network newsletter - 2015/term 1/19th september...အာ့...

Upper Primary & Secondary 19 th September 2014 Network Newsleer Parent-Teacher Conferences It was wonderful to meet so many of the parents at our parent-teacher conferences in the last couple of weeks. If you were unable to make it to the meeting at that time, please contact your children's teachers to make an appointment for a time that suits you. ၿပီခံေသာသီတငးပါတး မိဘဆရာအစညးအေတျ ငး မိဘမာေၿမာကးမာစျာ တကးေရာကးလာ သညးကို ေတျ႔ရြိရသညးံအတျ ကး မးေၿမာကးမိပါသညး။ အစညးအေပျ ကို မတကးေရာကးခ ံရေသာ မိဘမာအေနၿဖငးံ မိမိကေလ၏ သကးဆုိငးရာ ဆရာဆီသို႕ ဆကးသျ ယး၍ အဆငးေပႏိုငးမညးံအခိနးကိရကးခိနးယူ ေတျ႕ဆဵုႏိုငးပါသညး။ Last Day of Term 1 Friday 3rd October is the last day of Term 1, so will be a half-day only. Students will leave school at: အာကးတိုဘာလ (၃)ရကး (ေသာၾကာေန႔)သညး Term 1 ၏ေနာကးဆဵုေန႕ၿဖစးပါေသာေၾကာငးံ ေန႕တစး ကးသာေကာငးတကးရပါမညး။ ထိ႔ေၾကာငးံ ေကာငးသာမာ၏ ေကာငးချ လိုကး ေကာငးဆငးခိနးမာကို ေဖားပေပလိုကးပါသညး။ Nursery & Foundation 1 @ 12:00 Foundation 2 & Primary 1 to 4 (Bahan) @ 12:15 (the sibling bus will leave Foundation at 11:45 and Bahan at 12:00) Upper Primary and Secondary (Mayangone) @ 12:30 (the sibling bus will leave at 12:00)

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Page 1: Network Newsletter - 2015/Term 1/19th September...အာ့ ထပးမဵထုတးေွသျာ့ဦ့မြာလညး့ ်ဖစးပါသညး။ MIS Football Match—Students

Upper Primary & Secondary 19th September 2014

Network Newsletter

Parent-Teacher Conferences It was wonderful to meet so many of the parents at our parent-teacher

conferences in the last couple of weeks. If you were unable to make it to the

meeting at that time, please contact your children's teachers to make an

appointment for a time that suits you.

ၿပခေသာသတငးပါတး မဘဆရာအစညးအေတျငး မဘမာေၿမာကးမာစျာ တကးေရာကးလာ သညးက ေတျ႔ရြရသညးအတျကး မးေၿမာကးမပါသညး။ အစညးအေပျက မတကးေရာကးခရေသာ မဘမာအေနၿဖငး မမကေလ၏ သကးဆငးရာ ဆရာဆသ႕ ဆကးသျယး၍ အဆငးေပႏငးမညးအခနးက ရကးခနးယ ေတျ႕ဆႏငးပါသညး။

Last Day of Term 1

Friday 3rd October is the last day of Term 1, so will be a half-day only.

Students will leave school at:

ေအာကးတဘာလ (၃)ရကး (ေသာၾကာေန႔)သညး Term 1 ၏ေနာကးဆေန႕ၿဖစးပါေသာေၾကာငး ေန႕တစး


ထ႔ေၾကာငး ေကာငးသာမာ၏ ေကာငးချလကး ေကာငးဆငးခနးမာက ေဖားပေပလကးပါသညး။

Nursery & Foundation 1 @ 12:00

Foundation 2 & Primary 1 to 4 (Bahan) @ 12:15

(the sibling bus will leave Foundation at 11:45 and Bahan at 12:00)

Upper Primary and Secondary (Mayangone) @ 12:30

(the sibling bus will leave at 12:00)

Page 2: Network Newsletter - 2015/Term 1/19th September...အာ့ ထပးမဵထုတးေွသျာ့ဦ့မြာလညး့ ်ဖစးပါသညး။ MIS Football Match—Students

Books in Myanmar language for donation to Myanmar schools

Past - Last year, after the Fundraising day, the students voted to use the money they had raised to publish books in Myanmar language to donate to Myanmar schools. It took a long time for the books to be written, illustrated and published. Finally 1000 copies of each of 10 books were delivered to our school. The student council then made the decision to sell some of this first batch of books at a significant profit. The money thus raised to be used to publish even more copies of the books. Present - Teacher Kyaw Lin Thu and Min Khant (Year 9) are now planning for the distribution of the books to local schools. Students and teachers are again writing books in Myanmar language, suitable for very young readers. Future - The books will be distributed as planned. Next term we will again have a Fundraising Day and the money raised will go towards having even more books published.

ယခငး - ၿပးခသညႏစ၏ Fundraising Day အၿပတျငး ေကာငးသာ/သမာ raised လပးထာေသာအလြေငျမာနြငး မနးမာဘာသာႏြငး ေရသာထာေသာစာအပးထတးလပး၍ မနးမာေကာငးမာသ႕လြဒါနးရနး ဆဖတးခၾကပါသညး။ စာအပး တစးအပးၿဖစးေၿမာကးရနး အတျကး ေရသာၿခငး၊ တညးဖတးၿခငး၊ ထတးလပးၿခငးသညး အခနးအေတားၾကာမငးပါသညး။ သ႕ေသားလညး ေနာကးဆတျငး စာအပး အပးအာ မတ စႏြငး ေကာငး သ႕ ေရာကးရြလာခပါသညး။ Student Council မြ Significant Profit အတျကး ၄ငးစာအပးမာ ထမြ တစးခ႕က ေရာငးခရနးအတျကး ဆဖတးခၿပ ထမြရရြလာေသာ ပကးဆမာ ၿဖငး ေနာကးထပး စာအပးမာကလညး ထပးမထတးေဝသျာမညး ၿဖစးပါသညး။ လကးရြ - ဆရာေကားလငးသႏြငး မငးခနး႕ (Year 9) တ႔သညး ၿမနးမာေကာငးမာအာ ထစာအပးမာက ဖနး႔ေရနးအတျကးအစအစဥးမာ ပလပးေနပါသညး။ ေကာငးသာ/သမာႏြငး ဆရာ/ဆရာမမာမြ ကေလသငယးမာႏြငး သငးေလားမညး မနးမာဘာသာဖငး ေနာကးထပး စာအပးမာက ေရသာေနၾကၿပၿဖစးပါသညး။ ဆကးလကးၿပ - စာအပးမာကစစဥးထာသညးအတငး ဖနး႔ေသျာမညးၿဖစးပါသညး။ ေနာငးလာ မညး စာသငးႏြစးမာတျငးလညး Fundraising day မြ ရရြလာေသာ ပကးဆမာၿဖငး စာအပးမာ အာ ထပးမထတးေသျာဥမြာလညး ဖစးပါသညး။

Page 3: Network Newsletter - 2015/Term 1/19th September...အာ့ ထပးမဵထုတးေွသျာ့ဦ့မြာလညး့ ်ဖစးပါသညး။ MIS Football Match—Students

MIS Football Match—Students Last Tuesday was a very exciting time for us, it was when Network hosted a friendly football match with a football team from MIS (Myanmar International School). It took place in our very own football field in the campus and many students and teachers as well as parents stayed behind to cheer and support our Network Lions. The secondary girls shouted their lungs out during the match and it was reported that they lost their voices the next day. “It was worth it though,” said one of the supporters. It was a match held for upper secondary so only the Year 10 boys played in the match as well as the Year 9 Goalie who saved a dozen potential goals. The match lasted for about half an hour with a few breaks in between. The results were 6:4 and Network won! One of the players later said, “I believe that it was our team spirit and hard work that helped us win the game.” So well done Network Lions, keep up the good work and continue to bring glory to our school.

Nally, Year 9

The House System Since we have started our first semester, the question is “What is different from last year?” Well we have our brand new campus, a proper football field and a big science lab and maybe more projects for the secondary students. What else? Well, the Vertical House System has been added to our school systems. There are four Houses: Sapphires (Yellow House), Diamonds (White House), Rubies (Red House) and Emeralds (Green House), the colours represent our Myanmar flag. Our new sports uniforms come in these four different colours for the secondary students. The students are required to wear them to the house assemblies. We have Head of House (H.O.H) as well as House Captains for each house. Inter-House competitions such as sports matches, maths quizes, public talks and

many exciting activities are held eve-ry alternate Thursday. The Vertical House System is aimed to be an integral part of our ed-ucation, enabling each student to achieve their intellectual, social and emotional potential. This will help improve the students’ personal and academic qualities as there will be a variety of tasks based on their studies, abilities and knowledge. The house system is mainly established within the five attributes : teamwork, lead-ership, sportsmanship, initiative and being principled. All members are en-couraged to try to attain these five

attributes. Another benefit of this system is that there is leadership training for the captains. The other House members can also acquire these skills from their cap-tains. One vital key of this system is that these five attributes are an integral part of the competition between the Houses.

Sophie, Year 9

Page 4: Network Newsletter - 2015/Term 1/19th September...အာ့ ထပးမဵထုတးေွသျာ့ဦ့မြာလညး့ ်ဖစးပါသညး။ MIS Football Match—Students

MIS Football Match—Teachers “No matter win or lose, we’ll walk out of the field with pride.” It wasn’t a very big championship or big football match on 4th September. It was a friendly match between the ISM teachers and our Network teachers. The Network footballers’ fans had already arrived at the ISM middle school football field. I saw some of my secondary friends there to cheer on the match. During the match, we were starting to build up our excitement and the teachers didn’t look nervous at all. They were very active and exactly like our Network’s

tradition says, “team spirit.” The match was quite unusual. Network scored first. We cheered and clapped as hard as we could. The second time Network scored again. The third time, fourth time, fifth time ... up to the THIRTEENTH score! I couldn’t believe it. The score was 13:3.

Min Khant, Year 9

Inter-House Competition on Public Talk Last Thursday, on the 11th September, the Secondary School had the second Inter-House Match of this term, a public talk on the topic of “Teamwork”. There were 5 people from each house to represent their houses to explain the definition of Teamwork to the entire Secondary School. They all had amazing and original ideas to present. The Diamond House did a reality show with some famous celebrities to give examples and reasons of why teamwork is important and can be used in everyday life. Ruby House played a game with the audience and made us realise that when we’re doing something in a group, we have to listen, concentrate and pay full attention or else you won’t be able to get a good result. Sapphires performed a short skit about World War 3, the purpose was to show that Teamwork is used by everyone even politicians and if they do not work together and act selflessly there will be chaos everywhere. Last but not least, the Emerald representatives tried to play a game with us to demonstrated Teamwork but unfortunately it was stopped due to shortage of time, which was quite sad and unfair for the House. The results were out the following day in a mini-puzzle “TE-AM-WO-RK” which later students found out meant that Diamond House came 1st Place, Sapphire House 2nd Place, followed by Ruby House in 3rd Place and Emerald House in 4th Place. Good job everyone!

Adelie and Yadanar, Year 9