2006 sanjay prabhakaran

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  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    Nakshatra Drishti|| Om Gurave Namah ||Dear Jyotishas,Today was thinking about the drishti's arising due to nakshatra, So thoughtwill just write a ew note on it!

    "e have two ty#es o dristi's arising on $ashi level namely,

    %! Graha Drishti on $ashi! &ll grahas' e()e#t *etu+ as#e)t the seventhrashi rom their #osition! The higher grahas' ars, Ju#iter, Saturn and$ahu have additional s#e)ial as#e)ts namely, - and ./ 0 and 1/ 2 and%3 / 0,1 and %4 in reverse or $ahu+!

    4! $ashi Dristhi! 5i(ed signs as#e)t movable and movable signs as#e)ti(ed! The dual signs as#e)t ea)h other! No sign )an as#e)t theadja)ent sign! Draw the 6odia) in s7uare orm draw hori6onal anddiagnal lines rom ea)h rashi to remember it!

    8n Jyotish, we always have two hora+ basi) level identii)ations, One lunarand the other solar! Sin)e the above is solar as#e)ts, we also should havelunar as#e)ts similar to the above! The Solar division is rashi and lunardivision is nakshatra!

    So we have two ty#es o Drishti on nakshatra level!

    %! Graha drishti on Nakshatra 9 &ll Graha's as#e)t the %0th nakshatra

    rom their #osition! The additional drishti is as,

    Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    14,15 14,15 1,3,7,8,15 1,15 10,15,19 1,15 3,5,15,19

    The table below gives the aspect of a graha in any given nakshatra.

    No. Nakshatra Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

    1 Aswini 141! 141! 1"#$1! 11! 1%1!1& 11! "!1!1&

    ' (harani 1!1) 1!1) '4$&1) '1) 111)'% '1) 4)1)'%

    " *rittika 1)1# 1)1# "!&1%1# "1# 1'1#'1 "1# !#1#'1

    4 +ohini 1#1$ 1#1$ 4)1%111$ 41$ 1"1$'' 41$ )$1$''

    ! Mrigasira 1$1& 1$1& !#111'1& !1& 141&'" !1& #&1&'"

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    ) Ar,ra 1&'% 1&'% )$1'1"'% )'% 1!'%'4 )'% $1%'%'4

    # -unarvasu '%'1 '%'1 #&1"14'1 #'1 1)'1'! #'1 &11'1'!

    $ -usya '1'' '1'' $1%141!'' $'' 1#''') $'' 1%1'''')

    & Aslesha '''" '''" &111!1)'" &'" 1$'"'# &'" 111"'"'#

    1% Makha '"'4 '"'4 1%1'1)1#'4 1%'4 1&'41 1%'4 1'14'41

    11 -oorva -halguni '4'! '4'! 111"1#1$'! 11'! '%'!' 11'! 1"1!'!'

    12 Uttar Phaluni 25,2! 25,2! 12,14,18,19,2! 12,2! 21,2!,3 12,2! 14,1!,2!,3

    13 "asta 2!,27 2!,27 13,15,19,20,27 13,27 22,27,4 13,27 15,17,27,4

    14 #hitra 27,1 27,1 14,1!,20,21,1 14,1 23,1,5 14,1 1!,18,1,5

    15 S$ati 1,2 1,2 15,17,21,22,2 15,2 24,2,! 15,2 17,19,2,!

    1! Visa%ha 2,3 2,3 1!,18,22,23,3 1!,3 25,3,7 1!,3 18,20,3,7

    17&nura'ha 3,4 3,4 17,19,23,24,4 17,4 2!,4,8 17,4 19,21,4,8

    18 Jyestha 4,5 4,5 18,20,24,25,5 18,5 27,5,9 18,5 20,22,5,9

    19 Moola 5,! 5,! 19,21,25,2!,! 19,! 1,!,10 19,! 21,23,!,10

    20 Poor(a &sha'a !,7 !,7 20,22,2!,27,7 20,7 2,7,11 20,7 22,24,7,11

    21 Uttar &sha'a 7,8 7,8 21,23,27,1,8 21,8 3,8,12 21,8 23,25,8,12

    22 Sra(ana 8,9 8,9 22,24,1,2,9 22,9 4,9,13 22,9 24,2!,9,13

    23 )hanista 9,10 9,10 23,25,2,3,10 23,10 5,10,14 23,10 25,27,10,14

    24 Sata*hisa% 10,11 10,11 24,2!,3,4,11 24,11 !,11,15 24,11 2!,1,11,15

    25 Poor(a*ha'rapa'a 11,12 11,12 25,27,4,5,12 25,12 7,12,1! 25,12 27,2,12,1!

    2! Uttara*ha'rapa'a 12,13 12,13 2!,1,5,!,13 2!,13 8,13,17 2!,13 1,3,13,17

    27 +e(ati 13,14 13,14 27,2,!,7,14 27,14 9,14,18 27,14 2,4,14,18

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    4! Nakshatra Drishti! Draw the sarvatobhadra )hakra The s7uare ormo drawing the nakshatras+! Draw :erti)al and diagonal lines to notethe nakshatra as#e)t!

    The table below gives the list in detail!

    No. Aspecting Nakshatra Nakshatras receiving the aspect

    1&s$ini Poor(aphaluni Jyeshtha +ohini

    2 harani Ma%ha &nura'ha -rithi%a

    3 -rithi%a Sra(ana harani Visa%ha

    4 +ohini &*i.it &s$ini S$ati

    5 Mriashirisa Uttar &sha'a +e(ati #hitra

    !&r'ra Poor(a &sha'a Uttara*ha'rapa'a "asta

    7 Punar(asu Moola Poor(a*a'rapa'a Uttaraphaluni

    8 Pusya Jyeshtha Sata*hisa% Poor(aphaluni

    9&slesha &nura'ha )hanista Ma%ha

    10 Ma%ha harani &slesha Sra(ana

    11 Poor(aphaluni &s$ini Pusya &*i.it

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    12 Uttaraphaluni +e(ati Punar(asu Uttar &sha'a

    13 "asta Uttara*ha'rapa'a &r'ra Poor(a &sha'a

    14 #hitra Poor(a*a'rapa'a Mriashirisa Moola

    15 S$ati Sata*hisa% +ohini Jyeshtha

    1! Visa%ha )hanista -rithi%a &nura'ha

    17&nura'ha &slesha Visa%ha harani

    18 Jyestha Pusya S$ati &s$ini

    19 Moola Punar(asu #hitra +e(ati

    20 Poor(a &sha'a &r'ra "asta Uttara*ha'rapa'a

    21 Uttar &sha'a Mriashirisa Uttarphaluni Poor(a*a'rapa'a

    22&*i.it +ohini Poor(aphaluni Sata*hisa%

    23 Sra(ana -rithi%a Ma%ha )hanista

    24 )hanista Visa%ha Sra(ana &slesha

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    25 Sata*hisa% S$ati &*i.it Pusya

    2! Poor(a*ha'rapa'a #hitra Uttar &sha'a Punar(asu

    27 Uttara*ha'rapa'a "asta Poor(a &sha'a &r'ra

    28 +e(ati Uttarphaluni Moola Mriashirisa


    The Nakshatra's indi)ate the emotions;mind and $ashi indi)ates theresour)es and environments! The Nakshatra drishti indi)ates the desire,mantra et) gets inluen)ed by this! The Graha drishti on nakshatra level isdesire on #arti)ular mental as#e)t and nakshatra drishti indi)ates themutual de#enden)e o )ertain emotional a)tors!

    "hereas the rashi indi)ates the desire and mutual inluen)es onenvironment level!

    "arm $egardsSanjay ora Lagna,Ghatika Lagna, :ighatika Lagna et)!

    &bove given are some o the basi) demar)ations o time! Detailed study )anbe made rom books on

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    Added astro-nu)ero#og$st & D Pa#a, =@enus $s the ru#$ng p#anet for +o)a(under 5aurus hereas Saturn 8Shan$ ru#es under eo $n the ase ofMu)a$ for seven-and-ha#f (ears 5h$s $s a##ed a Sade saat$ Batura#a#a)$t$es have $nreased and are e%peted to $nrease Saturn auses

    suffer$ngs and therefore $t $s adv$sa#e to rena)e Mu)a$ as +o)a(?

    Proud of ne4 na)e

    or)er h$ef )$n$ster Manohar !osh$, 4ho ushered $n the na)e hange $n199: sa$d, =t 'ust sho4s that so)e peop#e are st$## not austo)ed to the

    fat that +o)a( has een rena)ed Mu)a$ 5he na)e hange of the $t(4as $n tune 4$th Maharashtra>s u#ture and an( Maharashtr$an shou#d e

    proud of $t e#$eve, those 4ho rea##( #ove Mu)a$ and Maharashtra areproud of the ne4 na)e?

    Ce sa(s the )$sfortune surround$ng the na)e hange $s hu)ug = s$)p#(don>t e#$eve $n suh superst$t$ons Co4 an 4e sa( that the $t( $s go$ngthrough a ad phase after the na)e hange as $t etter efore the na)ehange n the ontrar(, strong#( e#$eve that the $t(, s#o4#( ut sure#(,$s e$ng deve#oped?"


    Om Gurave Namah

    Dear 5riends,

    my own o#inion

    mumbaiV023HV320V%%V &7uarius

    &ssigning *at#ayaadi numerals to al#habets negle)ting hal sounds+!

    ma V 0baV2


    bombayV--3HV3--V.V S)or#io

    bhaV -bhaV-eV3

    umbaiV&7uarius being Natural %%th house and trines to Libra is good orinan)ial well being o the )ity! Libra is a ruitul sign having blessings o

    ahalakshmi! 8n a)t the )urrent transit o Saturn in Fth rom &7uarius isgood!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    8 am sure the matters o lood et) )an be e(#lained by &nnual =hart or8ndia o that #arti)ular year!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    B B B B BA-----------------------------------------------A

    Dear &shwin,

    The Ioy is having )urse o 5ather, >en)e is in trouble! On)e this )urse#eriodover he will be better!

    5or Those interested in Jyotish analysis, 8 give the reasons below,

    =urse9 &ny two o the three malei)s ars&nger+, SaturnSorrow+ and$ahuSho)k;=heating+ as#e)ting by Graha drishti any two o *aarka andIhava or Ihava Lord )onstitutes a )urse! 8n =urse the Saturn ruled housesgives trouble!

    4ather +aaraka Sun 9 8s &s#e)ted by $ahu 4nd house as#e)t o $ahu+ and

    Saturn 2rd as#e)t++aaraka haa >9 8s &s#e)ted by $ahu 1th as#e)t+ and Saturn %3thas#e)t+!+aaraka haa Lord0 >th Lord:8s with Sun hen)e like gets as#e)ts rom$ahu and Saturn

    The oola Dashas shows )urses ru)tii)ations,

    oola Dasa dasa showing the root o events #ast karma+9

    $ah D9 %113323% -93-933 am+ 433P323% %492P90- #m+

    &ntardasas in this D9

    $ah9 %113323% -93-933 am+ %1123P%4 %%9%F920 am+:en9 %1123P%4 %%9%F920 am+ %11031%F F9-29%4 am+*et9 %11031%F F9-29%4 am+ %11F3-%F 292P9F3 am+oon9 %11F3-%F 292P9F3 am+ %11.3%4P 49%093% am+Sat: 1>>;35136? @6:1#:51 am 3 655135B35? @15:1:#? amars9 433%3F3P %39%290P am+ 43343%%3 -93-9%2 #m+Ju#9 43343%%3 -93-9%2 #m+ 433-3%34 %%9%390- #m+Sun9 433-3%34 %%9%390- #m+ 43303231 .90092- am+er)9 43303231 .90092- am+ 433P323% %492P90- #m+

    8n $ahu aha dasa and Saturn &ntardasa the 5ather o the native died dueto the above mentioned )urse! Sin)e Saturn rules the natives, Lagna >isintelligen)e is ae)ted, "hi)h is )ausing him to air badly in e(ams!

    &s you )an see the Dasa ends in 433P;32, &nd :enus dasa starts! :enus is?oga kaaraka or the native and will do well or the native in Lagna! ?ou )ane(#e)t him to do good ater 433P;32 e(ams!

    Tell him to go to Ganesha Tem#le regularly, &nd re)ite the below givenNaarada Stotra regularly!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    "arm $egardsSanjay ouses too!! Or we take )ombined ee)t!!

    "aiting or your esteemed re#ly!!$egards&mit

    || Om Gurave Namah ||

    Dear &mit,

    Not everybody )an )urse you, Only #eo#le who have done good to you )an)urse you! The Natural law has to be violated or the )urse to take ee)t onyou! >en)e malei) grahas )annot )urse you! >ow )an road side begger)urse you or not giving him moneyM!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    5or The )urse to be #resent, 5irstly the above mentioned kaaraka has to beali)ted by Graha Drishti! sin)e =urse usually leads to lot o Qmotionalturmoils!=urse is only )aused i the native generates &nger, Sho)kdue to )heating

    et)+ or sorrow! Graha drishti o ars, $ahu and Saturn indi)ates the #la)eswhere the native generates these emtions on his;her surroundings!

    So &tleast two o these bad emotions has to be generated by the native! @se$ahu's drishti 4,0,P,1! &)utally rahu as#e)ts %4,1,P,0 in reverse order due toretrograde nature! "hi)h be)omes 4,0,P,1 when )ounted in orward!

    8 it's )onimed that any o the above mentioned kaaraka is ali)ted thenlook at the as#e)ts on either the kaarka bhaava or kaaraka lord to see i the#ersons emotions, a)tions, environments are also trouble to )onirm the)urse! Then @se moola dasha to time the #eriods o suerings!

    "arm $egardsSanjay aving Lagna Lord! This gives tremendous )hange in #erson'sintellegen)e! The #erson goes ra#id )hange in thinking and o#inions aboutthe world!

    4! Sign >aving Ju#iter! The aving Sun! The Sun is natural &tmakaaraka, >en)e the #erson mayundergo soul sear)hing! &tma $emembers everything and hen)e )auses theDhi8ntelligen)e+ to maniest! & #erson may read Ihagavata geeta in this#eriod!

    5or other signs understand the intelligen)e develo#ment using the Lord othe Sign and Ihaava!

    Now, $eer your )hart above! ?our are running aving Sun The Natural and Tem#roary&tmakaaraka in your )hart+! >en)e your #rogress in Jyotish ater 4331 is willbe very good! This is or sure!

    "arm $egardsSanjay en)e8n)ome rom Saturn related terms gives lot o growth but in slow manner!

    ?ou should undertand that when 8ndia is now in a growing #hase, ostin)ome is by =hea# Labour in engineering, su##ort et)! 8t's #resen)e in wither)ury in 2rd house make the labour very talented! Ieing in %%th rom&rudha gives mu)h in)ome!

    Iut Sin)e 1th >ouse is also badhakesha or Taurus, There dii)ulty inunderstanding the en)e is )ausing mu)h trouble!er)urial 0th >ouse is giving argala obstru)ted by Saturnine 1th! er)urywants Talent ONL? to )ome u# sin)e its a very rajasi) #lanet, the kaarka or%3th The sour)e o "ealth+! >en)e the )urrent debate!A-----------------------------------------------A

    B B Bs 9a B(a (/ BB B B'L B'. BB B B B BB B B B BB B B B BB-----------A-----------------------A-----------BB

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    ?ou should understand that the this mars, mer)ury #arivaratna is )oming u#in other State's )hart like the )urrent Tamil Nadu government, et)

    The 5inal asto )ome ba)k again with better #oli)y or 8ndia's Natal Saturn to un)tionbetter!

    "arm $egardsSanjay hen (arious Mothers are oin to $ar $ith 'eons, this is ho$ it is'escri*e' C8K14DN >hate(er or, 'ecoration, $eapons an' (ehicle each o'has, his sha%ti CeneryD cae in the sae or, 'ecoration, $eapons an'

    (ehicle? he net 9 (erses 'escri*e ho$ rahaani etc cae? Oor eaple,rahaani cae on a s$an $ith a%sha sutra an' %aan'alu C$orn *yrahaD, Maahes$ari cae on a reat *ull $ith a rishoola an' She $ore a*i sna%e an' Moon? &n' so on?>hat is the essae hi''en in the a*o(e 'escription= he act that theseeale 'eities are i'entical to the ale counterparts in or, 'ecoration,$eapons an' (ehicles suests, to e, that they are not really separate rothe ale counterparts? raha an' rahaani are not separate? Mahes$araan' Maahes$ari are not separate? Vishnu an' Vaishna(i are not separate?&n' so on? rahaani is siply the sha%ti C(italityFeneryD o raha?Maahes$ari is siply the sha%ti C(italityFeneryD o Mahes$ara? &n' so on?H course, i you iaine Vaishna(i CEa%shiD as a separate person $ithcertain attri*utes, She ay aniest liite' *y your iaination an' e(en i(eyou a 'arshan in that or? "o$e(er, that is a liite' or an' "er true natureis *eyon' that? "er true an' hihest nature is that She is an insepara*le parto Vishnu an' represents the enery o Vishnu? She is the part o Vishnu thata%es Vishnu thin%, 'esire, act etc? &ny other eternal or is a lo$er natureo "er?hus, conteplation on these (erses $ill a%e you un'erstan' the truenature o ale 'e(atas an' eale 'e(atas an' their relationship *etter? ;t $illena*le you to appreciate the hihest nature o Sha%ti?

    C2D a%e +a%ta*ee.aBs slayin? +a%ta*ee.a is a 'eon $ith a special a*ility? ;a 'rop o *loo' alls ro his *o'y on the roun', another 'eon $ill *e *ornro it an' $ill *e o the sae sie, ae an' strenth as the oriinal+a%ta*ee.a e(en at *irth? &s Vaishna(i, Maahes$ari, &in'ri etc $ere hurtin+a%ta*ee.a in the iht, ore an' ore 'eons $ere *ein *orn an' all theo's $ere scare'? hen #han'i%aa tol' -aali to epan' her ace an' eat allthe 'eons as they are *orn? #han'i%a oes aroun' the $ar roun' eatin allthe 'eons as they are *orn an' e(entually +a%ta*ee.a runs out o *loo'?his loo%s li%e a nice story? ut, is there is a 'eeper eanin in it= >hy $as-aali the chosen one an' not Vaishna(i or aarasihi or &in'ri=he $or' ra%ta eans *loo'? &nother eanin is 'esireFpassion? &ctually,

    *oth the eanins are lin%e' an' the $or' coes ro the root ran.Fran,

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    $hich eans to color? H course, in our astroloy also, Moon sho$s ra%ta'hatu C*loo'D an' he is also the %ara%a or 'esires?+a%ta*ee.a eans the see' o 'esire? +a%ta*ee.a ihtin $ith o'ssy*olies 'esires ta%in the *etter o our oo' .u'ent an' oo' Aualities?Qach huan *ein is a icrocos o the acrocos that the uni(erse is? &ll

    'e(atas resi'e in us as (arious oo' Aualities an' all 'eons resi'e in us as(arious un'esira*le Aualities? >hen $e are o(ercoe *y 'esires an' 'o *a''ee's, the +a%ta*ee.a $ithin us is 'eeatin the o's $ithin us?he thin is that 'esires are 'iicult to et ri' o? @ou et ri' o one 'esire an'another 'esire is *orn? hat is $hat +a%ta*ee.aBs special a*ility eans? hesee' o 'esires $ithin us $ill %eep pro'ucin ore an' ore 'esires? ;t is(ery resourceul?hen, $hy -aali to 'estroy "i=;n astroloy, $e associate Mahaa%aala an' Mahaa%aali $ith Saturn? -aalisho$s 'etachent an' (airaaya? She $ears a arlan' o s%ulls,sy*oliin that there is an en'less cycle Carlan'D o *irths a aterial or

    Cs%ullD oes thru? he $ay -aali sho$s to o(ercoe the cycle is (airaayaan' 'etachent? She sho$s eaninul an' hihest le(el o (airaaya thatcoes $ith a 'eep un'erstan'in o the cycle o aterial ors?o ully cut o the see' o 'esires so that one 'oes not et any ore'esires, one nee's to 'e(elop (airaaya an' 'etachent an' %eep on'estroyin 'esires as they are *orn an' persist li%e that? &ter persistin or alon tie, the see' o 'esires $ill run out o 'esires an' one $ill o(ercoe'esires?hus, siple stories ha(e 'eep eanins? his particular story cele*rates the(alue o 'etachent, (airaaya an' persistence K Saturnine Aualities?G G G)ura Saptashati is $hat is use' in #han'i hoa? ;t is (ery auspicious torea' e(ery'ay or on &shtaiFa(aiF#hatur'asi 'ays? ;t ta%es 1K2?5 hours?>hen ; rea' it or the irst tie on March, it too% e 2 hours? o$ it ta%es e50 in? ; you 'onBt ha(e uch tie, you ay $ant to rea' one chapter per'ay?Merely chantin it $ithout un'erstan'in the eanin is also ecellent an'pro'uces results? Un'erstan'in the eanin an' ar(ellin at the po$er othe Mother a%es one earless an' eneretic an' also i(e aterial *eneits?Un'erstan'in the 'eeper eanins an' appreciatin the rue ature o theMother a%es one realie oneBs o$n true nature? ;t has (arious *eneits at

    (arious le(els o sa'hana? ;t is touh to eactly say $hat *eneit it i(es, asthat 'epen's on the e(olution le(el o sa'ha%a an' his attitu'e? ut, there issoethin in #han'ipath or e(eryoneI;t is ore eecti(e i you rea' the oola antra Cthe a(a%shari antra or,preera*ly, )asa%shari antra $ith H a''e'D 108 ties *eore &) aterchantin 700 (erses?; $ill i(e one interestin personal anec'ote? ; starte' rea'in )ura SaptaShati 'urin Shata #han'i "oa at #hennai in March? ; too% a (o$ to rea'it or 108 consecuti(e 'ays? &ter ; inishe' eactly 40 'ays o rea'in it, apriest $ho cae to our house ite' e a one oot tall panchaloha i'ol o&shta'asa hu.a Maha Ea%shi Carayani $ith 92R18 han'sD?

    G G G

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    here are no classical reerences, to y %no$le'e, on the appin *et$eenthe the nine planets an' the nine ors o arayani 'escri*e' in Saptashati,$ho ouht $ith 'eons? ut o*(iously there ust *e a lin%? "ere is y irstshot at itNrahaaniN Jupiter

    Maahes$ariN Moon-auaariN MarsVaishna(iN MercuryVaaraahiN +ahuaarasihiN -etu&in'riN SunSi(a'ootiN Venus#haaun'aaF-aaliN SaturnMay the liht o rahan shine $ithin,arasihaKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

    Oree Jyotish lessons CMP3DN httpNFF(e'icastro?hoe?cocast?netOree Jyotish sot$are C>in'o$sDN httpNFF$$$?Ve'ic&stroloer?orSri Jaannath #entre CSJ#D $e*siteN httpNFF$$$?SriJaannath?orKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    B B B BB B B BB B B BB B B BB-----------B 9asi B-----------B


  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    /arana7 1ishti #*a% #@E.@A le!t%

    . +ethod o! ' lords gives +adhya (yusas *aturn is ill pla"ed !rom both lagnaand arudha while +er"ury P Jupiter are strong. 6here is no 2a2shya hrasa or

    vriddhi in this as although +er"ury "ould have given 2a2shya hrasa, it has the

    "on3un"tion o! the "haturdasi #shiva% dosha.. +ethod o! ' pairs is as !ollows7a. lagna $ :L Q alpa ayus

    b. lagna lord $ Eth lord Q long li!e". +oon $ *aturn Q long li!e . Note that the +oon has serious haturdasidosha i.e. both +oon P 1enus be"ome very very male!i" and at the vital timeJupiter "an turn his !a"e away. 6his is a grave dosha that "an harm longevity

    3ust li2e amavasya dosha that "an "ompletely destroy !ortune and longevity.)rima !a"ie we get long li!e in the short group stru"tureeven i! we are going toignore the +oon.Long group stru"ture is A, EA P A.................... A year8sign

    +iddle group stru"ture is 'H, K and AE ............. year8sign*hort group stru"ture is ', H and H...................E year8sign'. +ethod o! the three +oons Q +iddle li!e < very spe"i!i"ally danger isexpe"ted in *at85ahu period #see the navamsa with the +oon, longevityindi"ator in the Eth house a!!li"ted by *aturn and 5ahu.In my written predi"tions to him, this dangerous period was "learly indi"ated.:owever, I !ailed to see that it would be murder by his own brother> I alwaysthought it would be a brea"h o! se"urity as +ars also indi"ates se"urity peopleand 5ahu indi"ates dangerous "riminals.. I! you loo2 at the pan"hanga, the pointers are also very "lear. 6he na2shatralord +oon is in haturdasi dosha and this "an be dangerous !or longevity. 6he

    vaara lord *aturn is badly pla"ed !or long li!e indi"ations being in th !rom(L and 'rd !rom lagna.@. hen people said that he would have problems with seniors, I told him thatduring *aturn dasa his 5a3yoga would not be disturbed as the elders li2e

    1a3payee3i and (dvani3i will li2e him very mu"h < *aturn is the lord o!1isha2umbha yoga. *imilarly when he was very worried a!ter the ' day govt, Ihad guaranteed him the return o! 0J) due to the !a"t that *aturn is also thelord o! the /arana. *o *aturn dasa was his great 5a3yoga period.H. Now "oming to *hula dasa < yes the dasa was o! Gemini and you alwaysunderestimate the power o! the 5udra yoga "aused by 1enus $ +oon or +ars$ +oon. *o we should never undrestimate the power o! the 5udra yoga. 6he

    prote"tors Jupiter and (/ +er"ury also aspe"t the lagna and "an prote"t. *o,in this battle between +er"ury P Jupiter on one side prote"ting him and+oon and 1enus on the other destroying him, Jupiter turns away due to"haturdasi dosha #shiva dosha% ad +er"ury alone "annot battle a debilitated

    1enus "on3un"tion and the dire"t "onta"t o! the / +oon. 6he uestion iswhen will Jupiter turn awayM:owever, I agree with you that ma2ing a death predi"tion would be very verydi!!i"ult unless a!ter the atta"2 event as the !or"es are very deli"ately andeually balan"ed.*hoola dasa #troubles and death%7Ge +D7 AA

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    *g7 AA

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    *o numerology as pra"ti"ed by many people today #based on &nglish alphabetand dates as per the Gregorian "alendar% is 3ust nonsense.

    6he name analysis given in the ex"hange between (n3aneya and 5obyn is anexample o! the systemati" approa"h o! 1edi" numerology. I want to write a

    little more on this !or the bene!it o! those who are interested in genuine 1edi"numerology.

    ell, the nama rasi #name sign% does not have to !it with handra lagna oranything else. It 3ust so happened in your "ase.

    e "an 3udge the natal planetary positions using nama rasi o! a person to seewhi"h indi"ations o! the natal "hart re"eive support !rom the name. In !a"t, we"an also see the nama rasi "orresponding to a wor2 or venture by a native #e.g.name o! a boo2, name o! a "ompany et"% to see the impa"t o! that wor2 or

    venture on the native.

    (s it is always easier to learn !rom real examples, I will give a !ew. 0e!ore Ipro"eed, here is the table !or a ui"2 re!eren"e, in "ase you don=t have *an3ay

    3i=s Jaimini +aharishi=s 9padesa *utras boo27

    1a2le " !atapayaadi 3arga

    =li)k on 8mage to enlarge

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    1! Take t. San)ay Raths chart @?th Au"ust 1>B0 >:18:#5 pm @7ST0;e#;0 61n6?.>is se)ond book Crux o( -edic Astro$o"y: Timin" o(&ents was #o#ularly known as C-A and he be)ame very #o#ular in the

    world o Jyotish ater that book!

    C-A @koaahas two )onsonants kand ! They stand or 1and 8res#e)tively! $eversing the order, it is 81! Dividing by 16, remainder is #!This shows Leo! So Leo is the rasi that shows how this book is known! "hatis its im#a)t on Sanjay ji's natal )hartM

    8n his natal rasi )hart, Leo )ontains er)ury writing+ and it is as#e)ted byGL Ghati Lagna shows #ower and ame+! This shows be)oming very#o#ular as a writer! "riting a book that was known as =O:& made himamous as a writer!

    4! Take the )hart o S-C @15th Septem%er 1>>;0 >:# am @7ST0 Ne!De$hi0 7ndia.SJ:='s irst major venture is the yotish Di"est maga6ine!Let us say this maga6ine be)omes wellknown as D like &strologi)alaga6ine is known as & and Q(#ress Star Teller as QST+! "hat will it thendo to SJ:=M

    The two )onsonants)and d show ;and .Dividing ;by 16, we get 6asthe remainder! 8t shows Taurusas the nama rasi o JD! Judge the im#a)t oTaurus on SJ:= )hart!

    8t is the .th house o the SJ:= )hart showing hard work and resear)h! Theventure known as JD will make SJ:= work hard and s#read o))ultknowledge! Taurus )ontains GL and has argala rom the raja yoga giving#lanets in Leo! This shows that JD will make SJ:= very #o#ular and amous!

    Iut, it does not as#e)t >L hora lagna money+ and, moreover, it is the%4th rom &L arudha lagna+ showing e(#editure! This does not really showSJ:= making a lot o money on this venture! The inan)ial gains o SJ:=rom JD may be modest, but the ame and )ontribution to the s#reading oo))ult knowledge will be immense!

    2! 8've been using the abbreviation *ora or the u#)oming a"annatha*ora sotware to be released by SJ:=! The nama rasi o J>ora is isces)0h0 r E ;0 ;0 6E6;;. Remainder is 50

    i.e. 16+! Ie)ause >L in SJ:= )hart is in Sagittarius and Llord Ju#iter and as#e)ts >L, this venture known as *ora is likely to beinan)ially #roitable! Ju#iter and

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    %! y own birthdata is9 8th Apri$ 1>?50 #:8?:65 pm @7ST0 ;1e;01Bn15! y ull name is .-.R. Narasimha Rao! 8n my )hildhood, 8was known by a ni)kname o a%)i! The syllables in it are Faa%Gand FeeG.The numbers o %and) are and 6, i!e! 6! Theremainder when 6is divided by 16is 11, i!e! AHuarius! &7uarius is

    the Fth house in my natal )hart with oon and $ahu! 8 did not enjoygood health! Iut oon is &* atma karaka+ and is as#e)ted by Ju#iterLibra+ and raja yoga #lanets in &ries! Ie)ause o &* and Ju#iter, 8learnt traditional knowledge so eortlessly as i 8 was remembering itrom my #ast lie! Iy an age o %%, 8 obtained 4 di#lomas e7uivalentto a ba)helor's degree in Sanskrit literature, one o them withdistin)tion! 8t also hel#ed that &7 was the strongest sign in the S&:Samudaya &shtaka:arga+ o my natal rasi )hart!

    4! During the ages o %24%, 8 was known as -R @pee ee aar myinitials! ?ou )an see that p0 0 rgives %, -, 4, i!e! 4-%! The remainder

    when 681is divided by 16is 1! This shows Aries! &ries, with -#lanets, has all the raja yogas o my )hart! 8t is also as#e)ted by &*atma karaka oon here+! 8t was a great #eriod and 8 su))eeded ineverything 8 tried!

    2! "hen 8 )ame to @S& or masters %11%12+, #eo#le started )alling meRao@raa! This is just one syllable with the leading )onsonant beingR@6! The nama rasi is Taurus! 5rom Taurus, my raja yogas are in%4th! This #eriod was not so good! 8t was a #eriod o disillusionmentand )hange in lie!

    -! Sin)e 8 returned to @S& in %110, 8've been known as Narasimha! This

    has - syllables NFaG RFaG SFimG *FaG! The leading )onsonants in theour syllables are n0 r0 s and h, whi)h stand or 50 60 ? and ;res#e)tively! The number ;?65gives a remainder o ;when dividedby %4! This shows Scorpio! S)or#io as#e)ts the raja yogas in &ries!The ahayogada o my natal )hart Sun+ owns the %3th rom S)or#ioand o))u#ies 0th rom it! This shows #roessional su))ess! *etu in%3th rom S)or#io shows s#iritual *etu+ a)tivities in so)iety %3th+!"ith S)or#io )ontaining &L and various im#ortant sahamas :idya edu)ation, ?asas ame, Gaurava res#e)t, $ajya kingdom, *arma #roession, Samartha enter#rise+, this is a key sign!

    0! Take Iill Gates 4.th O)tober %100, 1940 #m ad he been known as 'i$$iam or 'i$$iam 2ates, his nama rasiwould've been Taurus! "ith Taurus being the %4th house with *etu init, his s#irituality would've #ros#ered! 8nstead, he is known as i$$2ates @sy$$a%$es: Fi$G 2FaetsGand the nama rasi is Sa"ittarius,)ontaining >L money+ and as#e)ted by ?ogada er)ury and ars!The name is more )ondu)ive to the entre#reneur in him than thes#iritual #erson in him! Leois the strongest sign in his S&:! 8t is the2rd house o enter#rise! 8t )ontains >L lord bringer o money+ andas#e)ts GL and GL lord #ower+! 8t is a key sign and brings moneythrough enter#rise and #ower through money! 8n)identally, nama rasio his )om#any

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    S": La"naI Cp: Sat0 upI AH: +etI Ta: -enI 2e: L lord and as#e)ting GL!oreover, the sound m is lorded by Saturn who is e(alted in GL, joined bydis#ositor :enus! The irst letter o his name b+ is also lorded by e(altedSaturn in GL! >ad he been known as "illiam Gates or "ill Gates, oonwould've been the #lanet not as strong as e(alted Saturn in GL+!

    8n my own )ase, Saturn was the ruling #lanet o the name when 8 was knownas

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    The ruling sign and ruling #lanet o the name by whi)h most #eo#le )all usde)ide whi)h as#e)ts o our natal )harts get stressed! The ruling sign andruling #lanet o the name we give to our ventures )om#anies or books ormaga6ines et)+ de)ide how those ventures a)tivate various as#e)ts o ournatal )harts!

    Ru$es o( Decomposition

    Let us say = =%, =4 et)+ re#resents a )onsonant, and : a vowel! Then anysyllable that is not the irst in a word will be o the orm

    C1 - FC6G FCG FC8G...

    "hatever is in #aranthesis is o#tional! 8t may or may not be there! Iut a)onsonant =%+ and a vowel :+ will always start the syllable! >ere =% is the

    main )onsonant o the syllable and its number should be taken! 8 you havemulti#le )onsonants together e!g! vy in kavya+, only the last one remainsin the syllable and others will be the trailing )onsonants o the #revioussyllable! 5or e(am#le, kavya be)omes kav U ya!

    The irst syllable o a word is o a dierent orm! 8t is o the orm9

    FC1G - FC6G FCG...

    >ere =% leading )onsonant+ is also o#tional along with the trailing)onsonants at the end, whi)h are always o#tional+! 8 it is #resent, take its

    number! 8 not, take 3!

    &nother )ase is that there may be more )onsonants beore =% e!g! sravya+!8 there are, ignore them! Te)hni)ally, they are like the se)ond hal o atrun)ated #revious syllable! 5or e(am#le, sravya is basi)ally s U rav U ya!The irst letter s is not a )om#lete syllable and hen)e )lubbed in the irstsyllable as srav! >owever, it does not be)ome the leading )onsonant osrav, as it is te)hni)ally the trailing )onsonant o a #revious trun)atednone(istent+ syllable! So the leading syllable o the irst syllable srav osravya is r!

    Q(am#les9 Let us write ea)h syllable in the orm o =%, :, =4 =2 =- et)!

    %! siddhamsa V sid/ dham/ sa dh is one )onsonant, not two+ Sosiddhamsa V s, i, d/ dh, a, m/ s, a, The three leading )onsonants ares, dh dental+ and s #alatal+

    4! shashtyamsa V shasht/ yam/ sa So shashtyamsa V sh, a, sh, t/ y, a, m/s, a, "e get sh )erebral;alveolar+, y and s #alatal+

    2! ashtamsa V ash, tam, sa So ashtamsa V , a, sh/ t, a, m/ s, a, "e get none+, t alveolar;)erebral+, s #alatal+ as the 2 )onsonants!

    -! akshavedamsa V ak/ sha/ ve/ dam/ sa So akshavedamsa V , a, k/ sh,

    a, / v, e, / d, a, m/ s, a, "e get sh )erebral+, v, d dental+, s#alatal+!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    0! rudramsa V rud/ ram/ sa So rudramsa V r, u, d/ r, a, m/ s, a "e get r,r, s #alatal+ as the 2 )onsonants!

    F! dwadasamsa V dwa/ da/ sam/ sa So dwadasamsa V d w, a, / d, a, / s,a, m/ s, a, The leading )onsonants are w note+, d, s, s both#alatal+! The irst syllable dwa is e7uivalent to a )ombination o a

    tun)ated syllable d and a ull syllable wa! 8 there was a #reviousletter, starting sound d would belong to itZ

    P! dwandwam V dwan/ dwam So dwandwam V d w, a, n d/ w, a, m The 4leading )onsonants are w note+ and w! The irst syllable dwan ise7uivalent to a )ombination o a tun)ated syllable d and a ullsyllable wan! 8 there was a #revious letter, starting sound d wouldbelong to itZ

    :owels are the #rana lie+ o syllables and )onsonants the body! No syllable)an e(ist without a vowel and ea)h syllable will )onsist o e(a)tly one vowelone #rana+! The number o syllables in a word )orres#onds to the numbero vowels! Drona)harya has o, a, a and a drOn&)h&ry&+! So it has - syllablesand not two! Let us start rom the end and #ut a boundary beore the#re)eding )onsonant o ea)h vowel! Then we get9

    drona)har | y& drona | )h&r | ya dro | n& | )har | ya d | rO | na | )har |ya

    >ere d is not a )om#lete syllable, as it has no vowel! So, inally, it may be)lubbed with ro! The - letters are r, n, )h and y d | $o | Na | =>ar | ?a+!

    8 you are still )onused, here is a short)ut9

    Just orget syllables et)! Just look at the vowels au, ai, oo are one voweland not two+! Take the )onsonant immediately beore ea)h vowel! Do thisor all the vowels! This rule will allow you to get the )orre)t sounds ornama rasi!

    @nderstanding how syllables are ormed enables you to see the logi) behindthis rule and also hel#s you a##re)iate the rules o Sanskrit )hhandasmetrology or #oetry+, but it is not ne)essary to a##ly the rule!

    Q(am#le9 Take a hy#otheti)al name &lguntyolis)ha 5ind the vowels in this!8 #ut them in )a#ital letters here &lg@ntyOlis)h&! There are e(a)tly 0se#arate vowels in this word a, u, o, i and a in that order+! Now see the)onsonant sound immediately #re)eding ea)h vowel! There is none beorethe irst a! There is g beore u! There is y beore o, l beore i and )h beorelast a! So take these ive!

    This #ro)edure should be easy to ollow! ore )omments9

    %! Some #eo#le may mis#ronoun)e ou in thousand as avu! Iut that'snot how most #eo#le #ronoun)e it! ost #eo#le #ronoun)e the vowelou )orre)tly! So you )annot take a )onsonant v there! 5or that

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    matter, some #eo#le may mis#ronoun)e it as thousandu orthousanda, but the most )ommon #ronun)iation has no vowel at theend! oreover, s in thousand is not #ronoun)ed by most #eo#le asjh! 8t is )loser to j instead! 8 we write it as thoujand, there aretwo vowels ou and a! The )onsonants immediately #re)eding them

    are th and j! The numbers are P and .!4! The name sign is only one as#e)t o the name! 8 told you how to see

    the #lanet ruling a name based on the irst letter! That's even moreim#ortant! Look at that too!

    ay Ju#iter's light shine on us, Narasimha

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    5rom9 San)ay ra%hakaranWsanjay)hettiarXgmail!)omYDate9 r -, 433F %393%

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    %+ "orshi# Ganesha "ill hel# in 8shta and Dharma Devata+4+ "orshi# Surya do surya namaskaara or light lam#+, this will hel# in hisDharma devata! &s the 1th rom &k is ruled by Surya in Navamsa!2+ "orshi# Narasimha Devata, *ee# a manLion orm o :ishnu #hoto ataltar this will hel# his 8shta devata as Narasimha deva rules mars, the %4th

    lord rom &k+-+ "orshi# you regular Shiva mantra, This will hel# his Dharma Devata! &sShiva is indi)ate by Surya and it's 1th lord rom &k!8t's seen that sin)e his 0th house is as#e)ted by Surya andJu#iter+ >isnatural in)lination is to worshi# Surya! >en)e >is dharma is in)reasing!0+ "orshi# Lakshmi, :enus rules his oros)o#es o animalsTo9 vedi)astrologyXyahoogrou#s!)om

    || Sri Gurave Namah ||

    Namaste Dhira,Sin)e we are just e(#erimenting with ideas, Let me )aution about #ossible#italls in my understandings beore 8 #ro)eed! Other Learneds' o#inions arewel)ome!

    http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/devata-worship.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/devata-worship.htmlhttps://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/devata-worship.html#linkshttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.htmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/devata-worship.htmlhttps://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434249307041068http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/devata-worship.html#linkshttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.htmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    5irst, 8 would take kaaraka or Dog as mer)ury, $eason being that the 8n*aala)hakra #la)ement o animals Dog is assigned the er)ury )ornerSouth"est+! 8 have also heard o other o#inions o giving $ahu as thekaaraka, The reason being that it's Pth ruler in *aal)hakra to #la)ement odog and it's also said that Dog's )an sense #resen)e o s#irits! 8 will go by

    *aaraka as er)ury sin)e Dogs have keen sense o Smell ruled by aving said that, 8 would assume that

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    B B;e Bs (e B BB B BJu9 B BB B B B BB B B B BB B B B B

    B-----------A-----------------------A-----------BBL B B BB B B BB B B BB B B BB B Na7amsa B BB-----------B B-----------BBu (o B D- B

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    ;rit Ta ?;etu 5 c 40+ 440 nu 1 c Le(aan/i 22 Cn45+ 5166 sre 2 Cn C"'uli.a 22 Cn 45+ 5166 sre 2 CnC"=ha7a La8na ! c 44+ 016 nu 2 c 3i

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    *et9 43%F3-%% %490.93F+ 43%P3F%4 4%94390P+

    "e see that the Dasa is o :enus and antardasa is o $ahu! >en)e it's 7uite#ossible that 8 )ould be in right tra)k here!

    Now to see the Ihogaenjoyment+ in the antardasa, =ount as many signsrom &ntardasa lords is away rom ahadasa lord rom &ntardasa lord! >ere$ahu&D is in 4nd rom :enusD, )ounting 4 rom &D, "e arrive at %3thhouse! So the enjoyment;suerings would be %3th house related in thisdasa!

    8 we assume the Lagna to be )orre)t, Lets take the Narayana dasa and see,

    Narayana Dasa o D% )hart a versatile #halita rasi dasa+9

    :i D9 4332304% %.93%90-+ 433.304% 39-094.+

    &ntardasas in this D9

    &r9 4332304% %.93%90-+ 4332%34- 490P934+Ta9 4332%34- 490P934+ 433-3243 %29-F9-0+Ge9 433-3243 %29-F9-0+ 433-3.42 49%394.+=n9 433-3.42 49%394.+ 43303%43 F9239-2+Le: 655#351365 @B:5:8 3 655#35B361 @18:6#:#B-i: 655#35B361@18:6#:#B 3 655#311366 @16:88:#Li: 655#311366 @16:88:# 3 655B3583

    65 @1:1B:#BSc: 655B358365 @1:1B:#B 3 655B35>36 @16:5:5#Sg9433F3142 %4932930+ 433P34%1 193F902+=#9 433P34%1 193F902+ 433P3P42 %294.92-+&79 433P3P42 %294.92-+ 433P%444 %-9439-.+

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    "arm $egardsSanjay are $&ma *rishna

    Dear anay,

    Than. you &or your analysis o& "rashna ith (ercury in Na7amsa la8naan/un in th, it coul/ in/ee/ Ge 3ir8o la8na &or the "et un conoins(oonin "rashna an/ is in (oon+s eKaltation si8n in natal chart 9ahu isin 6thin "rashna an/ Gecomes 6th lor/ in natal chart, so you may Gecorrect

    I thin. your i/ea o& ta.in8 3imsottari &rom (ercury &or /o8s is alsocorrect *arashara Li8ht so&t>are an/ I 8uess Jhora also 8i7e thoseo"tions, an/ >hy >oul/ >e use these /asha other>ise


    s,Dhira ;rsna /asa,

    >eG sites: htt":MM>>>yotishi150mcomMyanamsahtml htt":MM8rou"syahoocomM8rou"MDhiraOayanamsa

    ith mantras %arlier that use/ to /is"el all my/ar. &eelin8s =ut no> nothin8 seems to Ge >or.in8 I thin. it+sGecause o& the uncertainty that I &ace in li&e I seem to Ge 7erylethar8ic >ith a 8loomy eK"ression in my &ace I /on+t seem to ha7ean enthusiasm &or anythin8 in li&e

    I >oul/ Ge really 8rate&ul i& I coul/ &in/ out i& I ha7e anyastrolo8ical "roGlem an/ i& there is any reme/y to this

    (y Chart:*lace o& =irth: ;u>ait

    http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.htmlhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dhira_ayanamsahttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.htmlhttps://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.html#linkshttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_archive.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/03/danda-yoga.htmlmailto:[email protected]://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://www.jyotishi.150m.com/Ayanamsa.htmlhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dhira_ayanamsahttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.htmlhttps://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=10237483&postID=114434239579558535http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/04/horoscopes-of-animals.html#linkshttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_archive.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.htmlhttp://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/http://sanjayprabhakaran.blogspot.com/2006/03/danda-yoga.htmlmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    Time: !:15 amDate: 14 e", 1!0

    5rom9 San)ay ra%hakaranWsanjay)hettiarXgmail!)omYDate9 ar 23, 433F 49%% o#ing that it may hel# ew JyotishStudents! ?our )hart has "hat's )alled as danda yoga! This o))urs when &llthe our houses rom %3th is o))u#ied by a graha! 8t's a ty#e o &kriti ?oga,8n Nabhasa yoga )lassii)ation!

    http.sr$'agannathorg'(ot$shd$gestvo#-3-1-3ht)13" #anda $Sti%& '(oga)hen a## the p#anets oup( four houses fro) the 10 th house 8$e10 th , 11 th , 12 th and 1 st , Danda *oga $s for)ed ffets. Suh persons4$## e a4a( fro) 4$fe, h$#dren and the$r o4n 4ea#th, )a( have to adoptrue# )ethods, #$ve a4a( fro) the$r re#at$ves and fr$ends, e )$sera#e,and )a( even serve )ean peop#e @araha M$h$ra sa(s that suh persons 4$##e separated fro) persons affet$onate to the) and 4$## not hes$tate toearn the$r #$ve#$hood ( e)p#o($ng #o4 #ass )eans n Sansr$t, Danda $s$nd$at$ve of persons 4ho roa) a4a( fro) p#ae of $rth $n the searh of#$ve#$hood n o#den da(s th$s 4as a ad $nd$at$on and the ev$#s attahed to

    suh $ru)stanes are )ent$oned $n th$s *oga n the )odern age suh a*oga )a( prove a oon for persons 4ho tr( to sett#e or v$s$t d$stant #ands

    for the$r #$ve#$hood n horosopes $n 4h$h the 10 th , 11 th , 12 th and 1 sthouses are oup$ed, the nat$ve e$ther sett#es do4n $n a fore$gn ountr( or)a( v$s$t fore$gn ountr$es freKuent#( to earn )one(

    Danda means #unishments, &nd it reers to the $od held by Lord ?ama! Thegiver o ruits or our karma and maintainer o Dharma! >en)e This yogaindi)ates that you need to understand Dharma well and ollow the ruleswell! ?ou also try to sele)t a #roession whi)h would need you to do that!

    The *aaraka or Signiier+ or This yoga is >en)e Saturn! Saturn is also )alled?ama Dharma $aaja!

    The =urrent Dasa you are running is also Saturn and hen)e the oundationsor this yoga, i!e learnings related to understandings rules and regulationswill be o))uring during this #eriod! >en)e the de#ression et)! a)hara)teristi)es o Saturn!

    &lso &nother a)tor you understand in your )har is the #resense o all#lanets in the #ath o *etu till $ahu! This )onstitutes *aala &mrita ?oga,oreover The *etu in &rudha lagna )an make you s#iritual, $ahu in %3th is

    good or making many #ilgrims in dasa;antardasa o $ahu you should try tovisit many #ilgrimage sites!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://srijagannath.org/jyotishdigest/vol-3-1-3.htmmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://srijagannath.org/jyotishdigest/vol-3-1-3.htm
  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    The =urrent Narayana dasa is o Sagittarius, The natural 1th or Dharma andas#e)ted by Saturn! 8n )unjun)tion with :imshottari dasa o Saturn both theenvironment and mood around you made by so)iety;moon+ is Saturnnatured with learning o Dharma!

    >en)e 8 would re)ommend you to Learn ?oga asaanas The . orms o)ontrol indi)ated by Saturn+! &lso worshi# Lord Narasimha deva andSudarshana )hakra or urther dire)tions in your lie! Lord N&rasimha is your8shta devata indi)ated by ars and worshi# o Sudarshana )hakra =hakraaalwaar+ is good or *etu!

    "arm $egardsSanjay at 2 Li C"*rana"a/a La8na 1 Le2!+ 066 (a8h 1 Le rIn/u La8na 20 C" 20+ 101 ra7 4C" CnDhooma 11 C" 1+ 4461 ra7 1 C" r3yati"ata 1! 'e42+ 15 r/r 4 'e *i*ari7esha 1! 8 42+ 15 *ha 28 3iIn/ra Cha"a 11 Cn 1+ 4461 *ush Cn Li@"a.etu 2Cn 5+ 4461 sre 4 Cn *i;aala 3i 10+ 5551 @*ha 4 3i*i(rityu 1 Li 2+ 45 >at 4 Li *irtha *rahara c04+ 406! nu 2 c 3iama 'hanta.a 2 c 04+ 26!0 Jye4 c *i*rana "huta 1 Cn 2+ 410 *ush 4 Cn cDeha"huta 1 'e 05+ 24 r/r 2 'e C"(rityu "huta 0 8

    45+ 45! (ool 1 8 roo.shma Tri"huta 2 Ta 1!+545 (ri8 2 Ta 3iTri"huta 2 C" 20+ 55 Dhan 1 C"

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    LeChatus"huta 21 'e 1!+ *una 1 'e r*ancha"huta16 Li 00+ 0424 >at Li ?;un/a 1 Ta 5+ 416 ;rit 2Ta C"A-----------------------------------------------AB'L B B B BB B B B BB B B B BB B B B BB B B B BB-----------A-----------------------A-----------BB B B3e

    9a BB B B BB B B BB B B BB B B BB-----------B 9asiB-----------BB;e (/ B Bu Ju BB'. L B B BB B B BB B BBB B B BB-----------A-----------------------A-----------BB B

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    Let me today talk to you about graha maturity years! These years are veryuseul in timing o events at sim#le glan)e o a jatakahoros)o#e+! Theseyear are very useul #arti)ularly in timing o =hara kaaraka re#la)ements,ru)tii)ation o ortunes1th+, aturity o grahas et)!

    The below table is 7outed rom Sri

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    "e see that 8n his )hart there is a )hara *aararaka re#la)ement ha##eningat the %Pth degree, between

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    Okay, there were no #eo#le then, but the )ritters o the time eventually gottheir wish! 8n the intervening eons, the oon has been driting away! Qa)hyear, it moves about %!F in)hes - )entimeters+ arther into s#a)e!

    8t is a )oin)iden)e o orbital and s#e)ies evolution that we humans are on

    this #lanet during an era when we )an work 4-;P, should that be demanded!

    &lso by )oin)iden)e, we're here when the oon's a##arent si6e in the sky ise7ual to that o the Sun, so that a total solar e)li#se is #ossible!5urthermore, we arrived )omortably ater the #o)kmarked satellite beganshowing just one a)e to Qarth, #roviding that immutable and un)hangingbea)on we )all a ull oon, )osmi) governor o terrestrial love and a lot oloony ideas!able Y

    Or, one )ould argue, none o this is )oin)iden)e at all! 8 not or the oon,some say, love as we know it would never have ha##ened and we wouldn'tbe here to )ontem#late Qarth's orbiting treasure!

    The oon has had dramati) ee)ts on our #lanet and the lie that inhabitsit, resear)hers believe! The oon stabili6es Qarth's rotation, or e(am#le,#reventing otherwise dramati) movements o the #oles that would uel)limate swings that some s)ientists igure might have doomed any )han)eor lie to orm, let alone evolve!

    &nd biologists s#e)ulate that tides, generated mostly by the oon, wouldhave been a logi)al #la)e or lie to originate! Sea )reatures might have

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    then used tidal regions as e(#erimental sites or testing the habitability oland, and thereore as an e()use to develo# lungs!

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    On the oon, all this means that the Sun rises every our weeks, roughly! 8talso means there is no dark side o the oon, at least not to someoneliving in any hy#otheti)al Lunaville! The side o the oon we )annot seerom Qarth gets its ull share o sunshine #eriodi)ally, when the oon isbetween Qarth and the Sun! 8n this )oniguration, the oon is said to be

    new, and it rele)ts no sunlight our way!

    There was a time, however, when the timing was mu)h dierent!

    Shiting tides

    Gravity is said to be the weakest o all the undamental or)es! Iut oneas#e)t o it is very )onse7uential9 Gravity never goes away! 8t weakens withdistan)e, but it is always at work! This a)t is the #rimary driver o tides!The side o Qarth nearest the oon always gets tugged more than the otherside, by about F #er)ent!

    >ey, you might say, there are two high tides on this #lanet at any givenmoment! True! &nd another ar more )om#le( set o #henomena e(#lainsthis!

    The oon does not just go around the Qarth! 8n reality, the two obje)ts orbitabout a )ommon gravitational mid#oint, )alled a bary)enter! The mass oea)h obje)t and the distan)e between them di)tates that this bary)enter isinside Qarth, about threeourths o the way out rom the )enter!

    So #i)ture this9 The )enter o the Qarth a)tually orbits around thisbary)enter, on)e a month! The ee)t o this is very im#ortant! Think, or ase)ond, o a s#a)e)rat orbiting Qarth! 8ts astronauts e(#erien)e 6erogravity! That's not be)ause there's no gravity u# there! 8t's be)ause the shi#and its o))u#ants are )onstantly alling toward Qarth while also movingsideways around the #lanet! This sets u# a #er#etual reeall, or 6erog!

    Like the orbiting s#a)eshi#, the )enter o the Qarth is in reeall around thebary)enter o the Qarthoon system!

    >ere's the ki)ker9 On the side o Qarth o##osite the oon, the or)e o the

    oon's gravity is less than at the )enter o the Qarth, be)ause o the greaterdistan)e! 8t )an a)tually be thought o as a negative or)e, in essen)e,#ulling water away rom the oon and away rom Qarth's sura)e a se)ondhigh tide!

    Our #lanet rotates under these )onstantly shiting tides, whi)h is why highand low tides are always moving about, rolling in and rolling out as ar asobservers on the shore are )on)erned!

    The Sun, too, has a tidal ee)t on Qarth, but be)ause o its great distan)e itis res#onsible or only about onethird o the range in tides! "hen the Qarth,oon and Sun are aligned at ull or new oon+, tides )an be unusuallydramati), on both the high and low ends! "hen the oon is at a 13degree

  • 8/14/2019 2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran


    angle to the Sun in our sky at irst 7uarter or last 7uarter+ tides tend to bemellower!

    Qe)t on orbits

    Qarlier, we said tides are at the root o alterations in the entire Qarthoonorbital system! >ere's how9 Qarth s#ins on)e a day, while the oon goesaround the #lanet at a more #lodding #a)e, on)e a month! So the #lanet isalways trying to drag tides along, and it su))eeds a bit!

    The hightide bulges are #ulled just ahead o an imaginary line )onne)tingthe )enters o Qarth and the oon! 8t might seem rather ama6ing, but aterrestrial bulge o water has enough mass to tug at the oon rom yetanother angle! The ee)t is to )onstantly #rod the oon into a higher orbit,whi)h e(#lains why it is moving away rom us!

    The oon, meanwhile, is yanking ba)k on the tidal bulges! So the water,down where it meets the o)ean loor, rubs against Qarth! This slows the#lanet down, e(#laining why there are 4- hours in a day instead o the mere%. o a billion years ago!

    5inally, we need to bring u# another a)tor that hel#ed all these o##osingdynami)s rea)h an agreement o sorts9

    ore than just water is #ulled u# by tides! Qarth's solid sel a)tuallystret)hes, too! &nd Qarth's gravity lits tides on the oon, raising relatively

    small bulges in the seemingly solid satellite! Similarly, Ju#iter's gravityraises tides on its i)y moons in the rigid outer region o the solar system,stret)hing some so dramati)ally that the a)tion generates enough heat tomaintain li7uid o)eans under their ro6en shells, s)ientists believe!+

    Ia)k to our oon9 =ontinual tugging on the lunar bulges redu)ed the oon'srotation rate over time! "hen the rotation had slowed to the #oint that ite7ualed the time it took or the oon to go around the Qarth, the lunarbulges lined u# with our #lanet, and the slowdown sto##ed! &t thatmoment, one a)e o the oon be)ame orever lo)ked in our dire)tion!

    & moment in time

    Things )ontinue to )hange, o )ourse!

    Qarth's rotation rate is still slowing down our days are getting longer andlonger! Qventually, our #lanet's tidal bulges will be assemble along thatimaginary line running through the )enters o both Qarth and the oon, andour #lanetary rotational )hange will #retty mu)h )ease! Qarth's day will be amonth long! "hen this ha##ens, billions o years rom now, the terrestrialmonth will be longer about -3 o our )urrent days be)ause during allthis time the oon will )ontinue moving away!

    8n this uture #i)ture, any lunar )olonists would then hen)eorth see just

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    one a)e o Qarth! ?ou )an imagine this setu# by stret)hing your arm outand looking at your #alm! Now twirl around! ?ou're a)e and your #alm stareat ea)h other the whole time! 8 the @nited States ha##ens to be on theba)k o your head, well, just think what #eo#le there do not see!

    a# the oon rom >ome

    I@? 8T NO"

    The u#shot9 One day your des)endants, i they survive a swelling Sun andother )osmi) and human #erils, will have at least 1F3 hours to work withea)h day! On some nights, hal the world will be able to stare u# at a ulloon or what seems like days and days! 8magine the loony things they'llhave time to imagine, the strange lore they might )onjure!& note about this arti)le9 The )om#le( dynami)s o tides are re7uentlye(#lained in)orre)tly! This arti)le owes to several )onversations withastronomers over the years and many s)ientii) #a#ers and books! 8n#arti)ular, one book #roved invaluable9 Iad &stronomy "iley Sons,4334+! 8ts author,