dr. joseph hirt

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  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    8 June 2016

    To Whom It May Concern,

    Survivors of the Nazi eath cam!s eserve un"imite sym!athy for havin# ha to enure the$orst evi"s of humanity% Therefore, it is socia""y ris&y an no ou't un!o!u"ar to (uestion thetestimony of someone c"aimin# to 'e a survivor% )o$ever, there are count"ess accounts of !eo!"e$ho have fa&e such c"aims%1I am a history teacher in a !u'"ic schoo"% I am not a )o"ocaustenier * I 'e"ieve in truth, an if someone is not te""in# the truth, I $oner $hat the "ie iscoverin# +the rea"- truth.% I $as first hire as a teacher 'y a /o"ishmerican aministrator2$hoha survive the )o"ocaust cam! at er#ene"sen, $ho ha the scars 'oth !hysica""y anemotiona""y, an $ho I amire% When I sa$ an avertisement for a )o"ocaust survivor comin#to my area, I to" my c"asses an encoura#e them to #o% n I too& my o$n 8 th#rae au#hter'ecause I $ante her to hear the truth in !erson 'efore there are no more survivors to hearfirsthan% ut as I "istene to Mr% Jose!h ernar )irt, some thin#s in3t soun ri#ht * in

    !articu"ar his c"aims to have a !icture of himse"f in usch$itz +$hich he sho$e the auience *see 'e"o$. an, havin# #ro$n u! in 4ancaster, /, $here Mr% )irt no$ resies, his c"aim a'outmeetin# Jesse 5$ens in 4ancaster% So the net ay I 'e#an to chec& out Mr% )irt3s story%

    7irst, I o 'e"ieve Mr% )irt esca!e from uro!e urin# Wor" War II an arrive in the 9niteStates as one of the :82 refu#ees #rante #uest- status at the mer#ency ;efu#ee She"ter at 7ort5ntario in 5s$e#o, N

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    have not contacte Mr% )irt irect"y * I i not $ant him to have time to !re!are a efense forthe inefensi'"e% I $i"" "eave that to others% ccorin# to my sources, his aress a!!ears to 'e@

    Jose!h )irt/%5% o 2?G

    amsto$n, / 1:G01!hone@ either +E1E. 20801G0 or +E1E. G1E6608

    5n the face of it, Mr% )irt3s story contains many increi'"e c"aims% )is story is fi""e $ithmeetin# a "ot of famous !eo!"e an $itnessin# a "ot of famous events%?/erha!s ta&in# !arts ofstories he hear from other refu#ees urin# his internment at the 7ort 5ntario ;efu#ee She"ter, ita!!ears that Mr% )irt has inc"ue them an other historica" ti'its to a somethin# to his storyof esca!in# uro!e as a refu#ee urin# Wor" War II% In one 'rief intervie$,Bhe ro!s thefo""o$in# names an events, a"" of $hich are inc"ue in his !u'"ic s!ea&in# !resentationsG@

    1% reca""s attenin# the 1:?6 5"ym!ics $here he $as sittin# c"ose enou#h to )it"er

    to hear him is!ara#e Jesse 5$ens an turn his 'ac& on him +

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    ?% says he $as &ina!!e in e"#rae urin# a rounu! an 'ecame a !risoner atthe =erman Nazi concentration cam! in usch$itz-

    B% states that he came face to face $ith the soca""e n#e" of Death, Dr% JosefMen#e"e, $hi"e at usch$itz%-

    G% c"aims he esca!e usch$itz after ei#ht months 'y cra$"in# uner an e"ectricfence- $ei#hin# a mere 60 !ouns * Ka s&e"eton $ith s&inK * $as reca!ture 'utthen K$as a""o$e to "ive 'y one of the NazisK $ho "eft him to run a$ay

    6% c"aims his !arents an 'rother survive the )o"ocaust an came to the 9niteStates $here they $ere Kshe"tere,K arrivin# in Ne$

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    sa$ that )it"er turn his 'ac& to 5$ens as he receive his a$ars referrin# to the trac& star as aLhinter men#e3 or su' human%-10

    7irst, is it un"i&e"y that Mr%)irt +$ho $ou" have ust turne 6

    years o" in Ju"y 1:?6 * see!%21 'e"o$. or any othercommon s!ectator $ou"have 'een in a !osition to'e seate c"ose enou#h to

    )it"er to hear him s!ea&% 5therthan his #ran entrance, a"" of

    the !hoto#ra!hs of )it"erat the 1:?6 5"ym!icssho$ him seate in a

    s!ecia" section +see!hoto11inset., surroune'y hi#hran&in# Naziofficia"s an iso"atefrom the cro$% It is

    "ar#e"y for#otten that on the #ames3 o!enin# ay, the Nazi "eaer didinvite the $innin# mea"istsof each of the first three events to his !ersona" 'o, $here he $as seen con#ratu"atin# them% ut)it"er !ointe"y "eft the staium immeiate"y 'efore the a$ar ceremony for the ay3s fina"event, the hi#h um!, $here a"" three mea"ists $ere merican%-12

    More im!ortant"y, it is a $ie"y &no$n historica" fact that Jesse 5$ens $as not snu''e 'y

    )it"er +historians #enera""y refer to this story as a myth- or "e#en-.% Severa" historica" sourcesinva"iate the snu''in# story@

    10Mariano an Trea$ay +htt!@AA!ar&es'ur#%toayA!ar&es'ur#history#rou!hostsanevenin#$ithaeathcam!survivorASee a"sohtt!s@AA$$$%hi#h'eam%comAocA1/2?E8260?6%htm" . @ )e attene theer"in 5"ym!ics in 1:?6 $ith his father an sa$ o"f )it"er turn his 'ac& an refuse to sha&e the hanof 9nite States mea" $inner Jesse 5$ens%-

    11htt!@AA$$$%timesofisrae"%comAiconicnazi'ui"t'er"instaiumtohostmacca'i#amesA/ !hoto, fi"e%

    12Corne"ius Johnson an a 7or#otten 9S /rotest #ainst )it"er at the 1:?6 5"ym!ics,- Steven J% Niven, 2B7e'ruary 2016,htt!@AA$$$%theroot%comAartic"esAhistoryA2016A02Acorne"iusFohnsonFanFaFfor#ottenFusF!rotestFa#ainstFhit"erFatFtheF1:?6%htm"%


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    In the immeiate aftermath of the er"in =ames, a myth arose that )it"er,enra#e at the trium!h of an frican merican, refuse to con#ratu"ate 5$ens onhis victories 'ecause he fai"e to sha&e his han% )o$ever, the !ress re!orte thatthe =erman "eaer #ave the merican s!rinter a frien"y "itt"e Nazi sa"ute,- an5$ens sai that the t$o echan#e con#ratu"atory $aves% In fact, it $as the

    conuct of ;ooseve"t* $ho never invite 5$ens to the White )ouse orac&no$"e#e his trium!hs*that isa!!ointe the 5"ym!ic cham!ion% )it"erin3t snu' meOit $as our !resient $ho snu''e me,- he sai months after the=ames% The !resient in3t even sen me a te"e#ram%-1?


    veryone &no$s that at the 1:?6 5"ym!ics )it"er snu''e Jesse 5$ens% s thestory #oes, after 5$ens $on one #o" mea", )it"er, incense, storme out of5"ym!ic Staium so he $ou"nt have to con#ratu"ate 5$ens on his victory%

    Such a !erformance $ou" have 'een !erfect"y in character, 'ut it int ha!!en%Wi""iam J% a&er, 5$enss 'io#ra!her, says the ne$s!a!ers mae u! the $ho"estory% 5$ens himse"f ori#ina""y insiste it $asnt true, 'ut eventua""y he 'e#ansayin# it $as, a!!arent"y out of sheer 'oreom $ith the issue%

    The facts are sim!"e% )it"er i not con#ratu"ate 5$ens, 'ut that ay he intcon#ratu"ate any'oy e"se either, not even the =erman $inners% s a matter offact, )it"er int con#ratu"ate anyone after the first ay of the com!etition% Thatfirst ay he ha sha&en hans $ith a"" the =erman victors, 'ut that ha #otten himin trou'"e $ith the mem'ers of the 5"ym!ic Committee% They to" him that tomaintain 5"ym!ic neutra"ity, he $ou" have to con#ratu"ate everyone or no one%

    )it"er chose to honor no one%

    )it"er i snu' a '"ac& merican ath"ete, 'ut it $as Corne"ius Johnson, not Jesse5$ens% It ha!!ene the first ay of the meet% Just 'efore Johnson $as to 'eecorate, )it"er "eft the staium% Nazi s!o&esman e!"aine that )it"ers eitha 'een !rescheu"e, 'ut no one 'e"ieves that%-1B

    "en#thy artic"e focusin# on Corne"ius Corny- Johnson states@

    In er"in, the hi#h um! $as scheu"e for u#% 2, the first ay of trac& an fie"com!etition at the 5"ym!ic Staium% ;e!orts of the #ames su##est that most of

    the 100,000 cro$, inc"uin# )it"er in his 'o, !ai most attention to the victories

    1310 Thin#s

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    'y the host nation in the $omen3s ave"in an the men3s shot !ut, an 'y 7in"an3s1, 2, ? in the 10,000 meters% )it"er cou" 'e seen to 'e c"ear"y e"i#hte 'y suchryan- victoriesOthe 7inns $ere even '"oner an more '"ueeye than the=ermans% 5n"y the rousin# cheers from the cro$ as Jesse 5$ens $on his 100meter (ua"ifyin# heat a!!eare to istur' )it"er3s 'uoyant moo as the ay3s

    events re$ to a c"ose%

    y 6 !%m%, the hi#h um! fie" of B0 ha 'een reuce to four% The threemericans an a 7inn a"" c"eare a ne$ 5"ym!ic recor of 6%G feet% =ermanirector 4eni ;iefenstah"3s fi"m of the #ames sho$s the "on#"im'e Corne"iusJohnson "im'erin# u! for his fina" um!s, "oo&in# re"ae% "'ritton neee threeattem!ts to ma&e 2 meters% Johnson mae every one of his um!s $ith ease%9n"i&e "'ritton, $ho confesse his nerves to his frien Jesse 5$ens, Johnson$as, as usua", ca"m an focuse% Johnson $ent on to set a ne$ 5"ym!ic recorhei#ht of 6 feet 8 inches% "'ritton earne the si"ver an Thur'er the 'ronze%

    7o""o$in# the mea" ceremonies in the men3s shot !ut an 10,000 meters an the$omen3s ave"in, )it"er ha invite the =erman an 7innish mea"ists to 'e feteat his !rivate 'o, $here he $as seen o!en"y con#ratu"atin# them% mericanourna"ists in the staium then 'e#an to $oner if )it"er $ou" $e"come CornyJohnson, at "east, as he ha the !revious $inners ust minutes ear"ier% Their ans$ercame (uic&"y after the mea" ceremony at $hich the Stars an Stri!es $as raiseon a"" three !oiums@ )it"er ha "eft the 'ui"in#% There $ou" 'e no #"ahanin#$ith the fPhrer%

    What ha!!ene net is revea"in#% The 9%S% 5"ym!ic Committee oes not a!!earto have !roteste )it"er3s snu' of the merican ath"etes, 'ut Count )enri eai""et4atour, the !resient of the Internationa" 5"ym!ic Committee, $asincense% The e"#ian aristocrat sa$ )it"er3s ear"y eit as a irect insu"t to the#ames3 "ofty commitment to fair !"ay as $e"" as a vio"ation of !rotoco"%

    It is unc"ear $hether the count vie$e the matter in terms of race or as a snu' toa mem'er country, the 9S, 'ut he forthri#ht"y emane that )it"er eithercon#ratu"ate a"" mea"ists or none% See&in# to avoi a !u'"ic re"ations ni#htmare,)it"er 'ac&e o$n% )e a#ree to sto! $e"comin# any of the mea"ists into his'o for the rest of the tournament% t the time, most merican ne$s!a!ers, ece!t

    the Ne$

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    s one fina" source !uts it@

    Ironica""y, it $as Johnson an not Jesse 5$ens, as $ie"y 'e"ieve $ho $as

    snu''e 'y o"f )it"er at the er"in =ames% 5n the ay of Johnsons trium!h,)it"er ha con#ratu"ate the $inners of the ays first t$o events, a =erman an a7inn% ut 'efore Johnson an si"ver mea"ist "'ritton, 'oth frican mericans,$ent to the a$ars !"atform, )it"er "eft the staium%-16

    )it"er o!ene an !resie over the QIth 5"ym!ia on 1 u#ust 1:?6%1E5ther than that,Throu#hout the fourteen ays of ath"etic com!etition )it"er maintaine a e"i'erate"y "o$&ey!resence at the 5"ym!ics% This $as one to !"ease 5"ym!ic officia"s $ho i not $ant him tou!sta#e the festivities% It $as a"so a #oo o!!ortunity for the 7Phrer to a!!ear ca"m an i#nifieamon# the thousans of internationa" o'servers $ho $ere $atchin# his every move%- 18 7oream!"e, the Nazis a""o$e 5"ym!ics or#anizer Theoor 4e$a" to #ive the o!enin# s!eech,

    $hich $as fo""o$e 'y )it"ers sim!"e messa#e@ I !roc"aim the =ames of er"in, ce"e'ratin# thee"eventh 5"ym!ia of the moern era, to 'e o!en%- This $as the on"y !u'"ic utterance )it"ermae urin# the 5"ym!ics%-1:5$ens com!ete in the 100 meter fina"s race on ? u#ust 1:?6,20the "on# um! fina"s on B u#ust,21the 200 meter fina"s race on G u#ust,22an the B100 meterfina"s race on : u#ust2?+5$ens $as com!etin# in the staium on !revious ays, 'ut these $ere


    Corne"ius Johnson,- htt!@AA$$$%usatf%or#Aha""offameAT7Asho$io%as!>)57IDsR8? %

    17The Nazi 5"ym!ics er"in 1:?6,- htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000G680 %






    htt!@AA$$$%o"ym!ic%or#Amu"timeia!"ayerAa""!hotosA1:?6A08A0?Araa'm0EGA %


    htt!@AA$$$%o"ym!ic%or#Amu"timeia!"ayerAa""!hotosA1:?6A08A0BAraa'u0B?A %


    htt!@AA$$$%o"ym!ic%or#Amu"timeia!"ayerAa""!hotosA1:?6A08A0GAraa'u061A %


    htt!@AA$$$%o"ym!ic%or#Amu"timeia!"ayerAa""!hotosA1:?6A08A0:Araa'u0::A %


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    in (ua"ifyin# heats, not the fina"s $here he $ou" $in #o".% Therefore, there $as no o!!ortunityfor )it"er to snu'- 5$ens urin# a mea" ceremony on 2 u#ust 1:?6%

    Regarding Mr. Hirts claims that $his parents% who had first relocated to Belgrade%&gosla'ia% (oo!ed passage for the family for April )% 19*1% on a clipper to +is(on%

    ,ortgal. -rom there% they wold (oard a ship to ew &or!. Bt the /ermans (om(ed

    Belgrade the day (efore their departre% forcing the family into hiding#

    Mr% )irt mentione etai"s a'out his fami"y mem'ers from $hich I $as a'"e to contact severa" ofthem over the !hone an via emai"%2Bfter 'ui"in# a ra!!ort $ith them over severa" $ee&s, Ifina""y 'roache the su'ect of Mr% )irt3s c"aims $ith one of his c"ose fami"y mem'ers 'y statin#@I &ee! comin# across artic"es a'out a man #ivin# !resentations in southeast /ennsy"vania a'outhis amazin# e!eriences urin# Wor" War II name Jose!h )irt%-2GThe fami"y mem'er that Icontacte res!one@

    ;e#arin# my re"ative Jose!h%

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    9!on informin# the re"ative of the !rofessiona" uty the author 'e"ieves he has as a historian ana teacher to 'rin# Mr% )irt3s fa"se c"aims to "i#ht +es!ecia""y #iven the fact that he seems to 'emore active recent"y, !articu"ar"y in ma&in# !resentations in schoo"s to stuents. the samere"ative res!one@

    I unerstan your !osition an your o'"i#ations as a !rofessiona", es!ecia""y inyour fie" of stuy, to 'rin# my re"ative3s activities into the s!ot "i#ht% I havestru##"e $ith oin# this myse"f since I have 'een a$are of $hat he is oin#%

    5n the one han, I have fe"t an#er over his !romotin# his fa"se narrative% nthen my !osition softens as I thin& a'out his avance a#e an his !ossi'"e stateof min% So I have never ta&en any ste!s to sto! his activities short of cha""en#in#him over the !hone, a"thou#h the thou#ht has crosse my min on numerousoccasions%

    % /erha!s he mi#ht 'e shame into sto!!in#, a"thou#h of course the ama#e is

    a"reay one% s you have !ro'a'"y a"reay #uesse, I in3t initia""y offer youhis contact information 'ecause I fe"t that he mi#ht try to !romote his story toyou%-28

    The re"ative a"so confirme that the )irt fami"y +Jose!h, his 'rother, Michae", an his !arents,rtur an ma"ia. ientifie their re"i#ion an nationa"ity as Je$ish an /o"ish,- 2: that Jose!han his 'rother

    $ere 'orn an "ive in )oroen&a, /o"an +no$ 9&raine.% They f"e $ith their!arents from /o"an to e"#rae,

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    Regarding Mr. Hirts claim that he was $!idnapped 0in Belgrade dring a rond2p and

    (ecame a prisoner at the /erman ai concentration camp in Aschwit4#

    See !revious * accorin# to his fami"y@ The fami"y remaine intact urin# this time !erio%-?1ccorin# to historica" sources,?2the 4uft$affe i 'om' e"#rae, the ca!ita" of the Hin#om


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    $or& an $ho $ou" !erish immeiate"y in the #as cham'ers% Hno$n as then#e" of Death,- or sometimes as the White n#e",- for his co""y crue"emeanor on the ram!, Men#e"e is associate more c"ose"y $ith this se"ectionuty- than any other meica" officer at usch$itz, a"thou#h 'y most accounts he!erforme this tas& no more often than any of his co""ea#ues% 9nou'te"y, this

    association is !artia""y e!"aine 'y his !ost$ar notoriety, 'ut the u'i(uitousima#e of Men#e"e at the ram! in so many survivors accounts has a"so to o $iththe fact that Men#e"e often a!!eare offuty- in the se"ection area $henevertrain"oas of ne$ !risoners arrive at usch$itz, searchin# for t$ins%-?G

    So $hi"e it is !ossi'"e that Men#e"e intervie$e some !risoners, it is not true that Men#e"eintervie$e every !risoner to see if they $ou" 'e usefu" an shou" 'e &e!t a"ive% 7urthermore,Men#e"e $as not at usch$itz urin# the time Mr% )irt c"aims to have a"so 'een there% Mr% )irtc"aims he $as there from the s!rin# of 1:B1 unti" his esca!e on ?1 March 1:B2%?6The historica"recor sho$s?Ethat Men#e"e $as rafte into the Wehrmacht +=erman arme forces. in June

    1:B0 an short"y thereafter oine the WaffenSS +the com'at arm of the Nazi SS. as a mem'erof the meica" service% )e first serve as a meica" e!ert for the ;ace an Sett"ement Main5ffice in 1:B0 at the Centra" Immi#ration 5ffice in /osen +/oznan.% In June 1:B1 Men#e"e $as!oste to 9&raine, an in January 1:B2 he oine the Gth SS /anzer Division Wi&in# as a'atta"ion meica" officer% In mi1:B2 he $as serious"y $oune in action $hich resu"te in him'ein# ec"are meica""y unfit for further active service% Men#e"e returne to =ermany inJanuary 1:B?, an 'e#an $or& at the Haiser Wi"he"m Institute for nthro!o"o#y, )uman=enetics, an u#enics% fter 'ein# !romote he $as then transferre to usch$itz in May1:B?, over a year after Mr% )irt c"aims he a""e#e"y esca!e@

    In !ri" of 1:B?, Men#e"e receive a !romotion to the ran& of SS ca!tain thisavancement short"y !recee Men#e"es transfer to usch$itz, on May ?0, 1:B?%

    Durin# his infamous tenure at the concentration cam!, Josef Men#e"e $as notthe on"y !hysician at usch$itz, nor $as he, as common $isom often maintains,the hi#hestran&in# !hysician at the cam! this istinction- 'e"on#e to SSca!tain Dr% uar Wirths, $hose !osition as #arrison !hysician mae him


    Josef Men#e"e,- htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000E060 %

    36Mr% )irt is very c"ear on this ate as he states it $as his father3s 'irthay% This fact is true * his father,rtur )irt, $as 'orn ?1 March 18:6 + )aven@ The Dramatic Story of 1,000 Wor" War II ;efu#ees an)o$ They Came to merica,- ;uth =ru'er, !!eni@ Directory of 7ort 5ntario mer#ency ;efu#eeShe"ter, War ;e"ocation uthority, 5s$e#o, N

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    res!onsi'"e in a"" meica" matters for the entire cam! com!"e% Men#e"e 'e#anhis career at usch$itz in the s!rin# of 1:B? as the meica" officer res!onsi'"e forir&enaus =y!sy cam!- severa" $ee&s after its "i(uiation, Men#e"e unertoo&a ne$ !osition as Chief Cam! /hysician of usch$itz II +i%e%, ir&enau., inNovem'er 1:B?, sti"" uner Wirths urisiction%-?8

    Regarding Mr. Hirts claim that he $escaped Aschwit after eight months (y crawling

    nder an electric fence4 weighing a mere 67 ponds 8a s!eleton with s!in:% was

    recaptred% (t then was allowed to li'e4 (y the gard who recaptred him and left him

    rn away#

    This is one of the most istur'in# c"aims Mr% )irt ma&es not 'ecause it is im!"ausi'"e +there aremany !eo!"e $ho esca!e from concentration cam!s., 'ut 'ecause of the evience- he uses toustify his story% 7or eam!"e, in his !resentation $itnesse 'y the author on 1G !ri" 2016, as inhis other !resentations, Jose!h is!"aye his !hotos, inc"uin# one of him, 'are"y c"othe, !a"ean nothin# 'ut s&in an 'ones,-?:c"aimin# it $as ta&en 'y a #uar $hose feet he ha he"!e

    cure an $as, in return, a""o$e to s"ee! on this stretcher instea of on the rou#h 'un&s in the!risoner 'arrac&s% When he sho$s the !hoto +see eam!"es 'e"o$. urin# his !resentation of anemaciate victim on a stretcher an c"aims it is him at usch$itz, it ri#ht"y e"icits #as!s from theauience% )o$ever, the use of this !hoto#ra!h raises severa" (uestions% 7irst, $ho too& it> That$e have !ictures of survivors of etermination cam!s toay is main"y 'ecause most of those ineistence $ere ta&en 'y ""ie troo!s "i'eratin# the cam!s anAor ocumentin# the $ar crimes%Secon, ho$ $ou" he #et a co!y years "ater> Whi"e there are some eam!"es of other !eo!"ec"aimin# to reco#nize themse"ves in !hotos ta&en 'y #uars,B0the Nazis #enera""y estroye suchincriminatin# !ictures an other recors as ""ie "i'erators 'ore o$n on the cam!s in /o"an%Thir, ho$ $ou" he reco#nize himse"f in that conition> )ere are severa" eam!"es of Mr% )irton se!arate recent occasions visitin# schoo"chi"ren an is!"ayin# the !hoto#ra!h he c"aims is

    him at usch$itz 'efore his esca!e@



    39Mariano an Trea$ay +htt!@AA!ar&es'ur#%toayA!ar&es'ur#history#rou!hostsanevenin#$ithaeathcam!survivorA% See a"sohtt!@AA"ancaster"i'raries%or#Aose!hhirtasurvivoroftheho"ocaustreturnstothemi"anofschoc&"i'rarytosharehistra#icchi"hoostoryA

    40See, for eam!"e, Irene 7o#e" Weiss in Ta"es from usch$itz@ survivor stories,- 26 January 201G,htt!@AA$$$%the#uarian%comA$or"A201GAanA26Ata"esfromausch$itzsurvivorstories%


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt



    9nfortunate"y for Mr% )irt, the historica" recor a#ain is!roves his c"aim% The ima#e Mr% )irtc"aims is him "yin# on a stretcher at usch$itz is actua""y one of the $e""&no$n !hoto#ra!hsta&en 'y Mic&ey Martins,B?a mem'er of the B2n Infantry ;ain'o$- Division of the 9% S%rmy $hich "i'erate the Dachau concentration cam! in 1:BG urin# Wor" War II%BBThe !hoto+'e"o$. $as one of many ta&en 'y Martins an his fe""o$ so"iers at Dachau after "i'eration% BG

    41Michael K. Dakota via Twitter, 26 May 2015,


    42usch$itz survivor aresses oyerto$n )i#h Schoo" stuents,- 20 !ri" 2016,htt!@AA$$$%reain#ea#"e%comAne$sAartic"eA'yfor#ivin#youfor#etanthatssomethin#i$i""noto%

    43The ori'i%al ca% (e viewe$ at http!""www.#ickey#arti%.co#")hoto"i%$e*.ht#l +

    -13./p'The ite tate! thee i#a'e are e%ha%ce$, a%$ are &%$er copyri'ht. )leae

    ak per#iio% to &e the#. ith apolo'ie to the ow%er, the ite leave %o way to co%tact

    the#, tati%' otice! a# %o lo%'er receivi%' e#ail a(o&t thi ite. There are a$e&ate

    e*pla%atio% o the pict&re withi% thi ite. Thank you for understanding. e( ite &p$ate$

    o%! -pril 9, 2016 8!25.


    See the B2n Infantry Division,- htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000616B %


    Seehtt!@AA$$$%mic&eymartins%com % The !hoto#ra!hs ta&en at Dachau $ere ta&en 'y one of Mic&eysfriens%-


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt



    nother istur'in# !roof- offere 'y Mr% )irt is his tattoo * urin# his !resentations, Mr% )irtro""s u! his s"eeve to sho$ his tattoo% ccorin# to the 9%S% )o"ocaust Memoria" Museum@

    ;attooing was introdced at Aschwit*)in the atmn of 19*1%B8s thousansof Soviet !risoners of $ar +/5Ws. arrive at the cam!, an thousans ra!i"y iethere, the SS authorities 'e#an to tattoo the !risoners for ientification !ur!oses% tusch$itz II +ir&enau., the SS staff introuce the !ractice of tattooin# in March1:B2 to &ee! u! $ith the ientification of "ar#e num'ers of !risoners $ho arrive,

    sic&ene, an ie (uic&"y% y this time, the maority of re#istere !risoners in theusch$itz com!"e $ere Je$s% In the s!rin# of 1:B?, the SS authorities throu#houtthe entire usch$itz com!"e ao!te the !ractice of tattooin# a"most a"" !revious"yre#istere an ne$"y arrive !risoners, inc"uin# fema"e !risoners%

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    eucation !risoners,-were non2"ewish persons of 'irtally all echs% ,oles, an Sovietcivi"ians. $ho ha run afou" of the harsh "a'or isci!"ine im!ose on civi"ian "a'orersin areas uner =erman contro"%-B:

    Mr% )irt c"aims he $as in usch$itz for 8 months 'efore esca!in# on his father3s 'irthay,March ?1, 1:B2,G0thus he $ou" have arrive in usch$itzG1in Ju"y 1:B1, $hich, accorin# tothe a'ove information, $as 'efore the !ractice of tattooin# 'e#an in any of the cam!s% n $hi"eit is true that the Nazis tattooe a"" !revious"y re#istere as $e"" as ne$"y arrive !risoners, they$ou" not have one so to a nonJe$ish uro!ean * s!ecifica""y a /o"e ca!ture in the Czechre#ion * as Mr% )irt c"aims to 'e +see 'o" a'ove.% 7urthermore, Mr% )irt c"aims he $as tattooeimmeiate"y after he #ot off the train, 'ut the 9S)MM artic"e c"ear"y states that the tattooin#starte in the autumn of 1:B1 at usch$itz I% #ain, It is #enera""y acce!te that the tattooin# of!risoners 'e#an $ith the inf"u of Soviet !risoners of $ar into usch$itz in 1:B1%most arrivein 5cto'er 1:B1 from Sta"a# ?08 in Neuhammer%-G2So $hy oes Mr% )irt have a tattoo an $hen

    an $here i he #et it> )e is, unfortunate"y, not the first !erson to have a fa&e usch$itz tattoo%

    49Tattoos an Num'ers@ The System of Ientifyin# /risoners at usch$itz,-htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000E0G6 emphasis added.

    50)o"ocaust survivor recounts esca!e from usch$itz to 4ancaster County community,- Mereith Jor#ensen, 22u#ust 201B, htt!@AA$$$%$#a"%comAne$sAho"ocaustsurvivorrecountsesca!efromausch$itzto"ancastercountycommunityA2E681118an )o"ocaust survivor recounts his e!erience at usch$itz,- 4auren Hershner, 1? !ri"210G,htt!@AA$$$%"e$isto$nsentine"%comA!a#eAcontent%etai"AiAG6B::1%htm"

    51/resuma'"y usch$itz I@ usch$itz II, or usch$itzir&enau, $as not esta'"ishe unti" 5cto'er 1:B1,an usch$itz III $as not esta'"ishe unti" 5cto'er 1:B2 * see usch$itz- athtt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000G18: %

    52usch$itzir&enau@ The vo"ution of Tattooin# in the usch$itz Concentration Cam! Com!"e, 'y =eor#e;osentha" +usch$itz Survivor.-htt!s@AA$$$%e$ishvirtua""i'rary%or#AsourceA)o"ocaustAtattoos1%htm"


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    n $hat oes Mr% )irt c"aim his ientification num'er is> 1:BG1E%G?ccorin# to theusch$itzir&enau State Museum, their co""ection of artifacts inc"ues

    G%0E6 /ersona" Cars of usch$itz inmates +)Uft"in#s!ersona"'o#en. $ithprisoners nm(ers **%1?@ to 199%? for the period 37.76.19*? to ?.17.19**

    year% The cars inc"ue the fo""o$in# fie"s@ citizenshi!, cam! num'er ancate#ory, !ersona" information, escri!tion, hea"th status, ata on incarceration,the information a'out fate in the cam! an co"umns a'out the transfers 'et$eenifferent cam!% 7orms $ere a"so si#ne 'y !risoners%-GB

    n accorin# the 9S)MM,

    The first series of !risoner num'ers $as introuce in May 1:B0, $e"" 'efore the!ractice of tattooin# 'e#an% This first series $as #iven to ma"e !risoners anremaine in use unti" January 1:BG, enin# $ith the num'er 202B::% 9nti" mi

    May 1:BB, ma"e Je$ish !risoners $ere #iven num'ers from this series% ne$series of re#istration num'ers $as introuce in 5cto'er 1:B1 an remaine inuse unti" 1:BB%-GG

    If Mr% )irt esca!e in March 1:B2, his !risoner num'er shou" 'e a num'er "ess than BB12G +seenum'ers an corres!onin# ates in 'o" a'ove.% 7urthermore, if his num'er $as num'er1:BG1E in 1:B1, it is not !"ausi'"e to 'e"ieve that on"y E:81 more num'ers +1:BG18202B::.$ere use 'y 1:BG% ccorin# to )irt3s account, /risoners $ere orere to remove a"" of theirc"othin#, stanin# there na&e an humi"iate $hi"e the =ermans cut off a"" of their hair +hairthat $ou" 'e shi!!e out for use as insu"ation in =erman su'marines. an they $ere tattooe$ith a num'er on the insie of their forearm% There $ere never any names use in the cam!,

    on"y num'ers%-G6ccorin# to the 9S)MM,

    53 7acin# the #hosts of the )o"ocaust Its time to te"" his story 7acin# u! to #hosts, he"" te"" of his story,- Hath"eenray Shea, 1E u#ust 2006, htt!@AAartic"es%!hi""y%comA2006081EAne$sA2G?:E1GEF1Fho"ocaustsurvivorconcentrationcam!racia"hatre

    54)ero%al(o'e%, htt!@AA$$$%ausch$itz%or#AenAmuseumAa'outtheavai"a'"eataAre#istersancarsA!ersona"'o#enAemphasis added.

    55Tattoos an Num'ers@ The System of Ientifyin# /risoners at usch$itz,-htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000E0G6 See a"so /risoner Num'ers- athtt!@AAausch$itz%or#AenAmuseumAausch$itz!risonersA!risonernum'ers


    Mariano an Trea$ay +htt!@AA!ar&es'ur#%toayA!ar&es'ur#history#rou!hostsanevenin#$itha


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    5ri#ina""y, a s!ecia" meta" stam!, ho"in# interchan#ea'"e num'ers mae u! ofnee"es a!!roimate"y one centimeter "on# $as use% This a""o$e the $ho"eseria" num'er to 'e !unche at one '"o$ onto the !risoners "eft u!!er chest% In&$as then ru''e into the'"eein# $oun% When

    the meta" stam! metho!rove im!ractica", asin#"enee"e evice $asintrouce, $hich !iercethe out"ines of the seria"num'er i#its onto thes&in% The site of the tattoo$as chan#e to the otersideof the "eft forearm%-GE

    This is consistent $ith many !u'"ishe an $e""ocumente !hoto#ra!hs such as the oneinserte a'ove%G8

    Mr% )irt3s a""e#e usch$itz tattoo +on the insie of his forearm * see !icture 'e"o$. contraictsa"" of the historica" information re#arin# the !rocess of !risoner ientification an tattooin# atusch$itz@



    Tattoos an Num'ers- htt!s@AA$$$%ushmm%or#A$"cAenAartic"e%!h!>Mou"eIR1000E0G6 emphasisadded%

    587rom Sa"oni&a Vuartet, 1::1,- inDiaspora: Homelands in Exile, 'y 7rric renner, cite in 'a""erina, a

    'o''y an many mar&e men@ 7rric renners !hoto#ra!hs of Je$ish communities across the $or", co""ecte inDias!ora, sho$ astonishin# iversity, says 4ina =rant,- 1: March 200Bhtt!@AA$$$%the#uarian%comA'oo&sA200BAmarA20Ahi#hereucation%ne$s


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt



    4ast"y, there is no recor of Mr% )irt 'ein# at usch$itz%60The fo""o$in# !a#e is a co!y of thein(uiry mae 'y the author via emai" to the usch$itzir&enau State Museum on B May 2016@

    To@ $a azan an /iotr Set&ie$icz, /h%D%

    ;e@ usch$itz /risoner ;ecor Xerification

    M% azan an Dr% Set&ie$icz,

    59Schoo" Ne$s@ Schoo" )osts )o"ocaust Survivor,- Schoo" )osts )o"ocaust Survivor, 4o$er Dau!hin Schoo"District, htt!@AA$$$%to$n"ive"y%comAschoo"hostsho"ocaustsurvivorA


    See searcha'"e ata'ases at htt!@AAausch$itz%or#AenAmuseumAausch$itz!risonersAanhtt!@AAco""ections%ushmm%or#AsearchA>utf8RY2Y:CY:?Z(RhirtZsearchFfie"Ra""Ffie"s


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    I am a teacher an historian in u!state Ne$

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    out to 'e true% Neverthe"ess, it is not so, that $e cannot verify certain rathero'vious facts%We have a ocument ca""e StUr&e'uch +ai"y count of !risoners., $hich inc"uesSS re!orts $ith the names an num'ers of !risoners ea, re"ease, transferrean esca!e from the cam!% Therefore, at the trn of March and April 19*?

    only one prisoner escaped from Aschwit% -ran 5osche! 8-rancise!5ose!:% nm(er 1?)1."most certain"y, this esca!e $as escri'e in the'oo& of comments 'y a uty officer of the SS #arrison@7Phrer vom Dienst usch$itz28%A2:%?%1:B2MP""erSS5'ersturmfPhrer/aro"e@ [5!!e"n>-


    20@1G musste> er H%=%4% um BG Mann> \\Utet> $ei" 2 russiche Hrie#s#efan#enefeh"ten% 0@BG * ?@00 $aren 2 9nterfPhrer, 20 Mann> auf er Suche un ementf"ohenen> )Uft"in#, er im 7Phrerheim> tUti# $ar% \\ \\\\ feh"ten &eine \\%

    Dienst richti#@]'er#e'en ]'ernommenMP""er Schu"zSS9ntersturmfPhrer SS9ntersturmfPhrer

    ,risoner named Hirt is not mentioned in the tCr!e(ch at all.

    m(er 19*@1) (elongs to a ,ole% Daimier i!ors!i% who was (roght to

    Aschwit from Earsaw on * eptem(er 19**.

    5f course, "osef Mengele arri'ed at Aschwit in spring of 19*3F.

    With my &inest re#ars,

    /iotr Set&ie$icz

    Regarding Mr. Hirts claim that $his parents and (rother sr'i'ed the Holocast and came

    to the Gnited tates where they were sheltered% arri'ing in ew &or! har(or in 19*3%4 61


    Hiner, htt!@AA$$$%!enn"ive%comAmistateAine%ssfA201BA12Aausch$itzFsurvivorF$i""Fshare%htm"% The1:B? ate is im!ossi'"e, 'ut this may 'e an error 'y the re!orter%


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    and that he $met Mrs. Roose'elt%

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    Je$ish youth "ivin# at the 7ort5ntario refu#ee she"ter sin# son#saccom!anie 'y an accorionist%

    Those !icture inc"ue "oseph

    Bernard Hirt% standing on thefar left ne=t to the American


    The fu"" ca!tion +'e"o$ "eft. of the secon!hoto#ra!h +'e"o$ ri#ht. reas@

    7ort 5ntario refu#ees !ose $ith

    their c"assmates on the ste!s of the!u'"ic hi#h schoo" in 5s$e#o, Ne$

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    immi#ration cases !enin#% su'committee vote to c"ose the cam!, an theshe"ter $as c"ose in 7e'ruary 1:B6% Some refu#ees chose to return to uro!e,$hether to fin fami"y mem'ers, or uner the im!ression that their homes an'usinesses sti"" remaine as they ha "eft them% Some $ere es!erate to remain inthe 9nite States an not return to a country $here they 'e"ieve they ha no

    future% Many $ere #rante !ermanent or tem!orary status an a""o$e to stay inthe country, sometimes enin# u! in the homes of fami"y or friens%-66

    ut )irt3s c"aim that he 'ecame friens $ith Mrs% ;ooseve"t an $as a'"e to #et her to convince/resient ;ooseve"t to a""o$ the refu#ees to stay an immi#rate is $ishfu" thin&in# at 'est *7%D%;% ie on 12 !ri" 1:BG an it $as /resient )arry S Truman $ho re"ease the 5s$e#o)aven refu#ees afterthe $ar@ 7o""o$in# X Day, !ressure from Je$ish #rou!s, re"ief a#encies,Con#ressmen an mem'ers of Trumans ca'inet, "e to the Truman Directive of Decem'er 1:BG,$hich !ermitte the immi#ration to the 9nite States of is!"ace !ersons in mericas zones ofoccu!ation an remove restrictions on $ar refu#ees a"reay in the 9S,- 6Ea"thou#h $ithout

    officia" stanin# in merica, the refu#ees $ere etaine for seven months after the $ar $asover unti" /resient )arry S% Truman a""o$e them to a!!"y for citizenshi!%-68

    Regarding Mr. Hirts claim that he met "esse Owens in +ancaster% ,A and tal!ed with him

    a(ot Hitlers sn( at the Olympics#

    Mr% )irt c"aime6:to have met $ith Jesse 5$ens in 4ancaster, /, $hen, after movin# tosoutheastern /ennsy"vania, he foun out 5$ens $as +"ivin# or visitin#>. there, an they ta"&ea'out )it"er3s snu' of 5$ens% Mr% )irt "ive G0 mi"es a$ay from 4ancaster in Chester S!rin#s,/, for ?0 years +c%1:802010. unti" movin# to 4ancaster County in June 2010%E0Jesse 5$ensie March ?1, 1:80 in Tucson, rizona an is 'urie in 5a& Woos Cemetery, Chica#o, I4%E1The on"y recor of 5$ens in 4ancaster, /, is a visit in 1:GE%E2


    7ort 5ntario mer#ency ;efu#ee She"ter,-htt!s@AAen%$i&i!eia%or#A$i&iA7ortF5ntarioFmer#encyF;efu#eeFShe"ter%


    Mary a#po teache a hairtyli%' cla at the ort %tario re&'ee ce%ter. :;MM,http!""$i'italaet.&h##.or'"photoarchive"$etail.ap*

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    >O>+GIO#The fact that no one has cha""en#e Mr% )irt3s etraorinary c"aims is notsur!risin# * $ho $ou" sus!ect someone of ma&in# such etraorinary c"aims a'out such ato!ic> Who &no$s $hy Mr% )irt $ou" "ie a'out so many events that are easy to is!rove is therea" (uestion% What is his motivation> /resuma'"y it is not a'out financia" #ain #iven his a#e ana civi" service career that no ou't !rovies sufficient retirement 'enefits% /erha!s it is the "ove

    of attention or a menta" i""ness that has resu"te in e"usions of #raneur% /erha!s, as his fami"ysu##ests, he is so e"ue that he oes not even &no$ he is "yin# anymore% Nonethe"ess, it is theuty of a"" $ho no$ &no$ the truth to confront Mr% )irt an eny him any more auiences%



  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    !art of /o"an an, urin# the WWII era, !art of the ustrian !rovince of =a"icia% )is mother,ma"ia, state she emi#rate from ustria@


    5ne re"ative confirmeE6his fami"y ientifie their re"i#ion an nationa"ity as Je$ishEEan /o"ish,-E8an this is confirme 'y numerous ocuments% Why )irt #oes out of his

    $ay in his !resentationE:to !rove he is not Je$ish +he c"aims urin# the rounu! ine"#rae, the men $ere "ine u!, force to ro! their !ants +or ha them cut off., an a""


    mai" receive 'y author from fami"y mem'er on Monay : May 2016 2@?0 /M%

    75Daily Ke%t :tater, >ole ?@?, (er 103, 11 May 1976, http!""$k.li(rary.ke%t.e$&"c'i+


  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    circumcise men $ere shot on site * the auience is "eft $ith the im!ression that since he$as s!are he $as o'vious"y not Je$ish. is another unans$ere (uestion% The refu#ees atthe 7ort 5ntario ;efu#ee She"ter $ere !reominate"y Je$ish,80an $hoever $rote theca!tion for the !ictures )irt a!!ears in81from the 7ort 5ntario ;efu#ee She"ter co""ectiona!!arent"y unerstoo that he $as% 5ther !ictures confirm his ethnic ientity% 7or

    eam!"e, one sho$s that he attene a !rivate schoo" for Je$ish chi"ren@82

    )irt oes amit that his #ran!arents $ere Je$ish,-8?an $hen he first 'e#an te""in# his story,the meia covera#e re!orte that )irt #re$ u! in a Je$ish fami"y in /o"an%-8B


    s $itnesse 'y the author on 1G !ri" 2016, 4o$vi""e, N

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    Mr% )irt is avertise as a /o"ish )o"ocaust Survivor- an a!!ears a"on#sie Mennonites in4e$is County, N

  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    'e"ieve the 4ancaster County District ttorney can ustifia'"y see& char#es uner varioussections of thePennsylvania Consolidated Statutes itle !"#$such as@

    J *171. -orgery. $ !erson is #ui"ty of for#ery if $ith &no$"e#e that he isfaci"itatin# a frau or inury to 'e !er!etrate 'y anyone, the actor ma&es,

    com!"etes, eecutes, authenticates, issues or transfers any $ritin# so that it!ur!orts to 'e the act of another $ho i not authorize that act, or to have 'eeneecute at a time or !"ace or in a num'ere se(uence other than $as in fact thecase% K$ritin#K inc"ues !rintin# or any other metho of recorin#information an other sym'o"s,-:1

    J *17?. imlating o(Kects of antiLity% rarity% etc. $ !erson commits amisemeanor of the first e#ree if, $ith intent to efrau anyone or $ith&no$"e#e that he is faci"itatin# a frau to 'e !er!etrate 'y anyone, he ma&es,a"ters or utters any o'ect so that it a!!ears to have va"ue 'ecause of anti(uity,rarity, source, or authorshi! $hich it oes not !ossess,-:2anAor

    J *1?7. Identity theft. $ !erson commits the offense of ientity theft of another!erson if he !ossesses or uses, throu#h any means, ientifyin# information ofanother !erson $ithout the consent of that other !erson to further any un"a$fu"!ur!ose%-:?

    I 'e"ieve Mr% )irt cou" 'e simi"ar"y char#e 'y the4e$is County District uner simi"ar "a$scontaine inNew %or& State Penal 'aw (rticle !#$#)such as@

    89I 'e"ieve Mr% )irt receive monetary com!ensation for at "east e!enses re"ate to his an his entoura#e3strave" to an from 4o$vi""e% ;ecor of such com!ensation can no ou't 'e o'taine from the s!onsors ofhis many !resentations%


    91Mr% )irt has c"aime * an a""e#e"y tattooe on his !erson * the !risoner ientification num'er of a rea" usch$itz

    !risoner $hich he is!"ays urin# his !resentation in !romotin# his frauu"ent story% ccorin# to the )ea of the;esearch De!artment at the usch$itzir&enau State Museum, !risoner num'er 1:BG1E 'e"on#s to a /o"e,Hazimierz Si&ors&i, $ho $as 'rou#ht to usch$itz from Warsa$ on B Se!tem'er 1:BB%-






  • 7/26/2019 Dr. Joseph Hirt


    J 197.6@ cheme to defrad in the first degree. $ !erson is #ui"ty of a schemeto efrau in the first e#ree $hen he or she@ +a. en#a#es in a scheme constitutin#a systematic on#oin# course of conuct $ith intent to efrau ten or more!ersons or to o'tain !ro!erty from ten or more !ersons 'y fa"se or frauu"ent!retenses, re!resentations or !romises, an so o'tains !ro!erty from one or more

    of such !ersons- anAor

    J 197.) Identity theft in the third degree. !erson is #ui"ty of ientity theftin the thir e#ree $hen he or she &no$in#"y an $ith intent to efrau assumesthe ientity of another !erson 'y !resentin# himse"f or herse"f as that other!erson, or 'y actin# as that other !erson or 'y usin# !ersona" ientifyin#information of that other !erson, an there'y@ 1% o'tains #oos, money, !ro!ertyor services or causes financia" "oss to another !erson or !ersons%-


    nre$ ;% ;ei?08E State ;oute 12DTo$n of 4eyen, N< 1??0:areisouth"e$is%or#

