appearing is that he must open next level of Work which

    says that he must enter into Objective State of Consciousness i.e. Fourth State of

    Consciousness. Objective State of Consciousness has no connection with the I Sensation

    which we have in Awareness. There, theres no any I that needs to be Aware, to be

    sustained, but human must feel the Consciousness which is like a foundation ,so tosay, to the very I Sensation. This I Sensation springs from that State of Consciousness as

    one of the Identifications, but much subtler Identification then the one appearing in all

    other levels below the I Sensation. I.e. the Sensation of I AM Consciousness is Identified

    with the processes of Mind, or with the work of Centers, which leads to a much cruder

    Identification and by that Identification a human falls into a Sleep, i.e. into Second State

    of Consciousness.

    There is certain assuredness which appears when we are in Work, and that is that

    a human who is Aware has no Identifications, i.e. he no longer falls into so called lower

    States of Consciousness i.e. Sleep and Deep Sleep. Or that, even if he falls, he stays Aware

    inside of them. That is only Assuredness built on misunderstanding and not having the

    experience of that State. Just as the Third State stands as a foundation for lower Two

    States, in the same way the Fourth State stands as a foundation for lower Three States

    of Consciousness.

    If you have monitored yourselves during the morning hours then you have

    noticed that the Second State of Consciousness denotes certain expansion of functions,

    i.e. involves sensory reactions just as it involves the First State of Consciousness i.e. Deep

    Sleep. Dreaming takes place in the Second State of Consciousness but it is much subtler

    then the one experiencing in the First State of Consciousness. Such subtlety is enabled by

    activation of the Senses, i.e. Sensory actions which gives us impression that we are awake,

    that we function, that we can talk, move and such. But, both States exist Simultaneously.

    Another example: the text that you are reading, i.e. letters that you see are theFirst State of Consciousness. They are on a white background which is a certain program

    which enables to manifest the text, i.e. to have a foundation on which it exists, and that is

    the Second State of Consciousness. Awareness is knowing that it all exists (the text and

    the program which enables reading) on a Screen. Next State would be understanding that

    all three, the Text, the reading Program and the Screen exist because of the Computer.

    Without it, there would be no possibility that you read any of this. Four States of

    Consciousness work in the same way.

    Where Work should lead you is to awake inside of you Third State of

    Consciousness i.e. the I Sensation, I Consciousness, Awareness which includes lower TwoStates of Consciousness. But, Third State of Consciousness is not a Goal by itself. It is a

    transitional stage in development. In the same way Meditation technique (Tantric Work)

    must awake Self Consciousness within you, if its proper. But it also must, as Work does,

    give you indications of a Higher State of Consciousness. The problem appearing here is

    the fascination, enchantment with the mean for reaching the Goal. Work on Self is a

    mean, like Meditation is. They are not the Goal by themselves. They are Concepts which

    are there only to break other Concepts made in lower States of Consciousness. With

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    the help of Work on Self you are breaking Concepts you are bound to i.e. you are slaves

    to in the lower Two States of Consciousness. Spiritual Teachings have this Goal. And

    once these lower Concepts are broken, also these Concepts who have led to such

    breaking must be also broken. Just like you break Unconscious slavery to the Mind

    through Consciousness, in the same way with the help of Higher Concepts you are

    breaking Consciousness, because it is also a prison, but a much subtler one then theprison of Mind. True Nature is trapped by Consciousness. Consciousness is only a part of

    True nature.

    (This enchantment with Work or with Teaching I might express in this way: Are you in Workor in Tantra for the sake of Work or Tantra or do you realize that both Work and TantricTeaching are only ways to help you reach your True Nature i.e. Your Selves? Are you herefor You or just that you can say that you are in Work or in Tantra?)

    If you were careful enough you had to notice that Consciousness, as a lower part

    of Observation, can only exist when there is Observed object. There is no Observation if

    there is nothing to be Observed. In the same way, there is no Consciousness if there is no

    Object of Consciousness. Consciousness is Consciousness of Self, i.e. Awareness.

    Through Comprehension of this, we come to what Tantric Work or Teaching does.

    Within many Tantric techniques and Work, a Goal is not to keep the human in the Third

    State of Consciousness, but to bring him further through it, to the next stage of


    Hence, when observed, Tantric Teachings speak that our True Nature is the very

    Absolute, Brahman. They are not stuck on Dvaita (Dual) Teaching, but from the very

    beginning they direct a Student to Advaita Teaching i.e. Non Dual Understanding.

    The reason why the Tantric Teachings are filled with various secrets and

    wrongdirections is exactly inside of our Mind. If a human hadnt understood i.e. madehis Mind a Conscious one, he will misunderstand this. It is not a goal to persuade

    ourselves that we are Brahman or Absolute. It must be experienced, lived. We are

    witnessing how wrongly are Advaita Teachings understood, how many enlightened

    masters are there, who tell you that you do not need to do anything, for you are Absolute

    already. It is True from one side, but it is a lie from another.

    If you are not Aware then it will be lie for you. If you are Aware then it is True. The

    difference is tremendous.

    To come to an Understanding that Reality is not separated from your I is a verylong Work on Self. But if you have no ways for further Work on Self, i.e. if the Teaching

    which enables the next stage of Development hasnt been given to you, then you arestuck on this stage.

    In Awareness you begin to realize that Reality is not separated from you, that you

    are Reality. I.e. the I Sensation, or True I is the foundation of overall Reality. In that State

    you realize that I Consciousness is in everything and everyone around you, that each

    person has the same I Feeling as yours. It enables you for certain abilities, i.e. certainpowers so to say. But then you begin to realize that these powers are not you, i.e. they

    have nothing to do with you, because that State of I that you have experienced has

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    nothing to do with limited Is i.e. small Is or parts of Personality and Mind. This

    Understanding, and also much deeper Understandings of what I have said, gives you

    precondition of further Work, because it develops in you a certain feeling that You are

    not living Your life, but that You are being Lived by something else. In a lower state of

    consciousness you are being lived by Laws and Forces that created this space and time. In

    the Third State of Consciousness you realize that you are something beyond these Lawsand Forces which rule over this world, space and time. Then you realize that this True I is

    not some Personal I, nor that it is made through actions of Laws and Forces on this

    level, but that it is Higher Level of Laws and Forces, which also have nothing in common

    with Personal I Sensation. It separates you from Personal understanding and opens for

    you possibilities of further Work. This Knowledge and Understanding gives you possibility

    of much deeper un attachment, deeper understanding that you are not Acting, but that

    everything is happening in accordance to the Consciousness that you are, i.e. in

    accordance with the Level of the Being. The problem is that most of the Teachings which

    consist Work do not speak of this nor they have information that you need.

    Liberation is in fact loosing Self. You are loosing Personal feeling of Self that you have now.You begin to understand that what makes you has nothing to do with what you

    are. That I Consciousness is not some I you are experiencing now. That Third State of

    Consciousness is a wider perception, or deeper perception then the one you have in the

    first Two States of Consciousness. Fourth State is even Deeper and Wider Perception.

    And it relies on loosing the I Consciousness i.e. True I. There is no True I in such State,

    only State exists.

    To Realize this means to Insight that you are Brahman, the Absolute and KNOWTHAT. It means that all Three States of Consciousness appear and disappear in the FourthState. It means that Unconscious and Conscious are only a part of the Fourth State, the

    Objective Consciousness.

    But, lets get back to the subject.Brahmacharya is the very Knowledge that you are the the Fourth State ofConsciousness which is Reality for all other States, which is a Foundation for all States ofConsciousness. Brahmacharya technique tells you that all around you is Absolute,Brahman. The word is not about some god or some persona behind the name of

    Brahman, the word is about the Reality. This technique is not just Work on Sustaining the

    Awareness, it is a possibility of overcoming the Third State and entering into Fourth State

    of Consciousness. You loose your sense that You Are, in it, and you get the feeling that

    the Very Reality Is and that it is manifesting through everything around you, and yourself

    too, i.e. your sense of True Self, as through Mind and its parts. Although Tantric

    techniques use Mantras as a way of reminding the Intellectual Center, they (techniques)must be felt, you must Emotionally Perceive them i.e. Feel that it is so. The next level is

    not even Emotional Understanding, but something that I would name Higher Feeling in

    which you know that you are it (as soon as You are Conscious of Self You Know that It Is) ,and the next level is loss of that knowledge and BEING IT. Through Mantra, a Student isreminded that everything is Absolute Reality or Brahman, but it must be laid down to a

    Feeling. When it happens, when it is Felt, a certain experience occurs, in which any I

    Sensation is lost, and whats being realized is that the very I Sensation, or True I is a

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    product of a condensed Reality, i.e. it (True I) exists because what is being Witnessed

    exists. If a human succeeds in this Technique, in one moment he looses the I Sensation,

    looses Witnessing, looses Consciousness of Self as of I Consciousness and he becomes

    the Reality. He starts noticing how Reality is built, how layers come one upon other and

    he realizes that he has never been separated from Reality, i.e. that everything that he is

    as a human being is actually Reality alone, Brahman alone.The problem here is that if a human is not Conscious enough, and had

    experienced this State, he will no longer put an Effort to Work on Self, because

    Understanding of such Reality tells him that he (his True Nature) has nothing to do with

    Mind, Personality, Mechanisms, nor with True I. He rejects all these ideas and concepts

    and stays firm in this State of Consciousness. But if he doesnt start to bring down this

    level to a lower ones, he looses the possibility of total Consciousness, therefore

    Liberation. He is Aware, he knows what he is, but he is that only when is in that state of

    Consciousness. Here, he is limited, he cannot express this State because in daily


    He is gone, i.e. he is Identified with the processes.

    Hence, what happens to some of the Masters. They know what they Are, it is

    clear to them how this all works, they are Conscious, but their manifestation on this level

    is limited by their unpurified Mind.

    And exactly because of this, many Teachings, therefore Tantric Teaching do not

    speak of these States of Consciousness, but demand from a Student to purify his Mind,

    demand to be Conscious, to master Third State of Consciousness in order to enable

    much deeper and subtler purification of Mind and its processes.

    As I have said at the beginning of this text, a Tantric Work cannot come in its

    Totality to a Mind that is not in the Third State of Consciousness, or as it would be said

    through Tantric Philosophy, to a Mind that is not at the stage of Agja. Samaya Tantra

    begins on Agya, i.e. itself works from that level, not before. Before that level, before theThird State of Consciousness there are levels of Tantric Teachings that we can see around

    us, but they are incomplete. There are series of Tantric disciplines which have for a Goal,

    whether through technique or through Consciousness, to bring a human to Awareness.

    But, what we have an opportunity to see, is that many information about Tantra are

    actually only partial, and not because Tantra as Teaching is not integral, but because

    there is no Proper Understanding of that Teaching.

    Convincing yourself that you are the Absolute is no better then the convincing

    that you are a Doer, that you can Act or that you are some I that has the power of

    acting, thinking, feeling emotions and such. It is all the same. When a Human is Awake,

    he begins to perceive that he is the very Reality around him. He looses the sense that heIs at moments, and feels that Reality lives through him, lives him. Tantric Work has an

    effect then. Only then he can understand the Information he further receives and not to

    be identified with them as he is in the first Three States.

    Now, when we get back to Brahmacharya, you can understand what this

    technique means and how it works i.e. what is in the foundation of it.

    Meditation technique says that you are the Absolute, it directs you to be Self

    Conscious as of I Sensation. And that is Dhyana. The moment when even the I Sensation

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    is lost, when a Purpose of Meditation is attained, what happens is coalescence, i.e. what

    we call Samadhi. Inside of it, you know your True Nature, i.e. you are that True Nature. Inother words, there is no one to know it, but It Is. Brahmacharya descends this insight, this

    knowledge to a level of your daily functioning. Through this Technique you are purifying

    your repetitive Impressions, you are purifying causes which lead to attachments and

    identifications, i.e. this Technique does what is, inside of Tantric Tradition, calledPurifying of Karma, Purifying Samskaras. In other words, when you are using thisTechnique you are entering into Transformation of Impressions which you are receiving inevery moment, whether being involved in some action, or just being an observer of it.There is no answer, within you, to Associations you receive in a way that it has been done

    before, but you through Technique, firstly Intellectually you speak to yourself that

    everything is Absolute Consciousness, then you Emotionally feel it, which leads to

    Transformation of Impressions and Associations that you have in everyday life, and it

    happens in a way that you are in a Higher State of Consciousness, i.e. at first you are Self

    Conscious, and then that Consciousness Transforms into True Nature in which there is no

    anyone experiencing anything, only the Action of Nature that You Are Exists.

    Therefore, there is no sequel of Associations as you have in daily functioning, and

    as there are no sequel of Associations you Consciously receive Impressions, which leads

    to creating a New Energy, i.e. much finer Energy that is feeding your Centers and they

    work much faster and subtler, which enables the Experience of Agja, or a Higher center,

    to be manifested at this level and to lead to gradual realization of another Higher Center,

    i.e. Higher Intellectual Center to be manifested at this level.

    In that way, there are no creation of new Associations, i.e. there is no creation of

    so called Karma, and Eternal Repetition Flow is broken, because Circle of Samskara is

    aborted. What you are enabling with this Techniques, i.e. ways of Work, is to Consciously

    Receive Impressions, to Transform their Energy into stronger, faster and subtler work, i.e.

    Energy that enables conduction of Higher Influences to this Level. In other words,through Brahmacharya you are Opening yourselves to a Higher Influences and you are

    bringing them down to this Level of Existence, but with that you are also loosing the

    Identifications of a Third State of Consciousness, i.e. Awareness or I Consciousness, and

    you are breaking the Final, much subtler Identification with I.

    Meditiation Technique serves to bring your Self to Consciousness, and to be in a

    Third State, as it also gives you indications of the Fourth State of Consciousness or

    Nirvikalpa, and even leads you in it. Brahmacharya Technique enables such State to be

    manifested at this Level, enables you to bring this State down and therefore Transform

    lower Three States of Consciousness. When you manifest it in your daily life, in

    accordance with your personal Understanding, it enables Transformation andstabilization in that State of Consciousness. Then comes the complete Transformation of

    Energy or Shaktii. I.e. when you understand what Shaktii is, then you understand that

    whole Consciousness is work on Shaktii, and therefore Mind is sleeping Shaktii and Work

    on it is Awakening of Kundalinii Shaktii. What is not understood in all these Eastern

    techniques, and Tantra too, if not fully known, is that all this story of Shaktii is actually a

    story of a sleeping Mind, and Work on Consciousness, on Awakening, is Work on

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    Kundalinii Shaktii, i.e. Directing the Energy, which is Manifested Consciousness, to its

    Source, to the very Consciousness or Shiva.

    Therefore, the idea of Kundalinii Shaktii is nothing else but the very Life Force

    manifested at this Level as Mind and its processes which are brought to Consciousness

    by Conscious Work and directed to the very Source of Consciousness, i.e. I Consciousness,

    and then further directed to True Nature and Its Understanding. This is the Idea ofKundalinii Shaktii, and not some mystical paraphrasing of those who themselves do not

    know what Kundalinii Shaktii is.