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  • 7/26/2019 Mahatma Ggfgdgandhi SD


    Mahatma Gandhi


    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October

    1869 and was the preeminent leader of the Indian

    independence movementin British-rled India!

    "mplo#in$ nonviolentcivil disobedience% Gandhi led India to

    independence and inspired movements for civil ri$hts andfreedom across the world!&e is also called Bap in India! In

    common parlance in India he is often called Gandhi'i! &e is

    no(ciall# called the )ather of the *ation!

    Born and raised in a &ind merchant castefamil# in

    coastal G'arat% western India% and trained in law at the Inner

    +emple% ,ondon% Gandhi rst emplo#ed nonviolent civil

    disobedience as an e.patriate law#er in /oth 0frica% in the

    resident Indian commnit#s str$$le for civil ri$hts! 0fter hisretrn to India in 191% he set abot or$anisin$ peasants%

    farmers% and rban laborers to protest a$ainst e.cessive land-

    ta. and discrimination! 0ssmin$ leadership of theIndian

    *ational 3on$ressin 1921% Gandhi led nationwide campai$ns

    for easin$ povert#% e.pandin$ womens ri$hts% bildin$
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    reli$ios and ethnic amit#% endin$ ntochabilit#% bt above all

    for achievin$ /wara'or self-rle!

    Gandhi famosl# led Indians in challen$in$ the British-

    imposed salt ta. with the 455 m 725 mi andi /alt Marchin

    19:5% and later in callin$ for the British to ;it Indiain 1942!

    &e was imprisoned for man# #ears% pon man# occasions% in

    both /oth 0frica and India! Gandhi attempted to practise

    nonviolence and trth in all sitations% and advocated that

    others do the same! &e lived modestl# in a self-s(cient

    residential commnit#and wore the traditional Indian dhotiand

    shawl% woven with #arn hand-spn on a charha! &e ate simple

    ve$etarian food% and also ndertoo lon$ fastsas a means of

    both self-prication and social protest!

    Gandhis vision of an independent India based on reli$ios

    plralism% however% was challen$ed in the earl# 1945s b# a

    new Mslim nationalism which was demandin$ a separate

    Mslim homeland carved ot of India!

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    &is birthda#% 2 October% is commemorated as Gandhi

    Aa#anti% a national holida#% and world-wide as the International

    a# of *onviolence!


    +he Gandhi famil# ori$inated from the villa$e of

    Ktiana in what was then Ana$adh /tate In the late 1>th or

    earl# 18th centr#% one ,al'i Gandhi moved to ?orbandar and

    entered the service of its rler% the ana! /ccessive

    $enerations of the famil# served as civil servants in the state

    administration before Cttamchand% Mohandass $randfather%

    became diwan in the earl# 19th centr# nder the then ana of?orbandar% Khimo'ira'i! In 18:1% ana Khimo'ira'i died sddenl#

    and was scceeded b# his 12-#ear-old onl# son% Dimat'i! 0s a

    reslt% ana Khimo'ira''is widow% ani paliba% became re$ent

    for her son! /he soon fell ot with Cttamchand and forced him

    to retrn to his ancestral villa$e in Ana$adh! Ehile in

    Ana$adh% Cttamchand appeared before its *awab and salted

    him with his left hand instead of his ri$ht% repl#in$ that his

    ri$ht hand was pled$ed to ?orbandars service! In 1841%

    Dimat'i assmed the throne and reinstated Cttamchand ashis diwan!

    In 184>% ana Dimat'i appointed Cttamchands son%

    Karamchand% as diwan after disa$reein$ with Cttamchand over

    the states maintenance of a British $arrison! 0ltho$h he onl#

    had an elementar# edcation and had previosl# been a cler
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    in the state administration% Karamchand proved a capable chief

    minister! rin$ his tenre% Karamchand married for times!

    &is rst two wives died #on$% after each had $iven birth to a

    da$hter% and his third marria$e was childless! In 18>%

    Karamchand so$ht his third wifes permission to remarr#F that#ear% he married ?tlibai 718441891% who also came from

    Ana$adh% and was from

    a?ranami Daishnava famil#!Karamchand and ?tlibai had three

    children over the ensin$ decade% a son% ,a.midas 7c! 1865

    March 1914% a da$hter% aliatbehn 718621965 and another

    son% Karsandas 7c! 1866191:!

    +he famil#s reli$ios bac$rond was eclectic! Gandhis

    father was &ind and his mother was from a ?ranami Daishnavafamil#! eli$ios $res were freHent visitors to the

    home!Gandhi was deepl# inenced b# his mother ?tlibai% an

    e.tremel# pios lad# who Jwold not thin of tain$ her meals

    withot her dail# pra#ers!!!she wold tae the hardest vows

    and eep them withot inchin$! +o eep two or three

    consective fasts was nothin$ to her!J

    In the #ear of Mohandass birth% ana Dimat'i was e.iled%

    stripped of direct administrative power and demoted in ran b#

    the British political a$ent% after havin$ ordered the brtal

    e.ections of a slave and an 0rab bod#$ard! ?ossibl# as a

    reslt% in 18>4 Karamchand left ?orbandar for the smaller state

    of a'ot% where he became a consellor to its rler% the +har

    /ahibF tho$h a'ot was a less presti$ios state than

    ?orbandar% the British re$ional political a$enc# was located

    there% which $ave the states diwan a measre of secrit#!In

    18>6% Karamchand became diwan of a'ot and was scceeded

    as diwan of ?orbandar b# his brother +lsidas! &is famil# thenre'oined him in a'ot!

    On 21 Aanar# 18>9% Mohandas entered the

    local tal 7district school in a'ot% not far from his home! 0t

    school% he was ta$ht the rdiments of arithmetic% histor#% the

    G'arati lan$a$e and $eo$raph#!espite bein$ onl# an

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    avera$e stdent in his #ear there% in October 1885 he sat the

    entrance e.aminations for Kathiawar &i$h /chool% also in

    a'ot! &e passed the e.aminations with a creditable avera$e

    of 64 percent and was enrolled the followin$ #ear!rin$ his

    #ears at the hi$h school% Mohandas intensivel# stdied the"n$lish lan$a$e for the rst time% alon$ with continin$ his

    lessons in arithmetic% G'arati% histor# and $eo$raph#!&is

    attendance and mars remained mediocre to avera$e% possibl#

    de to Karamchand fallin$ ill in 1882 and Mohandas spendin$

    more time at home as a reslt!Gandhi shone neither in the

    classroom nor on the pla#in$ eld! One of the terminal reports

    rated him as J$ood at "n$lish% fair in 0rithmetic and wea in

    Geo$raph#F condct ver# $ood% bad handwritin$J!

    Ehile at hi$h school% Mohandas came into contact with

    stdents of other castes and faiths% incldin$ several ?arsis and

    Mslims! 0 Mslim friend of his elder brother Karsandas% named

    /heih Mehtab% befriended Mohandas and encora$ed the

    strictl# ve$etarian bo# to tr# eatin$ meat to improve his

    stamina! &e also too Mohandas to a brothel one da#% tho$h

    Mohandas Jwas strc blind and dmb in this den of vice%J

    reb@ed the prostittes advances and was promptl# sent ot

    of the brothel! 0s e.perimentin$ with meat-eatin$ and carnalpleasres onl# bro$ht Mohandas mental an$ish% he

    abandoned both and the compan# of Mehtab% tho$h the#

    wold maintain their association for man# #ears afterwards!

    In Ma# 188:% the 1:-#ear-old Mohandas was married to 14-

    #ear-old Kastrbai Mahan'i Kapadia in an arran$ed child

    marria$e% accordin$ to the cstom of the re$ion at that time!In

    the process% he lost a #ear at school!ecallin$ the da# of theirmarria$e% he once said% J0s we didnt now mch abot

    marria$e% for s it meant onl# wearin$ new clothes% eatin$

    sweets and pla#in$ with relatives!J &owever% as was prevailin$

    tradition% the adolescent bride was to spend mch time at her

    parents hose% and awa# from her hsband!Eritin$ man#

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    #ears later% Mohandas described with re$ret the lstfl feelin$s

    he felt for his #on$ bride% Jeven at school I sed to thin of

    her% and the tho$ht of ni$htfall and or sbseHent meetin$

    was ever hantin$ me!J

    In late 188% Karamchand died% on a ni$ht when Mohandas

    had 'st left his father to sleep with his wife% despite the fact

    she was pre$nant!+he coples rst child was born shortl#

    after% bt srvived onl# a few da#s! +he doble tra$ed#

    hanted Mohandas thro$hot his life% Jthe shame% to which I

    have referred in a fore$oin$ chapter% was this of m# carnal

    desire even at the critical hor of m# fathers death% which

    demanded waefl service! It is a blot I have never been able

    to e@ace or for$et!!!I was wei$hed and fond npardonabl#wantin$ becase m# mind was at the same moment in the $rip

    of lst!Mohandas and Kastrba had for more children% all

    sons &arilal% born in 1888F Manilal% born in 1892F amdas% born

    in 189>F and evdas% born in 1955!

    In *ovember 188>% he sat the re$ional matriclation

    e.ams in 0hmedabad% writin$ e.ams in arithmetic% histor#%

    $eo$raph#% natral science% "n$lish and G'arati! &e passed

    with an overall avera$e of 45 percent% ranin$ 454th of 82:

    sccessfl matriclates!In Aanar# 1888% he enrolled at

    /amaldas 3olle$e in Bhavna$ar /tate% then the sole de$ree-

    $rantin$ instittion of hi$her edcation in the re$ion! rin$

    his rst and onl# term there% he s@ered from headaches and

    stron$ feelin$s of homesicness% did ver# poorl# in his e.ams in

    0pril and withdrew from the colle$e at the end of the term%

    retrnin$ to ?orbandar!

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    +rth and /at#a$raha



    *ai +alim% basic edcation

    /wara'% self-rle

    Gandhian economics

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    World War I,ord 3helmsford% the then Dicero# of India% invited Gandhi toelhi at a Ear 3onference! In order to $ain the trst of theempire% Gandhi a$reed to move people to enlist in the arm# forEorld Ear I! &owever% he wrote to the Dicero# and said that heJpersonall# will not ill or in're an#bod#% friend or foeJ!

    Champaran:+he 3hamparan a$itation in Bihar was Gandhis rst activeinvolvement into Indian freedom politics! +he 3hamparanfarmers were bein$ forced to $row Indi$o and were bein$tortred if the# protested! +he farmers so$ht Gandhis helpand thro$h a calclated non-violent protest% Gandhi mana$edto win concessions from the athorit#!

    Khda:Ehen Kheda% a villa$e in G'arat% was badl# hit b# oods% thelocal farmers appealed to the rlers to waive o@ the!&ere% Gandhi started a si$natre campai$n where peasantspled$ed non-pa#ment of! &e also arran$ed a socialbo#cott of the mamlatdars and talatdars 7revene o(cials! In1918% the Government rela.ed the conditions of pa#ment ofrevene ta. ntil the famine ended!

    Kh!la"a# $o%mn#:Gandhis inence on the Mslim poplation was remarable!

    +his was evident in his involvement in the Khilafat Movement!0fter the rst Eorld Ear% the Mslims feared for the safet# oftheir 3aliph or reli$ios leader and a worldwide protest wasbein$ or$anised to $ht a$ainst the collapsin$ stats of 3aliph!Gandhi became a prominent spoesperson of the 0ll IndiaMslim 3onference and retrned the medals he had receivedfrom the "mpire drin$ his Indian 0mblance 3orps da#s in

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    /oth 0frica! &is role in the Khilafat made him a national leaderin no time!

    Non&'oopra#!on $o%mn#:Gandhi had realised that the British had been able to be inIndia onl# becase of the co-operation the# received from theIndians! Keepin$ this in mind% he called for a non-cooperationmovement! Eith the 3on$ress spport and his indomitable

    spirit% he convinced people that peacefl non-cooperation wasthe e# to Independence! +he ominos da# of Aallianwala Ba$hMassacre tri$$ered the non-cooperation movement! Gandhi setthe $oal of /wara' or self-$overnance% which since then becamethe motto of Indian freedom movement!

    Sal# $ar'h0lso nown as the andi Movement% Gandhis /alt March is

    considered to be a pivotal incident in the histor# of freedomstr$$le! 0t the 3alctta 3on$ress of 1928% Gandhi declaredthat the British mst $rant India dominion stats or the contr#will erpt into a revoltion for complete independence! +heBritish did not pa# heed to this! 0s a reslt% on ecember :1%1929% the Indian a$ was nfrled in ,ahore and the ne.t

    Aanar# 26 was celebrated as the Indian Independence a#!+hen% Gandhi started a /at#a$raha campai$n a$ainst the saltta. in March 19:5! &e marched :88 ilometres from

    0hmedabad to andi in G'arat to mae salt! +hosands ofpeople 'oined him and made it one of the bi$$est marches inIndian histor#!

    ()!# Ind!a $o%mn#rin$ the /econd Eorld Ear% Gandhi was determined to striethe British "mpire with a denitive blow that wold secre their

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    10/12 from India! +his happened when the British startedrecritin$ Indians for the war! Gandhi protested stron$l# andsaid that the Indians cannot be involved in a war that is infavor of democratic prposes when India itself is not a free

    contr#! +his ar$ment e.posed the two-faced ima$e of thecolonisers and within half a decade% the# were ot of thiscontr#!


  • 7/26/2019 Mahatma Ggfgdgandhi SD


    Change yourself before you wish to see the change

    Mental strength is more important than physical

    Forgiveness is the component of the strong and not of


    Happiness is anything done with harmony

    Peace is within and not affected by outside


    An honest No is better than a dishonest !es

    "oute to goal is as divine as goal itself

    Action speaks the priority

    Never give up and be consistent

    #e become what we think

  • 7/26/2019 Mahatma Ggfgdgandhi SD
