55, jaka vs. pacot,

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 55, Jaka vs. Pacot,



    G.R. No. 151378. March 28, 2005

    Garcia, J.:


    Darwin Pacot, Robert Parohinog, David Bisnar, Maron Do!ingo, Rhoe "escano and Jonathan

    Cagabcab were earier hired b# $etitioner JA%A Foods Processing Cor$oration &JA%A, 'or short(

    )nti the atter ter!inated their e!$o#!ent on A)g)st *+, ++- beca)se the cor$oration was in

    dire 'inancia straits.

    /t is not dis$)ted, however, that the ter!ination was e''ected witho)t JA%A co!$#ing with the

    re0)ire!ent )nder Artice *12 o' the "abor Code regarding the service o' a written notice )$on

    the e!$o#ees and the De$art!ent o' "abor and 3!$o#!ent at east one &( !onth be'ore the

    intended date o' ter!ination.

    Res$ondents se$arate# 'ied with the regiona Arbitration Branch o' the 4ationa "abor

    Reations Co!!ission &4"RC( co!$aints 'or iega dis!issa, )nder$a#!ent o' wages and

    non$a#!ent o' service incentive eave and 2th

    !onth $a# against JA%A and its 5RD Manager

    Rosana Casteo.

    A'ter d)e $roceedings, the "abor Arbiter rendered a decision627

    decaring the ter!ination iega

    and ordering JA%A and its 5RD Manager to reinstate res$ondents with ') bac8 wages, and

    se$aration $a# i' reinstate!ent is not $ossibe.

    JA%A went on a$$ea to the 4"RC, which, in a decision dated A)g)st 29, +++,67

    a''ir!ed in

    toto that o' the "abor Arbiter.

    JA%A 'ied a !otion 'or reconsideration. Acting thereon, the 4"RC ca!e o)t with another

    decision !odi'#ing its earier decision.


  • 8/9/2019 55, Jaka vs. Pacot,


    Present Case

    Dis!issa was based on a ?)st ca)se Res$ondents were dis!issed d)e to

    retrenchment, which is one o' the

    a)thori@ed ca)ses )nder Artice *12 o' the

    sa!e Code.

    A dis!issa 'or !st ca!se )nder Artice

    *1* i!$ies that the e!$o#ee concerned

    has co!!itted, or is g)it# o', so!e

    vioation against the e!$o#er Does not

    re0)ire se$aration $a#

    Dis!issa 'or an a!thor"#e$ ca!se )nder

    Artice *12 does not necessari# i!$#

    dein0)enc# or c)$abiit# on the $art o'

    the e!$o#ee. /nstead, the dis!issa

    $rocess is initiated b# the e!$o#ers

    eercise o' his !anage!ent $rerogative

    re0)ires se$aration $a#

    The sanction sho)d be in the nat)re o'

    inde!ni'ication or $enat# and sho)d

    de$end on the 'acts o' each case, ta8ing

    into s$ecia consideration the gravit# o' the

    d)e $rocess vioation o' the e!$o#er.

    /t convincing# showed that the res$ondenta$$eant cor$oration was in dire 'inancia

    straits, which the co!$ainantsa$$eees 'aied to dis$)te. The osses inc)rred b# the

    res$ondenta$$eant cor$oration are cear# s)bstantia and s)''icient# $roven with

    cear and satis'actor# evidence. "i8ewise, it is estabished that JA%A 'aied to co!$# with the notice re0)ire!ent )nder

    the sa!e Artice. The r)e, there'ore, is that in a cases o' b)siness cos)re or cessation o' o$eration or

    )nderta8ing o' the e!$o#er, the a''ected e!$o#ee is entited to se$aration $a#

    %&C%P'()N: when the cos)re o' b)siness or cessation o' o$erations is d)e to serio)s

    b)siness osses or 'inancia reversesE d)# $roved, in which case, the right o' a''ected

    e!$o#ees to se$aration $a# is ost 'or obvio)s reasons. According#, the res$ondents were ordered to $a# 'or the da!ages inc)rred b# the


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