dr c. r. oswin (1914–1990)

Post on 06-Jul-2016






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Dr C. R. OSWIN (1914-1990)

Bob Oswin was best known for his pioneering work in the science of package life prediction-a subject for which he coined the term Emballistics; which he defined as the ‘Ecology of the Periblemata’ in his first book Protective wrappings’ published in 1954. He established a world-wide reputation in the field and published numerous papers on the subject. He also was the author of a number of standard works of reference on protective wrappings, and lectured extensively on the subject. His presentations always could be relied upon to introduce the material in a novel and thought provoking manner.

Bob was associated with the UK Institute of Packaging since its formation in 1947 and was made a Life Fellow in 1987. He was very active in promoting the Institutes’ educational role and served on the Education Committee and was a member of the Examination Board for many years.

Dr Oswin was employed by British Cellophane Ltd for 38 years, initially in the Research Depart- ment, where-as evidenced by the many patents in his name-he was in the forefront of the technical developments of ‘Cellophane’ regenerated cellulose film. Subsequently he became responsible for the production of cellulose film and finally became Packaging Consultant for the Courtauld group of companies. Since his retirement in 1976 he re- mained active as a private packaging consultant with particular reference to his favourite subject of packaging life prediction.

He is survived by his wife Frances and a son and daughter. He will be missed greatly by his col- leagues and many friends in Packaging.

Leslie Preston

@ 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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