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  • 8/14/2019 Pratham Newsletter


    t . . lH RRATIIA,I,I,[,UAEGOLFERSEAM PTOSUPPORTRATHAMAEBhala on he ournameolheKPMGeam ed'ngAndrew ob son. shshDaveDalGregoryandTrevor ardwckame cosZnd DavdFreburn n Wesl.DaveCalanaghndDuncanPearce Ede p heMl\,lllam lr lr anre d Tlre

    A Dobow eam f SurnderandhafKanwaEalwa ames oudler ndB H K m wasedgdo

    A ful houre l eghleeneamseed fl or heA Alnua Pcrham UAE Char i ! Gol ff I rournament.layed i llre May'! EmraleeGoi Cub on lr22nd i i,larch 008The amsweresponsoredy wel known ompanesn heUAE

    Trream ponsoredyL?ndmarkroup omprs'ng Rena Vpn SethandDevAnand ndNladhu



    TheGo Tournarnenlas olo$ed yanveol enrenanmnlandinner here llvaThakCEO ol Pclham. nda spoke r lenglh oPralhanrclv les n Inda Sn.e June1Pralhamcrvles averanslaf fnedh ves i,ons l ch dfei. by enablnglrnr 0 ad Thprogfammesremp menledassocalon$ocago,/rimntsndmenrbersl h l soLasl yearPralhamaunchdhe Rad nCanpanwlha arget to 60nr lLonhdrover 00 00 laqes ovnngvery lalen ndEa,rHarPadmanabhan.reclor.ralham'nltoducedralhamo heaudenceOthermeno{ lhPralhamAE oafd sha hala ndANadkarn ere sopresenln heoccaeorDJ SashGgaledh dne rs wtlr somoggoden des Al enjoyedhLrgelyuccss

    38! pR|zEGoLF,MMTIEAM surender andha,. AvrD REEBURN,aNwEsr. oavE CaTANAGD U N C A N P E A R C E A N dU . 1 A T i I I I A '

    JoYalukkWorld's avouriteewelle

    tl f pR zE GoLF VIP IN ET HIn d U l0 a h . r k r ,

    JoYalukkasWorld's avourite eweller

  • 8/14/2019 Pratham Newsletter


    The !h ilhlol the ven gwas h uccessf lrebook 3flleeach umberedackl ada setof 4PEtham ookt hatwasenlrely andledy children 10Prizes re rporgrabsThe1s lprizearelum ckl or2 Io anydesl atonn Ind spor,sored yAr ndiEwES onby Geeta etlr Theolherprlzes eresporsoredy he EmtesGollCub Univ|salPeads.roSpons lernalonandtheAl Dobowi roup.

    ThePrathamAE ounleers orkedre ess tomskeheevenla real uccessSpeca hanksrom he P.alham AE eam oSrrender andharor bengsuclr grcal endofPralhanrs. e hasnol onlyben nslrurnenlal

    organizg hs CharyGo Evenlforhe asl2 ea6buthascommilledo organzehs ior fe nexl8


    Back Row: Hel Padnanabhan {DkBcrorPrarhamUAE) UlwalThakkar (CEOPrarham nd a Educ.tron hitiative). Enid ssquna, Kavitha Krishn.n Abhay Nad(onedor P.arham UAE).Vanossa F6.ns.Aary. Sudhkaj. ShrutiGhos,Asha Bhara {DirecrorPrarhamUAE)

    R$0 t0tA t5IRICT:100,000ihams.eachesullo100,000hldren ove6LM evelop-menl,rnlingnd islrbuiofosis.ra ngandvloiito.ingosl. ndSupervjsoryosts l distr l. block nd usterevel.

    PRATHAMWISHLISTInr tuderooks.u0thrrgM e0r i qMold Lmd broi i hoi0r0r i !mo'oy!01to(hhdy um y( le6rol00h200( l rref

    Iololyeorll n omolnrro Diiomi 100 00md idrdd rcnr Ior emh 9mdte0rnq fiorer l d*.ldpmnrnd flnl g: !pervtrrondrllr(l bo(kond !ner6nmui ynob' l rori :md r ! i9 o idmoi i ror i igi 0 i oero9er 05i 00 00

    AtrRtSICT:Su.veyostsfprinlingfsurveyaterial,lranlng isu.veyo6nd clualurveyosls

    f t l ! dermnrmdredropr i i lngo l i t rwym0ler ! l , t ro inng0 lt r . y0 i r0 idrh

    Lnd!der ron i p ro heFin laody ! !e r our l ru od unroro6em! iehf our s gD 9 d o IP n i Abour . l00 rorhdn0mm! i ! Lbm, ! t r rhedoo$ h 0 !nr 'y nd rher0nPrc i50nd meSior ! o t i indr Prmoi r rh

  • 8/14/2019 Pratham Newsletter


    (R()SSINGHEBRIDGE-LEARNINGOREAD'"Tfio xporientefcossinlho hrosioldo Bldings nlonsslylgk0lvorylmotIhoppen!.(hhora Sonlorhr[lizolot heirile r rhotgsilorsvor."

    lu lminiSrne4iKishos ead ga essonromheSld l Maralhilxlbook e lumblesifll ow nd gah sheencolntrsodakshars',ltthen e eadsn. Hsvoice ow bulconfidonl. isbighleyes rebrlghlerlill ilhhehillofbeingbleo cadl! Everywmnutes e ooks p o see I am is.lening.Today,t sa week sfore hrislmas.hiscass:imed l bringngf6 hundredhidren hohedeilhr roppedutor never en oschoolKishoroas ne i heodr oys.He sprobablyaroundwe e,bul s areadyuileall. n a lowmonlhs,e vilbeallllhanlltheeachrs.uringthe i|sl ew ays l he ourse,old is lasshenory f Mohiniand hasmasura"aler hildrenacldulhe lory nd shore asleriullyayedheroeotBhasmasurahe emon oraw ays fl6rlhal, wou relerlomsllashasmasuralthelime. e had roubleeadingven imple ofdsTodaye smovinghoughhe exlbookla pdpaceAlthoughany ordsre lllspelt coflectly,he s eagerlynlng n essay bout imsef.'Howdoyouwrle crck1heasks uvama,sleachr'l anllo f e'l ove nckel"Th orreclspelingeens ulediifcull ohew leshs ownversonolhowrickefhouldespeLThrn nd alSantosh Kshoresriend.He saboultheamege Sllng ross]eggednderhewndow anngganst lhewalnhscassroones compltsybsorbdn readng Sanloshasneverbenoschoo.ethseadinguptolheStdlllevelin tlleunderuomonths esaysthalhewanlsogo o Liebigschool owhaihes sludyingwellNo nerom isamilyaseverbenoschooTheaimofhe''topreparechildrcnso hal lroy anenter regllar assroomf lhemuncpalschooithe exlacademcear t lher

    appropratege nd cadn 6ve.Whenhepro-gramtaded.lhisGameenredarletched odayr seemsuile ossible anlosheadsn it sasiory boul dog ook gat his eneclonn hestream.leslopsromlmeo ne 10rans le ey

    Theexpeiencel cossinlhresholdo rcadings nlenmagica veryfne t happKishorendSanlosha e theirfe s changedorevewhole ewworld as ppeaflonlol hem,and heyhavemeanso navigalehrcughwonderandSuvarnas quvery roldo have roughlbths ransiorrnaionow hewatclresndistensnd elpshwhenhey lumbleSantoshas s channinghy me,bulightmhiseyssdifierenl. elhe classroom,nd hchidwordsromMaralh toHndiforme.He nowshatIneedepnMaralhi.

    Thencrediblemrac 'oislarlinqo ead as ep-penedoallchildrcnn$nlosh nd ishoreg.oup.Suddenlyheworld as hanged.adietlphabelsseemedimplobe trungogelheritheoyssou.d-ed lrm ut, ainfulyne yone.Then, l thes6stringsfaphabelsogelheregano makeenseAsyou ad rem lold, ou ould nderslandhallhepallem no ookingack.Thereare words nd senlencesverywhere.Childrenre ead gconstanlly,,ndolayengossed.i a few ays heytuve ead argeorlonflheSld texlbook hepalh eforehemsclearKshorend nloshwantto ifishheStd l book ndmoveoSld l maleral,lhen ld Vandhen head

    wave Blt even forehedoor huls ehinthereyesabackthirbooksandtheofadn! aloudi lhe oom.t Reading is the lrst an.t nost ditaat step. fhorc nany ndry steps beyond But qnhaut this ftst .*nxat step the wottd beyantt hnnat ta b. lhose children wha at. nat in schbot at thase who arschaal lagging lat behind, le.hhg ta Bad ll@hltf pvtdes the liret l..p al ..nnden@ and ot hope. 'nagic' al rc.dng 6 v6ry viebte: to the chitd, to hisqts, to his teache6 and b everyM aound hin LkisMgic which is lh6 tondanan tu tha nexr stdps:strcn96t the maeic lhe baner lhe foLnddron. Raadis the spnngboad han whid\ cttitdrcn can exploE vasl wand thot li.s b.lore theh2 SevetalyeaB ega: Frcn a ctass rat out al schoot cdM in Shaha)t Raje Raa.l Munic@atSch@t. vite P

    Well wisFr

  • 8/14/2019 Pratham Newsletter


    Lhclo$ih! |'oining nk ol ollthildrdrcm6' l,2.th0wonitud!!n0rdr hildr!0ho r.o$unedb!LBintqu0lilf t !oniis rro orui.LRstut| ropuli t mlblint.hildron0 kln bslhr5.!l0ndh0nh0 ll0 i m0d0l he0ovsmmert.

    Thesrabgyol he campaigns o mobilize as-sivool volunleff 0rc6, osUyoulhs, to 6relraindo us6 heT$chingndLe8mingalerlaldevelopedocally,n ol lanquages,o meelhe

    obtectivesf:l.f0rSldord l: Adi.r! l laon phlbeld v0rdnro|tlirion.g.thrr ilhnumb.rnd lor.n rilh-?.t0rld lll0 $ tlu0nle0der l 0nlomo!,oqrorhs,

    Whilov0r396 t h6l80 illior.hlldrrnrssm0lhdn thook,ol lho hlldr.nSrdl 0rn0tr.oioSldlhxlorlohodivirlorm!.n! numbuldildnr lrhinrodolhoodnhoullir blrk lilhol .!dlq, n nrondblrkodh-nll|n r o rt$ nt50mlllion.

    irori.rh0pr0!r.rriv.!imr,r000rh0rithobalaty0Yril.ondolY.inph rilimilk.untilSplmbff007,ReadndiaCahpaignasbeennifialedn 19slabs Jannu & Kashnh,Himechel P@desh,Unarakhand,Puniab,Haryana,Rajaslhan,Blhar WestBengal,Jha*hand, Uttar Pradesh, Gujant,Madhya Pradesh, Chatlisgarh,Orrssa,Maharcshtra,Andhrc Pradesh, TamilNadu, Assan and Nagalard) of h6 country.out of whichn 7 slalos (Jammu& Kashmir,

    Hinachal Prcdesh, UttarakhRajasthan,Bihet, Uttar PradeshChatisgarh) with he slaigovernmelnllial ttortsn hesummer,ow6vor,ereoc0n he re-schooLersopreparehemor cho

    Reodndio ooks.n mpriProlhomooksPra$am ookssa nol-loFprDfitrusl atpubhigh-qualityooksorclildrn l anaffodablemulliplendiananluegs,sReedndieooklow oslmod|,i R6adndia ooks,l pubatlraclve, fordablnd h6r6foiol6 accechidrensooksas lroadynaaagedocreelin lheparadilnorpublishnghildren'sootnota,TheReadndaBooks I IndananguaE.glsh, pan rompoviding sloady upquarychidren ilelalureo hePrathamomlibraiesn21slales, alsoused yvaiouseducalion eparhenlsand oll6l noltororganizalions.Toavcid igh ebilcDsls,eadndia ooksesold roa4h e Dnwntionaloor istnbllonian\eb@ks teavailableohe nel andom i

    PRATHAMAE ewslellerSoonsorshiDorm arNo:04-2829124Namoot ponsoiT1r. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Fax: . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . .M0bW6wisho sponsorh6Plhah JAE ewsltteror h ssueE Seplember08,E December8,E Marcncs,E June09.

    E trunto|!ltr 8odo|!t ,Dhr1,000od: Dht3Jl0 .!d'(onrodAlGru.rargr0l 2829123(l(!lio 050 590159



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