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Simple Ways To Improve Website Or Blog Traffic

I think you saw a many common ways in different websites to increase a blog or

website traffic , but there is different and simple. It is very common quesion that how to increase blog or website traffic

Now a days blogging and having website is common . So it is very to become proffesional blogger or having more

traffic to their websites.

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Now i will Tell you some simple steps to do :-

1. Providing interesting and informative information on your website will give visitors a reason to seek you out in the future. Also, fresh content gives new opportunities for Google to find you. Post blog entries, write studies and white papers, show some industry statistics - give them the good stuff! If they have a reason to visit.

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2.Use the social media site and form a tribe of like minded marketing folks. Through cross pollination of your blog and those within the tribe you can target traffic, not to mention increase Twitter Followers, Google +'s, and Facebook Likes. Leverage automation and let do the postings for you through RSS feeds. My traffic has increased 30% just by belonging to one active tribe.

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3.You're the expert and face of your company. The #1 best way to drive traffic to your site is to create a series of videos. Build a YouTube Channel, link it to your site and have your SEO people go to town. The videos are short, upbeat, fun, compelling, interesting clips (about 2 minutes long) telling viewers about what you do - offer information, not selling. Don't have your cousin's kid do the videos either

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4.Image tagging: We have increased traffic up to 30% on our client websites by doing this one simple tactic. Search engines (and humans) LOVE images. Just look at the meteoric rise of Pinterest. But can search engines find the images on your site? Not if they aren't "tagged". Go through your site and make sure every image is tagged with a proper "title" and "alt-tag" aka "alternate text". This helps search engines identify and properly index the image, bringing targeted traffic to your site.

5.Driving visitors to a website is one of my core skills for the last 16 years. One of my favorite methods is to create a related directory on your website. For example, if you are selling camping tents, create directories of well known camping clubs and national parks. Then, whenever someone is searching for the "Boston Camping Club" or "Yosemite", your directory page will appear just above or just below the clubs or park, giving you an unpaid ad in Google.

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Grow your connections on LinkedIn by joining and interacting in groups. Each week, post your newsletter article in the discussion area of the groups and be sure to comment on the comments of others.

7.Offer something exclusive that clients/customers, or potential ones…. …..Read More

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