the prophet elijah story

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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“How far can God‟s kindness go when people disobey Him and pray to idols? A good method

which God uses to shows us his mercy is sending prophets on Earth to show us that He is the real God.

One of these prophets was Elijah.


An interesting miracle God made when Elijah was born is that his father Sovac, dreamed that

some men in white clothes were shaking the boys hand and changing his clothes with fire ones . They

were also giving him pear of fire to eat .As a priest, Elijah‟s father he went to Jerusalem to search for

an explanation for his dream. The highest priest said that his son Elijah will be the messenger of God.

Elijah from Tesvi will play a very important part in God‟s world, this was the translation of the



Another miracle God made for Elijah

It was in the time of King Ahab. Ahab was a big heretic and forced his people to worship Baal

an evil idol. The King builds a big temple. Elijah saw this temple and prayed to God. God send him

to try to change King Ahab‟s mind. Elijah tried to warn Ahab about the consequences of his actions. I

Ahab didn‟t listen and the clouds and the sun brought drought. Prophet Elijah left and found his

shelter under a big mountain in a forest near the city. Elijah‟s story is also very fascinating because hewas so blessed that God sent ravens every morning and every evening to bring him bread in the

morning and meat at sunset. God also helped him perform a miracle himself by bringing back to life a

widow s child.


The last miracle going are going to talk about today is the time when Elijah made the King

change his mind about who to worship.


Now, this is the story

Elijah met king Ahab and the king challenged Elijah to a test. Three years had gone without

any rain. Ahab made two pedestals one for Baal and one for God. The challenge was to pray in what

they believed - Baal or God. They prayed for a long time, so that the true God would show them he is

the true one by setting fire to the pedestal they represented. Baal„s Priests started to scream:


“Baal, our god, come help us, set this on fire!” 


…after several attempts the decided to whip themselves but still nothing. After some time

Elijah laughed at their efforts:




“Scream harder maybe you re god it sleeping, or eating or party or maybe he is talking to

somebody else”.


When the sun was almost set Elijah told them:


“Now shut up and stop this. Now it‟s my turn”.


The Prophet gathered the people and told them to pour some water to the Real God s pedestal

three times in a row. After that, he looked at the sky and prayed:


“Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, hear me, your servant, and send fire upon this

sacrifice today so that all these people would know that You alone are God of Israel, and I am your

servant ! Hear me, O Lord, hear me with fire and turn the hearts of these people back to you!” He

had barely finished his prayer and fire dropped from the sky on Elijah ‟s sacrifice.


Then king Ahab repented for his sins and his act of repentance unlocked the sky which had

been without any rain for so long and it finally rained!!!

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