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この遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制による生物の多様性の確保に関する法律の翻訳は、平成十九年法律第八号までの改正(平成19年4月1日施行)について 「法令用語、日英標準対訳辞書 (平成19年3月版)に準拠して作成したものです。」なお、この法令の翻訳は公定訳ではありません。法的効力を有するのは日本語の法令自体であり、翻訳はあくまでその理解を助けるための参考資料です。この翻訳の利用に伴

、 、 、って発生した問題について 一切の責任を負いかねますので 法律上の問題に関しては官報に掲載された日本語の法令を参照してください。This English translation of the Act on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversitythrough Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms has been prepared up to the revisions(

of Act No. 8 of 2007 Effective April 1, 2007 in compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary( ))

March 2007 edition .( )

This is an unofficial translation. Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legaleffect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding ofJapanese laws and regulations.The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of thelegislative material provided in this Web site, or for any consequence resulting from use of theinformation in this Web site. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue ordispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.



Act on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulationson the Use of Living Modified Organisms (Act No. 97 of 2003)


CONTENTS第一章 総則(第一条 第三条)

Chapter 1 General Provisions (Article 1-Article 3)第二章 国内における遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等により生ずる生物多様性影響の防


Chapter 2 Measures to Prevent Adverse Effects on Biological Diversity Caused bythe Use of Living Modified Organisms in Japan

第一節 遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等(第四条 第十一条)

Section 1 Type 1 Use of Living Modified Organisms (Article 4-Article 11)第二節 遺伝子組換え生物等の第二種使用等(第十二条 第十五条)

Section 2 Type 2 Use of Living Modified Organisms (Article 12-Article 15)第三節 生物検査(第十六条 第二十四条)

Section 3 Testing of Organisms (Article 16-Article 24)第四節 情報の提供(第二十五条・第二十六条)

Section 4 Provision of Information (Article 25 and Article 26)第三章 輸出に関する措置(第二十七条 第二十九条)

Chapter 3 Measures Concerning Export (Article 27-Article 29)第四章 雑則(第三十条 第三十七条)

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Chapter 4 Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 30-Article 37)第五章 罰則(第三十八条 第四十八条)

Chapter 5 Penal Provisions (Article 38-Article 48)附則

Supplementary Provisions


sChapter I General Provision

第一条 (目的)

(Purpose)Article 1この法律は、国際的に協力して生物の多様性の確保を図るため、遺伝子組換え生物等の使


関するカルタヘナ議定書(以下「議定書」という )の的確かつ円滑な実施を確保し、もって。



This Act shall have the purpose of ensuring the precise and smooth implementation ofthe Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity(hereinafter referred to as “the Protocol"), thereby contributing to the welfare ofhumankind and helping to assure healthy cultural lives for the people now and in thefuture, by devising measures to regulate the use of living modified organisms in order forthe conservation and the sustainable use of biological diversity through internationalcooperation.

第二条 (定義)

Definitions)Article 2 (1 この法律において「生物」とは、一の細胞(細胞群を構成しているものを除く )又は細。



(1) In this Act, “organism” shall mean a single cell (excluding a single cell forming a cellcolony) or a cell colony which is stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministriesas having the capacity to transfer or replicate nucleic acid, and viruses and viroids.

2 この法律において「遺伝子組換え生物等」とは、次に掲げる技術の利用により得られた核


(2) In this Act, “living modified organism” shall mean an organism that possesses nucleicacid, or a replicated product thereof, obtained through use of the any of the followingtechnologies.一 細胞外において核酸を加工する技術であって主務省令で定めるもの

(i) Those technologies as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, forthe processing of nucleic acid extracellularly

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二 異なる分類学上の科に属する生物の細胞を融合する技術であって主務省令で定めるも

(ii) Those technologies, as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, forfusing of the cells of organisms belonging to different taxonomical families

3 この法律において「使用等」とは、食用、飼料用その他の用に供するための使用、栽培そ


(3) In this Act, “use” shall mean use for provision as food, animal feed or other purposes,cultivation and other growing, processing, storage, transportation and disposal, andother acts attendant with these.

4 この法律において「生物の多様性」とは、生物の多様性に関する条約第二条に規定する生


(4) In this Act, “biological diversity” shall mean biological diversity as provided for inArticle 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

5 この法律において「第一種使用等」とは、次項に規定する措置を執らないで行う使用等を


(5) In this Act, “Type 1 Use” shall mean use not subject to taking the measures providedfor in the following paragraph.

6 この法律において「第二種使用等」とは、施設、設備その他の構造物(以下「施設等」と

いう )の外の大気、水又は土壌中への遺伝子組換え生物等の拡散を防止する意図をもって。



(6) In this Act, “Type 2 Use” shall mean use undertaken with the intention of preventingthe dispersal of living modified organisms into the air, water or soil outside facilities,equipment or other structures (hereinafter referred to as “Facilities") in accordancewith measures specifying this fact or other measures stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries.

7 この法律において「拡散防止措置」とは、遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等に当たって、施設



(7) In this Act, “containment measures” shall mean measures taken to prevent thedispersal of living modified organisms into the air, water or soil outside Facilities whenusing living modified organisms by making use of Facilities or by another necessarymethod.

第三条 (基本的事項の公表)

Announcement of Basic Matters)Article 3 (主務大臣は、議定書の的確かつ円滑な実施を図るため、次に掲げる事項(以下「基本的事

項」という )を定めて公表するものとする。これを変更したときも、同様とする。。

The competent minister shall stipulate and publicly announce the matters set forthbelow (hereinafter referred to as “Basic Matters") to ensure the precise and smooth

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implementation of the Protocol. The same shall apply whenever such matters arechanged.一 遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等により生ずる影響であって、生物の多様性を損なうおそ

れのあるもの(以下「生物多様性影響」という )を防止するための施策の実施に関する。


(i) Basic matters concerning the implementation of measures designed to preventadverse effects that are caused by the use of living modified organisms and posingunacceptable risks that impair biological diversity (hereinafter referred to as“Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity")

二 遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等をする者がその行為を適正に行うために配慮しなければ


(ii) Basic matters that have to be taken into account by a person who makes use ofliving modified organisms in order to undertake such acts properly

三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等が適正に行われることを確


(iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items, important mattersdesigned to ensure that the use of living modified organisms is undertaken properly



Chapter II Measures to Prevent Adverse Effects on Biological Diversity Caused bythe Use of Living Modified Organisms in Japan


Section 1 Type 1 Use of Living Modified Organisms

第四条 (遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等に係る第一種使用規程の承認)

Article 4 (Approval of Type 1 Use Regulations Concerning Type 1 Use of Living ModifiedOrganisms)

1 遺伝子組換え生物等を作成し又は輸入して第一種使用等をしようとする者その他の遺伝子


第一種使用等に関する規程(以下「第一種使用規程」という )を定め、これにつき主務大。



(以下「特定遺伝子組換え生物等」という )の第一種使用等をしようとする場合、この項。


(第九条第四項において準用する場合を含む )の規定に基づき主務大臣により変更された。



(1) A person who wishes to create or import and make Type 1 Use of living modified

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organisms or other persons who wish to make Type 1 Use of living modified organismsmust stipulate regulations for said Type 1 Use for each type of living modifiedorganism (hereinafter referred to as “Type 1 Use Regulations"), and must obtain theapproval of the competent minister for the same, provided, however, that this shall notapply when wishing to make Type 1 Use of living modified organisms which, by virtueof their properties or other features, are designated by the competent minister asorganisms that clearly cause no Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity due to Type 1Use (hereinafter referred to as “Specified Living Modified Organisms"), or whenwishing to make Type 1 Use as stipulated in Type 1 Use Regulations for which theapproval of the competent minister has been obtained under the provisions of thisparagraph or Article 9 paragraph 1 [or, in the case of Type 1 Use Regulations thathave been altered by the competent minister under the provisions of Article 7paragraph 1 (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article9 paragraph 4), said Type 1 Use Regulations after alteration], or in other casesstipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.

2 前項の承認を受けようとする者は、遺伝子組換え生物等の種類ごとにその第一種使用等に


( 「 」 。) 、した図書 以下 生物多様性影響評価書 という その他主務省令で定める書類とともに


(2) A person who wishes to obtain the approval in the preceding paragraph must assessthe Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity caused by the Type 1 Use of each type ofliving modified organism as stipulated by the competent minister, and must submit tothe competent minister an application form detailing the following matters, togetherwith a document detailing the results of this assessment (hereinafter referred to as“Biological Diversity Risk Assessment Report") and other documents stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries.一 氏名及び住所(法人にあっては、その名称、代表者の氏名及び主たる事務所の所在地。

第十三条第二項第一号及び第十八条第四項第二号において同じ )。

(i) Name and address (or, in the case of a corporation, its name, the name of itsrepresentative and the address of its main office; the same shall also apply in Article13 paragraph 2 item 1 and Article 18 paragraph 4 item 2)

二 第一種使用規程

(ii) The Type 1 Use Regulations、 、 。3 第一種使用規程は 主務省令で定めるところにより 次の事項について定めるものとする

(3) Type 1 Use Regulations shall stipulate the following matters, as stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries.一 遺伝子組換え生物等の種類の名称

(i) Names of types of living modified organisms二 遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等の内容及び方法

(ii) Content and method of Type 1 Use of living modified organisms

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4 主務大臣は、第一項の承認の申請があった場合には、主務省令で定めるところにより、当


(以下「学識経験者」という )の意見を聴かなければならない。。

(4) The competent minister must, on receiving an application for approval in paragraph 1,consult persons with specialized knowledge and experience concerning Adverse Effecton Biological Diversity (hereinafter referred to as “Experts") with regard to the Type 1Use Regulations pertaining to the said application, as stipulated in the ordinance ofthe competent ministries.

5 主務大臣は、前項の規定により学識経験者から聴取した意見の内容及び基本的事項に照ら




(5) The competent minister must, when recognizing that no adverse effect that could posean unacceptable risk of impairment to the preservation of species or populations of wildfauna or flora or any other Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity could arise whenmaking Type 1 Use in accordance with the Type 1 Use Regulations pertaining to anapplication for approval in paragraph 1, give approval for said Type 1 Use Regulations,taking account of the content of consultation with Experts under the provisions of thepreceding paragraph and the Basic Matters.

6 第四項の規定により意見を求められた学識経験者は、第一項の承認の申請に係る第一種使



(6) Experts who have been consulted under the provisions of paragraph 4 may not divulgeor appropriate secrets gleaned concerning Type 1 Use Regulations pertaining to anapplication for approval in paragraph 1 or the Biological Diversity Risk AssessmentReport thereof.

7 前各項に規定するもののほか、第一項の承認に関して必要な事項は、主務省令で定める。

(7) Besides those provided for in the preceding paragraphs, necessary matters concerningthe approval in paragraph 1 shall be stipulated in the ordinance of the competentministries.

第五条 (第一種使用規程の修正等)

Article 5 (Amendment of Type 1 Use Regulations)1 前条第一項の承認の申請に係る第一種使用規程に従って第一種使用等をする場合に生物多





(1) When the competent minister recognizes that Adverse Effect on Biological Diversitycould arise from Type 1 Use made in accordance with the Type 1 Use Regulations

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pertaining to an application for approval in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, thecompetent minister must instruct the applicant, as stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries, to amend said Type 1 Use Regulations, provided, however, thatthis shall not apply when the Type 1 Use of living modified organisms pertaining tosaid Type 1 Use Regulations is acknowledged as inappropriate.

2 前項の規定による指示を受けた者が、主務大臣が定める期間内にその指示に基づき第一種


(2) If a person who has received instructions under the provisions of the precedingparagraph does not amended Type 1 Use Regulations based on said instructions withinthe time limit stipulated by the competent minister, the competent minister shall rejectthat person s application for approval.’

3 第一項ただし書に規定する場合においては、主務大臣は、その承認を拒否しなければなら


(3) In the case provided for in the proviso to paragraph 1, the competent minister mustrefuse said approval.

第六条 (承認取得者の義務等)

Article 6 (Obligations of Approval Recipient)1 第四条第一項の承認を受けた者(次項において「承認取得者」という )は、同条第二項。



(1) A person who has obtained the approval in Article 4 paragraph 1 (referred to as“Approval Recipient” in the following paragraph) must, when a change has occurred inthe matters listed in paragraph 2 item 1 of the same Article, notify the competentminister to that effect with the reason in writing, as stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries.

2 主務大臣は、次条第一項の規定に基づく第一種使用規程の変更又は廃止を検討しようとす



(2) The competent minister may, when wishing to study changes to or the abolition ofType 1 Use Regulations under the provisions of paragraph 1 of the following Article orwhen otherwise necessary to gather information concerning said Type 1 UseRegulations, seek the provision of necessary information from the Approval Recipientpertaining to said Type 1 Use Regulations.

第七条 (承認した第一種使用規程の変更等)

Article 7 (Changes to Approved Type 1 Use Regulations)1 主務大臣は、第四条第一項の承認の時には予想することができなかった環境の変化又は同



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(1) The competent minister must, when it has come to be recognized that, due toenvironmental changes that could not have been foreseen at the time of the approval inArticle 4 paragraph 1 or the progress of scientific knowledge after the date of saidapproval, there exists a risk that an Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity could ariseeven when Type 1 Use of living modified organisms is made in accordance with theType 1 Use Regulations for which the approval has been obtained, change or abolishsaid Type 1 Use Regulations to the extent necessary to prevent such Adverse Effect onBiological Diversity.

、 、 、2 主務大臣は 前項の規定による変更又は廃止については 主務省令で定めるところにより


(2) The competent minister shall consult Experts in advance, as stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries, concerning changes or abolition under theprovisions of the preceding paragraph.

3 前項の規定により意見を求められた学識経験者は、第一項の規定による変更又は廃止に係



(3) Experts who have been consulted under the provisions of the preceding paragraphmay not divulge or appropriate secrets gleaned concerning Type 1 Use Regulationspertaining to changes or abolition under the provisions of paragraph 1 or the BiologicalDiversity Risk Assessment Report thereof.

4 前三項に規定するもののほか、第一項の規定による変更又は廃止に関して必要な事項は、


(4) Besides those provided for in the preceding three paragraphs, necessary mattersconcerning changes or abolition under the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be stipulatedin the ordinance of the competent ministries.

第八条 (承認した第一種使用規程等の公表)

Article 8 (Announcement of Approved Type 1 Use Regulations)1 主務大臣は、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、主務省令で定めるところにより、遅滞


(1) The competent minister must make public announcement of the matters stipulated ineach of the following items in accordance with the categories listed in said items, asstipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, without delay.一 第四条第一項の承認をしたとき その旨及び承認された第一種使用規程

(i) When giving the approval in Article 4 paragraph 1: Announcement to that effect andthe approved Type 1 Use Regulations

二 前条第一項の規定により第一種使用規程を変更したとき その旨及び変更後の第一種


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(ii) When changing Type 1 Use Regulations under the provisions of paragraph 1 of thepreceding Article: Announcement to that effect and the Type 1 Use Regulations afterthe change

三 前条第一項の規定により第一種使用規程を廃止したとき その旨

(iii) When abolishing Type 1 Use Regulations under the provisions of paragraph 1 ofthe preceding Article: Announcement to that effect

2 前項の規定による公表は、告示により行うものとする。

(2) Announcement under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made bypublic notice.

第九条 (本邦への輸出者等に係る第一種使用規程についての承認)

Article 9 (Approval of Type 1 Use Regulations Pertaining to Exporters to Japan)1 遺伝子組換え生物等を本邦に輸出して他の者に第一種使用等をさせようとする者その他の




(1) A person who wishes to export living modified organisms to Japan and cause otherpersons to make Type 1 Use thereof, or other persons who wish to cause other personsto make Type 1 Use of living modified organisms may, as stipulated in the ordinance ofthe competent ministries, determine Type 1 Use Regulations for each type of livingmodified organism and obtain the approval of the competent minister thereto.

2 前項の承認を受けようとする者が本邦内に住所(法人にあっては、その主たる事務所。以

下この項及び第四項において同じ )を有する者以外の者である場合には、その者は、本邦。




(2) A person who wishes to obtain the approval in the preceding paragraph must, whenthat person does not have an address (or, in the case of a corporation, its main office;hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and in paragraph 4) in Japan,appoint, from among persons who have an address in Japan or other persons stipulatedin the ordinance of the competent ministries, a person to whom necessary measuresshall be entrusted to ensure the proper use of living modified organisms in Japan,when applying for said approval.

3 前項の規定により選任を行った者は、同項の規定により選任した者(以下「国内管理人」

という )を変更したときは、その理由を付してその旨を主務大臣に届け出なければならな。


(3) A person who has made an appointment under the provisions of the precedingparagraph must, when changing the person appointed under the provisions of the saidparagraph (hereinafter referred to as “Domestic Administrator"), notify the competentminister to that effect with the reason.

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4 第四条第二項から第七項まで、第五条及び前条の規定は第一項の承認について、第六条の








(4) The provisions of Article 4 paragraph 2 to paragraph 7, Article 5 and the precedingArticle shall apply mutatis mutandis to the approval in paragraph 1, the provisions ofArticle 6 to a person who has obtained the approval in paragraph 1 (or, when thatperson does not have an address in Japan, the Domestic Administrator pertaining tothat person), and the provisions of Article 7 to Type 1 Use Regulations approved underthe provisions of paragraph 1. In these cases, the term “Name and address” in Article 4paragraph 2 item 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with “Name and address of theperson who wishes to obtain the approval in Article 9 paragraph 1 and, when thatperson does not have an address (or, in the case of a corporation, its main office) inJapan, of a person appointed under the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article",and the term “Article 4 paragraph 1” in Article 7 paragraph 1 shall be deemed to bereplaced with “Article 9 paragraph 1".

第十条 (第一種使用等に関する措置命令)

Article 10 (Orders for Measures Concerning Type 1 Use)、 、1 主務大臣は 第四条第一項の規定に違反して遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等をした者



(1) The competent minister may order a person who has made or is making Type 1 Use ofliving modified organisms in violation of the provisions of Article 4 paragraph 1 to takesteps to recall living modified organisms or to take other necessary measures, withinthe limits necessary to prevent Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity.

2 主務大臣は、第七条第一項(前条第四項において準用する場合を含む )に規定する場合。


ると認めるとき(次条第一項に規定する場合を除く )は、生物多様性影響を防止するため。


又はさせた者(特に緊急の必要があると認める場合においては、国内管理人を含む )に対。



(2) The competent minister may, when recognizing urgency to be necessary in order toprevent Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity (except as provided for in paragraph 1 ofthe following Article) in the cases provided for in Article 7 paragraph 1 (including the

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cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph 4 of the precedingArticle) or when other exceptional circumstances have arisen, order a person who ismaking, has made, or has caused another person to make Type 1 Use of living modifiedorganisms (and, in cases recognized to require particular urgency, including theDomestic Administrator) to suspend said Type 1 Use or take other necessary measures,within the limits necessary to prevent Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity.

第十一条 (第一種使用等に関する事故時の措置)

Article 11 (Measures in the Event of Accidents Concerning Type 1 Use)1 遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等をしている者は、事故の発生により当該遺伝子組換え





(1) A person who is making Type 1 Use of living modified organisms must, when nolonger able to comply with the approved Type 1 Use Regulations concerning said livingmodified organisms due to the occurrence of an accident, and when an Adverse Effecton Biological Diversity could arise, immediately take emergency measures to preventAdverse Effect on Biological Diversity, as well as promptly notifying the competentminister of the situation of said accident and the outline of the measures taken.

2 主務大臣は、前項に規定する者が同項の応急の措置を執っていないと認めるときは、その


(2) The competent minister may, when recognizing that the person provided for in thepreceding paragraph has not taken the emergency measures listed in the saidparagraph, order said person to take emergency measures as provided for in the saidparagraph.

第二節 遺伝子組換え生物等の第二種使用等

Section 2 Type 2 Use of Living Modified Organisms

第十二条 (主務省令で定める拡散防止措置の実施)

Article 12 Implementation of Containment Measures Stipulated in Ordinance of the(

Competent Ministries)遺伝子組換え生物等の第二種使用等をする者は、当該第二種使用等に当たって執るべき拡



A person who makes Type 2 Use of living modified organisms must, when containmentmeasures to be taken in connection with said Type 2 Use are stipulated in the ordinanceof the competent ministries, take said containment measures during the period of saiduse.

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第十三条 (確認を受けた拡散防止措置の実施)

Article 13 (Implementation of Confirmed Containment Measures)1 遺伝子組換え生物等の第二種使用等をする者は、前条の主務省令により当該第二種使用等


二種使用等をする場合その他主務省令で定める場合を除く )には、その使用等をする間、。


(1) A person who makes Type 2 Use of living modified organisms must, whencontainment measures to be taken in connection with said Type 2 Use are notstipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries in the preceding Article (exceptwhen making Type 2 Use of Specified Living Modified Organisms or when otherwisestipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries), take containment measuresconfirmed in advance by the competent minister during the period of said use.

、 、 。2 前項の確認の申請は 次の事項を記載した申請書を提出して これをしなければならない

(2) Application for the confirmation in the preceding paragraph must be made bysubmitting an application form detailing the following matters.一 氏名及び住所

(i) Name and address二 第二種使用等の対象となる遺伝子組換え生物等の特性

(ii) Properties of living modified organisms to be subject to Type 2 Use三 第二種使用等において執る拡散防止措置

(iii) Containment measures to be taken in Type 2 Use四 前三号に掲げるもののほか、主務省令で定める事項

(iv) In addition to what is listed in the preceding three items, matters stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries

3 前二項に規定するもののほか、第一項の確認に関して必要な事項は、主務省令で定める。

(3) Besides those provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, necessary mattersconcerning the confirmation in paragraph 1 shall be stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries.

第十四条 (第二種使用等に関する措置命令)

Article 14 (Orders for Measures Concerning Type 2 Use)1 主務大臣は、第十二条又は前条第一項の規定に違反して第二種使用等をしている者、又は



(1) The competent minister may order a person who has made or is making Type 2 Use ofliving modified organisms in violation of the provisions of Article 12 or paragraph 1 ofthe preceding Article to take containment measures stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries in Article 12, or to take other necessary measures.

2 主務大臣は、第十二条の主務省令の制定又は前条第一項の確認の日以降における遺伝子組

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(2) The competent minister may, when it has come to be recognized that, due to theprogress of scientific knowledge concerning living modified organisms after the date ofestablishment of the ordinance of the competent ministries in Article 12 or theconfirmation in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, urgency is necessary in order toprevent dispersal of living modified organisms outside Facilities, order a person who ismaking or has made Type 2 Use with containment measures stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries in Article 12, or a person who has received theconfirmation in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, to take measures to improve saidcontainment measures or to take other necessary measures.

第十五条 (第二種使用等に関する事故時の措置)

Article 15 (Measures in the Event of Accidents Concerning Type 2 Use)1 遺伝子組換え生物等の第二種使用等をしている者は、拡散防止措置に係る施設等において





(1) A person who is making Type 2 Use of living modified organisms must, whenbreakage or other accident has occurred in Facilities pertaining to containmentmeasures, and when no longer able to take containment measures stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries in Article 12 or the containment measuressubject to the confirmation in Article 13 paragraph 1 with respect to said livingmodified organisms, immediately take emergency measures against said accident, aswell as promptly notifying the competent minister of the situation of said accident andthe outline of the measures taken.

2 主務大臣は、前項に規定する者が同項の応急の措置を執っていないと認めるときは、その


(2) The competent minister may, when recognizing that the person provided for in thepreceding paragraph has not taken the emergency measures listed in the saidparagraph, order said person to take emergency measures as provided for in the saidparagraph.

第三節 生物検査

Section 3 Testing of Organisms

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第十六条 (輸入の届出)

Article 16 (Notification of Import)生産地の事情その他の事情からみて、その使用等により生物多様性影響が生ずるおそれが





When there is a high likelihood that living modified organisms that could not beconsidered not to give rise to Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity are imported withoutknowledge of that fact, in view of the situation of the producing area or othercircumstances, or when corresponding to other similar cases, that have been designatedby the competent minister, a person who wishes to make imports pertaining to thedesignation must notify the competent minister to that effect on each occasion, asstipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.

第十七条 (生物検査命令)

Article 17 (Order for Testing of Organisms)1 主務大臣は、主務省令で定めるところにより、前条の規定による届出をした者に対し、そ

( 「 」 。) 、の者が行う輸入に係る生物 第三項及び第五項において 検査対象生物 という につき

主務大臣又は主務大臣の登録を受けた者(以下「登録検査機関」という )から、同条の指。


という )を受けるべきことを命ずることができる。。

(1) The competent minister may order a person who has made notification under theprovisions of the preceding Article to undergo testing of organisms pertaining to importby that person (referred to in paragraph 3 and paragraph 5 as “Organisms Subject toTesting"), by the competent minister or a person registered by the competent minister(hereinafter referred to as “Registered Inspection Body"), to identify whether they arethe living modified organisms that were subject to the designation in the same Article(hereinafter referred to as “Testing of Organisms"), as stipulated in the ordinance ofthe competent ministries.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定による命令は、前条の規定による届出を受けた後直ちにしなけれ


(2) When the competent minister issues an order under the provisions of the precedingparagraph, the minister must do so immediately after receiving notification under theprovisions of the preceding Article.

3 第一項の規定による命令を受けた者は、生物検査を受け、その結果についての通知を受け




(3) Until undergoing Testing of Organisms and receiving notification of the results

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thereof, a person who has received an order under the provisions of paragraph 1 mustuse the Organisms Subject to Testing based on the conditions designated by thecompetent minister including the use of Facilities, and shall not transfer or supplyOrganisms Subject to Testing.

4 前項の通知であって登録検査機関がするものは、主務大臣を経由してするものとする。

(4) When the notification in the preceding paragraph is made by a Registered InspectionBody, it shall be made via the competent minister.

5 主務大臣は、第三項に規定する者が同項の規定に違反していると認めるときは、その者に



(5) The competent minister may, when recognizing that a person as provided for inparagraph 3 has violated the provisions of the said paragraph, order that person to useOrganisms Subject to Testing based on the conditions in the said paragraph or takeother necessary measures.

第十八条 (登録検査機関)

Article 18 (Registered Inspection Body)1 前条第一項の登録(以下この節において「登録」という )は、生物検査を行おうとする。


(1) The registration in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article (hereinafter in this Sectionreferred to as “Registration") shall be carried out following an application from aperson who wishes to undertake Testing of Organisms.

2 次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、登録を受けることができない。

(2) A person who falls under any of the following items may not receive Registration.一 この法律に規定する罪を犯して刑に処せられ、その執行を終わり、又はその執行を受


(i) A person who has committed an offense and received a sentence for punishment asprovided for in this Act, when less than 2 years have passed since the date ofcompletion or rescission of that sentence.

二 第二十一条第四項又は第五項の規定により登録を取り消され、その取消しの日から起


(ii) A person whose Registration has been cancelled under the provisions of Article 21paragraph 4 or paragraph 5, when less than 2 years have passed since the date ofthat cancellation.

三 法人であって、その業務を行う役員のうちに前二号のいずれかに該当する者があるこ


(iii) A corporation whose officers engaged in the business thereof fall under any of thepreceding two items.

3 主務大臣は、登録の申請をした者(以下この項において「登録申請者」という )が次の。


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(3) The competent minister must grant Registration when the person who has applied forsaid Registration (hereinafter in this paragraph referred to as “Applicant") satisfies allof the following items. In such cases, the procedures needed for Registration shall bestipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.一 凍結乾燥器、粉砕機、天びん、遠心分離機、分光光度計、核酸増幅器及び電気泳動装


(i) That the Applicant possesses a freeze-drying device, pulverizer, weighing scales,centrifugal separation device, spectrophotometer, nucleic acid amplifier andelectrophoretic apparatus.

二 次のいずれかに該当する者が生物検査を実施し、その人数が生物検査を行う事業所ご


(ii) That Testing of Organisms is implemented by persons who fall under any of thefollowing clauses, of whom there are 2 or more per place of business undertakingTesting of Organisms.イ 学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)に基づく大学(短期大学を除く 、旧。)






Persons who have graduated from a university (excluding junior colleges) based(a)

on the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947), a university based on the formerUniversities Edict (Edict No. 388 of 1918) or a vocational college based on theformer Vocational Colleges Edict (Edict No. 61 of 1903) by completing a course inmedicine, dentistry, pharmacology, veterinarian medicine, animal science, fisheriesscience, agricultural chemistry, applied chemistry or biology, or a courseequivalent to these, and have experience of engaging in the work of molecularbiological testing for one year or more.

ロ 学校教育法に基づく短期大学又は高等専門学校において工業化学若しくは生物学の



(b) Persons who have graduated from a junior college or vocational high school basedon the School Education Act by completing a course in industrial chemistry orbiology, or a course equivalent to these, and have experience of engaging in thework of molecular biological testing for three years or more.

ハ イ及びロに掲げる者と同等以上の知識経験を有する者であること。

(c) Persons who have knowledge and experience equal to or greater than the personsdefined in (a) and (b).

三 登録申請者が、業として遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等をし、又は遺伝子組換え生物等

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等」という )に支配されているものとして次のいずれかに該当するものでないこと。。

(iii) That the Applicant does not fall under any of the following clauses as beingcontrolled by a person who, as a business, makes use of living modified organisms ortransfers or supplies living modified organisms (hereinafter in this item referred toas “Living Modified Organism Using Business").イ 登録申請者が株式会社である場合にあっては、遺伝子組換え生物使用業者等がその


人をいう )であること。。

(a) When the Applicant is a business corporation, that a Living Modified OrganismUsing Business is its parent company [referring to parent companies under Article879 paragraph 1 of the Company Act (Act No. 86 of 2005)].

ロ 登録申請者の役員(持分会社(会社法第五百七十五条第一項に規定する持分会社を

いう )にあっては、業務を執行する社員)に占める遺伝子組換え生物使用業者等の役。


者を含む )の割合が二分の一を超えていること。。

(b) That more than half of the officers of the Applicant [or, in the case of apartnership or joint stock limited partnership (referring to a partnership or jointstock limited partnership under Article 575 paragraph 1 of the Company Act),managing member] are officers or staff of a Living Modified Organism UsingBusiness (including persons who were officers or staff of that Living ModifiedOrganism Using Business within the last two years).

ハ 登録申請者(法人にあっては、その代表権を有する役員)が、遺伝子組換え生物使


職員であった者を含む )であること。。

(c) That the Applicant (or, in the case of a corporation, an officer with representationpower) is an officer or staff member of a Living Modified Organism Using Business(including persons who were officers or staff of that Living Modified OrganismUsing Business within the last two years).

4 登録は、登録検査機関登録簿に次に掲げる事項を記載してするものとする。

(4) Registration shall be implemented by detailing the matters listed below in a Registryof Registered Inspection Bodies.一 登録の年月日及び番号

(i) Date and number of Registration二 登録を受けた者の氏名及び住所

(ii) Name and address of the person who received Registration三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、主務省令で定める事項

(iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items, matters stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries

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第十九条 (遵守事項等)

Article 19 (Observance, etc.)1 登録検査機関は、生物検査を実施することを求められたときは、正当な理由がある場合を


(1) A Registered Inspection Body must, when requested to implement Testing ofOrganisms, implement said Testing of Organisms without delay, except when there arejustifiable reasons for not doing so.

2 登録検査機関は、公正に、かつ、主務省令で定める方法により生物検査を実施しなければ


(2) A Registered Inspection Body must implement Testing of Organisms fairly, and usinga method stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.

3 登録検査機関は、生物検査を実施する事業所の所在地を変更しようとするときは、変更し


(3) A Registered Inspection Body must, when wishing to change the address of the placeof business implementing Testing of Organisms, notify the competent minister no lessthan 2 weeks before the scheduled date of the change.

4 登録検査機関は、その生物検査の業務の開始前に、主務省令で定めるところにより、その



(4) A Registered Inspection Body must, before starting the work of Testing of Organisms,determine regulations concerning the implementation of said work of Testing ofOrganisms, as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, and obtain theapproval of the competent minister thereto. The same shall apply when wishing tochange these.

5 登録検査機関は、毎事業年度経過後三月以内に、その事業年度の財産目録、貸借対照表及




。) 。 「 」おいて同じ の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む 以下 財務諸表等

という )を作成し、五年間事業所に備えて置かなければならない。。

(5) A Registered Inspection Body must, no more than 3 months after the end of eachbusiness year, prepare an inventory of property, balance sheet, and profit and lossstatement or statement of income and expenditure for the business year in question, aswell as a business report [including electromagnetic records when these are preparedin place of the above (referring to records that are prepared using an electronic method,a magnetic method, or another method that cannot be recognized by human perception,and which are provided for data processing by a computer; hereinafter the same shallapply in this paragraph and the following paragraph); hereinafter referred to as“Financial Statements"], which must be filed for 5 years at the place of business.

6 生物検査を受けようとする者その他の利害関係人は、登録検査機関の業務時間内は、いつ

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(6) A person who wishes to undergo Testing of Organisms or other interested personsmay request the matters listed in the following, at any time within the working hoursof the Registered Inspection Body, provided, however, that when requesting thematters in item 2 or item 4, a fee determined by the Registered Inspection Body mustbe paid.一 財務諸表等が書面をもって作成されているときは、当該書面の閲覧又は謄写の請求

(i) When Financial Statements have been prepared in the form of documents, a requestfor inspection or copies of said documents

二 前号の書面の謄本又は抄本の請求

(ii) A request for transcripts of or extracts from the documents in the preceding item三 財務諸表等が電磁的記録をもって作成されているときは、当該電磁的記録に記録され


(iii) When Financial Statements have been prepared in the form of electromagneticrecords, a request for inspection or copy of the matters recorded in saidelectromagnetic records displayed using a method stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries

四 前号の電磁的記録に記録された事項を電磁的方法であって主務省令で定めるものによ


(iv) A request for provision of the matters recorded in the electromagnetic records inthe preceding item using a electromagnetic method that is stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries, or a request for the issue of a documentdetailing said matters

7 登録検査機関は、主務省令で定めるところにより、帳簿を備え、生物検査に関し主務省令


(7) A Registered Inspection Body must, as stipulated in the ordinance of the competentministries, prepare books and filing matters stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries in connection with Testing of Organisms.

8 登録検査機関は、主務大臣の許可を受けなければ、その生物検査の業務の全部又は一部を


(8) A Registered Inspection Body may not, without permission from the competentminister, suspend or discontinue all or part of its work of Testing of Organisms.

第二十条 (秘密保持義務等)

Article 20 (Obligation to Maintain Confidentiality)1 登録検査機関の役員若しくは職員又はこれらの職にあった者は、その生物検査に関し知り


(1) The present or former officers or staff of a Registered Inspection Body shall notdivulge secrets gleaned concerning the Testing of Organisms.

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2 生物検査に従事する登録検査機関の役員又は職員は、刑法(明治四十年法律第四十五号)


(2) The officers or staff of a Registered Inspection Body engaged in Testing of Organismsshall be regarded as staff engaged in public service by act, with respect to theapplication of the Penal Code (Code No. 45 of 1907) or other penal provisions.

第二十一条 (適合命令等)

Article 21 (Orders for Compliance)1 主務大臣は、登録検査機関が第十八条第三項各号のいずれかに適合しなくなったと認める



(1) The competent minister may, when recognizing that a Registered Inspection Body isno longer in compliance with any of the items of Article 18 paragraph 3, order saidRegistered Inspection Body to take necessary measures to comply with the provisionsthereof.

2 主務大臣は、登録検査機関が第十九条第一項若しくは第二項の規定に違反していると認め




(2) The competent minister may, when recognizing that a Registered Inspection Body isin violation of the provisions of Article 19 paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, or whenrecognizing that the details entered in the notification in Article 17 paragraph 3 madeby a Registered Inspection Body are not appropriate, order said Registered InspectionBody to implement Testing of Organisms or take necessary measures to improve themethod of Testing of Organisms or other work methods.

3 主務大臣は、第十九条第四項の規程が生物検査の公正な実施上不適当となったと認めると


(3) The competent minister may, when recognizing that the regulations in Article 19paragraph 4 are no longer appropriate in terms of the fair implementation of Testing ofOrganisms, order those regulations to be changed.

、 、4 主務大臣は 登録検査機関が第十八条第二項第一号又は第三号に該当するに至ったときは


(4) The competent minister must cancel Registration when a Registered Inspection Bodyfalls under Article 18 paragraph 2 item 1 or item 3.

、 、 、5 主務大臣は 登録検査機関が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは その登録を取り消し


(5) The competent minister may, when a Registered Inspection Body falls under any ofthe following items, cancel its Registration, or stipulate a period of time and order thework of Testing of Organisms to be suspended in part or in whole.一 第十九条第三項から第五項まで、第七項又は第八項の規定に違反したとき。

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(i) When it has violated the provisions of Article 19 paragraph 3 to paragraph 5,paragraph 7 or paragraph 8.

二 第十九条第四項の規程によらないで生物検査を実施したとき。

(ii) When it has implemented Testing of Organisms not in accordance with theregulations in Article 19 paragraph 4.

三 正当な理由がないのに第十九条第六項各号の規定による請求を拒んだとき。

(iii) When it has, without justifiable reason, refused a request under the provisions ofthe items of Article 19 paragraph 6.

四 第一項から第三項までの規定による命令に違反したとき。

(iv) When it has violated an order under the provisions of paragraph 1 to paragraph 3.五 不正の手段により登録を受けたとき。

(v) When it has received Registration through wrongful means.

第二十二条 (報告徴収及び立入検査)

Article 22 (Report Collection and On-Site Inspections)1 主務大臣は、この節の規定の施行に必要な限度において、登録検査機関に対し、その生物




(1) The competent minister may, within the limits necessary to enforce the provisions ofthis Section, require a Registered Inspection Body to submit reports on its work forTesting of Organisms, or may authorize staff members to enter the office of aRegistered Inspection Body, inspect the books, documents or other necessary propertiesof the Registered Inspection Body, or question relevant persons.

2 前項の規定による立入検査をする職員は、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係者に提示


(2) Staff members conducting on-site inspections under the provisions of the precedingparagraph must carry means of certificate of their status and present the same torelevant persons.

3 第一項の規定による立入検査の権限は、犯罪捜査のために認められたものと解釈してはな


(3) The authority to conduct on-site inspections under the provisions of paragraph 1 shallnot be construed as being permitted for the purpose of criminal investigation.

第二十三条 (公示)

Article 23 (Public Notice)主務大臣は、次に掲げる場合には、その旨を官報に公示しなければならない。

The competent minister must, in any of the cases listed below, make public notice tothat effect in the Official Gazette.一 登録をしたとき。

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(i) When a Registration has been made.二 第十九条第三項の規定による届出があったとき。

(ii) When there has been a notification under the provisions of Article 19 paragraph 3.三 第十九条第八項の許可をしたとき。

(iii) When it has granted the permission in Article 19 paragraph 8.四 第二十一条第四項若しくは第五項の規定により登録を取り消し、又は同項の規定によ


(iv) When it has cancelled Registration under the provisions of Article 21 paragraph 4or paragraph 5, or ordered the work of Testing of Organisms to be suspended in partor in whole under the provisions of the said paragraph.

第二十四条 (手数料)

Article 24 (Fees)1 生物検査を受けようとする者は、実費を勘案して政令で定める額の手数料を国(登録検査


(1) A person who receives Testing of Organisms must pay a fee to the government (or,when a Registered Inspection Body undertakes Testing of Organisms, the RegisteredInspection Body) to the amount stipulated by Cabinet Order, which takes account ofthe actual cost incurred.

2 前項の規定により登録検査機関に納められた手数料は、登録検査機関の収入とする。

(2) Fees paid to a Registered Inspection Body under the provisions of the precedingparagraph shall comprise the revenue of the Registered Inspection Body.

第四節 情報の提供

Section 4 Provision of Information

第二十五条 (適正使用情報)

Article 25 (Information on Proper Use)1 主務大臣は、第四条第一項又は第九条第一項の承認を受けた第一種使用規程に係る遺伝子




を受けてその第一種使用等をする者に提供すべき情報(以下「適正使用情報」という )を。


(1) The competent minister shall, whenever necessary to ensure that Type 1 Use of livingmodified organisms pertaining to Type 1 Use Regulations that have obtained theapproval in Article 4 paragraph 1 or Article 9 paragraph 1 is made properly inaccordance with this Act, stipulate information to be provided by a person who wishesto transfer, or supply, or entrust the Type 1 Use of said living modified organisms to aperson receiving said transfer or supply or receiving entrustment to make said Type 1

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Use (hereinafter referred to as “Information on Proper Use"), or shall change the same.2 主務大臣は、前項の規定により適正使用情報を定め、又はこれを変更したときは、主務省


(2) The competent minister shall, when stipulating Information on Proper Use under theprovisions of the preceding paragraph, or changing the same, make announcement ofthe content thereof, as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, withoutdelay.

3 前項の規定による公表は、告示により行うものとする。

(3) Announcement under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made bypublic notice.

第二十六条 (情報の提供)

Article 26 (Provision of Information)1 遺伝子組換え生物等を譲渡し、若しくは提供し、又は委託して使用等をさせようとする者




(1) A person who wishes to transfer or supply, or entrust living modified organisms shall,as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries, provide Information onProper Use and other information on matters stipulated in the ordinance of thecompetent ministries to a person receiving said transfer or supply, or receivingentrustment to make said Use, in the form of the issue of documents or by othermethods stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定に違反して遺伝子組換え生物等の譲渡若しくは提供又は委託によ





(2) The competent minister may, when living modified organisms have been transferredor supplied, or entrusted for Use in violation of the provisions of the precedingparagraph, and when recognizing that Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity couldarise, order the person who has transferred or supplied, or entrusted for Use of saidliving modified organisms to recall said living modified organisms or take othernecessary measures, within the limits necessary to prevent Adverse Effect on BiologicalDiversity.

第三章 輸出に関する措置

Chapter III Measures Concerning Export

第二十七条 (輸出の通告)

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Article 27 (Notification of Export)遺伝子組換え生物等を輸出しようとする者は、主務省令で定めるところにより、輸入国に


しなければならない ただし 専ら動物のために使用されることが目的とされている医薬品 薬。 、 (


じ )以外の医薬品を輸出する場合その他主務省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。。

A person who wishes to export living modified organisms shall, as stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries, notify the importing country of the names of thetypes of living modified organisms to be exported, and other matters stipulated in theordinance of the competent ministries, provided, however, that this shall not apply whenexporting pharmaceuticals (referring to pharmaceuticals under Article 2 paragraph 1 ofthe Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Act No. 145 of 1960); hereinafter the same shall applyin this Article) other than those whose purpose is solely to be used for animals, and whenotherwise stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries.

第二十八条 (輸出の際の表示)

Article 28 (Indication for Export)遺伝子組換え生物等は、主務省令で定めるところにより、当該遺伝子組換え生物等又はそ




Living modified organisms shall not be exported unless the format of use of said livingmodified organisms and other matters stipulated in the ordinance of the competentministries are indicated on said living modified organisms or their packaging, containeror consignment invoice, as stipulated in the ordinance of the competent ministries. Insuch cases, the provisions of the proviso to the preceding Article shall apply mutatismutandis to export under the provisions of this Article.

第二十九条 (輸出に関する命令)

Article 29 (Orders Concerning Export)主務大臣は、前二条の規定に違反して遺伝子組換え生物等の輸出が行われた場合において、




The competent minister may, when living modified organisms have been exported inviolation of the provisions of the preceding two Articles, and when recognizing thatAdverse Effect on Biological Diversity could arise, order the person who exported saidliving modified organisms to recall said living modified organisms or take other necessarymeasures, within the limits necessary to prevent Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity.

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第四章 雑則

Chapter IV Miscellaneous Provisions

第三十条 (報告徴収)

Article 30 (Collection of Reports)主務大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、遺伝子組換え生物等(遺伝子組換え


おいて同じ )の使用等をしている者、又はした者、遺伝子組換え生物等を譲渡し、又は提供。



The competent minister may, within the limits necessary to enforce this Act, require aperson who is using or has used living modified organisms (including organismssuspected of being living modified organisms; hereinafter the same shall apply in thisArticle, in paragraph 1 of the following Article and in Article 32 paragraph 1), a personwho has transferred or supplied living modified organisms, a Domestic Administrator, aperson who has exported living modified organisms, and other relevant persons to submitreports on the state of implementation of said acts and other necessary matters.

第三十一条 (立入検査等)

Article 31 (On-Site Inspections)1 主務大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、その職員に、遺伝子組換え生物等の






(1) The competent minister may, within the limits necessary to enforce this Act,authorize staff members to enter premises where a person who has used or is usingliving modified organisms, a person who has transferred or supplied living modifiedorganisms, a Domestic Administrator, a person who has exported living modifiedorganisms, and other relevant persons carry out such acts, and other places, toquestion relevant persons, inspect living modified organisms, Facilities, and otherproperties, or collect living modified organisms, at no cost, limited to the minimumamount necessary for inspection.

、 、 、 ( 「 」 。)2 当該職員は 前項の規定による立入り 質問 検査又は収去 以下 立入検査等 という


(2) Said staff members must, when entering, questioning, inspecting or removing underthe provisions of the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as “On-SiteInspections") carry a certificate for identification and produce it to the peopleconcerned.

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3 第一項の規定による立入検査等の権限は、犯罪捜査のため認められたものと解釈してはな


(3) The authority to conduct On-Site Inspections under the provisions of paragraph 1shall not be construed as being permitted for the purpose of criminal investigation.

第三十二条 (センター等による立入検査等)

Article 32 (On-Site Inspections by Centers)1 農林水産大臣、経済産業大臣又は厚生労働大臣は、前条第一項の場合において必要がある




という )に対し、次に掲げるセンター等の区分に応じ、遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等をし。





(1) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Tradeand Industry or the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may, when recognizing itnecessary in cases listed in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, Food and AgriculturalMaterials Inspection Center (Incorporated Administrative Agency), the National Centerfor Seeds and Seedlings (Incorporated Administrative Agency), the National LivestockBreeding Center (Incorporated Administrative Agency), the Fisheries Research Agency(Incorporated Administrative Agency), the National Institute of Technology andEvaluation (Incorporated Administrative Agency) or the Pharmaceuticals and MedicalDevice Agency (Incorporated Administrative Agency) (hereinafter referred to as“Centers"), in accordance with the categories of Centers listed below, to enter premiseswhere a person who has used or is using living modified organisms, a person who hastransferred or supplied living modified organisms, a Domestic Administrator, a personwho has exported living modified organisms, or other relevant persons carry out suchacts, or other places, and there to question relevant persons, inspect living modifiedorganisms, Facilities, and other properties, or remove living modified organisms, at nocost, limited to the minimum amount necessary for inspection.一 独立行政法人農林水産消費安全技術センター、独立行政法人種苗管理センター、独立

行政法人家畜改良センター、及び独立行政法人水産総合研究センター 農林水産大臣

(i) Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center, National Center for Seeds andSeedlings, National Livestock Breeding Center, and Fisheries Research Agency:Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

二 独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構 経済産業大臣

(ii) National Institute of Technology and Evaluation: Minister of Economy, Tradeand Industry

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三 独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構 厚生労働大臣

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device Agency: Minister of Health, Labour and(iii)Welfare

2 農林水産大臣、経済産業大臣又は厚生労働大臣は、前項の規定によりセンター等に立入検




(2) The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Tradeand Industry or the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall, when authorizingCenters to conduct On-Site Inspections under the provisions of the precedingparagraph, in accordance with the categories of Centers listed in the items of the saidparagraph, specify the date, place and other necessary matters for conducting On-SiteInspections and instruct Centers to conduct the same.

3 センター等は、前項の規定による指示に従って第一項の規定による立入検査等をする場合




(3) Centers must, when conducting On-Site Inspections under the provisions of paragraph1 in accordance with instructions under the provisions of the preceding paragraph,entrust the same to staff members with knowledge and experience concerning livingmodified organisms, who satisfy the conditions stipulated in orders issued by theMinister stipulated in each item of the said paragraph, in accordance with thecategories of Centers listed in the items of the said paragraph.

4 センター等は、第二項の規定による指示に従って第一項の規定による立入検査等を行った




(4) Centers must, when they have conducted On-Site Inspections under the provisions ofparagraph 1 in accordance with instructions under the provisions of paragraph 2,report the results of inspection obtained under the provisions of the said paragraph tothe Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Tradeand Industry or the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, in accordance with thecategories of Centers listed in the items of the said paragraph, as stipulated in theordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the ordinance of theMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the Minister of Health, Labour andWelfare.

5 第一項の規定による立入検査等については、前条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する。

(5) The provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the preceding Article shall applymutatis mutandis to On-Site Inspections under the provisions of paragraph 1.

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第三十三条 (センター等に対する命令)

Article 33 (Orders to Centers)農林水産大臣、経済産業大臣又は厚生労働大臣は、前条第一項の規定による立入検査等の



The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Tradeand Industry or the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may, when recognizing itnecessary in order to ensure the proper implementation of the work of On-SiteInspections under the provisions of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, issue necessaryorders to Centers concerning said work, in accordance with the categories of Centerslisted in the items of the said paragraph.

第三十四条 (科学的知見の充実のための措置)

Article 34 (Measures for Progress of Scientific Knowledge)国は、遺伝子組換え生物等及びその使用等により生ずる生物多様性影響に関する科学的知



The government must endeavor to collect, arrange and analyze information on livingmodified organisms and promote research and devise other necessary measuresconcerning living modified organisms and the Adverse Effect on Biological Diversityarising from use thereof, in order to amplify scientific knowledge concerning the same.

第三十五条 (国民の意見の聴取)

Article 35 (Public Consultation)国は、この法律に基づく施策に国民の意見を反映し、関係者相互間の情報及び意見の交換



The government shall publicly announce information pertaining to the assessment ofAdverse Effect on Biological Diversity, information that has been collected, arranged andanalyzed under the provisions of the preceding Article, and other information, andbroadly consult the public, in order to reflect public opinion in measures based on thisAct and encourage mutual exchanges of information and opinions between the partiesconcerned.

第三十六条 (主務大臣等)

Article 36 (Competent Minister)1 この法律における主務大臣は、政令で定めるところにより、財務大臣、文部科学大臣、厚


(1) The competent minister in this Act, as stipulated by Cabinet Order, shall be theMinister of Finance, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

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Technology, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, or the Ministerof the Environment.

2 この法律における主務省令は、主務大臣の発する命令とする。

(2) The ordinance of the competent ministries in this Act shall be orders issued by thecompetent minister.

第三十六条の二 (権限の委任)

Article 36-2 (Delegation)この法律に規定する主務大臣の権限は、主務省令で定めるところにより、地方支分部局の


The authority of the competent minister provided for in this Act may, as stipulated inthe ordinance of the competent ministries delegate to a head of a local branch ordepartment.

第三十七条 (経過措置)

Article 37 (transitional measure)この法律の規定に基づき命令を制定し、又は改廃する場合においては、その命令で、その


る経過措置を含む )を定めることができる。。

When orders are issued, amended or abolished under the provisions of this Act,requisite transitional measures (including transitional measures concerning penalprovisions) may be stipulated to the degree judged reasonably necessary.

第五章 罰則

Chapter V Penal Provisions


Article 38第十条第一項若しくは第二項、第十一条第二項、第十四条第一項若しくは第二項、第十五



A person who violates orders under the provisions of Article 10 paragraph 1 orparagraph 2, Article 11 paragraph 2, Article 14 paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, Article 15paragraph 2, Article 17 paragraph 5, Article 26 paragraph 2 or Article 29 shall bepunished by imprisonment with work of not more than 1 year or a fine of not more thanone million yen, or a combination of these two.


Article 39

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A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by imprisonmentwith work of not more than 6 months or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen, or a

combination of these two.一 第四条第一項の規定に違反して第一種使用等をした者

(i) A person who makes Type 1 Use in violation of the provisions of Article 4 paragraph1

二 偽りその他不正の手段により第四条第一項又は第九条第一項の承認を受けた者

(ii) A person who obtains the approval in Article 4 paragraph 1 or Article 9 paragraph1 through deception or other wrongful means


Article 40次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、六月以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。

A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by imprisonmentwith work of not more than 6 months or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.一 第四条第六項又は第七条第三項(これらの規定を第九条第四項において準用する場合

を含む )の規定に違反した者。

(i) A person who violates the provisions of Article 4 paragraph 6 or Article 7 paragraph3 (including cases in which the provisions of these are applied mutatis mutandispursuant to Article 9 paragraph 4)

二 第二十条第一項の規定に違反した者

(ii) A person who violates the provisions of Article 20 paragraph 1


Article 41第二十一条第五項の規定による生物検査の業務の停止の命令に違反したときは、その違反

、 。行為をした登録検査機関の役員又は職員は 六月以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する

When an officer or staff member of a Registered Inspection Body violates an order tosuspend the work of Testing of Organisms under the provisions of Article 21 paragraph 5,said person shall be punished by imprisonment with work of not more than 6 months ora fine of not more than 500,000 yen.


Article 42次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、五十万円以下の罰金に処する。

A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by a fine of notmore than 500,000 yen.一 第十三条第一項の規定に違反して確認を受けないで第二種使用等をした者

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(i) A person who makes Type 2 Use without receiving confirmation, in violation of theprovisions of Article 13 paragraph 1

二 偽りその他不正の手段により第十三条第一項の確認を受けた者

(ii) A person who receives the confirmation in Article 13 paragraph 1 through deceptionor other wrongful means

三 第十六条の規定による届出をせず、又は虚偽の届出をして輸入した者

(iii) A person who undertakes import without making notification under the provisionsof Article 16, or making false notification for imports

四 第二十六条第一項の規定による情報の提供をせず、又は虚偽の情報を提供して遺伝子


(iv) A person who fails to provide information under the provisions of Article 26paragraph 1, or provides false information to transfer or supply or entrust the use ofliving modified organisms

五 第二十七条の規定による通告をせず、又は虚偽の通告をして輸出した者

(v) A person who undertakes export without making notification under the provisionsof Article 27, or making false notification for exports

六 第二十八条の規定による表示をせず、又は虚偽の表示をして輸出した者

(vi) A person who undertakes export without making indication under the provisionsof Article 28, or making false indication for exports


Article 43次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、三十万円以下の罰金に処する。

A person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by a fine of notmore than 300,000 yen.一 第三十条に規定する報告をせず、又は虚偽の報告をした者

(i) A person who fails to make reports as provided for in Article 30, or makes falsereports

二 第三十一条第一項又は第三十二条第一項の規定による立入り、検査若しくは収去を拒


(ii) A person who refuses, hinders or evades site entry, inspection or removal under theprovisions of Article 31 paragraph 1 or Article 32 paragraph 1, or fails to answerquestions, or makes false statements


Article 44次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、その違反行為をした登録検査機関の役員又は職員


The officers or staff of a Registered Inspection Body who fall under any of the

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violations in the following items shall be punished by a fine of not more than 300,000yen.一 第十九条第七項の規定に違反して、同項に規定する事項の記載をせず、若しくは虚偽


(i) When, in violation of the provisions of Article 19 paragraph 7, they fail to recordmatters as provided for in the said paragraph, or record false matters, or fail to filebooks.

二 第十九条第八項の許可を受けないで生物検査の業務の全部を廃止したとき。

(ii) When they discontinue the work of Testing of Organisms in entirety withoutobtaining the permission in Article 19 paragraph 8.

三 第二十二条第一項に規定する報告をせず、若しくは虚偽の報告をし、又は同項の規定



(iii) When they fail to make reports as provided for in Article 22 paragraph 1, or makefalse reports, or refuse, hinder or evade site entry or inspection under the provisionsof the said paragraph, or fail to answer questions, or make a false statements.


Article 45法人の代表者又は法人若しくは人の代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人又は人の



When the representative of a corporation or a corporation, or the agent, employee andother operative of a corporation or a person, commits the violations in Article 38, Article39, Article 42 or Article 43 with regard to the business of said juridical person orindividual, not only the offender shall be punished but also said juridical person orindividual shall be punished by the fine prescribed in the Articles.


Article 46第六条第一項(第九条第四項において準用する場合を含む )の規定による届出をせず、又。


A person who fails to make notification under the provisions of Article 6 paragraph 1(including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 9paragraph 4), or makes false notification shall be punished by a fine of not more than200,000 yen.


Article 47次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、その違反行為をした登録検査機関の役員又は職員

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The officers or staff of a Registered Inspection Body who fall under any of theviolations in the following items shall be punished by a fine of not more than 200,000yen.一 第十九条第五項の規定に違反して財務諸表等を備えて置かず、財務諸表等に記載すべ


(i) When they fail to prepare Financial Statements in violation of the provisions ofArticle 19 paragraph 5, fail to record matters that should be recorded in FinancialStatements, or record false matters.

二 正当な理由がないのに第十九条第六項各号の規定による請求を拒んだとき。

(ii) When, without justifiable reason, they refuse a request under the provisions of theitems of Article 19 paragraph 6.


Article 48第三十三条の規定による命令に違反した場合には、その違反行為をしたセンター等の役員


When a Center violates an order under the provisions of Article 33, the officers of saidCenter shall be punished by a fine of not more than 200,000 yen.


Supplementary Provisions

第一条 (施行期日)

Article 1 (Effective Date)この法律は、議定書が日本国について効力を生ずる日から施行する。ただし、次の各号に


This Act shall come into force as from the date on which the Protocol takes effect inJapan, provided, however, that the provisions listed in the following items shall come intoforce as from the date stipulated in the respective item.一 次条から附則第六条まで及び附則第十五条の規定(次号に掲げる改正規定を除く )。


(i) The provisions of the following Article to Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisionsand Article 15 of the Supplementary Provisions (excluding the provisions foramendment stipulated in the following item): The date of promulgation

二 附則第十五条の規定(独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構法(平成十四年法律第百

九十二号)第十五条第二項の改正規定に係る部分に限る ) この法律の施行の日(以下。

「施行日」という )又は独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構法の施行の日のいずれか。


(ii) The provisions of Article 15 of the Supplementary Provisions [limited only to those

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pertaining to the provisions for amendment of Article 15 paragraph 2 of the Act onPharmaceuticals and Medical Device Agency (Act No. 192 of 2002)]: The effectivedate of this Act (hereinafter referred to as “Effective Date") or the effective date ofthe Act on Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency, whichever is later

第二条 (経過措置)

Article 2 (Transitional Measures)1第四条第一項又は第九条第一項の承認を受けようとする者は、施行日前においても、第四条


(1) A person who wishes to obtain the approval in Article 4 paragraph 1 or Article 9paragraph 1 may, even before the Effective Date, apply for said approval under theexample of the provisions of Article 4 or Article 9.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定により承認の申請があった場合には、施行日前においても、第四




(2) The competent minister may, when an application has been made under theprovisions of the preceding paragraph, grant such approval under the example of theprovisions of Article 4 or Article 9, even before the Effective Date. In such cases, whenapproval has been obtained under the example of these provisions, the approval shallbe regarded as having been obtained on the Effective Date under the provisions ofArticle 4 paragraph 1 or Article 9 paragraph 1.

3 この法律の施行の際現に遺伝子組換え生物等の第一種使用等をしている者であって、当該






(3) A person who is actually making Type 1 Use of living modified organisms uponenforcement of this Act and who has not obtained the approval for said Type 1 Use inArticle 4 paragraph 1 or Article 9 paragraph 1 shall, for 6 months from the EffectiveDate, be regarded as having obtained approval pertaining to said Type 1 Use. If anapplication for approval of Type 1 Use Regulations pertaining to said Type 1 Use ismade before the end of said period, the same shall apply when said period has lapsed,until the date of the approval pertaining to said application, or decision to reject theapplication for approval or refuse the approval.


Article 31 第十三条第一項の確認を受けようとする者は、施行日前においても、同条の規定の例によ

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(1) A person who wishes to receive the confirmation in Article 13 paragraph 1 may, evenbefore the Effective Date, apply for said confirmation under the example of theprovisions of the same Article.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定により確認の申請があった場合には、施行日前においても、第十




(2) The competent minister may, when an application for confirmation has been madeunder the provisions of the preceding paragraph, make such confirmation even beforethe Effective Date, under the example of the provisions of Article 13. In such cases,when confirmation has been received under the example of the provisions of the sameArticle, the confirmation shall be regarded as having been received on the EffectiveDate under the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article.

3 この法律の施行の際現に第十三条第一項に規定する第二種使用等をしている者であって、





(3) A person who is actually making Type 2 Use as provided for in Article 13 paragraph 1upon enforcement of this Act and who has not taken containment measures for whichthe confirmation in the said paragraph has been received, shall, for 6 months from theEffective Date, be regarded as having taken containment measures for which the saidconfirmation has been received. If said person makes an application for confirmationbefore the end of said period, the same shall apply when said period has lapsed, untilthe date of the confirmation based on said application or decision to refuseconfirmation.


Article 41 第十八条第一項の登録を受けようとする者は、施行日前においても、その申請を行うこと


(1) A person who wishes to receive the Registration in Article 18 paragraph 1 may applyfor the same even before the Effective Date.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定により申請があった場合には、施行日前においても、第十八条の




(2) The competent minister may, when an application has been made under theprovisions of the preceding paragraph, make such Registration even before the

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Effective Date, under the example of the provisions of Article 18. In such cases, whenRegistration has been received under the example of the provisions of the same Article,the Registration shall be regarded as having been received on the Effective Date underthe provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article.


Article 51 第十九条第四項の規程の認可を受けようとする者は、施行日前においても、その申請を行


(1) A person who wishes to receive the approval of regulations in Article 19 paragraph 4may apply for the same even before the Effective Date.

2 主務大臣は、前項の規定により申請があった場合には、施行日前においても、第十九条第




(2) The competent minister may, when an application has been made under theprovisions of the preceding paragraph, grant approval even before the Effective Date,under the example of the provisions of Article 19 paragraph 4. In such cases, whenapproval has been received under the example of the provisions of the said paragraph,the approval shall be regarded as having been received on the Effective Date under theprovisions of the said paragraph.

第六条 (政令への委任)

Article 6 (Delegation to Cabinet Order)第二条から前条に定めるもののほか、この法律の施行に関して必要な経過措置は、政令で


Besides those stipulated in Article 2 to the preceding Article, necessary transitionalmeasures concerning the enforcement of this Act shall be stipulated by Cabinet Order.

第七条 (検討)

Article 7 (Review)政府は、この法律の施行後五年を経過した場合において、この法律の施行の状況について

、 、 。検討を加え 必要があると認めるときは その結果に基づいて所要の措置を講ずるものとする

The government shall, after 5 years have lapsed from the enforcement of this Act,conduct a review concerning the state of enforcement of this Act and, when recognizing itnecessary, shall devise requisite measures based on the results thereof.

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