bhava phala praveshik 11

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  • 8/19/2019 Bhava Phala Praveshik 11


    Bhava Phala Praveshika — 13: Labha Bhava (11th


    Influence of the Sun

    Saravali 34.58. The native will gain through kings, wars, thieves, forests, quadrupeds etc., if theSun is placed in the 11th House, or, if the 11th House is aspected, or owned by the Sun.

    • The nature of Gains the native has can be deciphered from the various influences on the

    11H from the agna.

    • The same can be seen from the abha sthana from various other agna such as !rudha

    agna, "araka agna #"araka agna $ Sign occupied by the %hara !tmakaraka in the

    &asi chart'. Similarly "arakamsaka is the (avamsa sign of the !tmakaraka mapped backto the &asi chart.

    • The influence of the Graha on the 11H can be one of the following manners-

    1. ord of the 11H

    ). !specting the 11H

    *. +laced in the 11H

    . +lanets con-oining to the 11 or having Sambandha in other manners

    • hen a Graha is placed in the 11H, it will take precedence in deciding the matters of

    Gain. /f there is no Graha placed in the 11H, other influences such as 11, aspects and

    con-unctions will play an important part.

    • Sun signif the following among other things. This is not e!haustive an" an

    intelligent astrologer shoul" use all the #nown significations of the Graha-

    1. $ings% Sun is the "ing of the 0ungle, ion

    ). &ars% Sun rules wars being a fiery Graha, like ars

    *. Thieves% Sun when weak signify thieves #i.e., use of power and violence, low morals'

    . 'orests% 2orest is signified by the sign eo. This can indicate forest animals, animal

     products, or forest products

    3. (ua"ru)e"s% !mong the animal kingdom, 4uadrupeds and 5irds are ruled by the Sun

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    Influence of the *oon

    Saravali 34.5+. #1' Should the oon be in the 11th House, or her division so related to the 11thHouse the native will gain through females and through sales of elephants. #)' /f the oon is

    declining, these are not much, but an increasing oon increases these gains greatly.

    • oon is a Graha of dual characteristics and changeableness. /t increases in strength in

    Sukla6+aksha and it declines in strength in "rsna6+aksha. Strong oon behave like aSattva Graha, while weak oon behave like a Tamas Graha.

    • The author suggests that we also should look at the !msa #specifically (avamsa' of the

    11H and note the influence of the Graha. The !msa of the 11H falls in the 7H in the

     (avamsa chart as 11H is part of the "ama Trikona #*87811'.

    • /f oon is placed in the 7H in the (avamsa chart of the 7H is ruled by the oon, then

    the oon may influence the matters of Gain. The same can be said if the 11 is placed in

    oon9s (avamsa or con-oined with oon in (avamsa.

    • 'ollowing significations of *oon are calle" out%

    1. 'emales% This can be association of females, such as trade with females, trading on

    female clothing and other female products. eak moon can also indicate sale of femaleservices or prostitution.

    ). ,le)hants% :lephants are ruled by 0upiter, as in Ga-a6"eshari yoga #Ga-a $ 0upiter,

    "eshari $ oon'. oon e;alts 0upiter, hence where oon is strong, the significations of

    0upiter may also become strong. They may occur in pairs, so one should keep a open

    mind towards 0upiter9s significations as well, especially when oon is very strong in+aksha 5ala. +urnima oon is akin to 0upiter whereas !mavasya oon is akin to Saturn

    in nature.

    • /f the oon is waning, the wealth will decline with time whereas wa;ing moon will

    indicate increase in wealth.

    Influence of *ars

    Saravali 34.. ars or his divisions related to the 11th House, as above denotes gains throughgold, coral, ornaments, ruby, money, valour, coming and going #i.e. travels', fire and weapons.

    • The 11H will always fall in the 7H in the (avamsa and 11H in the

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    1. Gol"% 2iery Grahas ars and Sun rules gold. !lso 0upiter in a fiery sign Sg also ruled


    ). 0oral% +revious gems linked to ars is coral

    *. ub% &uby is governed by Sun. However, ars being a fiery Graha can also indicate&uby

    . *one% oney is not a signification of ars but a signification of ercury. /t is

    however, a signification of 11H indicating that the native can gain wealth in the form of

    currency as well.

    3. Short travels% ars being the significator of the *H, it indicate short6duration travels or


    =. &ea)ons% ars is the governor of all weapons of the world as it is god of war.

    • The significations mentioned above are only representative of various possibilities. >ne

    should be aware of all the significations of ars.

    • Here the living significations of ars are not mentioned, perhaps because the living

    significations are to be known from the 5havas i.e., 11 placed in *H or * in the 11H or

    con-unction of * with 11 can indicate gains from siblings.

    Influence of *ercur

    Saravali 34.1. Should ercury, or his divisions be related to the 11th, as above, the native will

    gain by writing, arts, literature and arguments.

    • 'ollowing significations of *ercur are calle" off. This is no wa com)rehensive6

    1. &riting% !ll forms of communications are governed by ercury, written, oral or viaother means such as telecommunications. The person could gain from authorship,

     -ournalism etc.

    ). 2rts% ?arious forms of arts such as dancing, yoga etc. which need fle;ibility and

    suppleness of the body is governed by ercury.

    *. iterature% 5ooks, library etc. are governed by ercury

    . ebates% This is a derived form of speech and communications. The native can gain from

    debates, arguments, essay competition etc. They can also gain from becoming a lawyer,

    mathematician etc.

    Influence of u)iter

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    Saravali 34.6. 0upiter, or his divisions so related to the 11th House indicates gains through

    headship of a city, royal mercy, Sacrifices #religious', meritorious acts, gold and horses.

    • 'ollowing significations of u)iter are calle" off. This is no wa com)rehensive6

    1. Hea" of a cit% 0upiter represent the ministers in the court of the kind. They may begiven the responsibility to head smaller regions, estates etc.

    ). oal merc% 0upiter is the -udge who has the authority to punish or forgive someone.

    He is also the religious Guru who has the moral authority to forgive someone9s sin and


    *. eligious sacrifices% 0upiter represents a priest and it indicate religious sacrifices or

    ceremonies or @agnas #fire sacrifices'

    . *eritorious acts% eritorious acts for the benefit of the mankind are all governed by

    0upiter as it is the spiritual guide to the king.

    3. Gol"% 0upiter governs gold especially in Sagittarius.

    =. Horses% Horses are governed by ercury as they are fast and are used in many games.

    0upiter usually governs elephants.

    Influence of 7enus

    Saravali 34.3. hen the planet ?enus, or his divisions are so connected with the 11th House,

    one will gain through connections with prostitutes, travels, pearls and silver.

    • 'ollowing significations of 7enus are calle" off. This is no wa com)rehensive-

    1. 0onnections with )rostitutes% This can be anything related to females such as beauty

     products, garments etc. /n olden times the only gain from females were gaining by usingthe in se; trade. However in modern times, this is likely only if Graha such as &ahu is

    involved indicating adharma.

    ). Travels% ?enus rules long distance travel and voyages for trade and commerce as it is the

    "araka of the 7H. Anlike ars who rules short duration travels and vacations.

    *. earls% !ll sea products such as pears, sea shells, sea food etc. are governed by ?enus.?enus gets e;alted in +isces which governs the ocean.

    . Silver% Silver is ruled by watery planets ?enus and oon while gold is ruled by fiery

     planets Sun and ars.

    Influence of Saturn

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    Saravali 34.4. Saturn, or his divisions so connected with the 11th House indicates gains

    through towns and villages, acts of lasting nature, iron, donkeys and buffaloes.

    • 'ollowing significations of Saturn are calle" off. This is no wa com)rehensive-

    1. Towns an" villages% Saturn being the natural 1B rules ownership of a vast land. /t canindicate becoming a mayor or governor etc., whose responsibility is to e;ecute king9s

    #Sun' orders. 5eing son of the Sun, it is also obligated to carry out the dictate of the

    father. Saturn is a strict disciplinarian6 one with a iron hand.

    ). 2cts of lasting nature% Saturn is the slowest of all Grahas, hence, it indicates thingswhich can9t be destroyed easily. Saturn also rules coldness which acts as an agent for

     preservation indicating again its long6lasting nature. Saturn is also the karaka for


    *. Iron% /ron and other oil #petroleum' and minerals #metals, ores etc.' which are e;tracted

    out of the earth are ruled by Saturn.

    . on#es an" buffaloes% Saturn is the karaka for labor, hence it represents animals used

    for labor intensive activities.

    Influence of both Shubha an" $rura Grahas

    Saravali 34.5. The effects attributed above stand increased, if benefics aspect the 11th House,

    will decrease by malefic influence and will remain mi;ed with the interference of both beneficsand malefics.

    • !spect of natural benefics such as 0upiter, ?enus, oon #strong paksha6bala' andercury will always increase the Gains manifold.

    • >n the other hand aspect of malefics such as Saturn, ars, &ahu, "etu and also Sun will

    diminish the quantum of gains indicated by the 11H.

    • /f both benefics and malefics influence the 11H, the effect is proportionally impacted.

    Influence of *ulti)le Grahas

    Saravali 34.. #1' /f the 11th House is aspected by #or associated with' all the planets, advent of 

    wealth will be in several ways. #)' The strongest of those will have the highest influence.

    • The influence of more Grahas in the 11H will increase the gains manifold.

    • /t is said that no Graha give malefic results when placed in the 11H.

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    • hen there are multiple influences on the 11H, the strength of the influencing Grahas

    need to be -udged as well. The stronger among them will have a greater capacity to

    influence the matters of Gains.

    ,ffect of Graha 2vastha on (uantum of Gains

    Saravali 34.9. #1' ! planet in it9s own Sign, or in a friendly Sign will give half of the effects

    attributed. #)' These effects are full, if it is in its e;altation Sign, very meagre, if it is combustand -ust one fourth, if inimically placed.

    • This is a continuation of the previous verse which advises that one should -udge the

    strength of the aspecting Graha on the 11H. The strength is affected by the !vastha of the

    Graha in following way6

    1. :;altationCfull effect #1' 

    ). 2riendly signChalf effect #1D)' 

    *. /nimical sign6 quarter effect #1D'

    . %ombust6 very minimal #1DE'

    ,!tent of Gains

    Saravali 34.8. #1' The effects relating to the 11th House, as mentioned above will be

    e;perienced right from birth, according to @avanas. #)' 5ut according o#a#sha, kings and

    heads of Fones stand to en-oy abundant gains #as against a common man'.

    • There are certain events in life which are e;perienced only at certain time in life while

    there are others which are e;perienced throughout. The events which are e;perienced

    only sometimes are6

    • agna self6realisation, )H /ncoming of huge wealth, *H 5irth of siblings, H

    !cquiring house, vehicles etc., 3H 5egetting children, acquiring power, =H %ourt cases,

    litigations etc., 7H arriage., EH Serious health haFards, H &ighteous activities, 1BHHonour, 11H Gain of friends, 1)H 2oreign travel, pilgrimages

    • 2or the above kinds of important events in life, one should use various timing methods

    such as natural age of Grahas, 5havas, use of

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    ). )H 2ood, speech

    *. *H %ourage, enterprise

    . H Home, mother etc.

    3. 11H Gains #sources, types'

    =. 1)H osses #sources, types'

    • These events don9t have to wait for the right dasa, transits etc. and happen throughout


    • The author quotes okaksha who says that the quantum of gains of a "ing is going to be

    higher than a normal person. This is line with the desha6kala6patra concept, which tells us

    that the same combination can yield different quantum of results depending on the

     background of the person, the place and the time.

    Sources of Gains

    hala"ee)i#a 1.6+. (ote the following two 5havas #1' The bhava owned by the Grahas placedin the 11th, #)' The bhava occupied by the lord of the 11th. The #gain' acquisition of ob-ects

    connected by the 5havas concerned may be predicted. #*' ! similar -udgement may be made also

    through planets occupying the 11th house.

    • The sources of all Gains are seen from the 11H. The sources of gains can be attributed to

    &asi, Graha and 5hava influenced by the 11H or the 11.

    • :ote the following regar"ing the sources of Gains-

    1. +lanets placed in the 11H. The bhava owned and the natural signification of the Graha

    can indicate Gains from their sources.

    ). 5hava occupied by the 11. The significations of the bhava can indicate the sources of


    *. +lanets con-oined with the 11. The functional and natural signification of the Graha can

    indicate Gains from their sources.

    . 5hava or Graha aspected by the 11. The functional and natural significations of the

    Graha indicate the sources of gains.

    • /t is important to note that among multiple significations only some of them are active in

    the matters of gain at any point in life.

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    • 2or instance, say ?enus is placed in the 11H for Sg agna. /t indicate that the time of

    marriage, the gains pertaining to ?enus will be prevalent. ?enus in ibra can indicate

    gains from Trade #i'. /n the 11H, it can indicate gain due to self6effort or friends #11H'or elder siblings #11H' or even spouse #?enus'

    Some im)ortant ogas from r. ;7 aman

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    eafness% /f Saturn or ars afflicts this combination.

    • 0upiter and 11H govern over hearing.

    • !ffliction of 11H, 11 and 0upiter by Saturn, &ahu can cause hearing loss. Hearing needs

    air as a medium, hence influence of Saturn J &ahu.

    • The influence of ars causing hearing loss need to be verified.

    owerful influence in the societ% /f the 11th lord and the occupants of the 11th house are powerful.

    • To be verified.

    *entall worrie" but financiall well-off% /f the 11th house is occupied by Saturn, ars, &ahu

    and the Sun with no other benefic aspects.

    • !ll Grahas give some or other forms of gain when in the 11H. Hence even malefics are

     placed in the 11H, they give gains.

    • However, they can give worries as well as the Gains will be tainted by the means

    indicated by the nature of the malefics.

    • The same can be said if the 11H is aspected by malefics.

    Some im)ortant ogas from $un"ali ar)an b Satavir Shastri

    1. 11 Sun in (eecha (avamsa, the native gains wealth from other9s wives.

    ). 11 ?argottama and under malefic influences indicate gain through bad associations. >n

    the other hand benefic influences on ?argottama 11 indicate gain from the govt.

    *. 11, and ) in the "endra from the oon, then the native gains wealth early in life. /f 

    0upiter is one of the 11, or ) and placed in the "endra to the oon, then the nativegains wealth, honour and position.

    . rdang yoga 11 in deep e;altation con-unction ?enus and the dispositor of the 11 in

    "endra from the g. Such native becomes wealthy after Bth year.

    3. Sharada yoga ?argottama and well associated 11 aspect the agna. Such native gainsfortune in the last part of life.

    =. 5harati yoga The navamsa dispositor of the 11 is e;alted and associate with the or is

     placed in the 11H. Such native is fortunate, endowed with lu;uries and is prosperous.

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    7. "alanidhi yoga * and the 11 are placed in the 7H, and 7 is placed in the strength in

    1)H. Such native attains much fame.

    E. ala yoga 11, ) and in own houses. Such native is highly fortunate, wealthy andfamous.

    . %handra yoga :;change between 11 and 3, and con-oined with the oon. Such

    native is famous and wealthy.

    1B. Ga-a yoga 1166o in 11H and aspected by . Such native is highly wealthy.

    11. (aga yoga 3 in H, and 116o in )H. Such native is highly fortunate and wealthy.

    1). ?idyut yoga 11 in deep e;altation con-oined with ?e and in "endra. Such nativerise in fortune early in life.

    1*. (ada yoga alefics in 3H611H a;is and benefics )H6EH a;is. Such native is e;tremelyhappy and contented.

    1. (adi yoga 5enefics in the 3H611H a;is and malefics in )H6EH a;is. Such native attainshigh position and authority in life.

    13. !rdhendra yoga !ll grahas #from Su to Sa' between 3H and 11H. Such native is chief

    among people, handsome and highly popular.

    1=. hile ) and 11 are friends to the , it indicates earning from righteous means.

    17. 11 in "endra or Trikona from g, malefics in the 11H, and 11 in uccha rasi or navamsaindicate high wealth.

    1E. 11 being a benefic in the 1BH, 1B in H and in 11H indicates e;cessive wealth to

    the native.

    1. ?e signs in 3H placed with e or ?e, and Sa in 11H indicates high wealth.

    )B. e signs in the 3H placed with e or ?e, and o or a in the 11H indicates high wealth

    )1. Su in 3H in own sign while 0u in the 11H indicates high wealth.

    )). 0u in 3H in own sign while e6o in the 11H indicates high wealth.

    )*. o in 3H in own sign while a in the 11H indicates high wealth.