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    The study on category management with reference to big baaar and the e!a"uation the beha!iour 

    of the members# and their $erce$tion in the direction of the t retai" store e!en as sho$$ing of the

    any $roduct in the store% A sur!ey $rocess is ado$ted for conducting this research% Research

    design is the $"an and a"so it is a design of structured in!estigation so concei!ed as to recei!e

    so"utions to the study &uestions%

    Category management entit"e that it is way of ordering and assortment of $hysica" goods in the

    store is essentia" for the any retai" store# whi"e conducting of sur!ey $eo$"e are more

    concentrated on !isua" merchandising# and different ty$e of categories were more attracti!e for 

    the customer is rea""y satisfied and the s$ace $"anning and $rice tags on $roducts are much c"ear 

    to !isib"e for the customer o!er a"" the suggestion# findings# summary# are need "itt"e e'$ertise in

    the big baaar%


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    CHAPTER-I 1-9


     (EE* +)R T,E STU*Y

    )-.ECTIVES )+ T,E STU*Y



    CHAPTER-II 10-20


    CHAPTER-III 21-28

    T,E)RETICA/ -AC10R)U(* )+ T,E STU*Y

    CHAPTER-IV 28-51


    CHAPTER-V 52-59

    +I(*I(0S# C)(C/USI)(#A(*




    T)2IC C,))SE* +)R T,E STU*Y

     (EE* +)R T,E STU*Y

    )-.ECTIVES )+ T,E STU*Y


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    SC)2E )+ T,E STU*Y

    MET,)*)/)0Y A*)2TE*




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    Category management is a retai"ing and $urchasing conce$t in which the range of $roducts

     $urchased by a business organiation or so"d by a retai"er  is bro6en down into discrete grou$s of

    simi"ar or re"ated $roducts7 these grou$s are 6nown as $roduct categories 8e'am$"es of grocery

    categories might be9 tinned fish# washing detergent# tooth$astes:% It is a systematic# disci$"ined

    a$$roach to managing a $roduct category as a strategic business unit

    E!ery c"assification wi"" be ca""ed as a s$ecia"ty unit in its own $articu"ar right# an arrangement

    of turno!er as we"" as benefit targets and $rocedures%

    -usiness has a tendency to modify the re"ationshi$ in the midd"e of retai"er and su$$"ier9 rather

    than the con!entiona" i""3dis$osed re"ationshi$# the re"ationshi$ mo!es to one of coordinated

    effort# with trade of data# sharing of information and ;oint business bui"ding% Thought of the

    su$$"iers is a com$e""ing strategy which might consist of the considerab"e number of systems

    with them%

    A second reason was the ac6now"edgment that ;ust a "ast measure of benefit cou"d be drained

    from cost transactions and that there was more benefit to be made in e'$anding the aggregate

    "e!e" of offers%

     A third reason was that the co""aboration with the su$$"ier im$"ied that su$$"ier

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    To$ic chosen for the study is category management of -ig -aaar# is how it can be im$act on

    customer whi"e $urchasing of the $roducts in the store and the mechanism they ha!e obtained in

    category management is rea""y !isua" and attracti!e and s$ace management between the

    categories wi"" free wa"6 ab"e to customer and $rice tags on $roduct are c"ear and a"so offers

    mentioned in the boards are c"ear%

    Category management is an idea" and most $referred in the conte't of the customer $ers$ecti!e

    and a"so store it is most interesting and inno!ati!e to$ic for the study%


    5ith "arge retai" store how can they maintain the "ot of $roducts with the "e!e" of assortment of

    the a"" the category of is not so easy to hand"e the $roducts# and the s$ace management in a"" the

    categories is a $rob"em and "itt"e stress on the em$"oyees a"so mentainance of a"" the $roducts

     based on the ty$e of $roducts is a"so an big issue to the store management%

    The sco$e of the study is main"y concentrated on the category management of the retai" stores

    and techni&ue they ada$ted to attracted customers a$art from this their mechanism of the

    immediate a!ai"abi"ity of the customer needed $roducts%


    -ig -aaar# 6athrigu$$e is a retai" sho$$ing centre% Since the begining it In!o"!ed !ariety

    of c"assification administration on the grounds that in future it wou"d be a business sector

     $ioneer in a"" o!er India% So the s$ecia"ist needs to do !enture wor6 in this association to

    common3sense "earning $ers$ecti!e%


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    Remembering the fast de!e"o$ment and its bri""iant it may de$endab"y been a $ushed

    territory for me% -ig -aaar is the to$ $osition in Indian retai" industry% That is the reason

    it $u""ed in me to ha!e a study in -ig -aaar# 6athrigu$$e% More -aaar is the retai" chain

    of retai" 8India: /td% A"so# it gi!es an e'tensi!e !ariety of items accessibi"ity for the

    c"ients% Indeed# retai" is the $o$u"ar e'$ression of the Indian economy today% As retai"

    industry is de!e"o$ing at a high $ace i needed to ha!e an out"ine of the sub;ect% I ha!e

    chosen -ig -aaar%

    Chain for the tas6 wor6# in "ight of the fact that -ig -aaar retai" is e'ce$tiona""y u$ and

    coming retai" organiation which is constant"y changing its e'ercises with the change of

    time% I needed to com$rehend there# showcasing e'ercises and ;um$ed at the chance to

    re"ate how com$arati!e or di!ergent it is from what i ha!e concentrated on in ad!ertising


    The $resentation of c"ass administration forced the condition that a"" acti!ities attem$ted#

    for e'am$"e# new ad!ancements# new items# re3!am$ed $"anogram# introduction $ur$ose

    of offer $romoting and so on% 5ere usefu" to the retai"er and the customer in the store%

    It $resents coordinated effort with the $ro!ider some assistance with that means that the


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     $urchasing choice and what com$onents searching for in a c"assification administration

    to draw in c"ients towards a resu"t of a s$ecific c"ass% The concentrate how customers res$onds towards the c"assification administration in -ig

    -aaar# 6athrigu$$e% To study c"assification administration im$act on c"ients to sett"e on a

    choice %to disco!ers which com$onent is ha!e to get most c"ient consideration%


    The main ob;ecti!e of the study is to find out customers< satisfaction "e!e"s on category

    management in -ig -aaar# 6athrigu$$e# -anga"ore%

    To 6now the financia" $rofi"e of the customers of big baaar%

    To 6now the sho$$ing beha!iour of the customers of the big baaar%

    To "oo6 at the current trends in Indian retai" industry%

    To offer $ro$osa"s for enhancement of sa"es in big baaar%

    To 6now the socio economic of the customers of big baaar%


    Research methodo"ogy is the $rocess of co""ecting the information and data for the $ur$ose of

    gaining the better resu"ts on the business decisions% It is a 6ind of gaining the 6now"edge by

    theoretica" and a"so mathematica" $rocedures which are necessary to a$$"y on the needed sub;ect

    or a to$ic% As it were $hi"oso$hy is an a$$roach to systematica""y unra!e" the research $rob"em%

    In it# regu"ated techni&ues are ta6en after to ta6e care of a s$ecific issue% It a""udes to a &uest for

    information% It can be "i6ewise characteried as an e'$"oratory and systematic scan for a$$"icab"e

    data on a $articu"ar theme% Actua""y# research is a craft of "ogica" e'amination

    +ocussed discussion and direct inter!iew are methods which I ha!e se"ected for the study of the

    sub;ect% ,ence it is based on the number of data co""ected from the customers which necesory for 

    the further study% Since the $ro;ect is based on action research it was necessary to bui"d ra$$ort to


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    co""ect ma'imum information from the customers%


    P!"#$ %#:

    2rimary data is the new or fresh data co""ected from the res$ondents through direct inter!iew

    using $re3structured &uestionnaires

    2ersona" inter!iew

    C"ose obser!ation

    Sur!ey conduction

    S'()*%#$ %#:

    Secondary data is a data a"ready co""ected from the someone which might be he"$fu" for the

    further study of a researcher

    I co""ected them by fo""owing methods -oo6s# Com$any websites# Internet# Records%

    R'+'#(, %'+!*:

    D# ()'(&!)* +&/(&/':

    • *ata co""ected instrument9 Structured &uestionnaire

    • Sam$"e sie9 4==

    • Sam$"ing techni&ue9 con!enience sam$"ing• Study area9 -ig baaar# 6athrigu$$e

    • Study $eriod9 4>th *ecember ?=4@ to 4th febru!ery ?=4B


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    The aim of the "iterature re!iew was to identify and high"ight !ariab"es that are

     $otentia""y used in industry% These !ariab"es were in!estigated and their "e!e" of im$"ementation

    and usage was assessed during the data co""ection% It is im$ortant to note that since the main

    ob;ecti!e of this thesis was to ma$ the current stage of a research to$ic with a scarce em$irica"

     base# the "iterature re!iew was not intended to identify and c"assify good and bad $ractices# but

    on"y to identify $ossib"e !ariab"es so that the inter!iew guide cou"d be as com$"ete as $ossib"e%

    To su$$ort the formation of the inter!iew guide and the writing of the "iterature re!iew# e'ce"

    was used as a too" during the re!iew 8See A$$endi' 4 for com$"ete "ist of !ariab"es:% E!o"!ingform the research &uestions of the $resent $a$er# the "iterature re!iew was di!ided into four $arts#

    which was "ater organied into three o!era"" segments%

    The academic contributions on a category management regu"ar"y# and es$ecia""y on a sensib"e

    "e!e"# are scarce% 2robab"y the most few artic"es which can be using the time $eriod buying


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    category management is written with the aid of ,ei66i" D 1ai$ia 8?==:% They carried out an

    em$irica" research on se!en firms in an effort to ma$ how these businesses fashioned c"asses and

    the way that affected how the $urchasing and $ro!ide administration 82SM: function was

    organied% They summaried that the research on $urchasing category administration is !ery

    confined% (e!erthe"ess# they admire that there are associated issues which ha!e got more

    awareness from academia% These com$rise $oo"ing of buy gadgets# commodity grou$s# cross

    functiona" grou$s# and "ong3estab"ished s$ecifications across trade items 8,ei66i" D 1ai$ia#

    ?==:%It is founded on a @3ste$ $rocess to !ictorious im$"ementation for c"ass administration and

    is based on years of e'$erience as a buying guide in many organiations%

    That is !ita" in !iew that the c"ass grou$s ordinari"y need he"$ ty$e other functions within the

    identica" grou$# each to get enter for se"ection3ma6ing and to get methods a$$"ied and e'ecuted

     by means of the suitab"e channe"s 8)F-rien:%-uying counci"s are by and "arge used as an

    integration mechanism for buying coordination in internationa" firms 8!an 5ee"e# ?=4=7 c"e!er

    *udas# ?==:%

    The counci" is usua""y headed by means of a C2) and in!o"!es non$urchasing e'ecuti!es ty$e

    the s$ecific trade mode"s 8!an 5ee"e# ?=4=:% The meetings can a"so be he"d month"y and e'tra

    strategic discussions about coordination com$etencies amongst or e"se remoted industry itemsare im$"emented 8!an 5ee"e# ?=4=:

    Yet another organiationa" construct in c"ass administration businesses is the use of s$onsors or

    outside faci"itators inside the grou$# howe!er outside to the wor6force 8)F-rien# ?=4?:% The ro"e

    of those $eo$"e is to faci"itate the im$"ementation of strategic choices made by the category

    wor6force throughout the organiation

    L!"!&!)*+ ) &,' +&/%$:

    The sur!ey is "imited to a $articu"ar area i%e% 6athrigu$$e big baaar%

    Co""ection of data is de$endent on the information gi!en by the res$ondents%

    The res$ondents are sometimes not gi!ing e'act information%

    *ata is insufficient%


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    P)!' ) '! +'(&)


    Is the conce$t based on the business oriented acti!ities they re"ating to the more no of buyers and

    se""ers with a"" the "e!e" of in!o"ment on a $articu"ar ty$e of customers and their transactiona"

    acti!ity on the mode of $urchasing%

    It in!o"!es the face3to face interaction with the customer and their re&uirements fu"fi"ment based

    on their business acti!ities buying things they are $erfect from the customer coo$eration re"ating

    to the conce$t or stage of the $roduct offered to de"i!ery to the customer right time and right

     $"ace based on their "ocation it wi"" be de"i!ered% Retai"ing is a conce$t of industry matter it is

    huge and "engthy it is growth oriented current industry in the nation modern retai"ing they are


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     $ro!iding contribution to the country and the retai" industry a"so the owners%

    I*%!#* '! !*%/+&$:

    Indian retai" is one of the "argest industries among the wor"d retai" industry% This industry is

     basica""y di!ided in two categories they are name"y organied and unorganised it is the most

    growing industry in the wor"d% )!er the few years it is en"arged o!er the country and it is a un

    organised# through the s$read a"ong its demand is e'istence is more im$ortant as $er the data

    from the !arious industry in the country%

     Customers are more "i6e"y to interested to the the $roducts a"" the $o$u"arity of this sectors are

     begin with the customers are changes their needs according to the nature of the demand and the

     $roduct a!ai"abi"ity with this it is fastest growing industry in the industry with their e'$ected

    growth is c"ear"y reached# its growth rate is ?=3G=H annua""y%

    The Indian retai" current !iew is a different from a"" the retai" industry% Itis unformed

    organiation sector a"ong with the 44 mi""ion retai" out"ets with the !arious "e!e"s of its formats

    and the retai" out"et formats are most"y in sma"" sie a"" o!er the India their sie is >== s&uare feet


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    in the sie the $er ca$ita" s$ace of e!ery Indian retai" is ? s&uare com$are to other country it

    show that the retai" industry is the sma"" and "ower com$aring to the wor"d retai" industry%

    G)&, ) I*%!#* '! !*%/+&$:

    The growth of the retai" industry from the g"oba" retai" industry th annua" the figure shows that it

    is an emerging mar6et from the as$ect of in!estment Indian retai" industry trade had a share with

    3H in the gross domestic $roduct of the country in the year of ?==B% Is more enhancing with

    the growth of the 44H to ?4H to reach the target by ?=4G

    M#3) R'!'+ !* I*%!#4


    It is the "argest and growing retai"ers in India they ha!e the more than >== stores with the

    growing mar6et a"" o!er the country% It has main head office in Mumbai7 it has more than >

    mi""ion s&%ft s$ace "ocated across the nation% The growth of this retai" is e'$ected to reach ?@

    mi""ion s&%ft by the year of ?=44% It is "aunched first hy$er mar6et in India named -ig -aaar%

    They ha!e retai" segments "i6e e3 retai"ing# hea"th and beauty care# consumer durab"e goods# food

     baaar# furniture baaar etc%

    T# G)/:

    It a"so one of the biggest retai"ers of the country to $ro!iding the !arious "e!e" of contribution to

    the country a"ong the mar6et en"argement across the country% It was estab"ished in the year 4%

    It is a"so owned number of retai"ers "i6e "argest boo6 and music retai" in India%


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    This is a"so "argest retai"ers with the growing mar6et through is sie and the "e!e" of com$etition

    faced by it is !ery most fre&uent"y uni&ue com$are to the other retai"ers% It has more than ?@=

    Re"iance fresh across the country

    R'! )"#&+ !* I*%!#:


    • It has own ser!icing cantors a"ong with the different "e!e" of di!isions categories%

    • They ha!e not on"y the stores "i6e a"" categories a"ong with s$ecific for the house ho"ders

    with fami"y bases%

    • They main"y on stores with merchandising and a"so de$artment oriented%• They ha!e a"so customer based stores which fre&uent"y free of freedom to sho$ the

    customer according to their mind3set%

    • It has "argest ma""s with a"" ty$e of categories based on the customerFs needs and wants%

    C,#'*'+ #(!* I*%!#* '! !*%/+&$:

    The assessment structure in India fa!ours "itt"e business

     Absence of sufficient framewor6 offices  ,igh cost of "and

    *i!ergence in sho$$er bunches

    Restrictions in foreign direct s$ecu"ation

     *eficiency of retai" study choices

    /ac6 of $re$ared /abour%


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     The com$any was one of the growing sectors a"ong with the !arious ty$e of business to s$read

    a"" o!er the country it is trying to mo!e more mar6et in!est with a different sectors% It has ruined

     by the owner and a"so CE) of this com$any named Mr% 1ishore -iyanihe is "eading a"" his a""

     business with his g"oba" e'$ertise in his business% The future grou$ ha!e much business as many

    acti!ities they were consumer finance# insurance rea" estate% And entertainment it has its own

    "ogistic com$anies to de!e"o$ retai" media and e&ui$ment storage%

    The future retai" head&uartered in Mumbai% It has en"arged his retai" stores across the country to

    de!e"o$ the !arious its business acti!ities through the estab"ishing more no of the store with a""

    o!er India it o$erates its business 4@=mi""ion s&%ft of its s$ace in most of the cities and a"so the

    rura" areas near"y B> "ocations in India% Their em$"oyees are G==== $eo$"e a"" o!er the india%

     (ow its forecasting to mo!e its mar6eting a"" o!er its business acti!ities and concentrating on the

    a"" ty$e of customers to "ead the business with $ro!iding the a"" ty$e of $roducts in one roof to

    mo!es target area of the country now they more concentrated on rura" areas with new $ricing

    methods and !arious $romotiona" acti!ities to gain the name in the rattai" $anta"oon retai"#

    fashion and other retai" em$"oyees a"so be $art of the com$any success and the strategy of their

    retai" business is chain based mar6et structure# hy$er mar6et a"so mo!ing its !ariety of categories

    and the !a"ue segments are mu"ti format retai"ing seam"ess chains to o$erate the com$anies

    across the country% They ho"ding ca$ita" 4 bi""ion that has being in!ested a"" o!er the country


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    F/&/' R'!:

    It is most im$ortant manage the assortment and s$ace $"anning of the retai" categories between

    the e!ery category and the a!ai"abi"ity of the "ocation is a"so the big matter to uti"iation of the

    a"" the other resources to maintain the the em$"oyee in the store is a"so the big cha""enge to the

    com$any% They ha!e retai" structure the centre business en!ironment at the future a""ocation of

    the ma;ority of the business system is enhanced with the customers in!o"!ement with the

    categories to attract the !arious offering in the store



    J+uture 0athering might con!ey E!erything# A"" o!er the $"ace# each time for each indian

     $urchaser in the most $roducti!e wayJ%


     +uture !iew of ma6ing the "ong re"ationshi$ with the customers $ro!iding the a"" ser!ices

    with a"" $ros$ecti!e growth of the e!ery customer%

     5e $ro!ide a"" the ser!ices to customers with honesty and &ua"ity through the a"" the

    "e!e" of the $ro$er uti"iation of the our resources to the customer 

     E!ery need fu"fi"ment is the main ob;ecti!e our mission we res$ect your !a"uab"e time%

    0uarantee and warranty is the humanity of our com$any to $ro!ide $ro$er ser!ice to



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     Infrastructure s$ecia"ity of the future grou$ is wide"y more cost"y by this year with more no of

    s$ace is re&uired to the store they ha!e faci"itate ? mi""ion s&uare feet s$ace s$read across the

    country to maintain the stores to get the more customers to the store%

     (ow they ha!e many no of "ine stores "i6e food based categories non food based $roducts hea"th

    and beauty# fashion and entertainment# genera" merchandise# footwear and a$$are"s and a"so the

    e"ectronics goods# for customer ser!ice that estab"ished se$arate counters to gi!e so"ution to them

    in order to offer $urchase of a"" items they need some time de"i!ery s$ecia"ities to the customer

    for free% -ig baaar gi!es many offers during on festi!a" season and a"so the big day wi"" a"so

    customer offers day# em$"oyee e'tra $ayment day it is done for three days%

    C)"#*!'+ ) /&/' )/:

    +uture Retai" 8India: /imited

    ,ome So"utions Retai" India /imited%

    +uture -rand /imited

    +uture Media 8India: /imited%

    +uture Su$$"y Chain So"utions /imited%

    Con!erge Communication /imited%

    2anta"oons +ood 2roduct /imited%

    +uture 1now"edge Ser!ices /imited%

    +uture Ca$ita" 1now"edge Ser!ices /imited%

    +uture 0enera"i India Insurance Com$any /imited%

    About -ig -aaar 

    -ig -aaar is one the growing retai" store in the country and it has a"most s$read a"" o!er the


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    country through the mar6et $otentia" of the store is more effecti!e com$ared to other stores% It

    was "eaded by its +ounder and CE) of Mr% 1ishore biyani and was started in the year of ?==4% It

    is a hy$er mar6et and it comes under the +uture grou$%

    B! B#6## ,#+ %!''*& (#&')!'+7 such as+ood -aaar# A$$are"s# 0enera" Merchandise

    D'#&"'*& S&)'+:

    Carry broad !ariety and dee$ assortment organied into se$arate de$artment for dis$"aying


    M#3) %'#&"'*&+ !*(/%':



    ,ome decor 


    Toys# +oot wear 

    R'! M#7'&!* M!9

    This conce$t is based on the customer needs and hence it is focused on the $roduct a!ai"abi"ity at

    the re&uirement of the customer based on their $erce$tion and beha!iour towards that $roduct%It

    is conce$t that ma6es the customer to more concentrate on the $roduct with a"" the a!ai"ab"e

    information from the !arious sources# thus the mar6eting mi' $romotes to buy the $roducts and

    ser!ices based on their 6now"edge%


    This is one of the most im$ortant as$ects for the mar6eting mi'# because it is necesscory to $ro!ide the right $roduct to the customer with the fair $rice and the $roduct offering shou"d be

    more "oya"ty from the as$ect of the customer%


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    P!(':-  $ricing is the the method which is the most 6ey factor to the mar6eting to assisting the

    !a"ue to the any $roduct is based on the method of cost we are going to a$$"y on that $roduct

    which is more com$rehensi!e for the com$any and a"so 6now the com$etitors $rice on the


    P#('9 com$onent of the showcasing b"end% -ig -aaar is arranged at head area in 6athrigu$$e#

    -anga"ore# where /e!is# E3one# bistro coffee day# and Reebo6 "i6e stores are arranged% -aaar%

    A%#*('"'*&9 The $ub"iciing s$ending $"an# dea"s ad!ancement# e'$osure and the ad!ertising

    assume an im$erati!e $art in the com$etiti!e uni!erse of retai"ing% These he"$ the store to

    accom$"ish the transient ob;ecti!es%

    P'+'*&!)*:-The way in which the stoc6 is dis$"ayed at the store "e!e" is critica"% The

    !iew$oint not ;ust manages the store format and the atmos$here made# additiona""y with !isua"

     $romoting% Visua" $romoting is the methodica"# $recise method for $utting stoc6 in $"ain !iew in

    the retai" "ocation%

    C/+&)"' S'!('9 E!ery com$any ha!e own and uni&ue ser!ices based on the their $roduct

    se""ing and the nature of business here retai" tore ha!e some of the ser!ices "i6e7 $ro!iding the

    de"i!ery of the $roduct which their going to buy they ha!e two ty$e of ser!ices one is $ay on

    de"i!ery another one is home de"i!ery%

    I*%!!%/#+: Retai"ers wor6 in a no!e" domain% The retai" business is $ortrayed by count"ess

    "abourers# who need to $ut in e'tended $eriods of wor6% More often than not# these

    re$resentati!es are in direct contact with the c"ient and might confront angry or irrationa" c"ient


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx




    The mar6et "eader in India% -rand name# -rand Va"ue of -ig -aaar%

    5e"" de!e"o$ed infrastructure as a hy$ermar6et%

    /ow3cost ad!antage because of economies of sca"e%

    Re$utation and image with youthfu" customers%

    ?> hours of recei$tKgeneration of auto re$"enishment%


    Arranged "abour !ersus man "abour "ac6K"abor o!erf"ow%  (ew inno!ation ada$tion !ersus "ower instructed re$resentati!es%

    5ides$read wor6 dissemination !ersus wor6 o!er burden

    Inward c"ashes%

    Em$"oyee attrition rate%


    To ado$t an aggressi!e strategy# and may go far merger and ac&uisition%

    To en;oy more $rofit by de"ighting the customer%

    To di!ersify the business% In India the retai" industry is in boom which $ro!ides




  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    The wor"d mar6et "eader L5A/ MART entry in Indian retai" industry%

    Com$etition from the domestic $"ayers as STAR -ANAAR# RE/IA(CE TRE(*7

    S2E(CERFS S,)22ERFS S,)27 etc%

    0rowing g"oba" retai" com$anies%

    0o!ernment $o"icy changes



    C#&')$ M#*#'"'*&93

    Category management is the $rocedure by which a retai" business is made does with the target of 

    augmenting the dea"s and benefits of a c"assification% 5hi"e it is a $rere&uisite of the retai"er and

    assemb"ing to band together with each other# the c"ient is "oc6ed in by the retai"er so as to

    com$rehend $urchasing conduct and inc"inations to accom$"ish more from "ess% C"assification

    administration is not an occasion but rather a continuous $rocedure ob!ious"y rectification

    through e'ecution estimation and acti!ity%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Category management inc"udes93 S$ace $"anning

    Considerations for /ayout *ecisions9

    ,igh edge things ought to be set in high acti!ity regions% A$$ea" things ought to be set in "ow mo!ement ranges

    Reci$roca" things ought to be set c"ose to each other%

    *ri!e things ought to be set c"oser to charging

    A++)&"'*& P#**!*9 0rou$ing arrangement or the stoc6 b"end is connected the wor"d o!er as

    the second most im$erati!e com$onent for a store# after its area% The combination arrangement

    characteries the income stream# affecting the to$ "ines and main concerns as we"" as the wor6ing

    ca$ita" secured stoc6%

    V!+/# M'(,#*%!+!*9 JVisua" mar6etingJ the craft of drawing in su$$orters with !isua"

     $rom$ts# is 6ey to a retai"er

  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    I*'*&)$ "#*#'"'*&:

    There are two ty$es of systems in in!entory management%

    Stoc6 in a framewor6 is o!erseen at the cor$orate "e!e" where a"" $urchasing choices are made

    and after that $ushed to the dis$ersion communities for distribution to stores% SStoc6 in a force

    framewor6 inc"udes store $rere&uisite to be considered at the cor$orate "e!e" by means of the

    dissemination focus a than ac&uired

    S! C)' C)")*'*&+ ) C#&')$ M#*#'"'*&9

    O Core Com$onents8essentia":9

    O Strategy

    O -usiness $rocess

    O Enab"ing Com$onents 8assisting:

    O Scorecard

    O )rganiation Ca$abi"ity

    O Information Techno"ogy

    O Co""aborati!e Re"ationshi$

    T,' S&#&'!( P)")&!)*# P)('++:


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    T,' C#&')$ M#*#'"'*& P)('++:

    C"ass administration is su$$orted by an organied $rocedure which gi!es a structure to

    retai"er and su$$"ier to coo$erate de"iberate"y% A forma" stage c"assification administration

     $rocedure was created a "itt"e more than 4= years bac6 by the banding together gathering%

    1. C#&')$ D'!*!&!)*:

    C"assification administration definition is the first ste$ in the system% The meaning of the

    c"assification has the huge effect on the ensuing ste$s%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    The fo""owing are sub categories9

    B$ B#*%:

     (ationa" brand

    /oca" brand 2ri!ate /abe"



    %-y Usage

    ?%C#&')$ R)':

    The c"ass $art decides the need and the significance of the !arious c"assifications in the

    o!era""endea!our% These guides in asset assignment% 0enera""y# four c"assifications ha!e been

    distinguished% They are7

    *estination category% Seasona" category

    Con!ince category

    G%C#&')$ A++'++"'*&9

    In this stride the current e'ecution of the c"assification is assessed as for the turno!er# benefits

    and $rofit for asses in the c"assification% It inc"udes on $urchasers# the commercia" center# the

    retai"er and the su$$"ier%

    >% S()'(#% ) C#&')$ P')"#*('9

    +oundation of the e'ecution measures by which the c"assification chief wi"" &uantify the nature


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    of the e'ecution of the arrangement% The ad!ancement of c"assification e'ecution measures

    inc"udes the setting of measure focuses in the terms of offers# edges# and 0ross Margin Return on

    n!estment 80MR)I:

    @% C#&')$ S&#&'!'+9

    The reason for this stride is to he"$ the retai"er and su$$"ier to create techni&ues that $rofit by

    c"ass o$$ortunities by method for imaginati!e and $roficient uti"iation of the assets that are

    a!ai"ab"e to the c"assification% C"ass systems can be gone for creating acti!ity# $roducing money#

     $roducing benefit# u$grading the $icture or creating energy% Each $rocedure intends to abatement

     $iece of the $ie of unrewarding ones


    B% C#&')$ T#(&!(+9


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    S$ecific e'ercises su$$orting the c"assification systems which wou"d be incor$orate thing

    assortment# consistent"y and high"ight !a"ue targets# rac6 $resentation# and so forth%

    % C#&')$ P#* I"'"'*&!)*9

    A $articu"ar usage ca"endar is created and ob"igations are do"ed out% E'act e'ecution is the way

    to the accom$"ishment of the c"ass administration%

    %C#&')$ R'!'9

    Continuous audit and estimation of the ad!ancement of the arrangement toward the c"ass $art

    and scorecard# and change of the arrangement when fitting%

    Can be in G $rocesses9

    Research and o$$ortunity distinguishing $roof

    Creation and usage

    Metrics# ad;ustment and "earning


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx




    D# A*#$+!+:

    The a$$aratuses and the strategies for information accumu"ation recognied before were uti"ied

    to assemb"e information on the customer recognition on -ig -aaar% The information gathered#

     $articu"ar"y from the meetings and $o""s coursed are organiation and embraced in the

    accom$anying $ages% The information therefore assemb"ed and organied is dissected# the

    information is than e'amined and $ertinent e"ucidations are drawn%

    The significant targets of in!estigation of information are9

    To assess and im$ro!e information &ua"ity%

    /oo6 at im$acts of other significant com$onents%

    Consumer "oya"ty $ro$ortion#

    "e!e" of fu"fi"ment

    Reasons for dis3fu"fi"ment

    The information gathering arrangement# inc"uding techni&ues# instruments and structures was

    out"ined and $re3tried to am$"ify e'actness% A"" information gathering e'ercises were obser!ed to

    guarantee adherence to the information accumu"ation con!ention and brief acti!ities to minimie

    and reso"!e "ost and fau"ty information%

    )bser!ing systems were estab"ished at the start and 6e$t u$ a"" through the study subse&uent to


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    the s$eedier anoma"ies can be distinguished%

    4%: C,I3SPUARE test on income and how fre&uent"y do you !isit big baaar &uestion%

    I*()"' = ,) '>/'*&$ %) $)/ !+!& B! B#6## C)++ B 4 G

    G====3@==== G G G

    @==== and abo!e G 4?

    Tota" 44 4 >@ ?B

    C,!-S>/#' T'+&+

    Va"ue df Asym$% Sig% 8?3sided:

    2earson Chi3S&uare 4G%Ga %4?

    /i6e"ihood Ratio 4>%=? %4?4

    /inear3by3/inear Association ?%>4 4 %4?=

     ( of Va"id Cases 4==

    N/-,$)&,'+!+93There is no de$endency between the income and fre&uent"y !isiting to big


    A&'*#&!' ,$)&,'+!+9 There is a de$endency between the income and fre&uent"y !isiting to

     big baaar%

    A*#$+!+:X !a"ue is 4G%G and $ !a"ue is =%4?

    I*&''&!)*:,ere the $ !a"ue is more than=%=@# hence we wi"" acce$t the nu"" hy$othesis%

    There is no de$endency between the income and fre&uent"y !isit to big baaar%

    ?%: Chi3s&uare test on number of $roducts a!ai"ab"e in the store and good number of brands

    a!ai"ab"e in each category%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    T,' */" G >=

    C,!-S>/#' T'+&+

    Va"ue df Asym$% Sig% 8?3sided:

    2earson Chi3S&uare 4%=?@a 4B %?B

    /i6e"ihood Ratio ?=%@B 4B %4B

    /inear3by3/inear Association ?%@=? 4 %44>

     ( of Va"id Cases 4==

    N/ ,$)&,'+!+93There is no de$endency between the number of $roducts categories a!ai"ab"ein the store and good no of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category%

    A&'*#&!' ,$)&,'+!+93There is a de$endency between the number of $roducts categoriesa!ai"ab"e in the store and good no of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category%

    A*#$+!+:3X !a"ue is 4%=?@ and 2 !a"ue is =%?B%

    Inter$retation93As the $ !a"ue is more than =%=@# hence we wi"" acce$t the nu"" hy$othesis% There

    is no de$endency between the no of $roducts categories a!ai"abi"ity in the store and good no of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category%

    C)'#&!)* &'+&:.

    T,'' #' ))% */"

  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    strong"y disagree = 4 ?

    Tota" > >4 >>

    Va"ue Asym$% Std% Error  a

    A$$ro'% T b

    A$$ro'% Sig%Inter!a" by Inter!a" 2earson/!'% )%/(&+ (#&')!'+ #+ # #+ "$ *''% #*% #*&+ #' ()*('* = A )%/(&+ !* &,' (#&')!'+ #

  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    A*#$+!+ #*% !*&''&!)*93 ,ere R !a"ue is $ositi!e so# there is re"ationshi$ between store

     $ro!ides a"" re&uired $roduct categories as far as my need and wants and a"" $roduct categories

    are accessib"e for the customers%

    E'(&!' (#&')$ "#*#'"'*& ")&!#&'+ &,' (/+&)"' &) +,) !* #* )/&'& = E'(&!' (#&')$ "#*#'"'*& '!*+ &,' (/+


    Effecti!e category management retains the customer wi

    strog"i agree agree s"ight"y agree disagree

    Effecti!e category management

    moti!ates the customer to sho$ in

    an out"et

    strog"i agree ? 4 =

    agree ? ?> 4

    s"ight"y agree = ?? 4@

    disagree = ? @

    strong"y disagree = 4 4Tota" > @= G

    S$""'&!( M'#+/'+

    Va"ue Asym$% Std% Error  a A$$ro'% T b  $$ro'% Sig%

    Inter!a" by Inter!a" 2earson

  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%4: 0ender9

    Tab"e no34

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    Ma"e @? @?%=

    +ema"e > >%=

    Tota"4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*:3It can be seen from the tab"e no%4# out of the tota" res$ondents @?H of the

    customers are ma"es# >H of the $eo$"e are fema"es% Most of the customers are ma"e%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%?: Age of the res$ondents9

    Tab"e (o%?

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    43?= 4 4%=

    ?=3G=3 ? ?%=

    G=3>= ? ?%=

    >=3@= ?G ?G%=

    @= and abo!e @ @%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*93 It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%?# 4H of the customers age is 43?=

    years# ?H of the res$ondents are ?=3G= years# ?H of the res$ondents are G=3>= years# ?GH of 

    the res$ondents are>=3@=years# @H of the res$ondents are @= and abo!e aged $eo$"e% Most of 

    the res$ondentsF age grou$ is ?=3G= years


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%G: Income of the res$ondents%

    Tab"e no%G

    I*&''&!)*:3 It can be obser!ed from the tab"e no%G# out of the tota" res$ondents G=H of the

    customers income is be"ow Rs%4@===K3# G=H of the $eo$"e income between Rs% 4@=== Q Rs


    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent cent

    "ess than 4@=== ?> ?>%=

    4@===3G==== G= G=%=

    G====3@==== 4B 4B%=

    @==== and abo!e G= G=%=Tota" 4== 4==%=

  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    G====K3# 4BH of $eo$"e income is in between Rs%G====K3 and Rs%@====K3#?>H of the customers

    income is Rs%@====K3abo!e% Most of the customersincome is "ess than Rs% 4@=== and a"so

    Rs%4@===K3 and Rs%G====K3 res$ecti!e"y

    P%>: ,ow fre&uent"y do you !isit -ig -aaar

    Tab"e (o%>:

    I*()"' = ,) '>/'*&$ %) $)/ !+!& B! B#6## C)++ @ ?B 4==

    C,!-S>/#' T'+&+

    Va"ue df Asym$%Sig%8?3sided:

    2earson Chi3S&uare 4G%Ga %4?

    /i6e"ihood Ratio 4>%=? %4?4

    /inear3by3/inear Association ?%>4 4 %4?=

     ( of Va"id Cases 4==


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx



    It can be from the abo!e bar gra$h no%> 44H of the customers sho$$ing fre&uency is once in a

    wee6# 4H of the res$ondents sho$$ing fre&uency is once in 4@ days# >@H of the res$ondents

    sho$$ing fre&uency is once in a month# ?BH of the res$ondents sho$$ing fre&uency is once in ?3

    G months% Most of the res$ondents sho$$ing fre&uency is once in a month%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%@: what is your most $referred time for sho$$ing

    Tab"e no%@

      Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    5ee6ends 4@ 4@%=

    month beginning GB GB%=

    month ending 4B 4B%=

    as $er re&uirement G? G?%=

    Tota" %=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*: It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%@# out of the tota" res$ondents 4@H of

    customers $referred time of sho$$ing is wee6ends GBH of the res$ondents $referred time of

    sho$$ing is month beginning# 4BH of the res$ondents $referred time of sho$$ing is month

    ending# G?H of the res$ondents $referred time of sho$$ing is as $er their re&uirements% Most of

    the res$ondents $referred to sho$ on month beginning%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%B: ,ow much amount s$ent on sho$$ing $er month

    Tab"e (o%B

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    "ess than 4=== 4 4%=

     between 4===3@=== GB GB%=

    @===34==== ?? ??%=

    more than 4==== ?> ?>%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*9It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%%B# 4H of the customers s$ent "ess than

    Rs%4===K3# GBH of the res$ondents s$ent between amount Rs%4===K3 and Rs%@===K3# ??H of the

    res$ondents s$ent RS%@===K3 and Rs%4====K3# ?>H of the res$ondents s$ent more than Rs%4====

    2er month% Most of the res$ondents s$ent Rs%4===K3 and Rs%@===K3 $er month%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%: The number of $roduct categories a!ai"ab"e in the store is good

    Tab"e (o%

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree %=

    Agree @> @>%=

    s"ight"y agree ? ?%=

    *isagree 44 44%=

    strong"y disagree 4 4%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*:3It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%# H of the customers are more interest

    in it# @>H of the $eo$"e are concurred# ?H of the customers are not much interest in $roduct

    a!ai"abi"ity in the store#44H of customers are not concurred with this# 4H of $eo$"e are no e!er

    interest in it%% Most of the $eo$"e are ha$$y with the $roduct a!ai"abi"ity in the store%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    P%: There is a good identificationKsignage boards about categories which are a!ai"ab"e

    Tab"e (o%

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree G G%=

    Agree @ @%=

    s"ight"y agree G> G>%=

    *isagree @ @%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*9 It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%# out of the tota" res$ondents GH of the

    res$ondents are are strong"y agreed# @H of the res$ondent are agreed# G>H of the res$ondents

    are s"ight"y agreed# @H of the res$ondents are disagreed% Most of the res$ondents are agreed with

    the identification signage boars about categories which are a!ai"ab"e%

    P%: There is a c"ear tag on each $roduct in a category


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Tab"e (o%

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree %=

    Agree >@ >@%=s"ight"y agree >4 >4%=

    *isagree %=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*9 It can be inter$reted from the abo!e tab"e no%# o!er a"" the !iew H of the

     $eo$"e strong"y agreed# >@H of the customers are agreed# >4H of the customers are s"ight"y

    agreed# H of the $eo$"e are disagreed% Most of the customers are agreed with the c"ear $rice tag

    on each $roduct in a category%

    P%4=: There are good numbers of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category

    Tab"e no%4=


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


      !a"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree > >%=

    Agree G G%=

    s"ight"y agree >= >=%=

    *isagree 4> 4>%=

    strong"y disagree G G%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*93 It can be seen from the tab"e no%4=# >H of customers are strong"y acce$t this#

    good number of brand a!ai"ab"e in category# GH of the customers are concurred# >=H of the

    customers are not much interest in it# 4>H of the customers are not concurred# GH of the $eo$"e

    are not much concurred% Most of the customers are s"ight"y agreed with good number of brands

    a!ai"ab"e in each category%

    P%44: The $roducts in each category are arranged in a systematic manner "i6e $rice wise# brand

    wise# &uantity wise etc


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Tab"e (o%44

     Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    Strong"y agree > >%=

    Agree >? >?%=s"ight"y agree >> >>%=

    *isagree %=

    strong"y disagree 4 4%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*93 It can be seen in the tab"e no%44# o!er a"" the !iew of>H of the $eo$"e are

    strong"y concurred# >?H of the customers are agree# >>H of the $eo$"e are s"ight"y acce$ted# H

    of the customers not acce$ted this# 4H of the customers are most"y were not acce$ted% Most of

    the res$ondents are s"ight"y agree with each category are arranged in a systematic manner "i6e

     $rice wise# brand wise# &uantity wise%

    P%4?: The store $ro!ides a"" re&uired $roduct categories as far as my needs and wants are



  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Tab"e no%4?

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree > >%=

    Agree >4 >4%=s"ight"y agree >@ >@%=

    *isagree %=

    strong"y disagree 4 4%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*9 It can be seen from the tab"e no%4?# out of the tota" no of res$ondents >H of the

     $eo$"e is strong"y concurred# >4H of customers are norma""y concurred # >@H of $eo$"e are

    s"ight"y concurred# H of the customers are not concurred# 4H of the customers are strong"y

    concurred with that there are good number of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category% Most of the

    res$ondents are s"ight"y agree with this%

    P%4G: The s$ace of a!ai"ab"e for customer sho$$ing in the out"et is according to the number of

    categories a!ai"ab"e in the out"et


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Tab"e (o%4G

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree G G%=

    Agree > >%=s"ight"y agree >4 >4%=

    *isagree B B%=

    strong"y disagree G G%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*9 It can be obser!ed from the tab"e no%4G# o!er a"" the !iew# GH of customers are

    strong"y concurred# # >H customers are ha$$y to concurred # >4H of customers are not much

    interest to agree# BH of $eo$"e are not concurred with this# GH customers are $rom$t"y says that

    they are not concurred# with that the s$ace a!ai"ab"e for customer sho$$ing in the out"et is

    according the number of category a!ai"ab"e in the out"et% Most of the res$ondents are agree with


    P%4>: A"" the $roducts in the categories are accessib"e for the customer

    Tab"e (o%4>


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree > >%=

    Agree >4 >4%=

    s"ight"y agree >> >>%=

    *isagree %=

    strong"y disagree > >%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*93It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%4># out of the tota" res$ondents# >H of the

    strong"y agreed# >4H customers is agreed >>H of customers is s"ight"y agree# H of customers

    is disagree# >H of customers are strong"y disagree with that the s$ace a!ai"ab"e for the customer

    sho$$ing in the out"et is according to the number of categories a!ai"ab"e in the out"et% Most of

    the res$ondents are s"ight"y agree with this%

    P%4@: There is a mechanism in the out"et which notices the categories which are re&uired by the

    customer but una!ai"ab"e in the store


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Tab"e (o%4@

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree 4 4%=

    Agree @? @?%=

    s"ight"y agree GG GG%=

    *isagree 44 44%=

    strong"y disagree ? ?%=

    4> 4 4%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=


    can be seen from the

    tab"e no%4@# o!era""

    the customers !iew#

    4H customers are strong"y agreed# @?H customers are agree# GGH of customers s"ight"y agree#

    44H customers are disagree# 4BH of customers are strong"y disagreed with that there is a

    mechanism in the out"et which notices the categories which are re&uired by the customer but

    una!ai"ab"e in the store% Most of the res$ondents are agreed%

    P%4B: Effecti!e category management moti!ates the customer to sho$ in an out"et

    Tab"e (o%4B

    Va"id +re&uency 2ercent


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    strong"y agree G G%=

    Agree >> >>%=

    s"ight"y agree >4 >4%=

    *isagree 4= 4=%=

    strong"y disagree ? ?%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*93 It can be obser!ed from the tab"e no%4B# o!er a"" the customers !iew# GH

    customers are ha$$y to strong"y agree# >>H customers are main"y agreed # >4H customers are

    s"ight"y agreed# 4=H customers are disagree# ?H customers are strong"y disagreed% Most of the

    customers agreed for the effecti!e category management moti!ates the customer to sho$ in


    P%4: )!er a"" the category management in the out"et is good

    Tab"e (o%4


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


      !a"id +re&uency 2ercent

    strong"y agree %=

    agree > >%=

    s"ight"y agree GB GB%=

    disagree B B%=

    Tota" 4== 4==%=

    I*&''&!)*:3 It can be inter$reted from the tab"e no%4 out of the tota" res$ondents are on"y

    H $eo$"e are strong"y # >H of the res$ondents is agreed# GBH of the customers is s"ight"y

    agreed BH of the customers are disagree% Most of the res$ondents are strong"y agreed that the

    o!era"" category management in the out"et is good%


    Ma;ority of the res$ondents are in the age between ?=3G= years%

    Ma;ority of the res$ondents income is Rs%4@===K 3 and Rs%G====K 3 furthermore

    Rs%@====K 3 or more%


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    Ma;ority of the res$ondents do sho$$ing once in a month%

    Ma;arotity of the res$ondentsF most fa!oured time of sho$$ing is month starting%

    Ma;ority of the res$ondents s$end the sum between Rs%4===K 3 to Rs%@===%

    Ma;ority of the res$ondents are concurred that the &uantity of items accessib"e in the

    store are great% Ma;ority of the res$ondents are concurred that there is a decent distinguishing%

    2roofKsignage sheets about c"assifications which are accessib"e in the store%

    Ma;ority of the res$ondents are concurred with that there are c"ear stic6er $rice on e!ery

    item in the c"ass%

    A""owing more s$ace between the $assage of a store and a gi!es it additiona" time in the


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    amount shrewd# and so on# to draw in the c"ients%


      A re!iew on e'isting "iterature indicates that organiation inter!entions or inter!entions that

    the target customers as we"" as category management of any retai" store and the indi!idua"s of the

    a"" the "e!e"s of customers are most effecti!e in the good category management% ,owe!er# this

    re!iew indicates that most inter!entions target the indi!idua"s the organiation and few

    e!a"uation studies ha!e conducted to test the effecti!eness of the each categories% The "imited

    "iterature that is a!ai"ab"e within the store are most ada$tabi"ity in order managing s$ace in a""

    the categories%

    Assortment and 6ee$ing the a"" the $roducts on the brand based in the each category to attract


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    more customer to the store%It is a"so neseccessory to 6now the $rice tags on the each $roducts in

    the each category now a days customers are more $referred not on"y on the brand and a"so the

    usage and the e'$ire date most on $rice attachment%

    )!er a"" the !iew of this study is how customers react toward the category management% To study

    on category management inf"uence on customers decision% To find out which e"ement is need to

    get most customer attention% To 6now this category management rea""y im$act on customer

     buying decisions% To 6now what e'tent category management he"$s in increasing the sa"es%



    O 2hi"i$ 1ot"er# mar6eting management#

    O 2earson ha"" of India $!t%Bth edition:O -erman A and E!ans i%R% Retai" management

    O 2earson education 4=?th edition

    O Ser!ice mar6eting by R%1 Ram$a"O Integrated Ser!ice Mar6eting @th edition by Peithma"


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx




    A study on category management with the reference to -ig -aaar 

    ,e""o sir# madam

    IFm madhu M-A8MAR1ETI(0: AT -MS co""ege of engineering doing sur!ey on

    category management of -ig -aaar 6ind"y s$end your $recious time to fi"" the

    &uestionnaire may I re&uest to gi!e feed on the fo""owing factors# which sha"" be

    e'c"usi!e"y used $ur$ose of for the $ro;ect wor6 and not any other $ur$ose%




  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    0ender9 Ma"e 8 : +ema"e 8 :

    Age9 8 : 43?= 8 :?=3G= 8 : G=3>= 8 :>=3@= 8 : @=and abo!e

    )ccu$ation9 Student 8 : Em$"oyee 8 : -usiness $eo$"e 8 : )thers 8 :

    Income9 "ess than 4@=== 8 : 4@===3G==== 8 : G====3>==== 8 : @==== and abo!

    4% ,ow much time do you !isit -ig -aaar

    8 : once in a wee6 8 : once in 4@ days

    8 : once in a month 8 : once in ?3G months

    ?% 5hat is your most $referred time for sho$$ing

      8 : wee6ends 8 : month beginning

     8 : month ending 8 : as $er re&uirement

    G% ,ow much amount s$ent on sho$$ing $er month

      8 : "ess than 4=== 8 : between 4===3@====

     8 : @===34==== 8 : more than 4====

    >% The number of $roduct categories a!ai"ab"e in the store is good

      8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    @%There is a good identificationKsignage boards about categories which are a!ai"ab"e


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


      8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    B% There are c"ear tags on each $roduct in a category

      8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    % There are good number of brands a!ai"ab"e in each category

    % 8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    %The $roducts in each category are arranged in a systematic manner "i6e $rice wise# brand wise

    &uantity wise etc

     8 : strong"y agree 8: agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    %The store $ro!ides a"" re&uired $roduct categories as far as my needs and wants are concernK

     8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    4=%The s$ace of a!ai"ab"e for customer sho$$ing in the out"et is according to the number of

    categories a!ai"ab"e in the store

      8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    44%A"" $roducts in the categories are accessib"e for the customer

     8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    4?%There is a mechanism in the out"et which notices the categories which are re&uired by the

    customer but una!ai"ab"e in the store

     8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree


  • 8/18/2019 madhu projectBIG BAZAAR (1).docx


    4G% Effecti!e category management moti!ates the customer to sho$ in an out"et

     8 : Strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight"y agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y disagree

    4>% )!era"" category management in the out"et is good

     8 : strong"y agree 8 : agree 8 : s"ight agree 8 : disagree 8 : strong"y agree

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