

by Hermann Hesse

Siddhartha Rough Summary

Siddhartha lived life as a Brahmin (Hindu priest or teacher) until he became spiritually restless.


He then left home with his friend Govinda to seek a life as an Ascetic (One who lives without worldly pleasures. Possessions, Bounty of food, etc.) hoping that this would answer his spiritual questions and free him from Samsara.


After realizing that Asceticism has kept him as spiritually restless as his previous life, he decides to follow the Buddha, Gotama.


After speaking with the Buddah, he saw that one cannot teach enlightenment and rather than fleeing from Samsara he should embrace it and learn from it.


He left Godvina to live a life of pleasure. He met a woman named Kamala who taught him the ways of love and pleasure, and a merchant, Kamaswami, who taught him the ways of Business.


After realizing that the life of a pleasured merchant has left him without any spiritual fulfillment, Siddhartha leaves and wanders towards a river. Here he thinks about killing himself.


Siddhartha’s thoughts of death are put at rest by a thought of the sound “Om” which is considered holy.


Siddhartha then lives with a ferryman named Vasudeva who teaches him how to learn from the river and the people who cross it.


Kamala, on her way to see the Buddha, is bitten by a snake and dies. She gives her son “young” Siddhartha to his father, Siddhartha the Ferryman.

Young Siddhartha

Young Siddhartha steals Vasudeva and Siddhartha’s money and flees towards the city. Siddhartha understands that he should let him go and learn about life on his own, despite wanting to protect the boy.


Siddhartha listens to the river with Vasudeva and learns that time is an illusion and that all of nature is a cycle.

Vasudeva leaves Siddhartha to find his own peace.


An old Govinda goes to visit the ferryman without realizing that it was his old friend. After finding Siddhartha, Govinda asks to be taught his wisdom.


Siddhartha explains his wisdom to Govinda.

Govinda does not understand what Siddhartha tells him.

Govinda kisses Siddhartha’s forehead and immediately understands and is enlightened.

Check out the link below for another quick review.

Siddhartha - Thug Notes

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