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2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh la ö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 1688] ubZ fnYyh 'kqØokj] ebZ 11] 2018@oS'kk[k 21] 1940 No. 1688] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018/VAISAKHA 21, 1940

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Hkkx IImdash[kM 3mdashmiamp[kM (ii) PART IImdashSection 3mdashSub-section (ii)

izkfdkj ls izdkfkr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

la- 1688] ubZ fnYyh kqOslashokj] ebZ 11] 2018oSkk[k 21] 1940 No 1688] NEW DELHI FRIDAY MAY 11 2018VAISAKHA 21 1940 पयावरणपयावरणपयावरणपयावरण वनवनवनवन औरऔरऔरऔर जलवायजलवायजलवायजलवाय परवतनपरवतनपरवतनपरवतन म13ालयम13ालयम13ालयम13ालय अिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचना नई दली 10 मई 2018 काकाकाकाआआआआ 1875187518751875((((अअअअ))))mdashmdashmdashmdashअिधसचना का िनिलिखत ा13प िजस कीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) तथा उपधारा (3) क साथ पठत उपधारा (1) ारा द शिय$ का योग करत ए जारी करन का )ताव करती ह पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क अपानसार जनसाधारण क जानकारी क िलए कािशत कया जाता ह िजनक उसस भािवत होन क सभावना ह और यह सिचत कया जाता ह क उ ा3प अिधसचना पर उस तारीख स िजसको इस अिधसचना को अत4व5 ट करन वाल भारत क राजप7 क ितया जनसाधारण को उपल8ध करा दी जाती ह साठ दन क अविध क समािlt पर या उसक प= चात िवचार कया जाएगा ऐसा कोई gtि जो ा3प अिधसचना म अत4व )ताव$ क सबध म कोई आपि या सझाव दन का इCछक ह वह िविनEद अविध क भीतर कीय सरकार ारा िवचार कए जान क िलए अपनी आपि या सझाव सिचव पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय इदरा पयावरण भवन जोर बाग रोड अलीगज नई दली-110003 को या ई-मल eszeszeszesz----mefnicinmefnicinmefnicinmefnicin पर िलिखत 3प म भज सकता ह ापापापाप अिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचनाअिधसचना बदरामा वयजीव अभयारGय का 7फल 30463 वग कलोमीटर ह यह भौगोिलक िनदJशाक 21˚ 20rsquo स 21˚ 40rsquo उ अाश और 84˚ 10rsquo स 84˚ 30rsquo प दशातर क बीच सबलपर और दवगढ़ िजल$ म ि)थत ह खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय का 7फल 116 वग कलोमीटर ह यह सबलपर िजल म भौगोिलक िनदJशाक 21˚ 15rsquo स 21˚ 25rsquo उ अाश और 84˚ 15rsquo स 84˚ 35rsquo प दशातर क बीच ि)थत ह य दोन$ उड़ीसा म वयजीव$ क )व-)थान सरण क महMवपण )थल ह और और और और उ अभयारGय भौगोिलक दि स 37 कलोमीटर क साझा सीमा स जड़ ह तथा िविभP कार क वन)पितय$ और जीव जतQ क िलए ाकितक वास क 3प म काय करत ह िजनम तदआ काला रीछ साभर िहरण िचीदार िहरण जगली का इिडयन पगोिलन लगर बड़ी िगलहरी िबसन Uलाइग )कवरल माउस िडयर शािमल ह और इनम एिशयाई हािथय$ को बचान क बड़ी मता ह औरऔरऔरऔर यहा भारतीय मल क कई ादिशक पी वष भर रहत ह इन अभयारGय$ म मोर जगली मगX कबतर ओपनिबल हानिबल कठफोड़वा और लGड मॉिनटर िछपकली और पगोिलन जस उभयचर$ का जनन अिभिलिखत कया गया ह और जहा तक इन वयजीव

2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अभयारGय$ क जव िविवधता का सबध ह साल तथा आसन पीसवाल कासी गYभर आद क साथ-साथ बYब Z[स क पच जस साल क अनषगी इस 7 क वन)पित का ितिनिधMव करत ह औरऔरऔरऔर बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सरित 7 क सीमा स 1 कलोमीटर तक क 7 को पारि)थितक और पयावरण क दि5 ट स पारि) थितक सवदी जोन क 3प म सरित और सरित करना आव= यक ह अतःअतःअतःअतः अब कीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क साथ पठत पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपधारा (1) तथा धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) एव उपधारा (3) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) ारा द शिय$ का योग करत ए उड़ीसा रा]य म बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा क 7 कलोमीटर स 11 कलोमीटर तक िव)तारत 7 (इस अिधसचना क उपाबध-I क 13प म सल^ मानिच7 म दशाए गए अनसार) को बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय पारि)थितक सवदी जोन (िजस इसम इसक प= चात पारि)थितक सवदी जोन कहा गया ह) क 3प म अिधसिचत करती ह िजसका िववरण िनानसार ह अथात -- 1 पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका िवतारिवतारिवतारिवतार औरऔरऔरऔर सीमासीमासीमासीमा- (1) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन का िव)तार बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स 7 कलोमीटर स 11 कलोमीटर तक ह और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन का 7फल 141396 वग कलोमीटर ह पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क कल म स उड़ीसा क सबलपर िजल म पारि)थितक सवदी जोन 105298 वग कलोमीटर म और दवगढ़ िजल म 36098 वग कलोमीटर म ह (2) भ-िनदJशाक$ क साथ सरित 7 क सीमा क सीमाकन को दशाता बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय का मानिच7 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIII IIII----((((कककक) ) ) ) IIII----((((खखखख) ) ) ) और IIII----((((गगगग)))) क 13प म सल^ ह (3) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भ-िनदJशाक उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIIIIIII म दय गय ह (4) अभयारGय क सीमा क भ-िनदJशाक$ क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIIIIIIIIIII म ह (5) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आन वाल cाम$ क सची मख )थल$ क भ-िनदJशाक$ क साथ उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 13प म सल^ ह 2222 पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash(1) रा]य सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर )थानीय gtिय$ क परामश स और इस अिधसचना म दए गए अनबध$ का पालन करत ए एक आचिलक महायोजना बनायगी (2) आचिलक महायोजना रा] य सरकार क सम ािधकारी ारा अनमोदत क जाएगी (3) रा] य सरकार ारा पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना म िविनEद5 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक क ीय और रा] य िविधय$ क अन3प तथा क ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदJश$ यद कोई ह$ क अन13प बनायी जाएगी (4) आचिलक महायोजना म पारि)थितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार$ को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा] य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग$ क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और वयजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज) व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) cामीण िवकास (viii) fसचाई और बाढ़ िनय7ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज और (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (5) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो आचिलक महायोजना म वतमान म अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और gयाकलाप$ पर कोई ितबध नहh लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना म सभी अवसरचनाQ और gयाकलाप$ म सधार करक उह अिधक द और पारि)थितक-अनकल बनान क gtव)था क जाएगी (6) आचिलक महायोजना म वनरिहत और अवgिमत 7$ क सधार िवiमान जल िनकाय$ क सरण आवाह 7$ क बधन जल-सभर$ क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण )थानीय जनता क आव=यकताQ तथा पारि)थितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अय पहलQ क gtव)था क जाएगी िजन पर jयान दया जाना आव=यक ह (7) आचिलक महायोजना म सभी िवiमान पजा ) थल$ cाम$ एव शहरी बि)तय$ वन$ क kिणय$ एव क) म$ किष 7$ ऊपजाऊ भिम उiान$ एव उiान$ क तरह क हरत 7$ बागवानी 7$ बगीच$ झील$ और अय जल िनकाय$ क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा (8) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म आचिलक महायोजना म ) थानीय जनता क जीवकोपाजन को सिनि= चत करन क िलए तथा पारि)थितक-अनकल िवकास क िलए िवकास को िविनयिमत कया जाएगा (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ द)तावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कतgt$ का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार ाराारााराारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा]य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वन$ बागवानी 7$ किष 7$ उiान$ तथा मनोरजन क िलए िचिहत उiान$ और खल )थान$ का वािणि]यक या आवासीय परसर$ या औiोिगक gयाकलाप$ क िलए योग या सपरवतन नहh कया जाएगा परत िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन स )थानीय िनवािसय$ क आवासीय ज3रत$ को परा करन क िलए तथा िनिलिखत gयाकलाप$ क िलए पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर किष भिम या अय भिम क सपरवतन क अनमित दी जा सकती ह- (i) िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क$ का सिनमाण (ii) बिनयादी ढाच$ और नागरक सिवधाQ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उMपP न करन वाल लघ उiोग (iv) कटीर उiोग एव cाम उiोग तथा पारि)थितक पयटन म सहायक सिवधा भGडार )थानीय सख-सिवधाए तथा cह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 म उिलिखत gयाकलाप परत यह भी क रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा सिवधान क अनCछद 244 क उपबध$ तथा तMसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अय परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार$ क मायता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि]यक या औiोिगक िवकास gयाकलाप$ क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनoात नहh होगा परत यह भी क पारि) थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख$ म ई कसी 7ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ाlt करन क पpात रा]य सरकार ारा Mयक मामल म एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 7ट को सधारन क सचना क ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय को दी जाएगी परत यह भी क उपय 7ट को सधारन म इस उप-परा म यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा म भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहh होगा परत यह भी क वन 7 और किष 7 जस हरत 7 म कोई पारणामी कमी नहh क जाएगी और अनय[ त या अनM पादक किष 7$ म वनीकरण और पयावास बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- सभी ाकितक जल qोत$ क आवाह 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और आचिलक महायोजना म उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिY मिलत क जाएगी और रा] य सरकार ारा इस रीित स दशा-िनदJश बनाए जाएग क उनम इन 7$ म या इनक िनकटवतX 7$ म इन 7$ क िलए हािनकर िवकास gयाकलाप$ को ितिषr कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर सभी नए पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन सYबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनoात होगा

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (ख) पारि)थितक पयटन महायोजना रा]य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग$ क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी gयाकलाप िनY नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग- (i) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रजाट का नया सिPमाण अनoात नहh कया जाएगा तथािप पारि)थितक पयटन सिवधाQ क िलए अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 7$ म पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल$ और रजाटt क )थापना क अनoा होगी (ii) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क अदर सभी नए पयटन gया-कलाप$ या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार कीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा जारी दशािनदJश$ तथा पारि)थितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राuीय gtाv सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदJश$ (समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ क िव)तार को वा)तिवक )थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ ारा अनoात कया जाएगा और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए होटलरजाट या वािणि]यक ितxान क सिPमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म बमय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी )थल$ जस क सभी जीन पल रजव 7 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दरJ उपवन गफाए )थल वनपथ रोहण माग उMपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी तथा राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म भवन$ सरचनाQ कि7म 7$ ऐितहािसक कलाMमक और सा)कितक महMव क 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (6) व व व विनिनिनिन दषणदषणदषणदषणndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म j विन दषण का िनवारण और िनय7ण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बनाए गए jविन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय7ण) िनयम 2000 क अनसार कया जाएगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वाय दषण का िनवारण एव िनय7ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय7ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबधो और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िनसारणिनसारणिनसारणिनसारण - पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म उपचारत बिहqाव का िन)सारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अतगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िन)सारण सबधी साधारण मानक$ या रा]य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक$ इनम जो भी अिधक कठोर ह$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ ----ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथ| का िनपटान पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचिहत कए गए )थान$ पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प ठोस अपिश क सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन क अनoा होगी (10) जव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश ट - जव िचकMसा अपिश5 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म जव िचकMसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकMसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प जव-िचकMसा अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनoात कया जाएगा (11) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध म आचिलक महायोजना म िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा]य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम$ और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ एव िविनयम$ क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (12) वाहन वाहन वाहन वाहन जिनतजिनतजिनतजिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय7ण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार कया जाएगा )वCछतर धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (13) 0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ~लाि)टक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत ~लाि)टक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबधो क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का बधनबधनबधनबधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म िनमाण और िवjवस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िवjवस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (15) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश+अपिश+अपिश+अपिश+---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय- समय पर यथा सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (16) औ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइया---- (i) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए दषणकारी उiोग क )थापना क अनoा नहh होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म क ीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 म जारी दशािनदJश$ म कए गए उiोग$ क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उiोग$ क )थापना क अनoा होगी (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9 काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण---- पहाड़ी ढलान$ का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना म पहाड़ी ढलान$ क उन 7$ को दशाया जाएगा िजनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (ख) िजन ढ़लान$ या िवiमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान$ म अMयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी 4444 ितिषितिषितिषितिष िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म सभी gयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध$ और उसक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार शािसत ह$ग तथा नीच दी गई सारणी म िविनEद रीित स िविनयिमत ह$ग अथात -- सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी ltमltमltमltम सससस ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ट0पणीट0पणीट0पणीट0पणी (1)(1)(1)(1) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(3)(3)(3) क ितिषक ितिषक ितिषक ितिष ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप 1 वािणि]यक खनन पMथर क खदान और उनको तोड़न क इकाइया (क) )थानीय िनवािसय$ क वा)तिवक घरल आव=यकताQ क प4त क िलए कए जान वाल gयाकलाप$ िजनम घर$ क िनमाण या मरYमत और मकान बनान एव अय gयाकलाप$ क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वतमान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) पMथर खोदन एव तोडन वाली ईकाइया तMकाल भाव स िनिषr क जाती ह (ख) खनन gयाकलाप टीएन गोदावमन िथ3मलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अग)त 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उतम

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 2: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] अभयारGय$ क जव िविवधता का सबध ह साल तथा आसन पीसवाल कासी गYभर आद क साथ-साथ बYब Z[स क पच जस साल क अनषगी इस 7 क वन)पित का ितिनिधMव करत ह औरऔरऔरऔर बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सरित 7 क सीमा स 1 कलोमीटर तक क 7 को पारि)थितक और पयावरण क दि5 ट स पारि) थितक सवदी जोन क 3प म सरित और सरित करना आव= यक ह अतःअतःअतःअतः अब कीय सरकार पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क िनयम 5 क उपिनयम (3) क साथ पठत पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपधारा (1) तथा धारा 3 क उपधारा (2) एव उपधारा (3) क खड (v) और खड (xiv) ारा द शिय$ का योग करत ए उड़ीसा रा]य म बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा क 7 कलोमीटर स 11 कलोमीटर तक िव)तारत 7 (इस अिधसचना क उपाबध-I क 13प म सल^ मानिच7 म दशाए गए अनसार) को बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय पारि)थितक सवदी जोन (िजस इसम इसक प= चात पारि)थितक सवदी जोन कहा गया ह) क 3प म अिधसिचत करती ह िजसका िववरण िनानसार ह अथात -- 1 पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन काकाकाका िवतारिवतारिवतारिवतार औरऔरऔरऔर सीमासीमासीमासीमा- (1) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन का िव)तार बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स 7 कलोमीटर स 11 कलोमीटर तक ह और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन का 7फल 141396 वग कलोमीटर ह पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क कल म स उड़ीसा क सबलपर िजल म पारि)थितक सवदी जोन 105298 वग कलोमीटर म और दवगढ़ िजल म 36098 वग कलोमीटर म ह (2) भ-िनदJशाक$ क साथ सरित 7 क सीमा क सीमाकन को दशाता बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय का मानिच7 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIII IIII----((((कककक) ) ) ) IIII----((((खखखख) ) ) ) और IIII----((((गगगग)))) क 13प म सल^ ह (3) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भ-िनदJशाक उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIIIIIII म दय गय ह (4) अभयारGय क सीमा क भ-िनदJशाक$ क सची उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध IIIIIIIIIIII म ह (5) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आन वाल cाम$ क सची मख )थल$ क भ-िनदJशाक$ क साथ उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IVIVIVIV क 13प म सल^ ह 2222 पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोनजोनजोनजोन कककक िलएिलएिलएिलए आचिलकआचिलकआचिलकआचिलक महायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनामहायोजनाndashndashndashndash(1) रा]य सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क योजन क िलए राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स दो वष क अविध क भीतर )थानीय gtिय$ क परामश स और इस अिधसचना म दए गए अनबध$ का पालन करत ए एक आचिलक महायोजना बनायगी (2) आचिलक महायोजना रा] य सरकार क सम ािधकारी ारा अनमोदत क जाएगी (3) रा] य सरकार ारा पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क िलए आचिलक महायोजना इस अिधसचना म िविनEद5 ट रीित स तथा ासिगक क ीय और रा] य िविधय$ क अन3प तथा क ीय सरकार ारा जारी दशा िनदJश$ यद कोई ह$ क अन13प बनायी जाएगी (4) आचिलक महायोजना म पारि)थितक और पयावरण सबधी सरोकार$ को शािमल करन क िलए इस रा] य सरकार क िनिलिखत िवभाग$ क परामश स बनाया जाएगा अथात-- (i) पयावरण (ii) वन और वयजीव (iii) किष (iv) राज) व (v) शहरी िवकास (vi) पयटन (vii) cामीण िवकास (viii) fसचाई और बाढ़ िनय7ण (ix) नगरपािलका (x) पचायती राज और (xi) लोक िन माण िव भाग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (5) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो आचिलक महायोजना म वतमान म अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और gयाकलाप$ पर कोई ितबध नहh लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना म सभी अवसरचनाQ और gयाकलाप$ म सधार करक उह अिधक द और पारि)थितक-अनकल बनान क gtव)था क जाएगी (6) आचिलक महायोजना म वनरिहत और अवgिमत 7$ क सधार िवiमान जल िनकाय$ क सरण आवाह 7$ क बधन जल-सभर$ क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण )थानीय जनता क आव=यकताQ तथा पारि)थितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अय पहलQ क gtव)था क जाएगी िजन पर jयान दया जाना आव=यक ह (7) आचिलक महायोजना म सभी िवiमान पजा ) थल$ cाम$ एव शहरी बि)तय$ वन$ क kिणय$ एव क) म$ किष 7$ ऊपजाऊ भिम उiान$ एव उiान$ क तरह क हरत 7$ बागवानी 7$ बगीच$ झील$ और अय जल िनकाय$ क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा (8) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म आचिलक महायोजना म ) थानीय जनता क जीवकोपाजन को सिनि= चत करन क िलए तथा पारि)थितक-अनकल िवकास क िलए िवकास को िविनयिमत कया जाएगा (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ द)तावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कतgt$ का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार ाराारााराारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा]य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वन$ बागवानी 7$ किष 7$ उiान$ तथा मनोरजन क िलए िचिहत उiान$ और खल )थान$ का वािणि]यक या आवासीय परसर$ या औiोिगक gयाकलाप$ क िलए योग या सपरवतन नहh कया जाएगा परत िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन स )थानीय िनवािसय$ क आवासीय ज3रत$ को परा करन क िलए तथा िनिलिखत gयाकलाप$ क िलए पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर किष भिम या अय भिम क सपरवतन क अनमित दी जा सकती ह- (i) िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क$ का सिनमाण (ii) बिनयादी ढाच$ और नागरक सिवधाQ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उMपP न करन वाल लघ उiोग (iv) कटीर उiोग एव cाम उiोग तथा पारि)थितक पयटन म सहायक सिवधा भGडार )थानीय सख-सिवधाए तथा cह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 म उिलिखत gयाकलाप परत यह भी क रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा सिवधान क अनCछद 244 क उपबध$ तथा तMसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अय परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार$ क मायता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि]यक या औiोिगक िवकास gयाकलाप$ क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनoात नहh होगा परत यह भी क पारि) थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख$ म ई कसी 7ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ाlt करन क पpात रा]य सरकार ारा Mयक मामल म एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 7ट को सधारन क सचना क ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय को दी जाएगी परत यह भी क उपय 7ट को सधारन म इस उप-परा म यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा म भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहh होगा परत यह भी क वन 7 और किष 7 जस हरत 7 म कोई पारणामी कमी नहh क जाएगी और अनय[ त या अनM पादक किष 7$ म वनीकरण और पयावास बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- सभी ाकितक जल qोत$ क आवाह 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और आचिलक महायोजना म उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिY मिलत क जाएगी और रा] य सरकार ारा इस रीित स दशा-िनदJश बनाए जाएग क उनम इन 7$ म या इनक िनकटवतX 7$ म इन 7$ क िलए हािनकर िवकास gयाकलाप$ को ितिषr कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर सभी नए पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन सYबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनoात होगा

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (ख) पारि)थितक पयटन महायोजना रा]य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग$ क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी gयाकलाप िनY नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग- (i) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रजाट का नया सिPमाण अनoात नहh कया जाएगा तथािप पारि)थितक पयटन सिवधाQ क िलए अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 7$ म पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल$ और रजाटt क )थापना क अनoा होगी (ii) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क अदर सभी नए पयटन gया-कलाप$ या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार कीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा जारी दशािनदJश$ तथा पारि)थितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राuीय gtाv सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदJश$ (समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ क िव)तार को वा)तिवक )थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ ारा अनoात कया जाएगा और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए होटलरजाट या वािणि]यक ितxान क सिPमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म बमय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी )थल$ जस क सभी जीन पल रजव 7 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दरJ उपवन गफाए )थल वनपथ रोहण माग उMपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी तथा राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म भवन$ सरचनाQ कि7म 7$ ऐितहािसक कलाMमक और सा)कितक महMव क 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (6) व व व विनिनिनिन दषणदषणदषणदषणndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म j विन दषण का िनवारण और िनय7ण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बनाए गए jविन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय7ण) िनयम 2000 क अनसार कया जाएगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वाय दषण का िनवारण एव िनय7ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय7ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबधो और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िनसारणिनसारणिनसारणिनसारण - पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म उपचारत बिहqाव का िन)सारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अतगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िन)सारण सबधी साधारण मानक$ या रा]य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक$ इनम जो भी अिधक कठोर ह$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ ----ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथ| का िनपटान पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचिहत कए गए )थान$ पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प ठोस अपिश क सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन क अनoा होगी (10) जव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश ट - जव िचकMसा अपिश5 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म जव िचकMसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकMसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प जव-िचकMसा अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनoात कया जाएगा (11) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध म आचिलक महायोजना म िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा]य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम$ और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ एव िविनयम$ क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (12) वाहन वाहन वाहन वाहन जिनतजिनतजिनतजिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय7ण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार कया जाएगा )वCछतर धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (13) 0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ~लाि)टक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत ~लाि)टक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबधो क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का बधनबधनबधनबधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म िनमाण और िवjवस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िवjवस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (15) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश+अपिश+अपिश+अपिश+---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय- समय पर यथा सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (16) औ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइया---- (i) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए दषणकारी उiोग क )थापना क अनoा नहh होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म क ीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 म जारी दशािनदJश$ म कए गए उiोग$ क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उiोग$ क )थापना क अनoा होगी (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9 काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण---- पहाड़ी ढलान$ का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना म पहाड़ी ढलान$ क उन 7$ को दशाया जाएगा िजनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (ख) िजन ढ़लान$ या िवiमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान$ म अMयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी 4444 ितिषितिषितिषितिष िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म सभी gयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध$ और उसक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार शािसत ह$ग तथा नीच दी गई सारणी म िविनEद रीित स िविनयिमत ह$ग अथात -- सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी ltमltमltमltम सससस ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ट0पणीट0पणीट0पणीट0पणी (1)(1)(1)(1) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(3)(3)(3) क ितिषक ितिषक ितिषक ितिष ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप 1 वािणि]यक खनन पMथर क खदान और उनको तोड़न क इकाइया (क) )थानीय िनवािसय$ क वा)तिवक घरल आव=यकताQ क प4त क िलए कए जान वाल gयाकलाप$ िजनम घर$ क िनमाण या मरYमत और मकान बनान एव अय gयाकलाप$ क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वतमान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) पMथर खोदन एव तोडन वाली ईकाइया तMकाल भाव स िनिषr क जाती ह (ख) खनन gयाकलाप टीएन गोदावमन िथ3मलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अग)त 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उतम

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 3: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 3 (5) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो आचिलक महायोजना म वतमान म अनमोदत भ-उपयोग अवसरचना और gयाकलाप$ पर कोई ितबध नहh लगाया जाएगा तथा आचिलक महायोजना म सभी अवसरचनाQ और gयाकलाप$ म सधार करक उह अिधक द और पारि)थितक-अनकल बनान क gtव)था क जाएगी (6) आचिलक महायोजना म वनरिहत और अवgिमत 7$ क सधार िवiमान जल िनकाय$ क सरण आवाह 7$ क बधन जल-सभर$ क बधन भ-जल क बधन मदा और नमी क सरण )थानीय जनता क आव=यकताQ तथा पारि)थितक एव पयावरण क ऐस अय पहलQ क gtव)था क जाएगी िजन पर jयान दया जाना आव=यक ह (7) आचिलक महायोजना म सभी िवiमान पजा ) थल$ cाम$ एव शहरी बि)तय$ वन$ क kिणय$ एव क) म$ किष 7$ ऊपजाऊ भिम उiान$ एव उiान$ क तरह क हरत 7$ बागवानी 7$ बगीच$ झील$ और अय जल िनकाय$ क सीमा का िनधारण कया जाएगा (8) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म आचिलक महायोजना म ) थानीय जनता क जीवकोपाजन को सिनि= चत करन क िलए तथा पारि)थितक-अनकल िवकास क िलए िवकास को िविनयिमत कया जाएगा (9) अनमोदत आचिलक महायोजना िनगरानी सिमित क िलए एक सदभ द)तावज होगी ताक वह इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनसार िनगरानी क अपन कतgt$ का िनवहन कर सक 3 रायरायरायराय सरकारसरकारसरकारसरकार ाराारााराारा कएकएकएकए जानजानजानजान वालवालवालवाल उपायउपायउपायउपाय---- रा]य सरकार इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए िनिलिखत उपाय करगी अथात-- (1) भभभभ----उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग उपयोग ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वन$ बागवानी 7$ किष 7$ उiान$ तथा मनोरजन क िलए िचिहत उiान$ और खल )थान$ का वािणि]यक या आवासीय परसर$ या औiोिगक gयाकलाप$ क िलए योग या सपरवतन नहh कया जाएगा परत िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश पर और रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन स )थानीय िनवािसय$ क आवासीय ज3रत$ को परा करन क िलए तथा िनिलिखत gयाकलाप$ क िलए पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर किष भिम या अय भिम क सपरवतन क अनमित दी जा सकती ह- (i) िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ करना और नई सड़क$ का सिनमाण (ii) बिनयादी ढाच$ और नागरक सिवधाQ का सिनमाण और नवीकरण (iii) दषण उMपP न करन वाल लघ उiोग (iv) कटीर उiोग एव cाम उiोग तथा पारि)थितक पयटन म सहायक सिवधा भGडार )थानीय सख-सिवधाए तथा cह वास और (v) बढ़ावा दए गए और परा-4 म उिलिखत gयाकलाप परत यह भी क रा]य सरकार क पव अनमोदन क िबना तथा सिवधान क अनCछद 244 क उपबध$ तथा तMसमय व िविध िजसक अतगत अनसिचत जनजाित और अय परपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकार$ क मायता) अिधिनयम 2006 (2007 का 2) भी आता ह का अनपालन कए िबना वािणि]यक या औiोिगक िवकास gयाकलाप$ क िलए जनजातीय भिम का योग अनoात नहh होगा परत यह भी क पारि) थितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली भिम क अिभलख$ म ई कसी 7ट को िनगरानी सिमित क िवचार ाlt करन क पpात रा]य सरकार ारा Mयक मामल म एक बार सधारा जाएगा और उ 7ट को सधारन क सचना क ीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय को दी जाएगी परत यह भी क उपय 7ट को सधारन म इस उप-परा म यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय कसी भी दशा म भ-उपयोग का परवतन शािमल नहh होगा परत यह भी क वन 7 और किष 7 जस हरत 7 म कोई पारणामी कमी नहh क जाएगी और अनय[ त या अनM पादक किष 7$ म वनीकरण और पयावास बहाली क यास कए जाएग (2) ाकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोताकितक जल ोत- सभी ाकितक जल qोत$ क आवाह 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और आचिलक महायोजना म उनक सरण और बहाली क योजना सिY मिलत क जाएगी और रा] य सरकार ारा इस रीित स दशा-िनदJश बनाए जाएग क उनम इन 7$ म या इनक िनकटवतX 7$ म इन 7$ क िलए हािनकर िवकास gयाकलाप$ को ितिषr कया गया हो (3) पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन पयटनपारिथितक पयटन ndashndashndashndash (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर सभी नए पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन सYबधी पयटन महायोजना क अनसार अनoात होगा

4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (ख) पारि)थितक पयटन महायोजना रा]य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग$ क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी gयाकलाप िनY नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग- (i) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रजाट का नया सिPमाण अनoात नहh कया जाएगा तथािप पारि)थितक पयटन सिवधाQ क िलए अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 7$ म पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल$ और रजाटt क )थापना क अनoा होगी (ii) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क अदर सभी नए पयटन gया-कलाप$ या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार कीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा जारी दशािनदJश$ तथा पारि)थितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राuीय gtाv सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदJश$ (समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ क िव)तार को वा)तिवक )थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ ारा अनoात कया जाएगा और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए होटलरजाट या वािणि]यक ितxान क सिPमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म बमय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी )थल$ जस क सभी जीन पल रजव 7 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दरJ उपवन गफाए )थल वनपथ रोहण माग उMपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी तथा राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म भवन$ सरचनाQ कि7म 7$ ऐितहािसक कलाMमक और सा)कितक महMव क 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (6) व व व विनिनिनिन दषणदषणदषणदषणndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म j विन दषण का िनवारण और िनय7ण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बनाए गए jविन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय7ण) िनयम 2000 क अनसार कया जाएगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वाय दषण का िनवारण एव िनय7ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय7ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबधो और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िनसारणिनसारणिनसारणिनसारण - पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म उपचारत बिहqाव का िन)सारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अतगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िन)सारण सबधी साधारण मानक$ या रा]य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक$ इनम जो भी अिधक कठोर ह$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ ----ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथ| का िनपटान पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचिहत कए गए )थान$ पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प ठोस अपिश क सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन क अनoा होगी (10) जव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश ट - जव िचकMसा अपिश5 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म जव िचकMसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकMसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प जव-िचकMसा अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनoात कया जाएगा (11) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध म आचिलक महायोजना म िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा]य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम$ और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ एव िविनयम$ क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (12) वाहन वाहन वाहन वाहन जिनतजिनतजिनतजिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय7ण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार कया जाएगा )वCछतर धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (13) 0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ~लाि)टक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत ~लाि)टक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबधो क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का बधनबधनबधनबधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म िनमाण और िवjवस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िवjवस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (15) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश+अपिश+अपिश+अपिश+---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय- समय पर यथा सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (16) औ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइया---- (i) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए दषणकारी उiोग क )थापना क अनoा नहh होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म क ीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 म जारी दशािनदJश$ म कए गए उiोग$ क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उiोग$ क )थापना क अनoा होगी (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9 काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण---- पहाड़ी ढलान$ का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना म पहाड़ी ढलान$ क उन 7$ को दशाया जाएगा िजनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (ख) िजन ढ़लान$ या िवiमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान$ म अMयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी 4444 ितिषितिषितिषितिष िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म सभी gयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध$ और उसक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार शािसत ह$ग तथा नीच दी गई सारणी म िविनEद रीित स िविनयिमत ह$ग अथात -- सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी ltमltमltमltम सससस ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ट0पणीट0पणीट0पणीट0पणी (1)(1)(1)(1) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(3)(3)(3) क ितिषक ितिषक ितिषक ितिष ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप 1 वािणि]यक खनन पMथर क खदान और उनको तोड़न क इकाइया (क) )थानीय िनवािसय$ क वा)तिवक घरल आव=यकताQ क प4त क िलए कए जान वाल gयाकलाप$ िजनम घर$ क िनमाण या मरYमत और मकान बनान एव अय gयाकलाप$ क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वतमान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) पMथर खोदन एव तोडन वाली ईकाइया तMकाल भाव स िनिषr क जाती ह (ख) खनन gयाकलाप टीएन गोदावमन िथ3मलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अग)त 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उतम

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] (ख) पारि)थितक पयटन महायोजना रा]य सरकार क पयावरण और वन िवभाग$ क परामश स पयटन िवभाग ारा बनायी जाएगी (ग) पयटन महायोजना आचिलक महायोजना का घटक होगी (घ) पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी gयाकलाप िनY नानसार िविनयिमत कए जाएग- (i) बदरामा और खलासनी वयजीव अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी होटल या रजाट का नया सिPमाण अनoात नहh कया जाएगा तथािप पारि)थितक पयटन सिवधाQ क िलए अभयारGय क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क दरी स पर पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक पव परभािषत और अभीिहत 7$ म पयटन महायोजना क अनसार नए होटल$ और रजाटt क )थापना क अनoा होगी (ii) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क अदर सभी नए पयटन gया-कलाप$ या िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार कीय सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा जारी दशािनदJश$ तथा पारि)थितक पयटन पर बल दन वाल राuीय gtाv सरण ािधकरण ारा जारी पारि)थितक पयटन सबधी दशािनदJश$ (समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत) क अनसार होगा (iii) आचिलक महायोजना का अनमोदन होन तक पयटन क िवकास और िवiमान पयटन gयाकलाप$ क िव)तार को वा)तिवक )थल-िविश सवीा तथा िनगरानी सिमित क िसफारश क आधार पर सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ ारा अनoात कया जाएगा और पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए होटलरजाट या वािणि]यक ितxान क सिPमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (4) ाकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासताकितक िवरासत ndashndashndashndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म बमय ाकितक िवरासत क सभी )थल$ जस क सभी जीन पल रजव 7 शल सरचना जल पात झरन दरJ उपवन गफाए )थल वनपथ रोहण माग उMपात आद क पहचान क जाएगी तथा राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (5) मानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थमानव िनमत िवरासत थल ल ल ल ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म भवन$ सरचनाQ कि7म 7$ ऐितहािसक कलाMमक और सा)कितक महMव क 7$ क पहचान क जाएगी और राजप7 म अितम अिधसचना क काशन क तारीख स छह माह क भीतर उनक सरा एव सरण क िलए एक िवरासत सरण योजना बनायी जाएगी जो आचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी (6) व व व विनिनिनिन दषणदषणदषणदषणndash पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म j विन दषण का िनवारण और िनय7ण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 क अधीन बनाए गए jविन दषण (िविनयमन और िनय7ण) िनयम 2000 क अनसार कया जाएगा (7) वायवायवायवाय दषणदषणदषणदषण- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म वाय दषण का िनवारण एव िनय7ण वाय (दषण िनवारण और िनय7ण) अिधिनयम 1981 (1981 का 14) क उपबधो और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (8) बिहावबिहावबिहावबिहाव काकाकाका िनसारणिनसारणिनसारणिनसारण - पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म उपचारत बिहqाव का िन)सारण पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 और उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क अतगत शािमल कए गए पयावरणीय दषण क िन)सारण सबधी साधारण मानक$ या रा]य सरकार ारा िनयत मानक$ इनम जो भी अिधक कठोर ह$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (9) ठोसठोसठोसठोस अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ अपिश+ ----ठोस अपिश का िनपटान एव बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ठोस अपिश का िनपटान और बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना स काआ 1357(अ) दनाक 8 अल 2016 क तहत कािशत ठोस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा अकाबिनक पदाथ| का िनपटान पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स बाहर िचिहत कए गए )थान$ पर पयावरण-अनकल रीित स कया जाएगा (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प ठोस अपिश क सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन क अनoा होगी (10) जव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश टजव िचकसा अपिश ट - जव िचकMसा अपिश5 ट का बधन िनानसार कया जाएगा- (क) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म जव िचकMसा अपिश का िनपटान भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समयndashसमय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत जव िचकMसा अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प जव-िचकMसा अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनoात कया जाएगा (11) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध म आचिलक महायोजना म िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा]य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम$ और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ एव िविनयम$ क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (12) वाहन वाहन वाहन वाहन जिनतजिनतजिनतजिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय7ण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार कया जाएगा )वCछतर धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (13) 0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ~लाि)टक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत ~लाि)टक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबधो क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का बधनबधनबधनबधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म िनमाण और िवjवस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िवjवस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (15) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश+अपिश+अपिश+अपिश+---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय- समय पर यथा सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (16) औ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइया---- (i) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए दषणकारी उiोग क )थापना क अनoा नहh होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म क ीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 म जारी दशािनदJश$ म कए गए उiोग$ क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उiोग$ क )थापना क अनoा होगी (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9 काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण---- पहाड़ी ढलान$ का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना म पहाड़ी ढलान$ क उन 7$ को दशाया जाएगा िजनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (ख) िजन ढ़लान$ या िवiमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान$ म अMयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी 4444 ितिषितिषितिषितिष िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म सभी gयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध$ और उसक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार शािसत ह$ग तथा नीच दी गई सारणी म िविनEद रीित स िविनयिमत ह$ग अथात -- सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी ltमltमltमltम सससस ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ट0पणीट0पणीट0पणीट0पणी (1)(1)(1)(1) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(3)(3)(3) क ितिषक ितिषक ितिषक ितिष ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप 1 वािणि]यक खनन पMथर क खदान और उनको तोड़न क इकाइया (क) )थानीय िनवािसय$ क वा)तिवक घरल आव=यकताQ क प4त क िलए कए जान वाल gयाकलाप$ िजनम घर$ क िनमाण या मरYमत और मकान बनान एव अय gयाकलाप$ क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वतमान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) पMथर खोदन एव तोडन वाली ईकाइया तMकाल भाव स िनिषr क जाती ह (ख) खनन gयाकलाप टीएन गोदावमन िथ3मलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अग)त 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उतम

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 5: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 5 (ख) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म माय ौiोिगकय$ का योग करत ए िवiमान िनयम$ और िविनयम$ क अन3प जव-िचकMसा अपिश का सरित और पयावरण-अनकल बधन अनoात कया जाएगा (11) सड़कसड़कसड़कसड़क----यातायातयातायातयातायातयातायात---- सड़क-यातायात को पयावास-अनकल तरीक स िविनयिमत कया जाएगा और इस सबध म आचिलक महायोजना म िवशष उपबध शािमल कए जाएग आचिलक महायोजना क तयार होन और रा]य सरकार क सम ािधकारी स अनमोदत होन तक िनगरानी सिमित ासिगक अिधिनयम$ और उनक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ एव िविनयम$ क अनसार सड़क-यातायात क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (12) वाहन वाहन वाहन वाहन जिनतजिनतजिनतजिनत दषणदषणदषणदषण---- वाहन जिनत दषण क रोकथाम और िनय7ण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार कया जाएगा )वCछतर धन जस क सीएनजी एलपीजी आद क योग क यास कए जाएग (13) 0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन0लािटक अपिश+ का बधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ~लाि)टक अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 340(अ) तारीख 18 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत ~लाि)टक अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबधो क अनसार कया जाएगा (14) िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का िनमाण और िववस अपिश+ का बधनबधनबधनबधन---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म िनमाण और िवjवस अपिश का बधन भारत सरकार क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय क समय-समय पर यथा सशोिधत अिधसचना ससाकािन 317(अ) तारीख 29 माच 2016 क तहत कािशत सिनमाण और िवjवस अपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (15) ईईईईndashndashndashndashअपिश+अपिश+अपिश+अपिश+---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म ईndashअपिश का बधन भारत सरकार पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय ारा कािशत तथा समय- समय पर यथा सशोिधत ईndashअपिश बधन िनयम 2016 क उपबध$ क अनसार कया जाएगा (16) औ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइयाऔ4ोिगक ईकाइया---- (i) पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म कसी नए दषणकारी उiोग क )थापना क अनoा नहh होगी (ii) जब तक इस अिधसचना म िविनEद न हो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म क ीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा फरवरी 2016 म जारी दशािनदJश$ म कए गए उiोग$ क वगXकरण क अनसार कवल गर-दषणकारी उiोग$ क )थापना क अनoा होगी (17) पहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ीपहाड़ी ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9ढलान9 काकाकाका सरणसरणसरणसरण---- पहाड़ी ढलान$ का सरण िनानसार कया जाएगा (क) आचिलक महायोजना म पहाड़ी ढलान$ क उन 7$ को दशाया जाएगा िजनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी (ख) िजन ढ़लान$ या िवiमान खड़ी पहाड़ी ढलान$ म अMयिधक भ-रण होता ह उनम कसी भी सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी 4444 ितिषितिषितिषितिष िविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमतिविनयिमत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत और सवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ---- पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म सभी gयाकलाप पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क उपबध$ और उसक तहत बनाए गए िनयम$ क अनसार शािसत ह$ग तथा नीच दी गई सारणी म िविनEद रीित स िविनयिमत ह$ग अथात -- सारणीसारणीसारणीसारणी ltमltमltमltम सससस ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप ट0पणीट0पणीट0पणीट0पणी (1)(1)(1)(1) (2)(2)(2)(2) (3)(3)(3)(3) क ितिषक ितिषक ितिषक ितिष ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप ltयाकलाप 1 वािणि]यक खनन पMथर क खदान और उनको तोड़न क इकाइया (क) )थानीय िनवािसय$ क वा)तिवक घरल आव=यकताQ क प4त क िलए कए जान वाल gयाकलाप$ िजनम घर$ क िनमाण या मरYमत और मकान बनान एव अय gयाकलाप$ क िलए दशी टाइल या ईट बनान हत जमीन क खदाई शािमल ह को छोडकर सभी नई और वतमान (लघ एव वहद खिनज) पMथर खोदन एव तोडन वाली ईकाइया तMकाल भाव स िनिषr क जाती ह (ख) खनन gयाकलाप टीएन गोदावमन िथ3मलपाद बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 1995 क रट यािचका (िसिवल) स 202 म दनाक 4 अग)त 2006 तथा गोवा फाउडशन बनाम भारत सघ क मामल म वष 2012 क रट यािचका(िसिवल) स 435 म दनाक 21 अल 2014 क माननीय उतम

6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] यायालय क आदश क अनसार कए जाएग 2 नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नई आरा िमल$ क )थापना और िवiमान आरा िमल$ का िव)तार अनoात नहh होगा 3 कसी परसकटमय पदाथ का योग या उMपादन लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 4 दषण जल वाय मदा jविन आद उMपP करन वाल उiोग$ क ) थापना पारि)थितक सवदी जोन म नए उiोग लगान और वतमान दषणकारी उiोग$ का िव)तार करन क अनoा नहh होगी 5 बहत जल िवiत परयोजना और fसचाई परयोजना क ) थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अ यथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) ह$ग 6 जलावन लकड़ी का वािणि]यक उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 7 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भिम 7 म अनपचारत बिहqाव$ का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 8 ट भ$ क )थापना लाग िविधय$ क अनसार ितिषr (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) िविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलापिविनयिमत ltयाकलाप 9 होटल$ और रजॉट| क वािणि]यक )थापना पारि)थितक पयटन gयाकलाप$ हत लघ अ)थायी सरचनाQ क िनमाण क िसवाय सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो नए वािणि]यक होटल$ और रसोट| क )थापना अनoात नहh होगी परत सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर बाहर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो सभी नए पयटन gयाकलाप करन या िवiमान gयाकलाप$ का िव)तार पयटन महायोजना और लाग दशािनदJश$ क अनसार होगा 10 सिनमाण gयाकलाप (क) सरित 7 क सीमा स एक कलोमीटर क भीतर या पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक इनम जो भी अिधक िनकट हो कसी भी कार क नय वािणि]यक सिनमाण क अनoा नहh होगी परत )थानीय लोग$ को अपनी आवास सYबधी आव=यकताQ को परा करन क िलए परा 3 क उप परा (1) म सचीबr gयाकलाप$ सिहत अपन योग क िलए अपनी भिम म सिनमाण करन क अनoा होगी परत गरndashदषणकारी लघ उiोग$ स सबिधत सिनमाण gयाकलाप लाग िनयम$ और िविनयम$ यद कोई ह$ क अनसार सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित स िविनयिमत कए जाएग और व यनतम ह$ग (ख) एक कलोमीटर स आग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा तक वा) तिवक आव= यकताQ क िलए सिनमाण क अनoा दी जाएगी और अ य वािणि] यक सिनमाण gयाकलाप आचिलक महायोजना क अन3प ह$ग 11 ाकितक जल िनकाय$ या भ-7 म उपचारत बिहाव$ और ठोस-अपिश का िन)सारण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 12 वाय एव वाहन जिनत दषण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 13 पयटन स सबिधत अय gयाकलाप जस क वयजीव अभयारGय 7 क ऊपर स एयर gाUट और गम वाय क ग8बार उडाना आद लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा (अयथा उपबिधत क िसवाय) 14 फमt कारपोरट कपिनय$ ारा बड़ पमान पर वािणि]यक पशधन सपदा और लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 7: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 7 क[कट फामt क )थापना 15 पोलीथीन क थल$ का उपयोग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 16 िवदशी जाितय$ का परचय लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 17 भजल क िनकासी लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 18 व$ क कटाई (क) रा]य सरकार म सम ािधकारी क पव अनमित क िबना वन या सरकारी या राज)व या िनजी भिम पर व$ क कटाई नहh होगी (ख) व$ क कटाई सबिधत क ीय या रा]य अिधिनयम या उसक अधीन बनाए गए िनयम$ क उपबध$ क अनसार िविनयिमत होगी (ग) आरित वन और सरित वन क दशा म काय योजना का अनपालन कया जाएगा 19 िबजली क तार$ का िनमाण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 20 जव अपिश सामाcी का पनचgण लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 21 िवiत लाइन िबछाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा भिमगत कबल िबछान को बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 22 िवiमान सड़क$ को चौड़ा करना उह सदढ बनाना समिचत पयावरण भाव मयाकन और उपशमन उपाय$ क साथ कय जाएगा 23 होटल$ और लॉज क िवiमान परसर$ म बाड़ लगाना लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भीतर वयजीव$ क अबाध आवाजाही को अनoात करन क िलए होटल$ या अय वािणि]यक ितxान$ को काटदार तार$ क बाड़ स नहh घरा जाएगा और सपिय$ क बाड़ एक मीटर स अिधक ऊची नहh होगी इस शत का अनपालन न करन वाली िवiमान बाड को आचिलक महायोजना म उिलिखत समय सीमा क अनसार बदला जाएगा 24 किष णाली म महMवपण बदलाव लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 25 राि7 म सड़क यातायात का सचलन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत ह$ग 26 वािणि]यक सकत बोड और होडग का योग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 27 गर दषणकारी लघ उiोग पारि)थितक सवदी जोन स गर दषण गर परसकटमय लघ और सवा उiोग किष उiान बागबानी या किष आधारत उiोग जो दशी माल स औiोिगक उMपाद$ का उMपादन करत ह और जो पयावरण पर कोई िवपरीत भाव नहh डालत ह अनoात कए जाएग 28 गर काx वन उMपाद$ का सcह लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 29 कग और कfYपग लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 30 पहाड़ी ढलान$ और नदी तट$ का सरण जब तक आचिलक महायोजना क अधीन अनoात न कया जाए तब तक 1 स 10 िडcी तक स अिधक ऊच पहाड़ी ढलान$ पर और कसी नदी तट और ाकितक नाल स 100 मीटर तक कोई सिनमाण gयाकलाप अनoात नहh होगा 31 ठोस अपिश5 ट का बधन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 32 पारि)थितक पयटन लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा 33 समदाय आरित कित लाग िविधय$ क अधीन िविनयिमत होगा सवधतसवधतसवधतसवधत ltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलापltयाकलाप 34 वतमान किष थाQ वारोपण और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 35 जिवक खती सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 36 सभी गितिविधय$ क िलए हरत ौiोिगक का अगीकरण सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 37 cामीण कारीगरी सिहत कटीर उiोग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 38 वषा जल सचयन सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 39 नवीकरणीय ऊजा ोत$ का योग सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 40 बागान और अय वािनक गितिविधया सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा

8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 41 किष वािनक सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 42 कौशल िवकास सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 43 पयावरण क ित जाग13कता सg य 3प स बढ़ावा दया जाएगा 5555 िनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानीिनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित---- क ीय सरकार पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क भावी िनगरानी क िलए िनिलिखत को शािमल करक एक िनगरानी सिमित का गठन करगी अथात- 1 िजलाधीश सबलपर -अj य 2 िवरासत सरण सिहत पयावरण क 7 म सgय गर-सरकारी सगठन$ का एक ितिनिध िजस कीय सरकार ारा नािमत कया जायगा ndashसद) य 3 उड़ीसा रा]य दषण िनय7ण बोड का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 4 िजलाधीश दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 5 पिलस अधीक सबलपर ndashसद)य 6 एक पारि)थितक िवशषo ndashसद) य 7 एक जव िविवधता िवशषo ndashसद) य 8 पिलस अधीक दवगढ़ का ितिनिध ndashसद) य 9 वन मडल अिधकारी रायरखोल ndashसद) य 10 वन मडल अिधकारी सबलपर (दिण) ndashसद) य 11 वन मडल अिधकारी-सह-वयजीव वाडन बामरा वयजीव मडल ndashसद) य सिचव 6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय6 िवचाराथ िवषय---- ((((1) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ क अनपालन क िनगरानी करगी (2) िनगरानी सिमित का कायकाल तीन वष तक या रा]य सरकार ारा नई सिमित का पनगठन कए जान तक होगा और इसक बाद िनगरानी सिमित रा]य सरकार ारा गठत क जाएगी (3) िनगरानी सिमित इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथािविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ सिहत पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा क अतगत आन वाल उन gयाकलाप$ को अनoात नहh करगी जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ अथात पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 सकाआ1533 (अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और तटीय िविनयम जोन अिधसचना 2011 सकाआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 तथा इनम कए गए परवतX सशोधन$ क अनसची क अतगत आत ह कवल त kणी क उiोग$ को ही कीय दषण िनय7ण बोड ारा lsquorsquoउiोग$ क वगXकरण 2016rsquorsquo क िलए जारी दशािनदJश$ म िविनEद माना जाएगा (4) व gयाकलाप जो भारत सरकार क तMकालीन पयावरण और वन म7ालय क अिधसचनाQ स काआ 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतबर 2006 और काआ 19 (अ) तारीख 6 जनवरी 2011 क अनसची क अतगत नहh आत ह और जो पारि)थितक सवदी जोन क सीमा म आत ह उनक इस अिधसचना क परा-4 म दी गई सारणी म यथा िविनEद ितिषr gयाकलाप$ क िसवाय वा)तिवक )थलndashिविश दशाQ क आधार पर िनगरानी सिमित ारा सवीा करक उह सबिधत िविनयामक ािधकरण$ को भजा जाएगा (5) िनगरानी सिमित का सद)य-सिचव या सबिधत आय इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ का उलघन करन वाल कसी gtि क िव3r पयावरण (सरण) अिधिनयम 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 19 क अधीन िशकायत दज करन क िलए सम होगा (6) िनगरानी सिमित सबिधत िवभाग$ क ितिनिधय$ या िवशषo$ औiोिगक सघ$ क ितिनिधय$ या सबिधत प$ को Mयक मामल म आव=यकता क अनसार अपन िवचार-िवमश म सहायता क िलए आमि7त कर सकगी (7) िनगरानी सिमित Mयक वष 31 माच क ि)थित क अनसार अपनी वा4षक कारवाई रपोट रा]य क पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय म वयजीव वाडन को उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध VVVV म दए गए प7 क अनसार उस वष क 30 जन तक )तत करगी

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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Page 9: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 9 (8) कीय सरकार का पयावरण वन और जलवाय परवतन म7ालय िनगरानी सिमित को उसक कMय$ क भावी िनवहन क िलए ऐस िनदश द सकगा जो वह उिचत समझ 7777 इस अिधसचना क उपबध$ को भावी बनान क िलए क ीय सरकार और रा] य सरकार अितर[ त उपाय यद कोई ह$ िविनEद5 ट कर सकगी 8888 इस अिधसचना क उपबध भारत क माननीय उतम यायालय या उ यायालय या रा5 ीय हरत अिधकरण ारा पारत कए गए या पारत कए जान वाल आदश यद कोई हो क अjयधीन ह$ग [फा स 25222017-ईएसजड] लिलत कपर वoािनक lsquoजीrsquo उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन कअाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13मBय थान9 का मानिच13

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

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10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----कककक सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 11 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----खखखख भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण भारतीय सवDण ((((एस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आईएस ओ आई) ) ) ) क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क क टोपोशीट पर मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोनपारिथितक सवदी जोन का माका माका माका मानिच13निच13निच13निच13

12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध I----गगगग पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाल Fाम9 को दशात Gए मBय अवथान9 क अाश और दशातर क साथ सरित 13 क 13 क 13 क 13 क पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13 पारिथितक सवदी जोन का मानिच13

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 13 उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIII सारणी कसारणी कसारणी कसारणी क अभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भअभयारHय सीमा क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आईआईआईआई डीडीडीडी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo उ 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo प 2 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo प 3 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo प 4 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo प 5 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo प 6 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo उ 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo प 7 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo प 8 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo प 9 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo प 10 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo प 11 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo प 12 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo प 13 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo उ 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo प 14 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo उ 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo प 15 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo उ 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo प 16 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo उ 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo प 17 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo उ 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo प 18 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo उ 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo प 19 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo उ 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo प 20 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo उ 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo प 21 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo उ 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo प 22 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo प 23 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo उ 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo प 24 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo प 25 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo उ 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo प 26 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo उ 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo प 27 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo प 28 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo प 29 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo प 30 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo प 31 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प 32 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo प 33 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo प 34 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo प 35 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo प 36 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo प

14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







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TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 37 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo प 39 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo प 40 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo प 41 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo प 42 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo प 43 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo प 44 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo प 45 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo प 46 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo प 47 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo प 48 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo प 49 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo प 50 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo प 51 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo प 52 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo प 53 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo प 54 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo प 55 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo प 56 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo प 57 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo प 58 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo प 59 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo प 60 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo प उपाबधउपाबधउपाबधउपाबध----IIIIIIIIIIII क पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भक पारिथितक सवदी जोन क भ----िनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सचीिनदDशाक9 क सची आई डीआई डीआई डीआई डी अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर 1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प 2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo प 3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo प 4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo प 5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo प 6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo प 7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo प 8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo प 9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo प 10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo प 11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo प 12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo प 13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 15 14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo प 15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo प 16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo प 17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo प 18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo प 19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo प 20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo प 21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo प 22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo प 23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo प 24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo प 25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo प 26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo प 27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo प 28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo प 29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo प 30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo प 31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo प 32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo प 33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo प 34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo प 35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo प 36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo प 37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo प 38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo प 39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo प 40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo प 41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo प 42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo प 43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo प 44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo प 45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo उ 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo प 46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo प 47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo उ 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo प 48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo प 49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo प 50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo उ 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo प 51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo उ 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo प 52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo उ 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo प 53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo उ 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo प

16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] 54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo उ 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo प 55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo उ 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo प 56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo उ 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo प 57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo उ 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo प 58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo उ 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo प 59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo प 60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo उ 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo प 61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo उ 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo प 62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo उ 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo प 63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo उ 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo प 64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo प 65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo उ 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo प 66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo उ 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo प 67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo उ 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo प 68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo उ 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo प 69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo उ 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo प 70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo उ 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo प 71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo उ 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo प 72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo उ 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo प 73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo उ 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo प 74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo उ 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo प 75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo प 76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo उ 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo प 77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo उ 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo प 78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo उ 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo प 79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo प 80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo उ 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo प 81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo उ 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo प 82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo प 83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo प 84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo उ 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo प 85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo प 86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo प 87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo प 88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo प 89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo प 90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo प 91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo प 92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo प 93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo प

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 17: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 17 94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo प 95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo उ 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo प 96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo प 97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo उ 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo प 98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo प 99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo प 100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo उ 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo प उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध IVIVIVIV भभभभ----िनिनिनिनदDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची दDशाक9 क साथ पारिथितक सवदी जोन क अतगत आन वाली Fाम9 क सची िजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नामिजला का नाम तहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नामतहसील का नाम राजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नामराजव Fाम का नाम अाशअाशअाशअाश दशातरदशातरदशातरदशातर दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ कदजरी 21 30 2422 84 29 1728 महपर 21 29 3649 84 32 1562 थलकोबदी 21 29 1051 84 32 824 बिलता 21 32 768 84 58 590 कतागपनी 21 27 5962 84 32 2604 उछापली 21 30 4086 84 27 497 सनबनजरी 21 30 0540 84 27 505 पलकदार 21 30 0202 84 28 3936 तलदही 21 29 330 84 28 020 तलपदही 21 28 3323 84 25 4454 कदादही 21 28 205 84 25 655 पतराझरी 21 28 801 84 25 1144 बलौमो 21 27 265 84 26 099 दगापथार 21 27 5490 84 27 1936 सदो 21 27 735 84 27 508 खमारबहाल 21 26 991 84 27 4751 तरग 21 25 2193 84 27 4297 िचमना 21 24 305 84 28 402 घYबरभमी 21 23 1836 84 39 3729 पलोनीपाडा 21 26 2154 84 30 2200 तरदाकाटा 21 24 4331 84 29 5476 कसार 21 25 2926 84 31 2933 हतखामर 21 26 5563 84 32 622 कडोगडा 21 26 0530 84 30 205 जसवतपर 21 26 5490 84 31 1093 सरानली 21 26 5576 84 32 4475 गयापली 21 26 3325 84 33 3659 चलीबहल 21 26 2030 84 32 302 घोरीदही 21 26 304 84 33 269

18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







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TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

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14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] धौलपारा 21 25 395 84 32 344 नौगन 21 25 5030 84 33 205 कमरापली 21 25 0024 84 34 3100 मझरीबहल 21 25 1738 84 33 3683 कलीयाखामर 21 24 5487 84 32 5917 जमनली 21 24 0530 84 30 3020 मझीपली 21 24 5280 84 31 5288 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर डमरदही झरमGडा 21 39 2537 84 43 4420 समबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपरसमबरपर रनगलीरनगलीरनगलीरनगली कदपली नकपाडा तमपराकला 21 52 3992 84 41 1407 खकसादरा 21 36 334 84 09 378 लगबहल 21 41 468 84 09 3366 अलामाल 21 36 323 84 10 152 कसमदही 21 34 551 84 08 603 खतपली 21 36 373 84 10 244 सखपारा 21 36 527 84 11 20 घमलोई 21 35 163 84 08 281 तगरपली 21 28 467 84 09 499 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा बिधकतन 21 25 91 84 12 521 बधाबहल 21 26 1598 84 12 1499 बरकछा 21 26 228 84 13 128 बनमाल 21 27 2609 84 12 1988 कलइदी 21 27 814 84 11 2745 कधसारा 21 27 269 84 12 88 मलमGडा 21 26 329 84 10 354 गौरपली 21 27 1031 84 10 2597 कदबरनी 21 29 0721 84 10 5187 गौतािमितकरा 21 27 2256 84 10 4480 तगारपली 21 28 4610 84 09 4798 सहजबहल 21 20 202 84 11 73 कमकापली 21 29 0603 84 11 3697 कितयाली 21 29 5385 84 11 3225 हदीबहल 21 29 0926 84 13 1197 त13कचौन 21 29 4634 84 13 0708 खरमल 21 30 0690 84 12 3878 भोगरपाल 21 30 0909 84 12 1270 धिलयापली 21 30 3486 84 13 1157 कनीबधाली 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 19: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 19 पथामGडा 21 29 5217 84 10 4475 खरसानमल 21 29 2333 84 09 4317 तलीमGडा 21 28 28 84 09 505 वगीकद 21 28 556 84 09 121 मधनपली 21 29 133 84 09 150 गोपीकाटा 21 29 546 84 09 465 घोसरागोदा 21 32 4468 84 27 1714 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमरा तामपरगढ़ 21 23 068 84 15 5528 गGडापाडा कपितकरा 21 44 4948 84 25 2917 मलपली 21 25 195 84 12 383 बहरामल 21 23 503 84 13 4252 झारमल 21 47 5087 84 30 3028 पोदामल 21 15 4058 84 22 291 खारमिमरधा गदापली 21 23 4433 84 12 5302 रगलपली 21 23 186 84 12 372 ितलमल 21 01 284 84 17 2483 लादलदी 21 22 3126 84 12 1966 िघपाना 21 21 2223 84 09 1478 नवामGडा 21 23 474 84 11 331 अरयामGडा चलकनी पतपली 21 25 531 84 10 428 भडारीमल 21 24 112 84 09 4905 डगरपाडा 21 25 2551 84 11 829 करालीबहल पतौबहल 21 25 435 84 10 70 सरखGड 21 26 021 84 10 1535 खासपली 21 26 1814 84 9 5950 पधानपली 21 26 5096 84 9 2798 त13ग 21 27 2018 84 9 2194 मलपारा 21 27 161 84 9 156 पदयाबहल 21 27 623 84 9 959 बहम 21 27 5141 84 8 1263 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर मानIरमानIरमानIरमानIर दगापली 21 37 61 84 12 00 बरसापली 21 29 564 84 07 351 झरमGडा 21 34 442 84 12 019 बीजादही 21 31 187 84 07 194 कदापली 21 33 402 84 09 379

20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







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TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] झारबहल 21 32 38 84 08 585 कटदही 21 33 338 84 09 554 रिसयापली 21 33 265 84 09 592 कलमी 21 31 214 84 12 39 हलदी 21 31 241 84 11 598 सगरामल 21 32 117 84 09 326 नौमरा 21 31 340 84 11 512 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौलनकटीदौल धानपली िपथौगडा फटामGडा 21 20 566 84 20 87 धालपर 21 18 533 84 19 492 बदबहल झरfसघा िहरालोई 21 19 92 84 18 305 कगदार 21 19 372 84 18 316 भजराखोल 21 17 2030 84 33 0530 िहकापली 21 17 283 84 33 272 जमाजरी 21 16 389 84 33 456 चापर 21 16 285 84 23 469 गदाखोल 21 16 159 84 31 321 गौरपारा 21 18 164 84 21 286 सरापली 21 16 82 84 32 14 दमामाल 21 16 445 84 33 4228 उपारमGडा 21 21 306 84 22 274 भालमGडा 21 16 421 84 34 45 जरापली 21 16 99 84 31 377 पाखोल 21 16 381 84 31 220 पोदाखोल 21 16 283 84 30 230 िपताबलीखामन 21 18 92 84 28 276 रगालबहल 21 18 225 84 27 399 मनदौम 21 18 526 84 26 499 खदयामGडा 21 20 30 84 21 455 किनहानली 21 20 167 84 21 378 रगीयाितकरा 21 20 209 84 21 287 सखाकज 21 22 16 84 20 431 भालखोल 21 21 481 84 21 142 किसदा 21 19 45 84 20 559 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जजोमराजजोमराजजोमराजजोमरा बराड$गरी खामरबहल 21 19 315 84 16 47 मछदही 21 19 253 84 17 181

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 21: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 21 तरपाfसघा 21 19 366 84 15 255 लकरबहल बजरीितकरा बगाबङा मघापल 21 20 582 84 14 403 रचीपारा बसनपली 21 23 155 84 15 402 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल परमGडा तरग 21 25 223 84 27 422 समलपली परीमGडा सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर नकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौलनकतीदौल ितलइपोसी 21 15 461 84 37 109 कताfसघा 21 14 2207 84 36 0753 झरबडा 21 13 4608 84 35 2563 रगली मरौदीमGडा 21 16 139 84 33 115 जगरनाथ साद 21 15 85 84 32 565 नकतीदौल 21 15 179 84 32 264 कतिलया 21 14 549 84 31 133 मसाकनी 21 16 287 84 09 5702 पथाबहल 21 14 135 84 30 492 तसबारदही 21 13 593 84 17 591 ितकलीपाडा 21 14 184 84 29 201 गोगआ 21 15 1151 84 29 3096 महीकद 21 16 269 84 30 15 धलोलोला बलाम 21 17 582 84 28 481 गजाबहल 21 15 510 84 25 585 रजा 21 15 59 84 27 10 बालाfसघा 21 17 416 84 29 453 तरीबहल 21 18 359 84 29 443 तालपल 21 18 153 84 27 1518 कलो 21 18 153 84 20 304 बटझारन 21 15 3234 84 24 2925 बलीकGथा 21 15 4901 84 25 4567 सदो 21 15 3150 84 24 1375 िपतािसयाली 21 16 4685 84 24 1935 मलगGडा Zाहमनीपली 21 16 360 84 23 048 ब13बदा 21 17 407 84 23 46

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

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Page 22: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] रगालबहल 21 18 657 84 27 811 गोरपारा 21 16 294 84 32 417 परिधयामGडा 21 19 331 84 21 476 पनीगरहीपली 21 19 527 84 22 315 िगरशचापर 21 19 178 84 22 578 गलाभरा 21 18 391 84 22 83 लोईfसगा 21 18 408 84 21 211 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ चापर 21 16 47 84 33 466 खजरीखामन जगदाला 21 23 038 84 33 192 भानगामGडा 21 22 327 84 33 121 लदा 21 22 278 84 30 396 तलीभानगनी 21 22 120 84 30 168 पाखामन 21 26 236 84 33 537 झरझरी 21 24 180 84 34 426 लताखाडी 21 24 349 84 36 291 खराधा जनानी 21 23 399 84 37 583 लारगखोल मजरीबहल 21 25 169 84 33 376 दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़दवगढ़ रमलरमलरमलरमल रामपली 21 23 191 84 37 331 िसिहरया 21 22 531 84 37 541 पोरापारा 21 22 113 84 36 559 अधारी 21 23 315 84 36 093 िहलाग 21 22 163 84 35 07 जरीपाल 21 18 346 84 36 289 बाराखोल 21 20 448 84 39 39 बरिसमलोई 21 21 279 84 36 119 ितमर 21 24 464 84 38 338 लखबहल 21 20 451 84 37 228 तालबहल 21 20 550 84 38 168 मलोहीपारा 21 20 224 84 38 236 कख13मल हरीहरपर कदोपारा 21 19 5803 84 37 4970 दासभरया 21 19 311 84 36 500 कमलो 21 18 344 84 36 516 बलीमGडा खालीिधपा फटाटानगर

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 23: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 23 जदोगोडा 21 23 054 84 32 182 खरकनी िझमिबरा िनलगिडया 21 17 274 84 34 381 तहीलामल 21 17 208 84 35 1574 खतराबधा झरीपाडा 21 18 374 84 36 252 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा गनद13चौन 21 28 162 84 90 377 घोदाबधनी 21 39 3608 84 21 3401 चरगामल 21 39 507 84 19 298 fसकालमGडा 21 38 0728 84 22 3551 जYमाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 िसयालदरहा 21 36 174 84 20 033 तगारदही जतदही 21 36 821 84 21 1584 जमखिलया 21 35 1021 84 21 2920 कसदा 21 33 2221 84 20 3784 कनदमल 21 33 562 84 20 562 ितकबा 21 33 494 84 19 593 बदीबहल 21 33 430 84 19 482 अरदापल 21 32 575 84 19 506 बदखिलया 21 32 199 84 18 174 िचनीमाल 21 31 295 84 21 05 अमलाग 21 31 1082 84 20 0883 कौगला 21 32 3932 84 21 4188 मकतर 21 33 821 84 21 5184 क दखोल 21 33 2021 84 20 3384 क दईमल 21 33 564 84 20 552 सधबालदा 21 37 346 84 21 401 तलसीदही 21 38 011 84 22 244 कोलहपाल 21 36 214 84 22 153 लदरोपाल 21 35 599 84 22 13 बदमल 21 36 337 84 23 260 सरई 21 36 50 84 21 109 कतगपनी 21 34 277 84 23 211 फलकसम 21 34 508 84 24 705 बशनाबचौन 21 34 2421 84 22 984 पलोखामन 21 36 152 84 25 040 तगारानी 21 36 495 84 24 174 नौदही 21 37 563 84 23 262

24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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24 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART IImdashSEC 3(ii)] घनघोसा 21 37 322 84 22 562 बजरी 21 35 452 84 25 446 बदबलीचौन 21 34 405 84 27 264 धालन 21 33 147 84 27 44 घोसरागोदा 21 33 109 84 27 83 बरहामGडी 21 34 39 84 28 54 बदीबहल 21 32 339 84 27 391 ितकलीपाडा 21 31 551 84 26 485 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकराजमनकराजमनकराजमनकरा सरधापली 21 30 87 84 08 338 सपलात 21 29 531 84 08 79 बरदा 21 32 570 84 14 368 धानपली 21 32 559 84 14 388 मालारमल 21 36 567 84 11 015 बदबहल 21 36 387 84 10 552 मधाबहल 21 37 115 84 11 018 घगर 21 37 32 84 10 253 चादनीमल 21 37 58 84 10 186 हतीबधा 21 37 973 84 11 793 कतारीमल 21 32 723 84 11 194 तरदा 21 36 1306 84 13 1707 महादा 21 40 5950 84 13 5771 कनािधपा 21 38 4816 84 14 1103 बलौमल 21 38 1298 84 14 4162 बलीचौन 21 35 018 84 14 167 कलदा 21 34 514 84 13 187 फालसाबहल 21 34 3293 84 14 0849 उदसग 21 33 855 84 15 98 िततोबहल 21 34 0669 84 14 4191 लरापारा ितलइमल 21 28 5302 84 29 4709 नकतीपली 21 37 172 84 15 318 बलीमल 21 37 552 84 15 568 भोईपली 21 38 402 84 16 148 दतरीबहल 21 29 02 84 17 448 अमकाटा 21 38 342 84 17 498 खामरबहल 21 38 122 84 17 288 बदलकनी 21 37 402 84 16 427 कम13नीपोसी 21 37 172 84 17 358 दरीमल 21 36 164 84 16 503 फसीमल 21 35 582 84 17 98

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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Page 25: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 25 गरयाबहल 21 35 349 84 17 243 पकदा 21 35 282 84 17 08 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 167 करमालोई 21 35 1999 84 19 0725 रनकबहल 21 35 2691 84 19 2623 महालीनगकदार 21 34 572 84 18 448 गलजीपली 21 36 252 84 18 468 कटारकला 21 37 392 84 19 18 बधापली 21 38 262 84 18 438 सबलपरसबलपरसबलपरसबलपर जमनकजमनकजमनकजमनकरारारारा जमनकरा 21 32 173 84 23 05 सधापथार 21 31 360 84 22 49 खरदही 21 31 128 84 23 184 खतबदा 21 31 236 84 23 15 दमामरा 21 31 46 84 26 148 जमामाल 21 33 151 84 28 325 धदीखोल 21 31 236 84 23 525 दमीरीकदा बलरामा 21 35 469 84 28 281 रनगलपली सरइपली 21 22 384 84 17 347 गरयाबहल 21 35 342 84 17 68 उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध उपाबध VVVV पारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितकपारिथितक सवदीसवदीसवदीसवदी जोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानीजोन क िनगरानी सिमितसिमितसिमितसिमित ---- क गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाईक गई कारवाई क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13क रपोट का प13 1 बठक$ क स या और तारीख 2 बठक$ का कायवत कपया म य उ लखनीय fबदQ का वणन कर बठक क कायवत को एक पथक उपाबध म )तत कर 3 पयटन महायोजना सिहत आचिलक महायोजना क तयारी क ि) थित 4 भ-अिभलख$ क )प 7टय$ क सधार क िलए िनबटाए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण उपाबध क 13प म सल^ कर 5 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 6 पयावरण भाव मयाकन अिधसचना 2006 क अधीन न आन वाली गितिविधय$ स सबिधत सवीा कए गए मामल$ का सार िववरण एक पथक उपाबध क 3प म सल^ कर 7 पयावरण ( सरण ) अिधिनयम 1986 क धारा 19 क अधीन दज क गई िशकायत$ का सार 8 कोई अ य महM वपण मामला




(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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(Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary Odisha )

New Delhi the 10th May 2018

SO 1875(E)mdashThe following draft of the notification which the Central Government proposes to issue in

exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section

(3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published as required under sub-rule (3)

of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules 1986 for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby and

notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of

sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the Public

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification

may forward the same in writing for consideration of the Central Government within the period so specified to the

Secretary Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Jorbagh Road Aliganj New

Delhi-110 003 or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at - esz-mefnicin

Draft Notification

WHEREAS Badrama Wildlife Sanctuary ldquowith an extent of 30463 SqKm located in between the geographical co-

ordinates 21˚ 20rsquo to 21˚ 40rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 10rsquo to 84˚ 30rsquo E longitude in the Districts of Sambalpur and Deogarh and

ldquoKhalasuni Wildlife Sanctuaryrdquo with an extent of 116 SqKM located in between the geographical co-ordinates 21˚ 15rsquo to

21˚ 25rsquoN latitude and 84˚ 15rsquo to 84˚ 35rsquo E longitude in the District of Sambalpur are two important sites in Odisha for in-

situ conservation of wildlife

AND WHEREAS the aforesaid sanctuaries which are contiguous geographically with a common boundary of 37 KM

function as natural habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna which includes species like Leopard Sloth Bear Sambar deer

Spotted Deer Wild Dog Indian Pangolin Langur Giant Squirrel Bison Flying Squirrel Mouse Deer and offers large

tract of carrying capacity for the survival of Asian Elephants

AND WHEREAS a number of territorial birds of Indian origin stay here the year round breeding of Peacock Jungle Fowl

Doves Open Bill Horn Bill Wood Packer and Amphibians such as Land Monitor lizard and Pangolin have been recorded

in these Sanctuaries and as regards biodiversity of these Wildlife Sanctuaries the flora of this area is represented by Sal and

its associates like Asan Piasal Kasi Gambhar etc along with patches of bamboo breaks

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to conserve and protect the area up to One kilometer from the boundary of the protected

area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of


NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) and clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub section (2) of

section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment

(Protection) Rules 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the area of 7 Km to 11 Km from the boundary of the

protected area of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Odisha (as shown in the map annexed to this

notification as Annexure -I) as the Eco- Sensitive Zone namely Eco-Sensitive Zone around Badrama and Khalasuni

Wildlife Sanctuary

1 Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone varies from 7 Km to 11 Km from

the boundary of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and the area of eco-sensitive zone is 141396 SqKm Out of

total Eco Sensitive Zone 105298 SqKM of Eco Sensitive Zones fall in Sambalpur District and 36098 SqKm fall in

Deogarh District of Odisha

(2) The map of Badrama and Khalsuni Wildlife Sanctuaries demarcating the boundary of protected area along with

the geo co-ordinates are appended as Annexure I I-(a) I-(b) and I-(c)

(3) The Geo-coordinates of Badrama and Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco-sensitive Zone is given in


(4) List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary in Annexure-III

(5) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with the geo coordinates at the prominent points is

appended as Annexure-IV

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 27

2 Zonal Master Plan for Eco-sensitive Zone- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone

prepare a Zonal Master Plan within a period of two years from the date of publication of the final notification in the

Official Gazette in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification

(2) The Zonal Master Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such manner as is

specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the

Central Government if any

(4) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with the following State Departments for integrating the

ecological and environmental considerations into the said plan

(i) Environment

(ii) Forest and Wildlife

(iii) Agriculture

(iv) Revenue

(v) Urban Development

(vi) Tourism

(vii) Rural Development

(viii) Irrigation and Flood Control

(ix) Municipal

(x) Panchayati Raj and

(xi) Public Works Department

(5) The Zonal Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use infrastructure and

activities unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure

and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly

(6) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas conservation of existing water bodies

management of catchment areas watershed management groundwater management soil and moisture conservation needs

of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that needs attention

(7) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places village and urban settlements types and

kinds of forests agricultural areas fertile lands green area such as parks and like places horticultural areas orchards

lakes and other water bodies

(8) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure eco-friendly development

and livelihood security of local communities

(9) The Zonal Master Plan so approved shall be the reference document for the Monitoring Committee for carrying out

its functions of monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the final notification

3 Measures to be taken by State Government-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving

effect to the provisions of the final notification namely-

(1) Landuse- Forests horticulture areas agricultural areas parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes

in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or residential complex or industrial


Provided that the conversion of agricultural and other lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the

recommendation of the Monitoring Committee and with the prior approval of the to meet the residential needs of

the local residents and for activity such as-

(i) widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads

(ii) construction and renovation of infrastructure and civic amenities

(iii) small scale industries not causing pollution

(iv) cottage industries including village industries convenience stores and local amenities supporting eco-tourism

including home stay and

(v) promoted activities and given in paragraph 4

Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities

without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the


Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Constitution or the law for the time being in force including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest

Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (2 of 2007)

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the

State Government after obtaining the views of Monitoring Committee once in each case and the correction of said

error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided

under this sub-paragraph

Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area such as forest area and agricultural area

and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas with afforestation and habitat

restoration activities

(2) Natural springs-The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and

rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the guidelines shall be drawn up by the State Government in

such a manner as to prohibit development activities at or near these areas which are detrimental to such areas

(3) TourismEco-Tourism- (a) All new eco-tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-

Sensitive Zone shall be as per the Tourism Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b)The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by Department of Tourism in consultation with State Departments of

Environment and Forests

(c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan

(d) The activities of eco-tourism shall be regulated as under namely-

(i) no new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within one kilometer from the boundary of the Badrama and

Khalasuni Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer provided that beyond the

distance of one kilometer from the boundary of the Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-sensitive Zone the establishment of

new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism

Master Plan

(ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in

accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate

Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time)

with emphasis on eco-tourism

(iii) till the Zonal Master Plan is approved development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be

permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the

Monitoring Committee and no new hotel resort or commercial establishment construction shall be permitted within the

Eco-sensitive Zone area

(4) Natural heritage- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas

rock formations waterfalls springs gorges groves caves points walks rides cliffs etc shall be identified and a heritage

conservation plan shall be drawn up for their preservation and conservation within six months from the date of publication

of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(5) Man-made heritage sites- Buildings structures artefacts areas and precincts of historical architectural aesthetic

and cultural significance shall be indentified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and heritage conservation plan for their conservation

shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of final notification in the official Gazatte and such plan

shall from part of the Zonal Master Plan

(6) Noise pollution- Prevention and Control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

(7) Air pollution- Prevention and control of air pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance

with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder

(8) Discharge of effluents- Discharge of treated effluent in Eco-Sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the

provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under the Environmental

(Protection) Act 1986 and rules made thereunder or standards stipulated by State Government whichever is more stringent

(9) Solid wastes - Disposal and Management of solid wastes shall be as under-

(a) The solid waste disposal and management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Solid

Waste Management Rules 2016 and published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 29

Climate Change vide notification number SO 1357 (E) dated the 8th April 2016 the inorganic material may be disposed

in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco-sensitive Zone

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Solid wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(10) Bio-medical waste- Bio medical waste management shall be as under

(a) The bio-medical waste disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

vide Notification number GSR 343 (E) dated the 28th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(b) Safe and Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Bio-medical wastes in conformity with the existing rules and

regulations using identified technologies may be allowed within Eco-Sensitive Zone

(11) Vehicular traffic - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific

provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is

prepared and approved by the Competent authority in the State Government the Monitoring Committee shall monitor

compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder

(12) Vehicular pollution -Prevention and control of vehicular pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out in

accordance with applicable laws and effort shall be made for use of cleaner fuel for example CNG etc

(13) Plastic waste management- The plastic waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the

provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of

Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number GSR 340(E) dated the 18th March 2016 as amended

from time to time-

(14) Construction and demolition waste management- The construction and demolition waste management in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide notification number

GSR 317(E) dated the 29th March 2016 as amended from time to time

(15) E-waste- The e- waste management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E-Waste

Management Rules 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

and as amended from time to time

(16) Industrial units- (i) no new polluting industries shall be permitted to be set up within the Eco-sensitive Zone

(ii) Only non-polluting industries shall be permitted within Eco-sensitive Zone as per classification of Industries in the

guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 unless otherwise specified in the final


(17) Protection of hill slopes- The protection of hill slopes shall be as under-

(a) the Zonal Master Plan shall indicate areas on hill slopes where no construction shall be permitted

(b) no construction on existing steep hill slopes or slopes with a high degree of erosion shall be permitted

4 Prohibited Regulated and Promoted Activities-All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the

provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made there under and be regulated in the

manner specified in the Table below namely-


SNo Activity Remarks

(1) (2) (3)

Prohibited activities

1 Commercial mining stone quarrying and

crushing units

(a) All new and existing (minor and major minerals) stone

quarrying and crushing units are prohibited with immediate

effect except for meeting the domestic needs of bona fide local

residents including digging of earth for construction or repair

of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for

housing and for other activities

(b) The mining operations shall be carried out in accordance


with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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with the order of the Honrsquoble Supreme Court dated 4th August

2006 in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs UOI

in WP(C) No202 of 1995 and dated 21st April 2014 in the

matter of Goa Foundation Vs UOI in WP(C) No435 of 2012

2 Setting up of saw mills No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted

within the Eco-sensitive Zone

3 Use or production of any hazardous


Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


4 Setting up of industries causing water or

air or soil or noise pollution

No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco-

sensitive Zone shall be permitted

5 Establishment of major thermal and

hydro-electric projects

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


6 Commercial use of firewood Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


7 Discharge of untreated effluents in

natural water bodies or land area

Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


8 Setting up of brick kilns Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


Regulated activities

9 Commercial Establishment of hotels and


No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted

within one kilometre of the boundary of the Protected Area or

upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone whichever is nearer

except for small temporary structures for Eco-tourism


Provided that beyond one kilometre from the boundary of the

protected Area or upto the extent of Eco-sensitive zone

whichever is nearer all new tourist activities or expansion of

existing activities shall be in conformity with the Tourism

Master Plan and guidelines as applicable

10 Construction activities

(a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be

permitted within one kilometer from the boundary of protected

area or of the Eco-sensitive Zone whichever is nearer

Provided that local people shall be permitted to undertake

construction in their land for their residential use including the

activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3

Provided further that the construction activity related to small

scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and

kept at the minimum with the prior permission from the

competent authority as per the applicable rules and regulations

if any

(b) Beyond one kilometer upto the extent of Eco-sensitive

Zone construction for bone fide local needs shall be allowed

and other construction activities shall be regulated as per the

Zonal Master Plan

11 Discharge of treated effluents and solid

waste in natural water bodies or land


Regulated under applicable laws

12 Air and vehicular pollution Regulated under applicable laws

13 Undertaking activities related to tourism

like over-flying the Wildlife Sanctuary

area by aircraft hot-air balloons

Regulated (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable


14 Establishment of large-scale commercial

livestock and poultry farms by firms

corporate companies

Regulated under applicable laws

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 31

15 Use of polythene bags Regulated under applicable laws

16 Introduction of exotic species Regulated under applicable laws

17 Extraction of ground water Regulated under applicable laws

18 Felling of trees (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or

Government or revenue or private lands without prior

permission of the competent authority in the State Government

(b) The felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with

the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the

rules made thereunder

(c) In case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the

Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed

19 Erection of electric cables Regulated under applicable laws

20 Recycling of bio degradable material Regulated under applicable laws

21 Installation of electric lines Regulated under applicable laws Promote underground


22 Widening and strengthening of existing


Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment and

mitigation measures as applicable

23 Fencing of existing premises of hotels

and lodges

Regulated under applicable laws

In order to allow free movement of wildlife hotels or other

commercial establishments within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall

not fence their properties with barbed wire and no fence shall

be higher than one meter Any existing fence not complying

with this stipulation shall be modified as per the time lines

mentioned in the Zonal Master Plan

24 Drastic change of agriculture systems Regulated under applicable laws

25 Movement of vehicular traffic at night Regulated under applicable laws

26 Sign boards and hoardings Regulated under applicable laws

27 Small scale industries not causing


Non polluting non-hazardous small-scale and service industry

agriculture floriculture horticulture or agro-based industry

producing products from indigenous goods from the Eco-

sensitive Zone and which do not cause any adverse impact on

environment shall be permitted

28 Collection of non-timber forest products Regulated under applicable laws

29 Trekking and camping Regulated under applicable laws

30 Protection of hill slopes and river banks No construction activity unless otherwise permitted under the

Zonal Master Plan shall be undertaken on the hill with slopes

more than 1 to 10 degree and also upto 100 meters from the

banks of any river and natural nallah

31 Solid Waste Management Regulated under applicable laws

32 Eco-tourism Regulated under applicable laws

33 Community Reserve Nature Regulated under applicable laws

Promoted activities

34 Ongoing agriculture practices plantation

and other forestry activity

Shall be actively promoted

35 Organic farming Shall be actively promoted

36 Adoption of green technology for all


Shall be actively promoted

37 Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted


5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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5 Monitoring Committee- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee for effective monitoring

of the provisions of the final notification comprising of the following namely-

1 Collector Sambalpur Chairman

2 A Representative of Non-Governmental Organization working in the

field of environment including heritage conservation to be nominated by

Central Government


3 A Representative of State Pollution Board Odisha Member

4 A Representative of Collector Deogarh Member

5 Superintendent of Police Sambalpur

6 One Expert in Ecology Member

7 One Expert in Biodiversity Member

8 Representative of Superintendent of Police Deogarh Member

9 Divisional Forest Officer Rairakhol Member

10 Divisional Forest Officer Sambalpur (South) Member

11 Divisional Forest Officer-cum-Wildlife Warden Bamra Wildlife Division Member Secretary

6 Terms of reference

(1) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification

(2) The tenure of the Monitoring committee shall be for three years or till the re-constitution of the new Committee by the

State Government and subsequently the Monitoring Committee would be constituted by the State Government

(3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the

Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment

2006 vide SO 1533 (E) dated the 14th September 2006 and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 vide SO No 19(E) dated

6th January 2011 and subsequent amendments therein and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone including the prohibited

activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof Only white categories of industries shall be considered as

specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for ldquoclassification of Industries 2016rdquo

(4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile

Ministry of Environment and Forests number SO 1533(E) dated the 14th September 2006 and SO 19 (E) dated 6th

January 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under

paragraph 4 thereof shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and

referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities

(5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file

complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes

the provisions of this notification

(6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments representatives from

Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to

issue basis

(7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31st March of every year

by 30th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma

appended at Annexure V

(8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change may give such directions as it

deems fit to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions


38 Rain water harvesting Shall be actively promoted

39 Use of renewable energy sources Shall be actively promoted

40 Plantation and other forestry activity Shall be actively promoted

41 Agro forestry Shall be actively promoted

42 Skill development Shall be actively promoted

43 Environment awareness Shall be actively promoted

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 33: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 33

7 The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures if any for giving effect to provisions

of this notification

8 The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders if any passed or to be passed by the Honrsquoble Supreme

Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal

[F No 25222017-ESZ]

LALIT KAPUR Scientist lsquoGrsquo







sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 35








sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 37


TABLE A List of Geo-coordinates of Sanctuary Boundary

ID Latitude Longitude

61 21deg19rsquo 2816rdquo N 84deg32rsquo28359rdquo E

62 21deg18rsquo 54604rdquo N 84deg31rsquo10917rdquo E

63 21deg18rsquo 47500rdquo N 84deg29rsquo 58984rdquo E

64 21deg19rsquo 8288rdquo N 84deg28rsquo 47355rdquo E

65 21deg19rsquo 29097rdquo N 84deg27rsquo 37183rdquo E

66 21deg20rsquo 2774rdquo N 84deg26rsquo 26406rdquo E

67 21deg20rsquo 18286rdquo N 84deg25rsquo 9442rdquo E

68 21deg20rsquo 46690rdquo N 84deg23rsquo 57746rdquo E

69 21deg21rsquo 18568rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 46757rdquo E

70 21deg21rsquo 57087rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 41164rdquo E

71 21deg22rsquo 18594rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 33025rdquo E

72 21deg23rsquo 1050rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 28326rdquo E

73 21deg24rsquo 9743rdquo N 84deg19rsquo 24867rdquo E

74 21deg24rsquo 17229rdquo N 84deg20rsquo 7335rdquo E

75 21deg23rsquo 26228rdquo N 84deg21rsquo 6320rdquo E

76 21deg22rsquo 40915rdquo N 84deg22rsquo 9293rdquo E

77 21deg22rsquo 39657rdquo N 84deg23rsquo20175rdquo E

78 21deg22rsquo 55587rdquo N 84deg24rsquo37181rdquo E

79 21deg23rsquo 14932rdquo N 84deg25rsquo50251rdquo E

80 21deg23rsquo 38060rdquo N 84deg27rsquo3202rdquo E

81 21deg23rsquo 42138rdquo N 84deg28rsquo20907rdquo E

82 21deg23rsquo 16460rdquo N 84deg29rsquo22305rdquo E

83 21deg22rsquo 11430rdquo N 84deg29rsquo10304rdquo E

84 21deg22rsquo 13491rdquo N 84deg30rsquo8072rdquo E

85 21deg22rsquo 26451rdquo N 84deg30rsquo47382rdquo E

86 21deg22rsquo 56020rdquo N 84deg31rsquo49017rdquo E

87 21deg 22rsquo 16725rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 37680rdquo E

88 21deg 21rsquo 9992rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59385rdquo E

89 21deg 20rsquo 4513rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 7562rdquo E

90 21deg 19rsquo 28716rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 28359rdquo E

91 21deg 23rsquo 35510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E

92 21deg 23rsquo 10881rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 40877rdquo E

93 21deg 22rsquo 28438rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 41476rdquo E

94 21deg 24rsquo 16690rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 8230rdquo E

95 21deg 22rsquo 40587rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 45173rdquo E

96 21deg 21rsquo 37326rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37865rdquo E

97 21deg 23rsquo 25815rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 29094rdquo E


98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

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98 21deg 25rsquo 56282rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 56822rdquo E

99 21deg 27rsquo 26829rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 10936rdquo E

100 21deg 26rsquo 48492rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 36755rdquo E

101 21deg 28rsquo 11672rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 32705rdquo E

102 21deg 29rsquo 15429rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 26720rdquo E

103 21deg 31rsquo 27517rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 72929rdquo E

104 21deg 32rsquo 52776rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 24400rdquo E

105 21deg 33rsquo 25076rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 22337rdquo E

106 21deg 31rsquo 32959rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 30823rdquo E

107 21deg 32rsquo 43714rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 29344rdquo E

108 21deg 34rsquo 16199rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58440rdquo E

109 21deg 33rsquo 18306rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 23125rdquo E

110 21deg 33rsquo 2186rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 33854rdquo E

111 21deg 34rsquo 28265rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 14841rdquo E

112 21deg 33rsquo 26316rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 43918rdquo E

113 21deg 31rsquo 4071rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 37357rdquo E

114 21deg 31rsquo 20734rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 58322rdquo E

115 21deg 30rsquo 49838rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53409rdquo E

116 21deg 30rsquo 28881rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 1608rdquo E

117 21deg 29rsquo 5990rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 20100rdquo E

118 21deg 27rsquo 18328rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 12728rdquo E

119 21deg 25rsquo 49639rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 42365rdquo E

120 21deg 23rsquo 38510rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 43855rdquo E


A List of Geo-coordinates of Eco-sensitive Zone

ID Latitude Longitude

1 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E

2 21deg 38rsquo 20464rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 52716rdquo E

3 21deg 39rsquo 2680rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 44886rdquo E

4 21deg 39rsquo 45949rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 8516rdquo E

5 21deg 39rsquo 30672rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 5316rdquo E

6 21deg 40rsquo 6145rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 56210rdquo E

7 21deg 39rsquo 53800rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 0209rdquo E

8 21deg 39rsquo 58961rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 58469rdquo E

9 21deg 40rsquo 15323rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 1415rdquo E

10 21deg 40rsquo 35309rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 45819rdquo E

11 21deg 39rsquo 52844rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 30699rdquo E

12 21deg 39rsquo 59080rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 19264rdquo E

13 21deg 39rsquo 53891rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 19105rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

15 21deg 39rsquo 16675rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 22466rdquo E

16 21deg 39rsquo 4195rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 30196rdquo E

17 21deg 37rsquo 58676rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 51776rdquo E

18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 39

14 21deg 39rsquo 39147rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19967rdquo E

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18 21deg 38rsquo 1731rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 53279rdquo E

19 21deg 37rsquo 5760rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 14111rdquo E

20 21deg 36rsquo 54287rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 21440rdquo E

21 21deg 36rsquo 45481rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 28302rdquo E

22 21deg 36rsquo 20020rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 22643rdquo E

23 21deg 35rsquo 58127rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 28248rdquo E

24 21deg 35rsquo 14147rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 22084rdquo E

25 21deg 34rsquo 32983rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 9753rdquo E

26 21deg 34rsquo 22714rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 59284rdquo E

27 21deg 33rsquo 45312rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 57703rdquo E

28 21deg 32rsquo 51373rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 36071rdquo E

29 21deg 31rsquo 48415rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 24317rdquo E

30 21deg 30rsquo 45951rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 58002rdquo E

31 21deg 30rsquo 22453rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 59363rdquo E

32 21deg 29rsquo 50355rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 53136rdquo E

33 21deg 28rsquo 45464rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 44270rdquo E

34 21deg 27rsquo 59874rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47522rdquo E

35 21deg 27rsquo 8363rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 28136rdquo E

36 21deg 26rsquo 33138rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 24782rdquo E

37 21deg 26rsquo 0108rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 21768rdquo E

38 21deg 25rsquo 31171rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 23047rdquo E

39 21deg 24rsquo 34405rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49144rdquo E

40 21deg 24rsquo 12023rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 5598rdquo E

41 21deg 23rsquo 11721rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 23470rdquo E

42 21deg 22rsquo 12873rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 26062rdquo E

43 21deg 21rsquo 6770rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 36516rdquo E

44 21deg 20rsquo 10911rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 10696rdquo E

45 21deg 19rsquo 17160rdquo N 84deg 39rsquo 2685rdquo E

46 21deg 18rsquo 25898rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 28420rdquo E

47 21deg 17rsquo 22118rdquo N 84deg 38rsquo 19675rdquo E

48 21deg 16rsquo 18261rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 49939rdquo E

49 21deg 15rsquo 10273rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 59183rdquo E

50 21deg 14rsquo 58117rdquo N 84deg 37rsquo 24503rdquo E

51 21deg15rsquo 15532rdquo N 84deg 36rsquo 39499rdquo E

52 21deg 14rsquo 32035rdquo N 84deg 35rsquo 50147rdquo E

53 21deg 14rsquo 39224rdquo N 84deg 34rsquo 48230rdquo E


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

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94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

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100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 40: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99


54 21deg 14rsquo 37307rdquo N 84deg 33rsquo 47532rdquo E

55 21deg 14rsquo 18030rdquo N 84deg 32rsquo 41867rdquo E

56 21deg 14rsquo 19915rdquo N 84deg 31rsquo 40140rdquo E

57 21deg 13rsquo 32314rdquo N 84deg 30rsquo 53540rdquo E

58 21deg 13rsquo 36864rdquo N 84deg 29rsquo 57573rdquo E

59 21deg 13rsquo 6038rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 57793rdquo E

60 21deg 13rsquo 42405rdquo N 84deg 28rsquo 10187rdquo E

61 21deg 14rsquo 48443rdquo N 84deg 27rsquo 51188rdquo E

62 21deg 14rsquo 57135rdquo N 84deg 26rsquo 43166rdquo E

63 21deg 15rsquo 10298rdquo N 84deg 25rsquo 34273rdquo E

64 21deg 14rsquo 54909rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 47320rdquo E

65 21deg 15rsquo 32150rdquo N 84deg 24rsquo 32174rdquo E

66 21deg 15rsquo 17308rdquo N 84deg 23rsquo 24862rdquo E

67 21deg 15rsquo 22965rdquo N 84deg 22rsquo 19533rdquo E

68 21deg 15rsquo 57606rdquo N 84deg 21rsquo 28637rdquo E

69 21deg 16rsquo 6219rdquo N 84deg 20rsquo 19388rdquo E

70 21deg 16rsquo 21361rdquo N 84deg 19rsquo 11044rdquo E

71 21deg 16rsquo 16124rdquo N 84deg 18rsquo 3405rdquo E

72 21deg 16rsquo 41386rdquo N 84deg 17rsquo 23779rdquo E

73 21deg 17rsquo 8874rdquo N 84deg 16rsquo 36863rdquo E

74 21deg 17rsquo 33537rdquo N 84deg 15rsquo 35033rdquo E

75 21deg 17rsquo 59986rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 39465rdquo E

76 21deg 19rsquo 5442rdquo N 84deg 14rsquo 14017rdquo E

77 21deg 19rsquo 45891rdquo N 84deg 13rsquo 21144rdquo E

78 21deg 20rsquo 32037rdquo N 84deg 12rsquo 45156rdquo E

79 21deg 20rsquo 54270rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 43800rdquo E

80 21deg 21rsquo 48900rdquo N 84deg 11rsquo 3391rdquo E

81 21deg 22rsquo 39640rdquo N 84deg 10rsquo 25438rdquo E

82 21deg 23rsquo 27565rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 53730rdquo E

83 21deg 24rsquo 27118rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 45089rdquo E

84 21deg 25rsquo 36804rdquo N 84deg 9rsquo 41975rdquo E

85 21deg 26rsquo 22167rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 49941rdquo E

86 21deg 27rsquo 13508rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 20429rdquo E

87 21deg 28rsquo 17751rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 7433rdquo E

88 21deg 28rsquo 22115rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 18300rdquo E

89 21deg 29rsquo 15858rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 53691rdquo E

90 21deg 29rsquo 59216rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 26343rdquo E

91 21deg 30rsquo 53057rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 46583rdquo E

92 21deg 31rsquo 56118rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 9832rdquo E

93 21deg 32rsquo 45436rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 45084rdquo E

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

95 21deg 34rsquo 9738rdquo N 84deg 6rsquo 54766rdquo E

96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

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99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 41: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 41

94 21deg 33rsquo 40889rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 24084rdquo E

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96 21deg 34rsquo 58755rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 33981rdquo E

97 21deg 35rsquo 56105rdquo N 84deg 7rsquo 52100rdquo E

98 21deg 36rsquo 47704rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 26248rdquo E

99 21deg 37rsquo 31702rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 34022rdquo E

100 21deg 38rsquo 29885rdquo N 84deg 8rsquo 47078rdquo E




Name of the


Name of the


Name of the Revenue

village Latitude Longitude

Deogarh Deogarh Kendejuri 21 30 2422 84 29 1728

Mahendrapur 21 29 3649 84 32 1562

Thelkobudi 21 29 1051 84 32 824

Balita 21 32 768 84 58 590

Katangpani 21 27 5962 84 32 2604

Uchhapali 21 30 4086 84 27 497

Sanbanjari 21 30 0540 84 27 505

Palkudar 21 30 0202 84 28 3936

Taldihi 21 29 330 84 28 020

Tulpdihi 21 28 3323 84 25 4454

Kudadihi 21 28 205 84 25 655

Patrajhari 21 28 801 84 25 1144

Beluamo 21 27 265 84 26 099

Dangapathar 21 27 5490 84 27 1936

Sado 21 27 735 84 27 508

Khamarbahal 21 26 991 84 27 4751

Turang 21 25 2193 84 27 4297

Chimna 21 24 305 84 28 402

Ghambarbhumi 21 23 1836 84 39 3729

Palonipada 21 26 2154 84 30 2200

Tarandakata 21 24 4331 84 29 5476

Kansar 21 25 2926 84 31 2933

Hetkhamar 21 26 5563 84 32 622

Kadoguda 21 26 0530 84 30 205

Jaswantpur 21 26 5490 84 31 1093

Saranali 21 26 5576 84 32 4475

Gayapali 21 26 3325 84 33 3659

Cheliabahal 21 26 2030 84 32 302

Ghoridihi 21 26 304 84 33 269

Dhaulpara 21 25 395 84 32 344

Nuagan 21 25 5030 84 33 205

Kumrapali 21 25 0024 84 34 3100

Menjaribahal 21 25 1738 84 33 3683

Kaliakhamar 21 24 5487 84 32 5917


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 42: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99


Jamunali 21 24 0530 84 30 3020

Majhipali 21 24 5280 84 31 5288

Sambalpur Maneswar Dumerdihi

Jharmunda 21 39 2537 84 43 4420

Sambalpur Rengali Kudeipali


Tamprakela 21 52 3992 84 41 1407

Khaksadera 21 36 334 84 09 378

Langbahal 21 41 468 84 09 3366

Anlamal 21 36 323 84 10 152

Kusumdihi 21 34 551 84 08 603

Khuntpali 21 36 373 84 10 244

Sukhupara 21 36 527 84 11 20

Ghumloi 21 35 163 84 08 281

Tangarpali 21 28 467 84 09 499

Sambalpur Jamankira Budhikuten 21 25 91 84 12 521

Bandhabahal 21 26 1598 84 12 1499

Barkachha 21 26 228 84 13 128

Banmal 21 27 2609 84 12 1988

Kuluindi 21 27 814 84 11 2745

Kundheisara 21 27 269 84 12 88

Mahulmunda 21 26 329 84 10 354

Gourpali 21 27 1031 84 10 2597

Kenduberni 21 29 0721 84 10 5187

Goutamitikra 21 27 2256 84 10 4480

Tangarpali 21 28 4610 84 09 4798

Sahajbahal 21 20 202 84 11 73

Kumkapali 21 29 0603 84 11 3697

Kantialy 21 29 5385 84 11 3225

Haldibahal 21 29 0926 84 13 1197

Turukchuan 21 29 4634 84 13 0708

Khairmal 21 30 0690 84 12 3878

Bhograpal 21 30 0909 84 12 1270

Dhuliapali 21 30 3486 84 13 1157

Kanibandhali 21 30 5471 84 12 3389

Pathamunda 21 29 5217 84 10 4475

Kharsanmal 21 29 2333 84 09 4317

Telimunda 21 28 28 84 09 505

Vegikud 21 28 556 84 09 121

Mudhenpali 21 29 133 84 09 150

Gopikata 21 29 546 84 09 465

Ghosragoda 21 32 4468 84 27 1714

Sambalpur Jujomura Tampargard 21 23 068 84 15 5528


Kaputikra 21 44 4948 84 25 2917

Mahulpali 21 25 195 84 12 383

Beheramal 21 23 503 84 13 4252

Jharmal 21 47 5087 84 30 3028

Podamal 21 15 4058 84 22 291


sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 43: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 43

Gudapali 21 23 4433 84 12 5302

Rengalpali 21 23 186 84 12 372

Tileimal 21 01 284 84 17 2483

Ladladi 21 22 3126 84 12 1966

Ghipana 21 21 2223 84 09 1478

Nawamunda 21 23 474 84 11 331



Petupali 21 25 531 84 10 428

Bhandarimal 21 24 112 84 09 4905

Dangarpada 21 25 2551 84 11 829


Patuabahal 21 25 435 84 10 70

Sarkhand 21 26 021 84 10 1535

Khasupali 21 26 1814 84 9 5950

Padhanpali 21 26 5096 84 9 2798

Turung 21 27 2018 84 9 2194

Mahulpara 21 27 161 84 9 156

Padiabahal 21 27 623 84 9 959

Baham 21 27 5141 84 8 1263

Sambalpur Maneswar Dungapali 21 37 61 84 12 00

Barsapali 21 29 564 84 07 351

Jharmunda 21 34 442 84 12 019

Bijadihi 21 31 187 84 07 194

Kudapali 21 33 402 84 09 379

Jharbahal 21 32 38 84 08 585

Katudihi 21 33 338 84 09 554

Rasiapali 21 33 265 84 09 592

Kalmi 21 31 214 84 12 39

Haldi 21 31 241 84 11 598

Sangramal 21 32 117 84 09 326

Nuamura 21 31 340 84 11 512

Sambalpur Naktideul Pradhanpali


Phatamunda 21 20 566 84 20 87

Dhalpur 21 18 533 84 19 492



Hiraloi 21 19 92 84 18 305

Kangdar 21 19 372 84 18 316

Bhejrakhol 21 17 2030 84 33 0530

Hikapali 21 17 283 84 33 272

Jemajuri 21 16 389 84 33 456

Chandrapur 21 16 285 84 23 469

Gedakhol 21 16 159 84 31 321

Gourpara 21 18 164 84 21 286

Sarapali 21 16 82 84 32 14

Damamahul 21 16 445 84 33 4228

Uparmunda 21 21 306 84 22 274

Bhalumunda 21 16 421 84 34 45


Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
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Jurapali 21 16 99 84 31 377

Pendrakhol 21 16 381 84 31 220

Podakhol 21 16 283 84 30 230

Pitabalikhaman 21 18 92 84 28 276

Rengalbahal 21 18 225 84 27 399

Manduam 21 18 526 84 26 499

Khandiamunda 21 20 30 84 21 455

Kulihanali 21 20 167 84 21 378

Rangiatikira 21 20 209 84 21 287

Sukhakani 21 22 16 84 20 431

Bhalukhol 21 21 481 84 21 142

Kisinda 21 19 45 84 20 559

Sambalpur Jujomura Baradongri

Khamarbahal 21 19 315 84 16 47

Machhudihi 21 19 253 84 17 181

Taparsingha 21 19 366 84 15 255




Meghapal 21 20 582 84 14 403


Basupali 21 23 155 84 15 402

Deogarh Reamal Purmunda

Tarang 21 25 223 84 27 422



Sambalpur Naktideul Tileiposi 21 15 461 84 37 109

Kutasingha 21 14 2207 84 36 0753

Jharbeda 21 13 4608 84 35 2563


Maruadimunda 21 16 139 84 33 115

Jagarnath Prasad 21 15 85 84 32 565

Naktideul 21 15 179 84 32 264

Kutulia 21 14 549 84 31 133

Musakani 21 16 287 84 09 5702

Penthabahal 21 14 135 84 30 492

Tasbardihi 21 13 593 84 17 591

Tikilipada 21 14 184 84 29 201

Gogua 21 15 1151 84 29 3096

Mahikud 21 16 269 84 30 15


Balam 21 17 582 84 28 481

Ganjabahal 21 15 510 84 25 585

Ranja 21 15 59 84 27 10

Balasingha 21 17 416 84 29 453

Turibahal 21 18 359 84 29 443

Talpal 21 18 153 84 27 1518

Kelo 21 18 153 84 20 304

Betjharan 21 15 3234 84 24 2925

Balikuntha 21 15 4901 84 25 4567

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 45: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 45

Sado 21 15 3150 84 24 1375

Pitasiali 21 16 4685 84 24 1935


Brahmanipali 21 16 360 84 23 048

Burubuda 21 17 407 84 23 46

Rengalbahal 21 18 657 84 27 811

Gourpara 21 16 294 84 32 417

Pardhiamunda 21 19 331 84 21 476

Panigrahipali 21 19 527 84 22 315

Girischandrapur 21 19 178 84 22 578

Gelabhera 21 18 391 84 22 83

Loisinga 21 18 408 84 21 211

Deogarh Deogarh Chandrapur 21 16 47 84 33 466


Jagdala 21 23 038 84 33 192

Bhangamunda 21 22 327 84 33 121

Landa 21 22 278 84 30 396

Telibhanguni 21 22 120 84 30 168

Pattakhaman 21 26 236 84 33 537

Jharjhari 21 24 180 84 34 426

Latakhandi 21 24 349 84 36 291


Junani 21 23 399 84 37 583


Menjaribahal 21 25 169 84 33 376

Deogarh Reamal Rampali 21 23 191 84 37 331

Sihiria 21 22 531 84 37 541

Porapara 21 22 113 84 36 559

Andhari 21 23 315 84 36 093

Hilang 21 22 163 84 35 07

Jaripal 21 18 346 84 36 289

Barakhol 21 20 448 84 39 39

Barsimloi 21 21 279 84 36 119

Timur 21 24 464 84 38 338

Lakhabahal 21 20 451 84 37 228

Talbahal 21 20 550 84 38 168

Malohipara 21 20 224 84 38 236



Kadopara 21 19 5803 84 37 4970

Dasbharia 21 19 311 84 36 500

Kumalo 21 18 344 84 36 516




Jadagoda 21 23 054 84 32 182



Nilgandia 21 17 274 84 34 381

Tuhilamal 21 17 208 84 35 1574



Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
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Jharipada 21 18 374 84 36 252

Sambalpur Jamankira Gundruchuan 21 28 162 84 90 377

Ghodabandhuni 21 39 3608 84 21 3401

Cherngamal 21 39 507 84 19 298

Sinkalmunda 21 38 0728 84 22 3551

Jammal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Sialdarha 21 36 174 84 20 033


Jatiadihi 21 36 821 84 21 1584

Jamkhulia 21 35 1021 84 21 2920

Kasada 21 33 2221 84 20 3784

Kendeimal 21 33 562 84 20 562

Tikiba 21 33 494 84 19 593

Badibahal 21 33 430 84 19 482

Ardapal 21 32 575 84 19 506

Badkhalia 21 32 199 84 18 174

Chinimahul 21 31 295 84 21 05

Amlang 21 31 1082 84 20 0883

Kuagula 21 32 3932 84 21 4188

Mukteswar 21 33 821 84 21 5184

Kendukhol 21 33 2021 84 20 3384

Kendeimal 21 33 564 84 20 552

Sudhbalanda 21 37 346 84 21 401

Tulsidihi 21 38 011 84 22 244

Kolhpal 21 36 214 84 22 153

Ladropal 21 35 599 84 22 13

Badmal 21 36 337 84 23 260

Sarei 21 36 50 84 21 109

Katangpani 21 34 277 84 23 211

Fulkusum 21 34 508 84 24 705

Baishnabchuan 21 34 2421 84 22 984

Palokhaman 21 36 152 84 25 040

Tangarani 21 36 495 84 24 174

Nuadihi 21 37 563 84 23 262

Ghanghosa 21 37 322 84 22 562

Banjari 21 35 452 84 25 446

Badbalichuan 21 34 405 84 27 264

Dhalen 21 33 147 84 27 44

Ghosragoda 21 33 109 84 27 83

Barhamundi 21 34 39 84 28 54

Badibahal 21 32 339 84 27 391

Tikilipada 21 31 551 84 26 485

Sambalpur Jamankira Sardhapali 21 30 87 84 08 338

Saplat 21 29 531 84 08 79

Burda 21 32 570 84 14 368

Pradhanpali 21 32 559 84 14 388

Malarmal 21 36 567 84 11 015

Badbahal 21 36 387 84 10 552

Mendhabahal 21 37 115 84 11 018

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530
Page 47: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

sup1Hkkx IImicro[kM 3(ii)ordm Hkkjr dk jkti=k vlkkjk 47

Ghugar 21 37 32 84 10 253

Chandinimal 21 37 58 84 10 186

Hatibandha 21 37 973 84 11 793

Kutarimal 21 32 723 84 11 194

Taranda 21 36 1306 84 13 1707

Mahada 21 40 5950 84 13 5771

Kenadhipa 21 38 4816 84 14 1103

Beluamal 21 38 1298 84 14 4162

Balichuan 21 35 018 84 14 167

Kulunda 21 34 514 84 13 187

Falsabahal 21 34 3293 84 14 0849

Udsung 21 33 855 84 15 98

Titobahal 21 34 0669 84 14 4191


Tileimal 21 28 5302 84 29 4709

Naktipali 21 37 172 84 15 318

Balimal 21 37 552 84 15 568

Bhoipali 21 38 402 84 16 148

Daitaribahal 21 29 02 84 17 448

Amkata 21 38 342 84 17 498

Khamarbahal 21 38 122 84 17 288

Budelkani 21 37 402 84 16 427

Kumaruniposi 21 37 172 84 17 358

Dehurimal 21 36 164 84 16 503

Fasimal 21 35 582 84 17 98

Gariabahal 21 35 349 84 17 243

Pukuda 21 35 282 84 17 08

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 167

Kirmaloi 21 35 1999 84 19 0725

Rankibahal 21 35 2691 84 19 2623

Mahalingkudar 21 34 572 84 18 448

Guljipali 21 36 252 84 18 468

Katarkela 21 37 392 84 19 18

Bandhapali 21 38 262 84 18 438

Sambalpur Jamankira Jamankira 21 32 173 84 23 05

Sandhapathar 21 31 360 84 22 49

Khairdihi 21 31 128 84 23 184

Khuntbanda 21 31 236 84 23 15

Dumamura 21 31 46 84 26 148

Jemamal 21 33 151 84 28 325

Dhudikhol 21 31 236 84 23 525


Balarama 21 35 469 84 28 281


Sareipali 21 22 384 84 17 347

Gariabahal 21 35 342 84 17 68



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

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Page 48: vlk/kj.k Hkkx [k.M 3 mi&[k - Home - MoEF Ministry of ...moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/badarma.pdf2597 GI/2018 (1) jftLVªh lö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99



Performa of Action Taken Report - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee-

1 Number and date of Meetings

2 Minutes of the meetings Mention main noteworthy points Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure

3 Status of preparation of Zonal Master Plan including Tourism Master Plan

4 Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise) Details

may be attached as Annexure

5 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006

Details may be attached as separate Annexure

6 Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification


Details may be attached as separate Annexure

7 Summary of complaints lodged under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986

8 Any other matter of importance

Uploaded by Dte of Printing at Government of India Press Ring Road Mayapuri New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications Delhi-110054

  1. 2018-05-17T173751+0530