tripura rahasya, chapters i - xv

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  • 8/13/2019 Tripura Rahasya, Chapters I - XV





    Translated by


    (Sri Munagala S !en"atara#aia$%

    Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai. South India.

    Fifth Edition, 1989. Reprinted 1994

    T$is te&t is intended 'nly 'r a)t*inding reading

  • 8/13/2019 Tripura Rahasya, Chapters I - XV



    Tripura Rahas"a #as $onsidered %" &ha'avan Sri Ramana (aharshi as one of the

    'reatest #or)s that e*pounded advaita philosoph". +e often uoted from it and re'retted

    that it #as not availa%le in En'lish. -s a $onseuen$e Sri (una'ala en)ataramaiah

    /no# S#ami Ramanananda Saras#athi0 too) up the #or) of translation in 192 asanother la%our of love, addin' 3ust one more En'lish translation to his alread" e*tensive

    store. This #as first pu%lished in parts in the &an'alore ("thi$ So$iet"s 5ournal/6uarterl"0 from 5anuar" 198 to -pril 1947 and after#ards $olle$ted into %oo) form, of

    #hi$h five hundred $opies #ere printed and privatel" $ir$ulated. The -sramam has sin$e

    ta)en over the $op"ri'ht and made it one of their offi$ial pu%li$ations.

    The #or) ori'inall" in Sans)rit is #idel" )no#n in India and has %een translated into anum%er of lo$al lan'ua'es, %ut I do not )no# of an" previous translation in En'lish. It is

    re'arded as one of the $hief te*t%oo)s on -dvaita, the readin' of #hi$h alone is

    suffi$ient for Salvation. Sri -nanda oomaras#ami uotes from it #ith appre$iation in

    his %oo), :-m I (" &rothers ;eeperote

    +-=TER I+-=TER II O%li'ator" Sense to#ards -$tion ondemned and Investi'ation


    +-=TER III The -nte$edent ause for ?earnin' the @ospel. -sso$iation #iththe ise must pre$ede :i$hara:

    +-=TER I !is'ust for orldl" En3o"ments is In$ul$ated so that !ispassion

    mi'ht %e !eveloped

    +-=TER On &onda'e and Release+-=TER I On the (erits of Faith for 'ainin' the @oal and on the

    +armfulness of !r" =olemi$s
  • 8/13/2019 Tripura Rahasya, Chapters I - XV


    +-=TER II That the @oal is 'ained onl" after -s$ertainin' @od %" Faith,

    Effort and -pproved ?o'i$, and !evotion to him

    +-=TER III ;e" to the =ara%le of hapter +-=TER IA +o# that +ema$huda Realised the Self after -nal"sin' +is o#n

    (ind and =lun'in' #ithin

    +-=TER A On Further Instru$tions %" +is &eloved, +e 'ot Samadhi in spiteof +is E*ternal -$tivities and Remained in the State of Eman$ipation even #hile


    +-=TER AI That the osmos is not other than Intelli'en$e+-=TER AII The -ppearan$e of the Realit" of the Bniverse depends on the

    Stren'th of ill of reation

    +-=TER AIII +o# a)efulness and !ream are similar in >ature and O%3e$ts

    are onl" (ental Ima'es+-=TER AI +o# the Bniverse is (ere Ima'inationC +o# to 'ain that

    Stron' ill #hi$h $an $reate itC and the +i'hest Truth

    +-=TER A On #hat need %e )no#n and need not %e )no#n and on the

    >ature of the Self+-=TER AI On ons$iousnessC ontrol of (indC and Sleep

    +-=TER AII On the Bselessness of Fleetin' Samadhis and the a" toisdom

    +-=TER AIII

    +-=TER AIA+-=TER AA id"a @ita

    +-=TER AAI On the a$$omplishment of isdom, its >ature and S$riptural


    +-=TER AAII The on$lusion

    -==E>!IA I To hapter

    -==E>!IA II Siddha @ita from Do'a asishtha

    -==E>!IA III


    Sri Tripura Rahas"a is an an$ient #or) in Sans)rit #hi$h has %een printed all over India.

    The latest and %est edition #as %rou'ht out in the ;ashi Sans)rit Series in 19. The%oo) is said to have %een printed on$e %efore and issued in loose leaves. There #as also

    an edition in %oo) form printed in &el'aum to#ards the end of last $entur".G /The

    ori'inal Sans)rit te*t unfortunaeel" appears to have %een out of print for some "ears.0

    The esteem in #hi$h the #or) is held for its san$tit" ma" %e 'au'ed from an a$$ount of it'iven in the =refa$e to the (aahaatm"a ;handa. (ahaadeeva ori'inall" tau'ht the

    +i'hest Truth to ishnu #ho in turn tau'ht &rahma in the elestial re'ions. ?ater ishnu

    in$arnated on Earth as Sri !attaatre"a, the ?ord of the -vadhuutas /the na)ed sa'es0, andtau'ht it to =arasuraama #ith the added in3un$tion that it should %e $ommuni$ated to
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    +aritaa"ana #ho #ould later see) the Truth from him. =arasurama thus realised the Self

    %" the 'uidan$e of Sri !atta and d#elt on the (ala"a +ill in South India.

    In the meantime, a &rahmin, %" name Sumanta, livin' on the %an)s of the Sarasvati had ason, -lar)a %" name, #ho used to hear his mother $alled :5aa"i -a"i: %" his father.

    &ein' a $hild, he too addressed his mother :-i:. +e died in his $hildhood, and his last#ords on his death%ed #ere :-i -i: onl". This sound is ho#ever sa$red to the @oddess.

    +avin' %een uttered in all inno$en$e and purit" of mind, it $onferred une*pe$ted merit onthe d"in' $hild. +e #as later %orn as Sumedha, a son to +arita. +aritaa"ana is his

    patron"mi$. +is spiritualit" developed as he 're# up and he sou'ht =arasuraama to learn

    the hi'hest 'ood from him, #ho in turn imparted to him the )no#led'e #hi$h he had'ained from !attaatre"a. =arasuraama told him also that his master had predi$ted the

    $ompilation of the )no#led'e of the +i'hest Truth %" +aritaa"ana for the %enefit of


    +aritaa"ana #as #orshippin' Sri (inaa)shi in the temple at (adurai in South India.

    >aarada appeared to him and said that he had $ome from &rahmaloo)a in order to see#hat +aritaa"ana #as 'oin' to present to the #orld in the form of an Itihasa $ontainin'

    the Supreme Spiritual Truth. +aritaa"ana #as %e#ildered and as)ed ho# the Sainte*pe$ted it of him. >arada saidH :There #as an assem%l" of saints in &rahmaloo)a.

    (aar)andee"a as)ed &rahmaa a%out the Sa$red Truth. &rahmaa said that it #ould %e

    %rou'ht out %" "ou in the form of a hol" %oo). So I $ame to as) "ou a%out it.:+aritaa"ana #as at a loss and pleaded ina%ilit" to reprodu$e the Sa$red Truth learned

    from =arasuraama. >aarada then meditated on &rahmaa #ho appeared %efore them and

    as)ed #hat the matter #as. hen >aarada put the #hole matter %efore him, he turned to

    +aritaa"ana and %lessed him, endo#in' him #ith the a%ilit" to produ$e the %oo) at therate of four $hapters a da". +e also referred to +aritaa"anas past and attri%uted his

    present ina%ilit" to remem%er #hat he learnt to the $asual and undis$iplined utteran$e ofthe sa$red s"lla%le in his past in$arnation. &rahmaa further en3oined >aarada to %e thefirst to read +aritaa"anas #or) #hen it should %e $ompleted.

    The #or) #as thus #ritten %" +aritaa"ana and is also $alled after his name +aritaa"ana

    Samhita. It is said to $onsist of 1,777 slo)aas in three se$tions The (aahaatm"a

    ;handa /Se$tion on the @reatness of Srii !eevi0, 5naana ;handa /Se$tion on Supremeisdom0, and har"aa ;handa /Se$tion on ondu$t0. Of these the first $onsists of 2,28

    slo)aasC the se$ond of ,12 slo)aasC and the third is not tra$ea%le. The se$tion on

    @reatness $ontains the prelude to the #or) and later treats mostl" of the manifestations ofthe Supreme &ein' as !ur'a, ;aali, ?a)shmi, Sarasvati, ?alita, ;umaari, et$. and their

    e*ploits and found in &rahmaanda =uraana, (aar)ande"a =uraana and ?a)shmi Tantra.

    Its $ontents mostl" $over the 'round of !ur'a Saptasati and of ?alita Bpaa)haa"ana.

    Sri id"a /#orship of the Supreme &ein' as @oddess0 has a ver" hol" tradition tra$ed tothe edas. There are t#o prin$ipal divisions, )no#n as :;aativid"aa: and :+aativid"aa:

    former #as pra$tised %" Indra, handra, (anu, ;u%eera, et$.C it is the simpler of the t#o

    and also more $ommon. The other #as pra$tised %" ?opaamudra and approved of the#ise.

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    Sri Tripura Rahas"a, other#ise +aritaa"ana Samhitaa, %e'ins #ith :O( >amaha:

    /:Salutations to -um:0 and ends #ith :Shri Tripuraiva +rim: /:Tripura is onl" +rim:0.

    -um is #ell )no#n as the sa$red s"lla%le si'nif"in' the +i'hest &ein' in the a%stra$tC soalso :+rim: is the sa$red s"m%ol of the same as the @oddess. The $ontents of the %oo)

    are thus en$losed %" these t#o s"m%ols the most sa$red in the edas and the #or) is

    euall" san$tified.

    In Sutra &has"a /the $ommentar" on &rahma Sutras0, Sri San)ara has used the stor" ofSamvarta as found in Tripura Rahas"a, in his $ommentar" on :-pi$ha Smar"ate:

    /Suutra0, #ith approval.

    There is a lu$id $ommentar" in Sans)rit on +aritaa"ana Samhita. It is named Tatpar"a!iipi)a and #ritten in 49 of ;ali Era /i.e. 181 -.!.0 %" one !ravida Srinivasa, son of

    "dianatha !i)shita of the villa'e of (ahapush)ara in South India.

    -s for its philosoph", there is no real reason to distin'uish it from edanta. S$holars

    ho#ever $all this s"stem the Taantri or the Saa)ta, and point out some apparentdifferen$es %et#een this and -dvaita eedaanta. This s"stem tea$hes that the Supreme

    Realit" is no other than -%stra$t Intelli'en$e. :Intelli'en$e: si'nifies Selfluminosit" and

    -%stra$tion denotes its unlimited nature. >o other a'ent $an %e admitted to e*ist apart

    from It in order to reveal It. The apparent variet" is onl" due to imarsa, the 'ross aspe$tof Its a%solute freedom )no#n as Svatantra #hi$h at times unfolds the =ure Self as the

    osmos and at others #ithdra#s Itself and remains unmanifest. -%stra$tion and

    manifestation are inherent in the =ure SelfC these t#o aspe$ts are 'iven the names Sivaand Sa)ti, respe$tivel". There $annot %e manifestation %e"ond the Supreme Intelli'en$eC

    therefore osmos and the Self are onl" the same, %ut different modes of Realit".

    Realisation of the Truth is thus uite simple, reuirin' onl" $onstant remem%ran$e on

    these lines /anusandhaanam0 that Realit" is not in$ompati%le #ith the #orld and itsphenomena, and that the apparent i'noran$e of his Truth is itself the out$ome of Realit"

    so that there is nothin' %ut Realit".

    reation and !issolution are $"$les of Selfe*pression and -%stra$tion due to S#atantra.There are no San)alpai)alpas /modifi$ations0 in the state of dissipation and the Self

    remains as hit in a%solute purit" and un$han'in'. The Self is uniform and undivided.

    The dispositions of the individuals of the previous ;alpa /$reation0 remain un$o'nised%ut potential, a#aitin' to %e$ome manifest in the alternatin' mode. The tenden$" in the

    dire$tion of manifestation is (a"a #hi$h later displa"s as -vid"a /i'noran$e0 #hen the

    predispositions are in their full s#in'. hit, (aa"a and -vid"a are thus the same Realit".

    osmos is an e*pression in the medium of $ons$iousness and thus not unreal as some#ould have it.

    +ere the Realit" of the osmos is on a$$ount of the medium of e*pression, i.e.,

    $ons$iousness, #hi$h does not $ontradi$t the statement that forms, et$. are unreal. Thereis thus no fundamental differen$e %et#een Tantra and edanta. Det the =andits sa" that

    (a"a is made su%servient to &rahma in edanta, that its appli$ation is limited to 'ross

    manifestation and that it is therefore 'ross #hi$h in ultimate anal"sis resolves itself into

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    voidC #hereas a$$ordin' to Tantra, (aa"a is an aspe$t of Realit" and should resolve itself

    into hit on ultimate anal"sis. This $annot %e a valid o%3e$tion. For, #here does the

    a%ove void rest< It must resolve itself into hit.

    The favourite e*ample of the #orld %ein' an ima'e refle$ted in $ons$iousness, as ima'es

    in a mirror is $ommon to %oth s"stems. ide :ishvam darpana drish"amaana na'arotul"a 3iantar'atam: in !a)shinaamoorti Stotra of Sri San)ara.

    ithout tr"in' to find differen$es #here the" do not e*ist, let the earnest student appl"the infalli%le test of the pea$e of mind %rou'ht a%out %" the different modes of e*pression

    of the Realit" and %e satisfied and happ".


    (no# S#ami Ramananan"a Saras#at!i'


    &+-@--> SRI R-(->- (-+-RS+I

    - =R-DER

    S-?BT-TIO>S TO SRI R-(->- the livin' monument of Eternal TruthJ The dire$t

    proof of the Ine*pressi%leJ (a" Th" +ol" Feet lead me into the San$tuar" of Sri TripuraJ

    &lessed %e th" +ol" FeetJ &lessed Th" =resen$eJ &lessed Th" dear onesJ &lessed all thatrelates to TheeJ

    &lest %e the (other Earth on #hi$h Thou artJ &lest %e the Bniverse 'oin' round Th"entreJ ?ove of (ani$)a a$ha)ar personifiedJ Essen$e of @ods and sa'es ta)en shapeJ

    Sola$e of the ForlornJ Refu'e of the OppressedJ +elp to the (ee)J oi$e of the (uteJSplendour of allJ Rein$arnate of the edasJ +ail to TheeJ Thine is the @lor"J Oh,

    Si'npost of =ea$eJ ?imit of -nandaJ


    5amada'ni #as a &rahmin saint #ho lived in the forest #ith his #ife Renu)a and his

    sons, of #hom =arasurama #as the "oun'est, the most valiant and the %est reno#ned.

    The $ountr" #as then ruled %" +aiha"as, a $ertain $lan of ;shattri"as. Some of them$ame into $lash #ith =arasurama %ut fared the #orse. The" dared not $hallen'e him

    after#ards. Their ran$our, ho#ever, remained, and the" $ould not resist their lon'in' for

    reven'e. The" seiKed their opportunit" #hen =arasurama #as far a#a" from the

    hermita'e, atta$)ed his saintl" father and )illed him. On the sons return, the mothernarrated the unprovo)ed murder of the saintC she also desired that her hus%ands %od"

    should %e $remated on the %an)s of the @an'es and that she mi'ht as a Sati mount the

    funeral p"re.

  • 8/13/2019 Tripura Rahasya, Chapters I - XV


    =arasurama vo#ed that he #ould $lear the earth of the ;shattri"a vermin. +e pla$ed his

    fathers $orpse on the shoulder and too) his livin' mother on the other and set out alon'

    to the @an'es. hile passin' throu'h a forest, an -vadhutha, %" name !attatre"a, sa#Renu)a and stopped the "oun' man #ho $arried her. The -vadhutha addressed Renu)a

    as Sa)ti in$arnate, of unparalleled mi'ht /E)aviiraa0 and #orshipped her. She %lessed

    him and told him of her life on earth and her resolve to end it. She also advised her son toloo) to !attatre"a for help #hen needed. =arasurama #ent on his #a" and fulfilled his

    mothers desire.

    +e then $hallen'ed ever" ;shattri"a in the land and )illed them all. Their %lood #as

    $olle$ted in a pool in ;uru)shetra, and =arasurama offered o%lations to his forefathers#ith it. +is dead an$estors appeared and told him to desist from his %lood" reven'e.

    -$$ordin'l", he retired into mountain fastnesses and lived as a hermit.

    +earin' on one o$$asion of the pro#ess of Rama, his #rath re)indled and he $ame %a$)

    to $hallen'e him. Rama #as %orn of !asaratha #ho, thou'h a ;shattri"a, es$aped his

    doom %" a ruse. Rama a$$epted =arasuramas $hallen'e and 'ot the %etter of him.

    =arasurama returned $restfallen and on his #a" met an -vadhuta named Samvarta, the

    %rother of &rihaspati. ?ater he en$ountered Sri !attatre"a #ho instru$ted him in the

    Truth and so led him to salvation.


    There #as on$e a dutiful #ife #hose hus%and #as, ho#ever, a li$entious #ret$h. This$ouple un#ittin'l" distur%ed Rishi (andav"a, #ho had %een pla$ed on a spear %" a

    mis'uided )in'. The Rishi, #ho #as in a'on" %ut not d"in', $ursed them, sa"in' that the

    hus%and #ould die at sunrise and the #ife %e left a #ido#. ido#hood is most a%horrentto a +indu lad" and $onsidered #orse than death. &" the for$e of her dutiful #ifehood

    she resisted the $urse of the RishiC the Sun $ould not riseC and the @ods #ere rendered


    The @ods in $oun$il resolved to approa$h -nasu"a the ideal of #ifehood to as) her toprevail on the other lad" to relent. -nasu"a promised her that she #ould restore her dead

    hus%and to lifeC and so the matter ended satisfa$toril" for all.

    The three $hief @ods then a'reed to %e %orn as sons to -nasu"a. &rahman #as %orn as

    the (oonC Siva as !hurvasa and Sri >ara"ana as !atta. The last is also $alled :!atta

    -tre"a,: of #hi$h the latter #orld is the patron"ami$ derived from -tri, the hus%and of-nasu"a. Sri !attatre"a is the foremost in the line of divine tea$hers in$arnate on earth.

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    +-=TER I

    1. Salutation to -um /undifferentiated &rahman, and "et the0 =rimal and &lissful $ause,the trans$endental $ons$iousness shinin' as the uniue mirror of the #onderful universeH

    >oteH The one undifferentiated &rahman si'nified %" -umpolarises as Sat$hitananda

    ta)in' shape as =arames#ari #ho, in +er $r"stal purit", displa"s the varie'atedphenomena #hi$h '"rate in euipoise #ithin +er. >eutral &rahman and the polarised&rahman are thus inter$han'ea%le. The idea of the mirror implies the nonseparateness of

    the o%3e$t from the su%3e$t /$ons$ious %ein'0.

    . /+aritha"ana said H..................0

    :Bndistur%ed "ou have heard, O >aradaJ the (ahatm"a /The @ospel0 of Sri Tripura,

    #hi$h tea$hes the #a" to Trans$enden$e.:

    >oteH Thus %e'ins the latter part of the %oo)C the first part deals #ith a narrative of !evi

    /Sa)ti Sri Tripura0, +er #orship and +er 'ra$e. Tripura literall" means the three $ities.The" are the states 5a'rat, Svapna and Shushupti. The under$urrent of $ons$iousness inall of them, remainin' unaffe$ted, is metaphori$all" $alled the Resident (istress %" name

    Sri Tripura. The pro$reative fa$ult" 'eneratin' ne# %ein's and the lin) of altruisti$ love

    $onne$tin' the offsprin' to the parent are personified in the (other. +en$e the feminine

    termination of Tripura. :The #a" to trans$enden$e: si'nifies that interest in Tripurapurifies the mind and $reates the Keal for enuir" into the Truth. The listener is no# fit

    for the ensuin' dis$ourse on #isdom.

    . I shall no# dis$ourse on #isdom, #hi$h is uniue %e$ause one #ill %e permanentl"

    freed from miser", %" hearin' it.

    4. This is the $on$entrated e*tra$t of the essen$e of the edi$, aishnava, Saiva, Sat)ta

    and =asupata lore ta)en after a deep stud" of them all.

    . >o other $ourse #ill impress the mind so mu$h as this one on isdom #hi$h #as

    on$e tau'ht %" that illustrious master !attatre"a to =arasurama. The tea$hin' #as %orn ofhis o#n e*perien$e, lo'i$al in sense and uite uniue in its nature. One #ho $annot

    apprehend Truth even after hearin' this must %e dismissed as a sill" fool to %e ran)ed
  • 8/13/2019 Tripura Rahasya, Chapters I - XV


    amon' the insentient and a$$ursed of @odC Siva himself $annot ma)e su$h an one 'ain


    8. I no# pro$eed to relate that in$ompara%le tea$hin'. ?istenJ Oh, the lives of Sa'es aremost sa$redJ

    911. >arada too served me to learn the same from meC for, servi$e to sa'es ena%les one

    to apprehend their innate )indness, 3ust as the sense of smell helps one to dete$t the

    intrinsi$ odour of mus).

    -s =arasurama, the son of 5amada'ni, alread" pureminded and pleasin' to all, #aslistenin' to the @ospel of Tripura from the lips of !attatre"a, he %e$ame a%stra$ted in

    devotion and so 'ro#in' still for a time, his mind %e$ame still purer.

    11. Then as the mind rela*ed, his e"es 'lo#ed in rapture and his hair stood on end, as

    if his e$stas" $ould not %e $ontained #ithin %ut must es$ape throu'h the ver" pores of his

    %od". +e then fell to the 'round %efore his master !atta.

    14. -'ain he arose, and %ein' filled #ith e$stas", his voi$e $ho)ed #ith emotion as he

    saidH ?u$)" am IC %lessed am IC throu'h Th" @ra$e O ?ordJ

    1. That e*panse of @ra$e $alled Siva, here in$arnate as m" @uru, is indeed 'ra$ious tomeC 'ainin' #hose pleasure even the ?ord of $reation, loo)s a pi'm".

    12. !oes not the @od of !eath veril" mer'e into the Self, if onl" ones master is pleased

    #ith oneSE TO-R!S -TIO> O>!E(>E!

    ->! I>ESTI@-TIO> REO((E>!E!

    1. :Ordered thus, =arasurama a'ain salutin' the son of Saint -tri #ith humilit" %e'an toas)H

    . :&ha'avan, dear and esteemed (asterJ Oh, Omnis$ient oneJ O$ean of (er$"J On$e

    %efore for 'ood reason I #as furious #ith the )in'l" $lass.

    . :T#ent"one times I strode the land e*terminatin' them all, in$ludin' su$)in' %a%esand those in the #om% $olle$tin' their %lood in a pool.

    4. :(" forefathers #ere pleased #ith m" devotion to themC ho#ever, the" ordered me to

    desist from su$h $arna'e. (" #rath #as at last appeased.

    . :On hearin' of the reno#ned Rama the ver" in$arnation of +ari in -"odh"a, m" #rath

    #as re)indled. &linded %" fur" and proud of m" pro#ess, I $hallen'ed him.

    2. :I #as defeated %" that 'reat ?ord and m" pride #as hum%led. +o#ever, out of his

    innate )indness he let me 'o #ith m" life %e$ause I #as a &rahmin.

    . :-s I #as returnin' mortified %" defeat, I realised the vanit" of the #a"s of the #orld.

    8. :Bne*pe$tedl" I met Samvarta, the ?ord of the -vadhutas, and instin$tivel"

    re$o'nised him to %e li)e fire in em%ers.

    >oteH Samvarta, the %rother of &rihaspati, loo)ed li)e a mania$ #anderin' in the

    forests. >arada on$e dire$ted the emperor >ivritta to him and instru$ted him ho#

    Samvarta $ould %e re$o'nised. The ;in' a$$ordin'l" met the Sa'e and pra"ed for hishelp in the performan$e of a sa$rifi$e, in #hi$h &rihaspati prompted %" Indra had refused

    to offi$iate. Samvarta a'reed, thou'h hesitatin'l", and later $ompleted it in spite of the

    #rath of Indra. Indra attempted to %rea) up the fun$tion %ut #as rendered impotent %" the

    Sa'e /vide -svamedha =arva in the (aha%harata0.

    9. :+is 'reatness #as li)e red hot $oal hidden in em%ers. Ever" in$h of his %od" filled

    one #ith e*hilaration so that I had a refreshin' feelin' in his mere pro*imit".

    >oteH Sensation of =ea$e or of ananda is the s"mptom of Satsan'a.

    17. :I as)ed him to tell me a%out his state. +is ans#er #as $lear $ut and e*pressive of the

    essen$e of the s#eet ne$tar of Eternal life.

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    11. :I $ould not pursue the $onversation then and felt li)e a %e''ar maid %efore a ueen.

    +o#ever I pra"ed to him and he dire$ted me to Thee.

    1. :-$$ordin'l" I have sou'ht shelter at Th" hol" feet, 3ust as a %lind man #ho isentirel" dependent on his friends.

    1. :hat Samvarta said is not at all $lear to me. I have learnt the @ospel of Tripura #ell.

    It is undou%tedl" an in$entive to devotion to +er.

    14. :She is in$arnate as Thou, and al#a"s a%ides in m" heart. &ut #hat have I 'ained

    after alloteH =ra"ers to @od are onl" selfish in the %e'innin', "et the" not onl" fulfil ones

    desires %ut also purif" the mind so that devotion to @od 'ro#s in intensit" and the

    devotee desires nothin' more than @od. Then @od sho#s +is @ra$e %" manifestin' as his


    1. :?ord, )indl" e*plain #hat Samvarta told me %efore. It is $ertain that I $annot realise

    the 'oal until it is made )no#n to me.

    12. :hatever I do in i'noran$e thereof loo)s li)e mere $hilds pla".

    1. :Formerl" I pleased the @ods, in$ludin' Indra, #ith various $eremonies, o%servan$es,

    'ifts and presents of food.

    18. :?ater I heard Samvarta sa" that the fruits of all these a$ts are onl" trivial. I $onsider

    those a$ts of no a$$ount #hi$h "ield onl" triflin' results.

    19. :(iser" is not a%sen$e of happiness, %ut limited happiness. For as happiness re$edes

    miser" pours in.

    7. :This is not the onl" misera%le result of a$tion, %ut there remains a still #orse one, the

    fear of death, #hi$h $annot %e miti'ated %" an" amount of a$tivit".

    1. :(" devotional pra$ti$es %efore Tripura are similar. -ll these mental $on$eptions are

    nothin' %ut $hilds pla".

    . :The pra$ti$es ma" %e a$$ordin' to Th" instru$tions, or different. -'ain the" ma" %e

    #ith dis$ipline or #ithout dis$ipline, sin$e the Sastras differ a%out this.

    . :(editations ma" also differ a$$ordin' to individual tastes and temperaments. +o#

    $an that %e< !evotion is 3ust as imperfe$t as ;arma.

    4. :+o# $an transient mental $on$epts of devotion produ$e intransient results of hi'hTruth< (oreover, the pra$ti$es are $ontinuous and there seems to %e no end to these

    o%li'ator" duties.

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    . :I have noti$ed that Samvarta, the ?ord, is uite happ", %ein' $ompletel" free from

    an" sense of o%li'ation to a$t and its disastrous results.

    2. :+e seems to lau'h at the #a"s of the #orld, to stride un$on$erned up the road offearlessness, li)e a ma3esti$ elephant refreshin' itself in a ta)e of melted sno# #hen the

    surroundin' forest is on fire.

    . :I found him a%solutel" free from an" sense of o%li'ation and at the same time

    perfe$tl" happ" in his realisation of Eternal &ein'. +o# did he 'ain that state< -nd #hatdid he tell meu* omi$a fruits for

    some deli$ious oran'es.

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    47. :-nd in their vora$ious hun'er the" ate them up #ithout even dete$tin' the %itter

    taste. The" then suffered torment from the effe$ts of the poison.

    41. :+avin' ori'inall" mista)en the poisonous fruit for an edi%le fruit, their reason %ein'no# %linded %" poison, the" ea'erl" sou'ht relief from pain.

    4. :-nd in their a'on" the" too) hold of and ate thornapples, thin)in' them to %e rose


    >oteH Thornapples are used for e*tra$tin' a poisonous al)aloid. The fruit is fatal or

    produ$es insanit".

    4. The" %e$ame mad and lost their #a". Some %e$omin' %lind fell into pits or 'or'esH

    44. :Some of them had their lim%s and %odies $ut %" thornsC some #ere disa%led in their

    hands, feet or other parts of the %od"C others %e'an to uarrel, fi'ht and shout amon'


    4. :The" assaulted one another #ith their fists, stones, missiles, sti$)s, et$., till at len'ththorou'hl" e*hausted, the" rea$hed a $ertain to#n.

    42. :The" happened to $ome to the outs)irts of the to#n at ni'htfall, and #ere prevented

    %" the 'uards from enterin'.

    449. :Bna#are of the time and pla$e and una%le to 'au'e the $ir$umstan$es, the"assaulted the 'uards and #ere soundl" thrashed and $hased a#a"C some fell into dit$hesC

    some #ere $au'ht %" $ro$odiles in deep #atersC some fell headlon' into #ells and #ere

    dro#nedC a fe# more dead than alive, #ere $au'ht and thro#n into prison.

    7. :Similar is the fate of the people #ho, deluded #ith the uest of happiness, havefallen into the snares of the tas)master of a$tion. The" are %e#ildered in their frenK" and

    destru$tion a#aits them.

    1. :Dou are fortunate, &har'ava, in havin' trans$ended that distra$ted state.

    Investi'ation is the root$ause of all, and it is the first step to the supreme re#ard ofindes$ri%a%le %liss. +o# $an an" one 'ain se$urit" #ithout proper investi'ationTEE!E>T -BSE FOR ?E-R>I>@ T+E @OS=E?.

    -SSOI-TIO> IT+ T+E ISE (BST =REE!E :I+-R-:

    1. +avin' listened to !attatre"as #ords, =arasurama #as deli'hted and $ontinued his

    uestions in all humilit"H

    . :O &ha'avanJ It is pre$isel" as m" ?ord @uru has 3ust said. Trul", a man #ill ever

    head for destru$tion in his i'noran$e.

    . :+is salvation lies in investi'ation /vi$hara0 alone. The remote and pro*imate $auses

    have also %een mentioned %" Thee, and the" have %een tra$ed to mahatm"a. I am in 'reat

    dou%t on this point.

    4. :+o# does that happen and #hat is a'ain its pro*imate $ause< an it %e that it isnatural /li)e $oura'e to a hero0< Then #h" is it not shared %" all

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    2. :h" have I not 'ot it as "et< -'ain, there are others #ho are more trou%led and

    more sufferin' than I. h" have the" not 'ot this means< ;indl" tell me.: Thus as)ed,

    !atta, the O$ean of (er$", ans#eredH

    . :?isten, RamaJ I shall no# tell "ou the fundamental $ause of salvation. -sso$iation

    #ith the #ise is the root $ause for o%literatin' all miser".

    89. :-sso$iation #ith the sa'es is alone said to lead to the hi'hest 'ood. Dour $onta$t

    #ith Samvarta has led "ou to this sta'e of enli'htenment, #hi$h is the forerunner ofeman$ipation. On %ein' approa$hed, the sa'es tea$h the 'reatest 'ood.

    17. :+as an" one ever 'ot an"thin' 'reat, #ithout $onta$t #ith the #ise< In an" $ase, it is

    the $ompan" #hi$h determines the future of the individual.

    11. :- man undou%tedl" reaps the fruits of his $ompan". I shall relate to "ou a stor" to

    illustrate thisH

    1. :There #as on$e a )in' of !asarna %" name (u)ta$huda. +e had t#o sonsH

    +ema$huda and (ani$huda.

    1. :The" #ere $omel", #ell%ehaved and #elllearned. -t one time the" led a huntin'

    part", $onsistin' of a 'reat retinue of men and #arriors, into a deep forest on the Sah"a(ountains #hi$h #as infested #ith ti'ers, lions and other #ild animals. The" #ere

    themselves armed #ith %o#s and arro#s.

    14. :There the" shot several deer, lions, %oars, %isons, #olves, et$., havin' )illed them %"

    the s)ilful use of their %o#s.

    12. :-s more #ild animals #ere %ein' hunted do#n %" the ro"al hunters, a tornado %e'an

    to rase, pourin' do#n sand and pe%%les.

    1. :- thi$) $loud of dust s$reened the s)"C and it %e$ame dar) li)e ni'ht, so that neither

    ro$)s, trees nor men $ould %e seen.

    18. :The mountain #as shrouded in dar)ness, so that neither hills nor valle"s $ould %eseen. The retinue hurried a#a" affli$ted %" the sands and pe%%les hurled do#n %" the


    19. :- fe# of them too) shelter under ro$)s, others in $aves, and still others under trees.The ro"al pair mounted on horses and rode a#a" into the distan$e.

    7. :+ema$huda ultimatel" rea$hed the hermita'e of a sa'e, #hi$h had %een %uilt in a

    fine 'arden of plantain, date and other trees.

    1. :There he sa# a $harmin' maiden #hose %od", %ri'ht as 'old, shone li)e a flame of


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    . :The prin$e #as %e#it$hed at the si'ht of the 'irl, #ho loo)ed li)e the @oddess of

    Fortune, and spo)e to her thusH ho are "ou, fair lad", #ho live fearlessl" in su$h a

    dreadful and solitar" forest< hose are "ou< h" are "ou here< -re "ou alone

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    47. :That same lord, m" fosterfather, #ill soon %e here. Salute him and hear him #ith

    humilit"C "our desire #ill %e fulfilled, and "ou ma" leave here in the mornin'.

    41. :+avin' heard her and %e$omin' enamoured of her, he #as silent for fear of 'ivin'offen$eC "et he %e$ame distressed in mind.

    442. :>otin' the prin$e lovestri$)en, that hi'hl" a$$omplished 'irl $ontinuedH &ravo

    =rin$eJ &e stead"J (" father is a%out to $ome. Tell him all. -s she #as sa"in' this

    "a'hrapada the 'reat saint arrived, $arr"in' a %as)et of flo#ers $ulled from the forestfor #orship. Seein' the sa'e $omin', the prin$e rose up from his seat, prostrated %efore

    him mentionin' his o#n name, and then too) his seat as dire$ted. The sa'e noti$ed that

    the man #as lovestri$)enC ta)in' in the #hole situation %" his o$$ult po#ers, hepondered on #hat #ould %e the %est $ourse in the $ir$umstan$esC and ended %" %esto#in'

    +emale)ha on the "oun' man as his lifepartner.

    449. :The prin$e #as filled #ith 3o" and returned #ith her to his o#n $apital.

    (u)ta$huda, his father, #as also ver" pleased and ordered festivities in the )in'dom. +ethen had the marria'e performed $eremoniousl", and the lovin' $ouple passed a ver"

    happ" hone"moon in the pala$e, in forest retreats, and in holida" resorts. &ut the

    infatuated prin$e noti$ed that +emale)ha #as not as amorous as himself.

    7. :Feelin' that she #as al#a"s unresponsive, he as)ed her in privateH (" dearJ +o# isit "ou are not as attentive to me as I am to "ouoteH ;umuda, a $ertain lil", %lossoms onl" in the ni'ht and is therefore said to %e the%eloved of the (oon, as the lotus %lossomin' in the da" is said to %e the %eloved of the


    9. :Spea), dearJ h" are "ou li)e this< Dou are dearer to me than even life. I ad3ure

    "ouJ Spea) and so relieve m" mind.:

    +!-s en"s t!e +!ir" C!a/ter in t!e section on t!e /otenc o2 t!e association #it! t!e#ise, in +ri/-ra Ra!asa.

    +-=TER I

    !IS@BST FOR OR?!?D E>5OD(E>T IS I>B?-TE!

    SO T+-T !IS=-SSIO> (I@+T &E !EE?O=E!

    1. :On hearin' the s#eet #ords of her infatuated lover, #ho #as all the time pressin'

    her to his %osom, that stainless 'irl, #ishin' to tea$h him, smiled 'entl" and spo)e #ith

    'ood sense as follo#sC ?isten to me, O =rin$e. It is not that I do not love "ou, onl" that Iam tr"in' to find #hat the 'reatest 3o" in life is #hi$h #ill never %e$ome distasteful. I amal#a"s sear$hin' for it, %ut have not attained it as "et.

    4. Thou'h al#a"s loo)in' for it, I have not rea$hed an" definite de$ision, as is a #omans

    #a". ill "ou not )indl" tell me #hat e*a$tl" it is and so help me

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    17. :On %ein' ri'htl" tau'ht %" "ou, I shall stop thin)in' li)e that. -lso, I shall then %e

    a%le to share in "our pleasures to "our entire satisfa$tion.

    11. :O ;in', su%tle 3ud'e that "ou are, "ou have found happiness and miser" to %e theresults of #hat is pleasin' or other#ise.

    1. :The same o%3e$t "ields pleasure or pain a$$ordin' to $ir$umstan$es. here is then

    the finalit" in "our statement &O>!-@E ->! RE?E-SE

    1. =arasurama, on hearin' the masters dis$ourse on the 'reatness of satsan'a, #as hi'hl"pleased and $ontinued to as).

    . :Dou have trul" said, O ?ord, that satsan'a is the har%in'er of all that is #orth", and

    illustrated the fa$t #ith a stor".

    . :Ones en3o"ments are determined %" the ualit" of ones $ompan". The hi'hest 'ood

    #as a$$omplished %" all o#in' to their asso$iation dire$t or indire$t, #ith +emale)ha,

    thou'h she #as onl" a #oman.

    4. :I am an*ious to hear ho# +ema$huda #as further 'uided %" her. =lease tell me, Thou

    ?ord of (er$"J:

    . Thus reuested, !attatre"a said to =arasuramaH :?isten, O &har'ava, I shall no#$ontinue the hol" narrative.

    2. :+avin' heard #hat she had to sa", the en3o"ments $eased to interest him, he

    developed a dis'ust for them, and %e$ame pensive.

    . :&ut the for$e of ha%it still remained #ith him. +e #as therefore una%le either to en3o"himself or to desist all of a sudden.

    8. :+e #as ho#ever too proud to $onfess his #ea)ness to his %eloved. Some time passed

    in this #a".

    9. :hen his ha%its for$ed him into the old #a"s he #as still mindful of his #ifes #ords,

    so that he en'a'ed himself in them #ith relu$tan$e and shame.

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    1711. :+e repeatedl" fell into his old #a"s %" for$e of ha%itC and ver" often he %e$ame

    repentant, realisin' the evil of those #a"s and remem%erin' his #ifes #ise #ords. +is

    mind #as thus movin' to and fro, li)e a s#in'.

    1. :>either deli$ious foods, nor fine $lothes, nor ri$h 3e#els, nor $harmin' damsels nor

    $aparisoned horses, nor even his dear friends $ontinued to interest him.

    114. :+e %e$ame sad as if he had lost his all. +e #as una%le to resist his ha%its at on$e

    nor #as he #illin' to follo# them )no#in'l". +e 're# pale and melan$hol".

    1. :+emale)ha, al#a"s a#are of the $han'e in him, #ent to him in his private $ham%erand said, :+o# is it, m" ?ord, that "ou are not as $heerful as %eforeo# tell me, dear, #h" "ou are so sad.:

    . :hen +emale)ha had finished, the prin$e replied, I #ill tell "ou the $ause of m"

    miser". ?isten to #e, dear.

    . :hat "ou said on the last o$$asion has %arred all means of pleasure for me, so that I$an no# find nothin' to ma)e me happ".

    4. :5ust as a man under orders to %e e*e$uted $annot relish the lu*uries provided for

    him %" the State, so also I do not relish an"thin'.

    . :5ust as a man is for$ed %" ro"al $ommand to do somethin' in spite of himself, soalso must I en'a'e in old #a"s %" for$e of ha%it. >o# I as) "ou, dear, tell me ho# I $an

    'ain happiness.

    2. :&ein' thus approa$hed, +emale)ha thou'htH This dispassion is $ertainl" due to m"


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    . :There is the seed of the hi'hest 'ood in that field #here su$h s"mptoms appear. +ad

    m" #ell$al$ulated #ords not produ$ed even the sli'htest turn in this dire$tion, there

    #ould %e no hope of eman$ipatin' him. This state of dispassion onl" arises in one #ith#hose $ontinued devotion Tripura inherent in the +eart as the Self, is #ell pleased.:

    Thin)in' thus, that #ise lad" #as ea'er to reveal #isdom to her hus%and.

    7. :;eepin' her o#n #isdom se$ret at the same time, she spo)e #ith measured #ordsH

    ?isten, =rin$e, to the stor" of m" o#n past.

    1. :(" mother formerl" 'ave me a lad"in#aitin' #ho #as 'ood %" nature, %ut laterasso$iated #ith an undesira%le friend.

    . :This friend #as $lever in $reatin' ne# and #onderful thin's. I also #ithout m"

    mothers )no#led'e asso$iated #ith her.

    . :That lad"in#aitin' %e$ame ver" friendl" #ith that undesira%le $ompanion, and I#as o%li'ed to do the same %e$ause I loved m" friend more than life.

    4. :For, I $ould not remain #ithout her even for a se$ondC so mu$h did she enthral me

    %" her undou%ted purit".

    . :-l#a"s lovin' m" friend, I ui$)l" %e$ame part of herself. She for her part #as all

    the time $lose to her friend, a #i$)ed strumpet, #ho #as ever 'eneratin' ne# andfas$inatin' thin's.

    28. :In se$ret that #oman introdu$ed her son to m" friend. That son #as an i'norant

    fool #ith e"es %loodshot #ith drin). -nd m" friend #ent on en3o"in' him in m" ver"presen$e. &ut she, thou'h $ompletel" overpo#ered %" him and %ein' en3o"ed %" him da"

    after da", never left me, and I, too, did not a%andon her. -nd out of that union #as %orn a

    fool of the same t"pe as his father.

    941. :+e 're# up to %e a ver" restless "oun' fello#, full" inheritin' his fathersdullness and his 'randmothers #i$)edness and $reativeness. This %o", (r. In$onstant %"

    name, #as %rou'ht up and trained %" his father, (r. Fool and his 'randmother (adame

    I'noran$e, and he %e$ame s)illed in their #a"s. +e $ould ne'otiate the most diffi$ult

    pla$es #ith perfe$t ease and surmount o%sta$les in a tri$e.

    4. :In this manner, m" friend, thou'h ver" 'ood %" nature, %e$ame affli$ted and sill"%e$ause of her asso$iation #ith #i$)ed people.

    444. :hat #ith love for her friend, devotion for her lover, and affe$tion for her son,

    she %e'an 'raduall" to forsa)e me. &ut I $ould not %rea) #ith her so easil".

    442. :>ot %ein' selfreliant, I #as dependent on her so remained #ith her. +er

    hus%and, (r. Fool, thou'h al#a"s in en3o"ment of her, mistoo) me for one of the same

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    sort and tried to ravish me. &ut I #as not #hat he too) me to %e. I am pure %" nature and

    onl" led %" her, for the time %ein'.

    4. :Even so, there #as #idespread s$andal a%out me in the #orld, that I #as al#a"s in(r. Fools hold.

    48. :(" friend, entrustin' her son (r. In$onstant to me, #as al#a"s in the $ompan" of

    her lover.

    49. :(r. In$onstant 're# up in m" $are and in due $ourse married a #ife #ith his

    mothers approval.

    7. :Bnstead" %" name, she #as ever restless and $han'eful and $ould put on different

    forms to please her hus%ands #him.

    1. :&" her #onderful $apa$it" to $han'e and %" her e*$eedin' s)ill and $leverness, she

    %rou'ht her hus%and $ompletel" under her $ontrol.

    . :(r. In$onstant, too, used to fl" hundreds of miles in a t#in)lin' and return, 'o here,there and ever"#here, %ut "et $ould find no rest.

    4. :henever (r. In$onstant #ished to 'o an"#here and #hatever he #anted to

    have in an" measure, (adame Bnstead" #as read" to meet his desires $han'in' herself

    a$$ordin'l" and $reatin' ne# environments to please her hus%and. She thus #on hisaffe$tion entirel".

    . :She %ore him five sons #ho #ere devoted to their parents. Ea$h one #as s)illed in

    his o#n #a". The" #ere also entrusted to m" $are %" m" friend.

    221. :Out of love for m" friend, I %rou'ht them up #ith $are, and made them stron'.Then those five sons of (adame Bnstead" individuall" ere$ted splendid pala$es, invited

    their father to their homes and entertained him $ontinuall" in turns. The eldest of them

    entertained him in his mansion #ith different )inds of s#eet musi$, #ith in$antations ofthe edas, the readin' of s$riptures, the hummin' sounds of %ees, the t#itterin' of %irds

    and other sounds s#eet to hear.

    224. :The father #as pleased #ith the son, #ho arran'ed for still further sounds for him

    #hi$h #ere harsh, fearful and tumultuous li)e the roar of the lion, the peal of thunder, the

    ra'in' of the sea, the rum%lin's of earthua)es, the $ries from l"in'in$ham%ers, and theuarrels, moans and lamentations of man" people.

    22. :Invited %" his se$ond son, the father #ent to sta" in his mansion. There he found

    soft seats, do#n" %eds, fine $lothes and some hard thin's, others hot or #arm or $old, orrefreshin' thin's #ith various desi'ns, and so on. +e #as pleased #ith the a'reea%le

    thin's and felt aversion to the disa'reea%le ones.

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    28. :Then 'oin' to the third son, he sa# $harmin' and varie'ated s$enes, thin's red,

    #hite, %ro#n, %lue, "ello#, pin), smo)" 're", ta#n", red%ro#n, %la$) and spotted,

    others fat or lean, short or lon', %road or round, %ent or #av", pleasin' or horri%le,nauseous, %rilliant or sava'e, unsi'htl" or $aptivatin', some pleasin' and others


    . :The father #as ta)en to the fourth sons mansion and there he had fruits and flo#ers

    to order. +e had drin)s, thin's to %e li$)ed, to %e su$)ed, and to %e masti$ated, 3ui$"thin's, some refreshin' li)e ne$tar, others s#eet, sour, pun'ent or astrin'ent, some

    de$o$tions of similar flavours, and so on. +e tasted them all.

    29. :The last son too) the father to his home and treated him #ith fruits and flo#ers,#ith various s$ented 'rasses, her%s and thin's of different odours, s#eet or putres$ent,

    mild or a$rid, others stimulatin' or soporifi$ and so on.

    :In this manner, he en3o"ed himself uninterruptedl", one #a" or another, in one mansion

    or another, %ein' pleased #ith some and repulsed %" others.

    87. :The sons too #ere so devoted to their father that the" #ould not tou$h an"thin'themselves in his a%sen$e.

    81. :&ut (r. In$onstant not onl" en3o"ed himself thorou'hl" in his sons mansions, %ut

    also stole a#a" thin's from them and shared them in se$ret #ith his dear #ife, (adam

    Bnstead", in his o#n home, un)no#n to his sons.

    8. :?ater, one ora* fell in love #ith (r. In$onstant and he #edded herC the" %e$ame

    ver" devoted to ea$h other, (r. In$onstant loved (adam ora* heart and soul.

    848. :+e used to fet$h enormous provisions for her, she $onsumed them all in a

    moment and #as still hun'r" for moreC therefore she )ept her hus%and al#a"s on his le's,to $olle$t her foodC and, too, he #as in$essantl" in uest of provision for her. She #as not

    satisfied #ith the servi$e of the father and his five sons put to'ether, %ut #anted still

    more. Su$h #as her insatia%le hun'er. She used to order all of them a%out for her needs.In a short time she 'ave %irth to t#o sons.

    88. :The" #ere (aster Flamin'mouth the elder and (aster (ean the "oun'er %oth of

    $ourse ver" dear to their mother.

    8991. :henever (r. In$onstant sou'ht (adam ora* in priva$", his %od" #as %urnt%" the #rathsome flames of (aster Flamin'mouthC %ein' thus affli$ted, he fell do#nun$ons$ious.

    :-'ain, #henever he fondled the "oun'er son out of his love, he #as hated %" all the

    #orld and he himself %e$ame as if dead. (r. In$onstant thus e*perien$ed untold miser".

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    9. :Then m" $ompanion, 'ood %" nature, #as herself affli$ted %e$ause of her son (r.

    In$onstants 'rief.

    99. :&ein' also asso$iated #ith her t#o 'randsons, (r. Flamin'mouth and (r.(ean, she %e$ame uite misera%le and 'ave #a" under the pu%li$ odium. I too, dear,

    $ollapsed in s"mpath" #ith her. Thus passed several "ears until (r. In$onstantdominated %" (adam ora* lost all initiative and #as entirel" in her hands.

    9217. :+e #as foredoomed and %etoo) himself to the $it" of ten 'ates. There he lived#ith (adam ora* his sons and his mother, al#a"s see)in' pleasure %ut onl" sharin'

    miser" da" and ni'ht. &urnt %" the #rath of Flamin'mouth and treated #ith $ontempt %"

    (r. (ean, he s#un' hither and thither 'reatl" a'itated. +e #ent into the homes of hisother five sons %ut #as onl" perple*ed, #ithout %ein' happ". (" $ompanion too #as so

    affe$ted %" her sons pli'ht that she a'ain $ollapsed, and "et she $ontinued to live in the

    same $it". (adam ora* #ith her t#o %o"s (r. Flamin'mouth and (r. (ean #as %ein'

    fed %" (adam I'noran$e her hus%ands 'randmother, and %" (r. Fool, her fatherin

    la#. She 'ot on #ell #ith her $o#ife (adam Bnstead" and #as even intimate #ith her./In'ratiatin' herself #ith all of them0, she $ompletel" dominated her hus%and (r.


    G G G G

    :I too $ontinued to live there %e$ause of m" love for m" friend. Other#ise, none of them

    $ould remain in the to#n #ithout me #ho #as their prote$tress, thou'h I #as mori%und

    o#in' to m" friends mori%undit".

    :I #as sometimes suppressed %" (adam I'noran$e, #as made a fool of %" (r. Fool,

    %e$ame in$onstant on a$$ount of (r. In$onstant, 're# unstead" #ith (adam Bnstead",$onta$ted #rath #ith Flamin'mouth and loo)ed $ontempti%le #ith (r. (ean. I refle$ted

    #ithin m"self all the moods of m" friend, for she #ould have died if I had left her even aminute. &e$ause of m" $ompan", the $ommon people al#a"s mis3ud'ed me for a

    strumpet, #hereas dis$riminatin' men $ould see that I have al#a"s remained pure.

    178111. :For that Supreme @ood One, m" mother, is ever pure and $lear, more

    e*tensive than spa$e and su%tler than the su%tlestC she is omnis$ient, "et of limited)no#led'eC she #or)s all, "et remains ina$tiveC she holds all, herself %ein' unsupportedC

    all depend on her, and she is independentC all forms are hers, %ut she is formlessC all

    %elon' to her, %ut she is unatta$hedC thou'h illuminin' all, she is not )no#n to an" one

    under an" $ir$umstan$esC she is &liss, "et not %lissfulC she has no father nor motherCinnumera%le are her dau'hters, li)e me.

    1111. :(" sisters are as man" as the #aves on the sea. -ll of them, O =rin$e, are 3ust

    li)e me involved in their $ompanions affairs. Thou'h sharin' the lives of m" friends, Iam in possession of the most potent spell, %" virtue of #hi$h I am also e*a$tl" li)e m"

    mother in nature.

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    114. /The tale is resumed.0

    11. :hen m" friends son retired to rest, he al#a"s slept soundl" on the lap of his

    motherC as (r. In$onstant #as asleep, all others, in$ludin' his sons, #ere also asleep, forno one $ould remain a#a)e.

    112. :On su$h o$$asions, the $it" #as 'uarded %" (r. (otion, the intimate friend of (r.

    In$onstant, #ho #as al#a"s movin' to and fro %" t#o upper 'ate#a"s.

    11. :(" friend, the mother of (r. In$onstant, alon' #ith him and her #i$)ed friend

    the same #as her motherinla# #at$hed the #hole sleepin' famil".

    118. :I used to see) m" mother in that interval and remain %lissful in her fond em%ra$e.

    &ut I #as o%li'ed to return to the $it" simultaneousl" #ith the #a)in' of the sleepers.

    119. :This (r. (otion, the friend of (r. In$onstant, is most po#erful and )eeps them all


    1711. :Thou'h sin'le, he multiplies himself, manifests as the $it" and $itiKens,pervades them all, prote$ts and holds them.

    1. :ithout him, the" #ould all %e s$attered and lost li)e pearls #ithout the strin' of

    the ne$)la$e.

    1. :+e is the %ond %et#een the inmates and m"selfC empo#ered %" me, he serves in the$it" as the strin' in a ne$)la$e.

    14. :If that $it" de$a"s, he $olle$ts the inmates to'ether, leads them to another andremains their master.

    111. :In this #a" (r. In$onstant rules over $ities al#a"s, he himself remainin' underthe s#a" of his friend. Thou'h supported %" su$h a po#erful friend, thou'h %orn of su$h

    a virtuous mother and %rou'ht up %" me, he is never other#ise than misera%le, %e$ause

    he is tossed a%out %" his t#o #ives and several sons. +e is torn asunder %" his sons and

    finds not the least pleasure %ut onl" intense miser". Tempted %" (adame Bnstead", he'rievesC ordered a%out %" (adam ora*, he runs a%out in sear$h of food for herC stri$)en

    %" Flamin'mouth he %urns #ith ra'e, loses his sense and is %affledC approa$hin' (r.

    (ean, he is openl" despised and reviled %" others and %e$omes as one dead under shame

    of odium.

    114. :-lread" of disreputa%le heredit", and no# infatuated %" love for, and tossed

    a%out %" his #i$)ed #ives and sons, he has %een livin' #ith them in all )inds of pla$es,

    'ood or %ad, in forests #ith #oods or thorn" %ushes and infested #ith #ild %easts, indeserts %urnin' hot, in i$" tra$ts pier$ed %" $old, in putrid dit$hes or in dar) holes and so


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    1. :-'ain and a'ain m" friend #as stri$)en #ith 'rief on a$$ount of her sons

    $alamities and nearl" died #ith sorro#.

    12. :I too, thou'h sane and $lear %" nature, dear, 'ot involved in the affairs of her famil"and %e$ame sad also.

    1. :ho $an hope for even the least happiness in %ad $ompan"< One ma" as #ell see)

    to uen$h ones thirst %" drin)in' #ater from a mira'e.

    18. :En'ulfed in sorro#, m" friend on$e sou'ht me in private.

    19. :-dvised %" me, she soon 'ained a 'ood hus%and, )illed her o#n son andimprisoned his sons.

    147. :Then a$$ompanied %" me, she ui$)l" 'ained m" mothers presen$e, and %ein'

    pure, she often em%ra$ed m" mother.

    141. :She at on$e dived in the sea of &liss and %e$ame &liss itself. In the same manner,

    "ou too $an $onuer "our #ron' #a"s #hi$h are onl" a$$retions.

    14. :Then, m" ?ord, attain the mother and 'ain eternal happiness. I have no# related to

    "ou, m" ?ord, m" o#n e*perien$e the pedestal of &liss.:

    +!-s en"s t!e C!a/ter on %on"a0e in t!e Section o2 Hemac!-"a in +ri/-ra Ra!asa.

    +-=TER I

    O> T+E (ERITS OF F-IT+ FOR @-I>I>@ T+E @O-? ->!

    O> T+E +-R(FB?>ESS OF !RD =O?E(IS

    1. +ema$huda #as astonished at the fantasti$ tale of his %eloved. &ein' i'norant, he

    smiled derisivel" at the tale and as)ed that #ise prin$essH

    . :(" dear, #hat "ou have %een sa"in' seems to %e nothin' %ut invention. Dour #ordshave no relation to fa$ts and are alto'ether meanin'less.

    . :Dou are $ertainl" the dau'hter of an -psaras /$elestial damsel0, and %rou'ht up %"

    Rishi "a'rapada in the forestC "ou are still "oun' and not "et full" 'ro#n.

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    4. :&ut "ou tal) as if "ou #ere several 'enerations old. Dour lon'#inded spee$h is li)e

    that of a 'irl possessed and not in her senses.

    . :I $annot %elieve that ri'marole. Tell me #here "our $ompanion is and #ho is the sonshe )illed.

    2. :here are those $ities< hat is the si'nifi$an$e of "our stor"< here is "our friendoteH - rishi (ri)andu, %" name, #ho #as $hildless, pleased Siva %" his penan$e.

    hen Siva appeared to him, he pra"ed that a son mi'ht %e %orn to him. Siva as)ed him ifhe #ould have a dull %o" lon'lived, or a sharp %o" shortlived. (ri)andu preferred the

    latter. So Siva saidH Dou #ill have a ver" %rilliant sonC %ut he #ill onl" live for si*teen"ears. -$$ordin'l" a son #as %orn #ho #as ver" 'ood and dutiful, and most intelli'ent

    and pious, $harmin' all #ho sa# him. The parents #ere deli'hted #ith him %ut 're# sad

    as he 're# up. +e as)ed them the reason for their sadness and the" told him of Sivas%oon. +e said, >ever mind. I #ill see and too) to penan$e. Siva #as pleased #ith his

    intense devotion, and ordained that he should remain si*teen "ears of a'e for all eternit".

    2. :The $urrent notion that one $annot es$ape ones destin" is appli$a%le onl" to #ea)

    minded and senseless #astrels.

    2. :Do'is #ho pra$tise $ontrol of %reath $onuer fate. Even fate $annot impose its fruits

    on "o'is.

    2422. :!estin" seiKes and holds onl" senseless people. onformin' to and follo#in'

    nature, destin" forms part of nature. >ature a'ain is onl" the $ontrivan$e for enfor$in'@ods #ill. +is purpose is al#a"s sure and $annot %e prevented. Its ed'e $an, ho#ever, %e

    %lunted %" devotion to +im and if it is not so %lunted, the predisposin' $ause must

    therefore %e $onsidered a most po#erful fa$tor in a mans life.

    2. :Therefore, es$he# hi'h vanit" and ta)e refu'e in +im. +e #ill spontaneousl" ta)e

    "ou to the +i'hest State.

    28. :This is the first run' in the ladder to the pedestal of &liss. >othin' else is #orth


    29. /!attatre"a $ontinued0 :O =arasurama, hearin' this spee$h of his #ife, +ema$huda,#as deli'hted and $ontinued to as) herH

    7. :Tell me, dear, #ho is this @od, the reator, the Self$ontained One and the Ordainer

    of the universe to #hom I should $onse$rate m"self.

    1. :Some sa" +e is ishnu, others Siva, @anesa, the Sun, >arasimha or similar otheravatarsC others sa" &uddha or -rhatC still others asudeva, the lifeprin$iple, the (oon,Fire, ;arma, >ature, primordial nature and #hat not.

    . :Ea$h se$t 'ive a different ori'in for the universe. Tell me #hi$h of them is true.

    4. :I veril" %elieve that there is nothin' un)no#n to "ou %e$ause that famous and

    omnis$ient sa'e "a'hrapada has %een 'ra$ious to "ou, and profound #isdom shines in

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    "ou thou'h "ou are of the #ea)er se*. =lease tell me out of "our love to me, o fair one,

    spea)in' #ords of eternal lifeJ:

    . Thus reuested, +emale)ha spo)e #ith pleasureH :?ord, I shall tell "ou the final Trutha%out @od. ?istenJ

    28. :@od is the -llSeer #ho 'enerates, permeates, sustains and destro"s the universe.

    +e is Siva, +e is ishnu, +e is &rahman, the Sun, the (oon, et$. +e is the One #hom

    the different se$ts $all their o#nC +e is not Siva, nor ishnu, nor &rahma nor an" othere*$lusivel".

    99. :I #ill tell "ou father. +eed meJ To sa", for instan$e that the =rimal &ein' is Siva

    #ith five fa$es and three e"es. The reator #ould in that $ase %e li)e an ordinar" potter

    ma)in' pots, endo#ed #ith a %od" and %rain. True, there is no art found in the #orld,#ithout a %od" and some intelle$t. In fa$t, the $reative fa$ult" in men %elon's to

    somethin' %et#een, the %od" and pure intelli'en$e.

    >oteH &od" %ein' insentient $annot a$t of its o#n a$$ordC nor $an intelle$t do so #ithout

    a tool.

    :Therefore the mind operates apart from the 'ross %od", in dreamsC %ein' intelli'ent it

    $reates environment suita%le to its latent desires. This $learl" indi$ates that the %od" is

    onl" a tool for a purpose and the a'ent is intelli'en$e. Instruments are ne$essar" for

    human a'ents %e$ause their $apa$ities are limited and the" are not self$ontained.hereas the reator of the universe is perfe$t in +imself and $reates the #hole universe

    #ithout an" e*ternal aid. This leads to the important $on$lusion that @od has no %od".

    Other#ise, +e #ould %e redu$ed to a 'lorified human %ein', reuirin' innumera%le

    a$$essories for #or) and influen$ed %" seasons and environments, in no #a" differentfrom a $reature, and not the ?ord. (oreover, pree*isten$e of a$$essories #ould uash

    +is uniue master" and impl" limits to +is po#ers of $reation. This is a%surd, as %ein'$ontrar" to the ori'inal premises. Therefore, +e has no %od" nor the other aids, "et +e

    still $reates the #orld, O ?ord of m" lifeJ Fools are ta)en in %" the notion of 'ivin' a

    %od" to the trans$endental &ein'. Still, if devotees #orship and $ontemplate +im #ith a

    %od" a$$ordin' to their o#n in$linations, +e sho#s them @ra$e, assumin' su$h a %od".For +e is uniue and fulfils the desires of +is devotees.

    :>evertheless, the $on$lusion must %e rea$hed that +e is pure intelli'en$e and +is

    $ons$iousness is a%solute and trans$endental. Su$h is the $ons$iousnessintelli'en$e in

    purit", -%solute &ein', the One 6ueen, =arames#ari /Trans$endental @oddess0over#helmin' the three states and hen$e $alled Tripura. Thou'h She is undivided #hole

    the universe manifests in all its variet" in +er, %ein' refle$ted as it #ere, in a self

    luminous mirror. The refle$tion $annot %e apart from the mirror and is therefore one #ithit. Su$h %ein' the $ase, there $annot %e differen$e in de'rees /e.'., Siva, or ishnu %ein'

    superior to ea$h other0. &odies are mere $on$eptions in the lo#er order of %ein's and

    the" are not to the point in the $ase of @od. Therefore, %e #ise, and #orship the one pure,un%lemished Trans$enden$e.

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    94. :If una%le to $omprehend this pure state, one should #orship @od in the $on$rete

    form #hi$h is most a'reea%le to himC in this #a", too, one is sure to rea$h the 'oal,

    thou'h 'raduall".

    9. :Thou'h one attempted it in millions of %irths, one #ould not advan$e e*$ept in one

    of these t#o #a"s.:

    +!-s en"s t!e C!a/ter on t!e Nat-re o2 o" in t!e Section o2 Hemac!-"a in +ri/-ra


    +-=TER III

    ;ED TO T+E =-R-&?E OF +-=TER

    1. +avin' learnt from the mouth of his #ise #ife, the true si'nifi$an$e of Tripura, #ho

    is =ure Intelli'en$e and @od in Truth, and also the te$hniue of Tripuras #orship from

    $ompetent tea$hers as prompted %" divine 'ra$e, +ema$huda 'ained pea$e of mind and

    too) to the #orship #ith intense devotion.

    - fe# months passed in this manner.

    >oteH @ods 'ra$e is the sine ua non of an" )ind of )no#led'e of @od.

    4. :The Supreme (others 'ra$e des$ended on him, and he %e$ame totall" indifferent to

    pleasure %e$ause his mind #as entirel" a%sor%ed in the pra$ti$al investi'ation of the


    . :Su$h a state is impossi%le for an" one #ithout the @ra$e of @od, %e$ause the mind

    en'a'ed in pra$ti$al sear$h for truth is the surest means of eman$ipation.

    2. :=arasuramaJ ountless aids #ill not 'ive eman$ipation if an earnest sear$h for truth is

    not made.

    . :On$e more +ema$huda sou'ht his #ife alone, his mind a%sor%ed in the uest forTruth.

    89. :She sa# her hus%and $omin' to her apartment, so she #ent to meet him, #el$omed

    him and offered him her seat. She #ashed his feet and prostrated %efore him, as #as dueto one of his ran), and spo)e meltin' #ords of s#eet love.

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    1714. :!earestJ I see "ou a'ain after su$h a lon' time. -re "ou in 'ood health< Of

    $ourse, the %od" is sometimes lia%le to illness. !o tell me #h" "ou have %een ne'le$tin'

    me all these da"s. >ot a da" passed %efore #ithout "our seein' me and $onversin' #ithme. +o# have "ou %een passin' "our time< I $ould never have dreamt that "ou #ould %e

    so indifferent to meJ hat ma)es "ou so< +o# do "ou spend "our ni'hts< Dou used to

    sa" that a moment #ithout me #as li)e eternit" to "ou, and that "ou $ould not %ear it.:Sa"in' this, she em%ra$ed him fondl" and appeared distressed.

    11. Thou'h em%ra$ed lovin'l" %" his dear #ife, he #as not moved in the least and

    said to her :!ear, I $an no lon'er %e de$eived %" "ou. I am $onvin$ed of "our stren'th

    and that nothin' $an affe$t "our inherent happiness. Dou are a sa'e and unpertur%ed. Dou)no# this #orld and %e"ond. +o# $ould an"thin' affe$t "ou li)e this< I am here to as)

    "our advi$e. >o# please listen. E*plain to me that tale "ou on$e related to me as the

    stor" of "our life.

    18. :ho is "our mother< ho is "our friend< ho is her hus%and< ho are her sons-?DSI>@ +IS O> (I>! ->! =?B>@I>@ IT+I>

    1. hen +ema$huda understood the si'nifi$an$e of his #ifes para%le he #as a'reea%l"

    surprised. +is voi$e $ho$)ed #ith pleasure as he said to herH

    . :(" dear, "ou are indeed %lessed, and $lever tooH ho# shall I des$ri%e the profound#isdom of the stor" of "our life, narrated to me in the form of a para%le.

    . :Bp to no# I did not )no# "our pro'ress. It has all %een made as $lear to me as a

    'oose%err" restin' on the palm of m" hand.

    4. :I no# understand the end of humanit" and realise #onderful nature. =lease tell mefurther no#H #ho is this mother of "ours< +o# is she #ithout %e'innin'< ho are #eo# I shall not ima'ine them The"

    $annot appear #ithout m" mental ima'er" of them and the" $annot o%stru$t the 'lor" of

    the Self, #ithout appearin'.

    9. Thin)in' thus, he for$i%l" arrested his thou'hts.

    4741. Instantaneousl" %lan) superseded. +e, at the same time, de$ided that it #as the

    Self, so %e$ame ver" happ" and on$e a'ain he %e'an to meditate. :I #ill do it a'ain,: he

    said and plun'ed #ithin.

    4. The restlessness of the mind %ein' thus resolutel" $he$)ed, he sa# in an instant a

    %laKin' li'ht #ith no $ir$umferen$e.

    44. Re'ainin' human $ons$iousness, he %e'an to #onder ho# this $ould happen.There is no $onstan$" in the e*perien$e. The Self $annot %e more than one. I #ill repeatand see, he said and dived a'ain. This time he fell into a lon' sleep and dreamt

    #onderful dreams. On #a)in' up, he fell furiousl" to thin)H

    4248. :+o# is it that I #as overpo#ered %" sleep and started to dream< The dar)ness

    and li'ht #hi$h I sa# %efore must also %e in the nature of dreams. !reams are mental

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    ima'er", and ho# shall I over$ome them< :I shall a'ain repress m" thou'hts and see,: he

    said, and plun'ed #ithin.

    +is mind #as pla$id for a time. +e thou'ht himself sun) in %liss.

    494. Shortl" after, he re'ained his ori'inal state, o#in' to the mind a'ain %e'innin' tofun$tion. +e refle$tedH :hat is all this< Is it a dream or a hallu$ination of the mind< ("

    e*perien$e is a fa$t %ut it surpasses m" ima'ination.

    :h" is that %liss uite uniue and unli)e an" that I have e*perien$ed %efore< The

    hi'hest of m" )no#n e*perien$es $annot $ompare #ith even an infinitesimal part of thestate of %liss I #as in 3ust no#. It #as li)e sleep in so far as I #as not e*ternall" a#are.

    &ut there #as a pe$uliar %liss at the same time. The reason is not $lear to me %e$ause

    there #as nothin' to impart pleasure to me. -lthou'h I attempted to realise the Self, I donot do so. I pro%a%l" realise the Self and also see others li)e dar)ness, li'ht, dreams or

    pleasure, et$. Or is it possi%le that these are the sta'es of development for the realisation

    of the Self< I do not understand it. ?et me as) m" re$ondite #ife.:

    21. +avin' thus resolved, the prin$e ordered the door)eeper to as) +emale)ha to$ome to him. ithin an hour and a half, she #as $lim%in' the steps of the mansion li)e

    the 6ueen of >i'ht movin', a$ross the s)". She dis$overed the prin$e, her $onsort, in

    perfe$t pea$e of mind, $alm, $olle$ted and of happ" $ountenan$e. She ui$)l" #ent to hisside and sat %" him. -s she nestled $lose to him he opened his e"es and found her sittin'

    $lose to him. !ire$tl" he did so, she ui$)l" and fondl" em%ra$ed him and 'entl" spo)e

    s#eet #ords of loveH :?ord, #hat $an I do for Dour +i'hness< I hope "ou are #ell. =leasetell me #h" "ou $alled me up to this pla$e

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    moment #hen the Self is not the Self< >either is $ontrol of mind used to 'ain it. I shall

    'ive "ou some e*amplesH

    . :5ust as thin's unseen in dar)ness are found on its removal %" means of a lamp, andare therefore said to %e re$overed from o%livion.

    4. :5ust as a $onfused man for'ets his purse, %ut remem%ers and lo$ates it on )eepin'

    his mind unruffled and stead", "et still sa"s that he has 'ained the lost purse, thou'h the

    stead"in' of his mind did not produ$e it.

    . :So also the $ontrol of "our mind is not the $ause of "our SelfrealisationC thou'h theSelf is al#a"s there, it is not re$o'nised %" "ou even #ith a $ontrolled mind %e$ause "ou

    are not $onversant #ith it.

    2. :5ust as a "o)el una$uainted #ith the s"stem $annot understand the daKKlin' li'hts

    of the ro"al audien$e$ham%er at ni'ht and so i'nores its ma'nifi$en$e at first si'ht, so it

    is that "ou miss the Self.

    . :-ttend dearJ &lan) dar)ness #as visi%le after "ou $ontrolled "our thou'hts. In the

    short interval %efore its appearan$e and after the $ontrol of mind there remains a statefree from the effort to $ontrol and the per$eption of dar)ness.

    8. :-l#a"s remem%er that state as the one of perfe$t and trans$endental happiness. -ll

    are de$eived in that state %e$ause their minds are a$$ustomed to %e turned out#ard.

    9. :Thou'h people ma" %e learned, s)ilful and )een, still the" sear$h and sear$h, onl" to

    %e th#arted and the" do not a%ide in that hol" state.

    87. :The" 'rieve da" and ni'ht, #ithout )no#in' this state. (ere theoreti$al )no#led'e

    of s$ulpture $an never ma)e a man a s$ulptor.

    81. :Thou'h he %e a pandit #ell 'rounded in the theor" and the dis$ussion of the

    philosoph" of the Self, he $annot realise the Self %e$ause it is not realisa%le %ut alread"realised. Realisation is not attained %" 'oin' far, %ut onl" %" sta"in' still not %" thou'ht

    /intelle$tion0 %ut %" $essation of thou'ht.

    88. :Effort to#ards Realisation is li)e the attempt to stamp #ith ones foot on the

    shado# $ast %" ones head. Effort #ill al#a"s ma)e it re$ede.

    :5ust as an infant tries to ta)e hold of his o#n refle$tion %ein' una#are of the mirror, soalso $ommon people are ta)en in %" their mental refle$tions on the mirror of the pure,

    luminous Self and are not a#are of the mirror, %e$ause the" have no a$uaintan$e #ith

    the Self.

    :-lthou'h people understand spa$e, the" are not a#are of it %e$ause the" are ta)en up %"

    the o%3e$ts in spa$e.

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    8288. :The" understand the universe in spa$e %ut have no re'ard for spa$e itself.

    Similarl", it is #ith them in re'ard to the Self.

    :(" ?ord, $onsider #ell. The #orld $onsists of )no#led'e and the o%3e$ts )no#n. Ofthese the o%3e$ts are nonself and per$eived %" sensesC )no#led'e is selfevidentC there is

    no #orld in the a%sen$e of )no#led'e. ;no#led'e is the dire$t proof of the e*isten$e ofo%3e$ts #hi$h are therefore dependent on )no#led'e. ;no#led'e is dependent on the

    )no#er for its e*isten$e. The )no#er does not reuire an" tests for )no#in' his o#ne*isten$e. The )no#er therefore is the onl" realit" %ehind )no#led'e and o%3e$ts. That

    #hi$h is selfevident #ithout the ne$essit" to %e proved, is alone realC not so other thin's.

    8991. :+e #ho denies )no#led'e has no 'round to stand on and so no dis$ussion ispossi%le.

    :The su%3e$t of )no#led'e settled, the uestion arises re'ardin' the e*isten$e of o%3e$ts

    in the a%sen$e of their )no#led'e. O%3e$ts and their )no#led'e are onl" refle$tions in the

    eternal, selfluminous, supreme ons$iousness #hi$h is the same as the )no#er and#hi$h alone is real. The dou%t that the refle$tion should %e of all o%3e$ts simultaneousl"

    #ithout referen$e to time and pla$e /$ontrar" to our e*perien$e0, need not arise %e$ause

    time and spa$e are themselves )no#a%le $on$epts and are euall" refle$tions. The

    spe$ifi$ nature of the refle$tions is the o%verse of the o%3e$ts found in spa$e.

    9. :Therefore, =rin$e, realise #ith a still mind "our o#n true nature #hi$h is the one

    pure, undivided ons$iousness underl"in' the restless mind #hi$h is $omposed of the

    #hole universe in all its diversit".

    9. :If one is fi*ed in that fundamental %asis of the universe /ie., the Self0, one %e$omes

    the -lldoer. I shall tell "ou ho# to inhere thus. I assure "ou "ou #ill %e That.

    94. :Realise #ith a still mind the state %et#een sleep and #a)efulness, the interval

    %et#een the re$o'nition of one o%3e$t after another or 'ap %et#een t#o per$eptions.

    >ote. The $ommentator $ompares the ra"s of li'ht pro$eedin' from the Sun %efore the"impin'e on materials. The" are themselves invisi%le, %ut $apa%le of illuminin' o%3e$ts.

    This e*plains the third statement a%ove. +e also sa"s that $ons$iousness is li)e #ater

    flo#in' throu'h a $hannel and later assumin' the shape of the %eds #atered.

    9. :This is the real Self, inherin' in #hi$h one is no lon'er deluded. Bna#are of this

    Truth, people have %e$ome inheritors of sorro#.

    >ote. The $ommentator adds that a sa'e realisin' the #orld as the refle$tion of the mind

    treats it as su$h and is thus free from miser".

    929. :Shape, taste, smell, tou$h, sound, sorro#, pleasure, the a$t of 'ainin', or the

    o%3e$t 'ained none of these finds pla$e in that Trans$enden$e #hi$h is the support of all

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    there is, and #hi$h is the %ein' in all %ut not e*$lusivel" so. That is the Supreme ?ord,

    the reator, the Supporter and the !estro"er of the universe and the Eternal &ein'.

    98. :>o# let not "our mind %e out'oin'C turn it in#ardC $ontrol it 3ust a little and #at$hfor the Self, al#a"s remem%erin' that the investi'ator is himself the essen$e of %ein' and

    the Self of Self.

    >ote. The $ommentar" on this slo)a sa"sH This slo)a $ontains #hat is not to %e done

    /namel", the mind should not %e permitted to %e out'oin'0, #hat is to %e done /the mindis to %e turned in#ards0 and #hat is to %e en'a'ed in /#at$hfulness0. 5ust a short $ontrol

    is enou'hC no lon' $ontrol is ne$essar" for the purpose. The uestion arisesH ho# to loo)ote. +ere the $ommentar" sa"sH The Self trans$ends also the feelin' I see. -dheren$e

    to that sensation divor$es one from the Self. Therefore, let that feelin' also vanish, forthat state is a%solutel" unstained %" #ill, sensation or thou'ht. Other#ise, there #ill %e no

    perfe$tion in spite of innumera%le efforts.

    -'ain the #ord si'ht in$ludes the a#a)e and dream states and no si'ht si'nifies deepsleep. That #hi$h is threadin' throu'h these three states and even surpassess the sense Iam is #hat "ou are. This is the fourth state Turi"a /#hi$h is the strin' on #hi$h all the

    diverse o%3e$ts of the universe are strun' and the #hole is a 'arland to Sri RamanaJ Tr.0

    177. +ema$huda did a$$ordin'l", and havin' 'ained that state referred to %" his #ife, heremained pea$eful a lon' time, una#are of an"thin' %eside the Self.

    >ote. The $ommentator sa"s that he #as in >irvi)alpa Samadhi.

    +!-s en"s t!e C!a/ter on 4eace in t!e Section on Hemac!-"a in +ri/-ra Ra!asa.

    +-=TER A


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    +E @OT S-(-!+I I> S=ITE OF +IS EATER>-? -TIITIES

    ->! RE(-I>E! I> T+E ST-TE OF E(->I=-TIO> EE> +I?E


    1. :+emale)ha noti$ed that her hus%and had attained supreme =ea$e and so did notdistur% him. +e a#o)e in an hour and a half, opened his e"es and sa# his #ife near%".

    Ea'er to fall into that state on$e more, he $losed his e"esC and immediatel" +emale)ha

    too) hold of his hands and as)ed him s#eetl"H (" ?ord, tell me #hat "ou haveas$ertained to %e "our 'ain on $losin' "our e"es, or "our loss on openin' them, m"

    dearest. I love to hear "ou. !o sa" #hat happens on the e"es %ein' $losed or left open.

    2. :On %ein' pressed for an ans#er, he loo)ed as if he #ere drun) and replied relu$tantl"

    and lan'uidl", as follo#sH

    14. :(" dear, I have found pure untainted happiness. I $annot find the least satisfa$tion

    in the a$tivities of the #orld as sorro# in$reases #hen the" finish. Enou'h of themJ The"

    are tasteless to me li)e a su$)ed oran'e, onl" indul'ed in %" #asters, or li)e $attle

    in$essantl" $he#in' the $ud. hat a pit" that su$h people should %e to this da" una#areof the %liss of their o#n SelfJ 5ust as a man 'oes a%e''in' in i'noran$e of the treasure

    hidden under his floor, so did I run after sensual pleasures una#are of the %oundless

    o$ean of %liss #ithin me. orldl" pursuits are laden #ith miser" and pleasures aretransient. Still I #as so infatuated that I mistoo) them for endurin' pleasures, #as often

    'riefstri$)en, "et did not $ease to pursue them over and over a'ain. The pit" of itH (en

    are fools, una%le to dis$riminate pleasure from pain. The" see) pleasures %ut 'ain sorro#.

    Enou'h of these a$tivities #hi$h in$rease the relish for su$h pleasure.

    :(" dear, I %e' "ou #ith hands $lasped. ?et me fall a'ain into the pea$e of m" %lissful

    self. I pit" "ou that thou'h )no#in' this state, "ou are not in it %ut are ever en'a'ed in


    1. :The #ise 'irl 'entl" smiled at all this, and said to himH (" lord, "ou do not "et)no# the hi'hest state of san$tit" /#hi$h is not %esmir$hed %" dualit"0, rea$hin' #hi$h

    the #ise trans$end dualit" and are never perple*ed. That state is as far from "ou as the

    s)" is from the earth. Dour small measure of #isdom is as 'ood as no #isdom, %e$ause itis not un$onditional, %ut remains $onditioned %" $losin' or openin' "our e"es. =erfe$tion

    $annot depend on a$tivit" or the reverse, on effort or no effort. +o# $an that state %e aperfe$t one if mental or ph"si$al a$tivit" $an influen$e it or if the displa$ement of thee"elid %" the #idth of a %arle" 'rain ma)es all the differen$e to it< -'ain, ho# $an it %e

    perfe$t if lo$ated onl" in the interior< hat shall I sa" of "our muddled #isdomJ +o#

    ridi$ulous to thin) that "our e"elid one in$h lon', $an shut up the e*panse in #hi$hmillions of #orlds revolve in one $orner aloneJ

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    :?isten =rin$eJ I #ill tell "ou further. -s lon' as these )nots are not $ut asunder so lon'

    #ill %liss not %e found /The )no#led'e a$uired is thus not effe$tive0. These )nots are

    millions in num%er and are $reated %" the %ond of delusion #hi$h is no other thani'noran$e of Self. These )nots 'ive rise to mista)en ideas, the $hief of #hi$h is the

    identifi$ation of the %od" #ith the Self, #hi$h in its turn 'ives rise to the perennial stream

    of happiness and miser" in the shape of the $"$le of %irths and deaths. The se$ond )not isthe differentiation of the #orld from the Self #hose %ein' $ons$iousness is the mirror on

    #hi$h the phenomena are simpl" refle$ted. Similarl" #ith the other )nots in$ludin' the

    differentiation of %ein's amon' themselves and from the universal Self. The" haveori'inated from time immemorial and re$ur #ith un%ro)en i'noran$e. The man is not

    finall" redeemed until he has e*tri$ated himself from these num%erless )nots of


    88. :The state #hi$h is the result of "our $losin' the e"es, $annot %e enou'h, for it ispure intelli'en$e and eternal truth trans$endin' an"thin' else "et servin' as the

    ma'nifi$ent mirror to refle$t the phenomena arisin' in itself. =rove, if "ou $an, that

    ever"thin' is not $ontained in it. hatever "ou admit as )no#n to "ou, is in the)no#led'e $onve"ed %" that $ons$iousness. Even #hat ma" %e surmised to %e in another

    pla$e and at a different time, is also #ithin "our $ons$iousness. (oreover, #hat is not

    apparent and un)no#n to that intelli'en$e is a fi'ment of ima'ination li)e the son of a

    %arren #oman. There $annot %e an"thin' that is not held %" $ons$iousness, 3ust as there$annot %e refle$tion #ithout a refle$tin' surfa$e.

    :Therefore I tell "ou that "our $onvi$tionH I shall lose it %" openin' m" e"es or I )no#

    it, is the )not a#aitin' to %e $ut, and there #ill %e no attainment thou'h, remem%er, it

    $annot %e the perfe$t state if it $an %e attained. hat "ou $onsider the happ" state asa$$omplished %" the movements of "our e"elids, $annot indeed %e perfe$t %e$ause it is

    $ertainl" intermittent and not un$onditional. Is an" pla$e found #here the efful'en$e isnot, m" lord, of the fire %laKin' at the dissolution of the universe< -ll #ill resolve intothat fire and no residue #ill %e left. Similarl" also the fire of realisation #ill %urn a#a" all

    "our sense of dut" so that there #ill %e nothin' left for "ou to do. &e stron', root out "our

    thou'hts and $ut off the deeprooted )nots from "our heart, namel", I #ill see, I am notthis, This is nonSelf, and su$h li)e.

    :Find #herever "ou turn the one undivided, eternal %lissful SelfC also #at$h the #hole

    universe refle$ted as it arises and su%sides in the Self. See the Self %oth #ithin and

    #ithout "ouC "et do not $onfound the seein' Self #ithin as the Seer of the universal Self#ithout, for %oth are the same. Inhere in the pea$e of "our true internal Self, devoid of all


    94. -t the end of her spee$h, +ema$hudas $onfusion #as $leared up, so that he

    'raduall" %e$ame #ell esta%lished in the perfe$t Self %ereft of an" distin$tion of #ithinand #ithout. &ein' al#a"s eua%le, he led a ver" happ" life #ith +emale)ha and others,

    rei'ned over his )in'dom and made it prosperous, en'a'ed his enemies in #ar and

    $onuered them, studied the s$riptures and tau'ht them to others, filled his treasur",

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    performed the sa$rifi$es pertainin' to ro"alt" and lived t#ent"thousand "ears,

    eman$ipated #hile "et alive /5ivanmu)ta0.

    >ote. S$holars sa" that :One thousand: is a pe$uliar e*pression for four. Thus t#ent"thousand stands for ei'ht".

    421. :The )in' (u)ta$huda havin' heard that his son +ema$huda had %e$ome a

    5ivanmu)ta, $onsulted his other son (ani$huda. &oth a'reed that +ema$huda #as not as

    %efore, %ut that he had $han'ed so that he #as no lon'er affe$ted %" the 'reatest ofpleasures or the #orst of sorro#s that he treated friend and foe ali)eC that he #as

    indifferent to loss or 'ainC that he en'a'ed in ro"al duties li)e an a$tor in a pla"C that he

    seemed li)e a man al#a"s into*i$ated #ith #ineC and that he did his dut" #ellnot#ithstandin' his a%sentminded or other #orldl" loo). The" pondered the matter over

    and #ondered. Then sou'ht him in private and as)ed him the reason of his $han'e. hen

    the" had heard him spea) of his state, the" too desired to %e instru$ted %" him, and finall"

    %e$ame 5ivanmu)tas li)e +ema$huda. The ministers #ere in their turn desirous of

    attainin' that state, and eventuall" rea$hed it after re$eivin' proper instru$tions from the)in'. So #ere the $itiKens, the artisans and all $lasses of people in that $it". -ll of them

    'ained the summum %onum /hi'hest 'ood0 of life and trans$ended desire, an'er, lust, et$.Even the $hildren and the ver" old people #ere no lon'er moved %" passions. There #ere

    still #orldl" transa$tions in this ideal state, %e$ause the people $ons$iousl" a$ted their

    parts as the a$tors in a drama, in a$$ord #ith the rest of $reation. - mother #ould ro$)the $radle #ith lulla%ies e*pressive of the hi'hest TruthC a master and his servants dealt

    #ith one another in the ?i'ht of that TruthC pla"ers entertained the audien$e #ith pla"s

    depi$tin' TruthC sin'ers san' onl" son's on TruthC the $ourt fools $ari$atured i'noran$e

    as ludi$rousC the a$adem" onl" tau'ht lessons on @od)no#led'e. The #hole State #asthus $omposed onl" of sa'es and philosophers, %e the" men or #omenC servant%o"s or

    servantmaidsC dramati$ a$tors or fashiona%le fol)C artisans or la%ourersC ministers orharlots. The" nevertheless a$ted in their professions in harmon" #ith $reation. The"never $ared to re$apitulate the past or spe$ulate on the future #ith a vie# to 'ain pleasure

    or avoid pain, %ut a$ted for the time %ein', lau'hin' re3oi$in', $r"in' or shoutin' li)e

    drun)ards, thus dissipatin' all their latent tenden$ies.

    2. :The rishis, Sana)a and others $alled it the it" of isdom #hen the" visited it.

    228. :Even parrots and $o$)atoos in their $a'es spo)e #ord of #isdom, e.'., onsider

    the Self as pure intelli'en$e %ereft of o%3e$tive )no#led'e.

    :hat is )no#n is not different from that intelli'en$e, it is li)e a series of ima'es

    refle$ted in a mirror. -%solute $ons$iousness is the universeC it is I, it is all, sentient andinsentient, mo%ile and immo%ile. Ever"thin' else is illuminated %" it #hereas it is alone

    and Selfluminous. Therefore let those sensi%le people #ho are desirous of $hit /pure

    intelli'en$e0 turn a#a" from illusor" )no#led'e and $ontemplate their o#n Self thea%solute $ons$iousness #hi$h illumines all the rest, and #hi$h is their %ein' too. The

    to#n #here even the lo#er animals $onve" su$h supreme #isdom is famous to this da"

    as the it" of isdom on Earth, #hi$h reputation it o#es to that one #ise prin$ess

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    +emale)ha %" #hose advi$e +ema$huda %e$ame a 5ivanmu)ta, all the rest follo#in' in

    his #a)e.:

    29. !attatre"a $ontinuedH :Thus, "ou see, =arasurama, the primar" $ause of eman$ipationis asso$iation #ith the #ise. Therefore, follo# that advi$e first and foremost.:

    +!-s en"s C!a/ter on t!e Section o2 Hemac!-"a in +ri/-ra Ra!asa.

    +-=TER AI

    T+-T T+E OS(OS IS >OT OT+ER T+-> I>TE??I@E>E

    1. -fter he had listened to this su%lime stor" of +ema$huda, &har'ava #as $onfused and


    . :?ord, m" (asterJ hat "ou have related as a #onderful tea$hin' appears to mea'ainst the e*perien$e of all people in ever" #a". +o# $an the ma'nifi$ent, o%3e$tive

    universe %e no other than tenuous $ons$iousness, #hi$h is not seen, %ut onl" inferredote. isvamitra, a 'reat Rishi, is reputed to have $reated a dupli$ate Bniverse, a partof #hi$h $onsists of the $onstellations $omposin' S$orpio, Sa'ittarius, and the Southern

    ross. Some trees, plants and her%s in imitation of #ell)no#n spe$ies /e.'., palm"ra

    $orrespondin' to $o$oanut, 3un'le potatoes and onions insipid to taste and useless, et$.0are amon' his $reations.

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    4. :&e$ause the ?ord of $ons$iousness is infinite, the $reation $an remain onl" #ithin

    +im and the $ontrar" is pure fan$".

    . :Sin$e the Bniverse is onl" a pro3e$tion from and in the mirror of $ons$iousness, itsunreal nature $an %e$ome $lear onl" on investi'ation, and not other#ise.

    2. :Truth $an never $han'e its nature, #hereas untruth is al#a"s $han'in'. See ho#

    $han'eful the nature of the #orld isJ

    8. :!istin'uish %et#een the $han'eless truth and the $han'eful untruth and s$rutinise

    the #orld $omprised of these t#o fa$tors, $han'eful phenomena and $han'elesssu%3e$tive $ons$iousness, li)e the un$han'in' li'ht of the mirror and the $han'in' ima'es

    in it.

    9. :The #orld $annot stand investi'ation %e$ause of its $han'in' unreal nature. 5ust as

    the o#l is daKKled and %linded %" %ri'ht sunli'ht, so the #orld parades in 'lor" %efore

    i'noran$e and disappears %efore ri'ht anal"sis.

    >ote. The man sees %" sunli'ht and is helpless in its a%sen$e. The o#l sees in dar)ness

    and is %linded in sunli'ht. hose si'ht is the %etter of the t#o< This $annot %edetermined satisfa$toril" so that investi'ation %e$omes lame.

    8784. :hat is food for one, is poison for another /e.s., de$omposed food for #orms and

    men0. hat is one thin' to "o'is and $elestials, is another to others. - lon' distan$e %"