uae code asphalt

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  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    1[[[~Lr ~ - 1 _l~.I ~ )T.r :l'l..,1

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    SECTION 3.,








    Three in-situ density tests shall be made per unit (750 sq.m.) of eachlayer of carriageway and three ln-sltu density tests per unit (450 lin.m,)of shoulder or as dire-cted by the Engineer .Special care shall be taken to ob ta in fIJ11com paction in th.e v icinity ofb oth lo ng itu d.ina l a nd tra ns vers e joints.BIT UM INOUS P AVING COURSES , D ESCR IPT rO NThis , work sha ll cons is t of theb itum in ou s c ou rs es

    B itum ino us P av in g Courses shall consist of coarse aggregates, finea gg re ga te s, fille r ma te ria l, a nd b i tumen binder. .COARS.E AG~REGATES FOR BITUMINOUS PAVING COURSECaafse-agg~ates, w hich is the material retaIned on a 4.75 m m sieve,shaUoons ls t of crushed reck or crtrshed grave l. It shall b e clean, hard ,

    __ c _~ur-~b le != :Dd__~~. !J I !C!_ f.~n_d,shallj '; le J?f ~r1if9f l !1.~JJ~~Jt~@dJree_.f l lml '-tfecomposed stone, shale, clay , lumps '~nd other deleierioussubstances. -Samplihg o f c oa rs e aggregate shall b e ln accordance withASTMD75..-, I ..

    Crusne.d gravel for use as coarse aggr~~te shal l consist of the productobtained by cru shing m ateria l tha~ has ' first been screene'd in such amanner that not less than ninety (gO) percent of the material to b ecrushed is retained an an.ASTM 3/8~ s ieve. .P,~rCen.tageof p r; lr tia ll y c rusbed faces w ith m inim u rn one q ru she d facesH:}O% by,.,weight O'f each (stookpile) of aggregate. In addit ion, at least~% b y'w eight of eacn separa te -s~ockp i1eo f ag 'g rega te sfi~1Ihave a l lfaces crushed. This B6% va lve ~fi1ay be reduced to 50% for certainGatego~es of roads where'irid ica led on the d raw ings - or in particularspecifications_ .C ru shed face d eferm ination s ha ll b e as per Del Test Meth od DMS 7and OMS B _ .Eac h s to ck pile c oa rs e a gg re ga te shall hav e pro perties tha t comply w ithth e fo I Iowing va luesL os A ng ele s A b ra sio n Loss(ASTM C -131 or C -53 5.)Base Course a nd B in der- CourseWearin g Cou rs e 30% Max25% max.Aggregate C ru sh ing Valu e (BS 812 :Part 110 )Base Course and Binder CourseWearing Course 25% max .20% ma x .SO llnd nes s Loss (ASTM C 88) 5 cyclesMagnesium Sulphate .1 0% max . r-

    Acid soluble Chlorides (BS 812: Part 117) f"'--"ui(S!EnuBAICONSTRUCTION CO. L.l.C(r.~~~~t~/16

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt










    jAcid soluble Sulphates (SSEN 1744-1:1998)Flakiness-Index (BS 812 P 105 Sec 105.1)B as e Cou rs e and ~indr CourseWe'aring Course 30 max. v-:"25 max .

    0.5% ma x .

    / E lo ngatio n\ Index (B.S812 P 105 Sec 105.2)vi' Bas e COu rse and Bind er C ou rse

    Wearing Course 30 ma x . v25 max.2.0% max.~ater Ab sorption (ASTM C 127)r

    Stripping test (ASTM 01664)Non -s trip pe d a re a 95% r D i n .FINE AGGREGATE FOR BITUMINOUS PAVING COURSE i/.Frneaggregate shall consest o f the material pasSing a 4.75 mm sieve.Fine' aggregate' including filler shal l be obtained frorfi 160%"crushedgravel or crushed rock pre-screened to exclude natural uncrushed finematerial or w eathered u nsou nc fines. The use of d une sand shall notbe permitted.Fine ag'greg ates shal l have properties whioh coniply with the followingvalues- ~ ,~- - - - - - - - -,9J.Jf ldMe~ ( ? c Y 9 1 e s ) loss, (ASTM C -BS), 10%max.Magnesium SUlphatePJastfcity Index(E lS 1377:'P art 2 -Tes t 5 )- t

    Non-Plas tic ,

    A cidSolu b J~ Chlo rid es(B S 812 :t:'art 117)Actd Solub le Su lpha te s(BSEN 1144-1~:1998)

    1.0% max.

    0.5% max ,

    . W a ter absorption(ASTM C-128 ) 2.3% m ax . "f "Sampling of fine aggregate s hall b e in accordance with ASTM D75.MINERAL FILLeR FOR BITUM INOU.S PAVING COURSEWhen the combined gradjng of the coarse and fine aggregates isdeficient in material passing the ASTM No.200 sieve, mineral filler shallbe added as approved by the Engineer at the Contractors expense.Mineral filler shall consist of finely ground particles of limestone or, cement in accordance w ith ASTM 0 -242. It shall be thoroughly dry andfree from organic substances and clay and meet the gradingrequirements foUowing:- Y UK SEL CUBA)CONSTRUCT ION CO. L.L .C;:: :' d ; $ ' : = J ? s , _ , . 4 t

    (A A\ 'Oecembe!!>ap96 ": ,...~ A

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    SECTION 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTIONGrading should be in accordance with ASTM D546 .



    TABLE 2-

    MINERAL FILLERB.S. SIEVE ~ ASTM SIEVE SI.ZE PERCENTAGE BYMASS PASSING600 micron No. 30 100300 micron No, 50 95 - 100150 micron No. 100 90 - 100.7 5 mioron No. 200 70 -1 DO

    Particle dsnslty test, as per 68812: P art 2: T 5.7COMBINED AGGREGATE FOR BITUMINOUS PAVING COURSESThe combined mineral aggre,gate shall meet the following physicalreq u i rements :Sand E qu iv alent (A STM D -2419 ), determinedDetermined after processing except foraadition of asphalt binder

    65 minimum


    . - -Plasticity Index BS 1377: Part 2':-'f~st-5) .Non-Plastic'~ ,When tested according to as. EN 933 ..1:1997 or ASTM C--1S6, thecoinpined mineral aggr~ate shall. conform to Table 1 for AsphalticConcrete and - Tables 2, 3 and4 for Derise B~umen Macadam:- .l 'AB ,LE I - AGGREGATE GRADING FOR ASPHALTlC OONCRETESIEVE SIZE . TOTAL PASSIN~ ( ~ Y W E I G H T )

    . SQU~~ENING - B A - S - E - C - O ' : : ' "U = i } t~ F : : " " "E - - -" '- '" , ,; ,8 - - I N - - > b - - ' .E = R - - W - - 'E A _ _ " " " ' R - - -- J : N - ~-c-;\' COURSE C O U R S E " - - - -31~qrnm25 m J T I '19mm12.olmm,9.5mm4.75 mm2.36 r o mO.85mm0.425 mm0.18 T r i m

    0.075 mm

    100,8 9 -10067-9'2 -45-7530-552.0-4015 -3010 - 22e -152- 8

    10080-100e3-8557 -7740-6025-4515-3010-226 -152-8

    1Q Oas .;10069 - 8758-7840-6025-4515 - 3010 -226 -152-8


    a.s TEST SIEVE AGGREGATE C R U S H E D ROCK O R GRAVELmm Percentage by Mass Passing5037.528


  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    I .. . 'L.. ' "L


    3/25.3 .

    3 1 2 6 . 4


    146.33.350.3000.075 ~

    Note: The aggregate shall be in a surface dry condition prior to mixing.TABL.E 3 AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR DENSE BITUMENMACADAM BASE CO~RSE .

    AGGREGATE CRUSHED ROCK OR GRAVELS,S TEST SJEVE Percentage by Mass Passing for RnishedThickness of Base Coursemm mm mm mm65-80 50- 60 35 - 4S50 100 - -37.5 95 100 100 -28 70 -94 90 - 100 10020 - 71 - 95 95 -100. _ , _ . . . - - 1 - 4 - ~-. ,'.. , 56 -76 .58'-- 82'~-=- ':.--.65 ; : - a s - ' , - .10 - - , 52 -726.3 44-60 , 44-60 39 - 553.35 32-46 32 -46 32 -460.300 7 - 21 7 -21 7 -210.0'75 2-8 2-8 2-8TAB.lE4 AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR DENSE BITUMENMACADAM WEARING COURSE

    6..5 TEST AGGREGATE. CRUSHED _ROCK OR GRAVELSIEvE PerCentage b y Mass Passing for Finishe.dThickness of Wearing Coursemm .m m . mm mm3&-50 25-30 2028 10.0 ' - -20 95 -100 1 0 . 0 . -14 70. - 90 95 -100. 10010 . 55.,75 7090 95 -10.0

    6 . 3 40-60 45-65 55-753.35 25-40 30-45 30 -451.18 15-30 15 - 30 15- 300,075 26 2-6 26

    The grading given in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent the extreme llmltswhkh shall determine slJitability of a,ggregate for use from aUsourcesof supply. The. aggregate as finally selected for use in the- work shallhave a grading within the limits designated in-Tables 1, 2; 3 and 4 asappropriate and for Table I may with the Engineer's agreementThe coarse aggregate, shall show no detrimental amount of strippingwhen tested in accordance with ASTM D-1664. The minimum value ofnon stripped area shaf be 95%. If stripping occurs, the aggY~tG8.mUBA'be rejected and an approved method of treatment~Q.HScr~i!!1N' CO . ll.C

    ~ ~_g: as..)Ji3/19 : ( P - r b U M m s , 2 e f i5 " L ~

    ., .

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    I 'r~1 -!~l - ~ ~ If ~ ~I ~I~~rr r j



    SECTION 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTIONthe material from a hydrophilic toa hydrophobic state as directed by theEngineer, or an approved additive shall be used with the bituminousbinder.

    3125.5 When necessary to im prove the coating o f a ,g gre ga te by b i tumen,ad ditives of approved ty pe will b e added to the b itum inous material ins uch percentage as req uired to ob tain s atls faotory res ults in the affinitywith b itum en test perform ed in accordance with ASTM - D 1664. Theapproved addit ive will be used in accordance with TectmlcalSpecif ications i ssued b y the manu factu rer and approved by theEngineer after appropriate testing.

    3/25.6 No extra payment will be m ade for required an ti- s tr ipp ing add it ives .3126 BITUMEN BINDER3126.1 B itumen B ind er fo r the "B itum inous . Pav ing Cou rses" shal l be BitumenB in de r p en etra tio n g ra de 8 0 - 70 unless otherwise specified as 40 - 50 .3126.2 The b itumen shall b e prepared by refin ing cru de petroleum b y s uitab le. ' - . _ _ ' " . ., .. ., . .. .. _ . ,, ~, . ,[ Il ethods .. ,. .a ['l d~shanbe homogeneou s, - free from water-and shall notfoam w hen heated 175 degrees C O (347 F). .3126.3 B itumen penetration gr;ade 60 - 70 and 40 - 50 shall conform to therequirements of Table 5. Samp~ng sHall be in accordance with ASTM0140 requirements

    TABLE 5 60 - 10 PEN \ 40 - 50 PENTEST ASTM MIN. M A X . MIN. MAXPenetration at25 deg. C 100g.S sec. 0.1mm Unit o S ~Q . 70

    D92 232

    0113 100

    02042 99

    D1754 0.80

    05 52

    40 50 __...-F Jas h P oint C lev eland O penCup.Oeg. CDucti Ji ty a t25 deg. Cern


    100Solubility tricoloroethylene % 99*Thin film oven 3.2mm, 163deg. C, 5 h r loss on heating % 0.80* Pene tra tio n o f re sid ue % oforiginal 55Ducitlity of residue at 25 deg.C 5 em/ 0113 50Kinematic Viscosity(Centlstokes) at 135 degl C 02170 240 - Y ~~EL DUBAlfI,.-'c

    CONSTRUCTION c O . L.LCt: '4 I! !If')H i.S~(~~~.J jwJ~/20

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt



    [~I'~r~I:{ l~

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    f_l"\I .1,ILI

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    ~~Softening Point Ring & Ball.apparatus (Unit - O eg, C ) 48--;r

    5236 51 55Specific Gravity Test D70


    3126 .4 A sample of the b itumen that the Contractor proposes to u se in thew ork, together w ith a s ta tem ent as to its sou rce and properties shall b esubmit ted to and approved b y the Engineer at least 45 days before thea spha lt wo rk begih. '

    3126 .5 No b itumen o th er than that represented b y the approved sam ple shallbe used by the Contractor except w ith the written consent of theEngineer. B lend ing of b itu men from d ifferent re fineries will not b epermit ted,For Asphaltic C oncrete the percentage range of b itu men by w eight ofto ta l m ix to b e added to the aggregate sha ll 'b e as prescrib ed in Tab le'6. ,For Den se .~ nMaciida fn_ ,tbe[jri'. -Table 9.

    3 1 2 6 . 6..:-1 .......,... 4 ........ = . - ~ . .. ,. ., .. ., ." .


    3127 JOB MIX FOR BITUM INOUS PAVING COURSES3127.1 The m iX 'approved for u se in the w orks s hall b e d es igned u sing M arshallte s ts lnaccerdanoe with ASTM 0 69'26 : 2004 for Marshall p'reparationand ASTM 0 6927 : 2005 for MarshaJl Tes ting , an d fie ld tria ls 'W ith t hefo llo win g re commendatio ns ta ke n in to a cc ou nt-

    For b ase cou rse the comb in ed a gg re ga t,e shall b e mod ified b ys ub s titu ting all ag gre ga te s iz es over 25 mm with an equal weightof aggregate s izes in the next lower grad ing s izes as spec ified inTables 1, 2, 3 and 4 ..

    . - The comb ine d agg re ga te grad atio n s ho uld be ad ju sted w ithin theallowab le lim its to achieve m axim um stab ility whils t not go ingb elow th e m inim um req u ireme nt for v oid con ten t.The m in im um b itu men b inder content accord lng to the resu lts ofthe Marshal l Method of Mix D es ign shou ld b e u sed prov ide that itw ill s till satisfy th e durability, the s tab ility and the void contentrequi rements .


    , YUKSEL DUBA ICONSTRUCTION CO . t.l.e19 (l w 5 . s i 3S~(,..,..lP a aem b$~ ,'" isS

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    SECTiON 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION'P r io r to final approval, the proposed job mix, b u t with a bituminouscontent at t_~e r p-ercentag~ Ii_m its .sha ll. b e _compa~ed torefusal, (400 a __0 b ws) and the result val . the rrnx shalln-ot b e less fh . ~ ' -. - f f i asphaltic coneretor 3% for _8M ., ,The f inal job mix m ust d isp lay the M arshall characteris ticss pecified in T ab le 8 fo r A sp ha ltic G on cre te and Tab le 9 for DenseMacadam . .

    1 i .r ~~ .I -f ~

    f 1([ -~"r :1 : :I ' :r "

    1 ~r ~

    3/27.2 Determ ination of VIM , VMA & VFB test me th od s ho uld be aDM S 9" ,3/27.3

    3121 .4



    1l . .L

    At least thirty d ay s (30 ) prior to the d ate he in tends to b egin produ ctionof plant-mix "Blturnlnous PaVing Cou rse" M ixes , and after receivingappreval of the aggre_gates and b itumen from the Engineer theContr ac to r s h all submi t a wr itt en request fo r th e app ro va l of the jqb-mixformula from the Eng In ee r; T he jo b -m ix formula w ill b e prepared b y theco ntracto r u nd er the supervision of th e Engineer in the L ab o ra to ry . T hejob-mix d es ig n a nd a c orre ctio n factor fo r th e aggregates fo r the ignitiontest ih accordance w ith ASTM 06307-98 sha ll b e checked at the Dub aiCentral Labo~tory.The laboratory job-mIX formula shal l be a single definite percentage ofaggregate pass ing each requ Ired s ieve s ize, a single definitePercentage of bitumen b inder to b e added to the aggregate, 8 singled efm ite temp eratu re at Which the m ix is to be - emp tie d from t he r ti ixe 'r ,and a s in gle d efin ite tempe ra tu re at whiCh the m ix i s to b e detjv~red tothe works site.The laboratory Job mix formula shal l be used for the bas is" of approvalanne job s tandard1i1 ix tlJ rs . -Trials areas having leflgtbs afal least 30 rn and to the specified layerthickness shalf be laid .outside the area of the permanent work: by th eContractor for the Engineers approval, before the start of theperm anent w ork. A t leas t tw o s am ples of nan-com pacted m ateria l fromthe trial area shal l be taken in accordance with ASTM ~979 and shanbe analyzed in the presence of the Engineer to detennine theaggregate grad ing and b ind er content. S tab ility , flow , M ars haIJ d ens ityand v oid s shall b e d eterm ined for Marshal l Specimens. T he res ultsshall b e submit ted to the Engineer an d s ha lr be approved b y him beforefurther mixing or la yin g is carried out.

    3/27.6.1 In the ev ent; any b i tuminous mix that ls cu rrently b eing u sed inanother ru nn in g OM p ro je ct, is proposed b y th e contractor for approvalof using that mix in this co ntract, th en p rior to th e ap prov al o r o the rW is e,th e E ng in ee r_w ill e ns u re th at:.- :---- 1) A ll copies oftes t reports pertain ing to the proposed m ix submitted-by the contractor comply with Specificatian requirements asstated in this contract and2) The proposed mix compiles with clause 3/27 of th is c on tra ct byverifying itat DeL. -l


    iLI~ -

    Note: Any mix that is obsolete & currently not I , n use shall not beaccepted at all..forre-approval. YUKSEL CUBA', CONSTRUCTION CO . L.L .C

    'pr-t4 r L *54X~(rf'.l) a ecemtsj006 !1ft' \fS/22

    - j

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    3/27.9"SECTION ~ r"" - " "". PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION

    [ -, _ J

    I ; "f ~ " .1 ~ ~'.Jr~



    I~L \

    AIl mixes produced shall conform to the Job Standard Mix approved bythe Engineer, within the ranges of tolerance specified in Table 7 (withinthe limits of Tab1e 1, 6 and B for"Asphaltic Concrete and Tables 2, 3, 4and 9 for Dense Bitumen Macadam). Each day the Engineer shall takeas many samples .of the materials and mix as he considers necessaryand minimum of one sample fo r every 300 tons laid or part thereof forchecking their required characteristics. When unsat isfactory results orchanged conditions make 'it necessary, the Engineer shall instruct the'Contractor to establish a new job-standard following approval of thenew m ix d es ign in accord ance with the preceding Clauses of 3/27.Shou ld a change in a mate ria l b e e nco un te re d or should a change In asource m ateria l b e m ade. a new job -s tand ard m ix s hall b e s ubm itted byth e Con tra cto r in accordance with the P re ce din g C la us es of 3/27 andapproved b y the Engrneer b efore the rntx conta in ing the new material isdelivered. Job Materials will be rejected if they are found not to havethe characteristics required b y the approved 'job Standard MiX.JOB MIX TOLERANCETABLE 7Aggregate retained on 4.7Smm sieve o r la rg erAggregate passing 4.75mm sieve and retainedon 0.85 mm .~gregate,pa5$fng 0.85mm sieve and retainedon O.075mm sieveAggregate passing O.075mm sieve-B itu men Bind er "Temperature of mixing and placin~

    + 1- 5%+/-4%+/-2%+/-1.0%+/-0.2%+/-10DG



    Number of Compactionblowat each end of 75 75 75specimenStab i li ty (Marsha ll )Min:in'lur:n(!i~~ .. -. . . . 9800 9800 11760Flow/Marshall) mm 1r:aO:2~~""" 8-16units &-16 8-16

    Stiffness, minimum (N/0.2S 1225mm) , 1225 1225

    Percent air voids 4-8 4-8 4-8YUK S E l D UM 'CO~$TRUCTION C O . L.L..C~~~.Jd~.'+.iJQ i~~~-~S p mner, ~

    -ercent velds t n minerai 133/23

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    .. r '

    r . >

    r ~rf "rI , '~-'r ~(:


    . .Lll




    aggregate, minfmum %(V.M.A)Percent voids filled withbitumen (V.F.B). 50-65 50-70 50-70

    Loss on stabmty should bein accordance w ith " DMS10"

    M ax. 25% Max, 25% Max, 25%

    F ille r/B itumen Ratio 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.4 .TABLE 9 'PRO PERTIES O F MIX FO~ DENSE BITUM EN 'M ACADAM


    Marshaf l specimens No.of C o m p o B l o W each endof specfmen75 75

    Voi~sin ~ix (% )Voids in M ineral ,Aggregate (%)Minimum $tability (N)

    7 11 6 9;-----.---, . .-'"14 20 14 20. . . . ,--

    7350 9800 . -7f0ft{ lo'fl;/~-8 16 B 16919 1225j 7 f l d J f S~3 . 2 4 . 0 3 : 5 4.1

    47 60 48 60

    25%- 25%Max. Max.

    Row , 0 .2 'SmmStiffne'ss, mirtimum(NJO.25 mm)Bitumen Cohtent(% of total Mix)Voids Filled withBitumen (%)Loss of Marshall stabilityin accordance with DMS10Samples of bituminous paving course mixes shall be taken from themiX in g p la nt anellor b eh ind the paver prior to compaction, as per ASTMD979 of lateet edition, check compliance with the approved job mixrequirements including Tables 1, 6, 7 and a for asphaltic concrete andTables 2,3,4,7 andstor Dense Bitumen Macadam .The density of the compacted mixes shall be related to the dailyMarshall Density which shall be determined by makJrig four StandardMars.hajj specimens from samples of the, Mix, taken. frVRs,, ~ g c . i~R,AI, ,.plant or paver. The density of each sample shae9N ~eT fd '. -

    ,j "r, CO. l.L.C~~~.J; ias~( f ' k e i e is 6 ' ., ~A~.3/24 e em r, 2 . ! i L L . * . . , . . . .

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    1 t..J ~f -

    SECTION 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRIJCTI0Ncompared . w ith the mean value, Anyitldivldual resu lt which Vanes fromthe mean .by more than 0.015 gm/cc shall be rejected. Marshal l testsshall be repeateden a, d aily b as is to establish th e dai ly Marshall Densityfor that particular day 's produotion, The daily M arshall Density shall notvary from the Job M ix :ign Density b y m ore than :t 1.0 % .

    r ' . ~

    r 'r~f ~ ~

    _ .,


    3127.13 The aas ls tence of the Engineer in the preparation of the job s tandardm ix 'in no w ay relieves the Contractor of the respons ib ility of prod ucinga b itu m lnou s m ix . m eeting the req uirem ants of the S pecifications .

    3/28 EQ U IPM,ENT FO R BITUM INOUS PAVING OPERATIONS3/28.1 Method statement and 'equ ipmen t list shall bsacco rding. to the type and

    numbe r outlined in the Contractor's' detailed Progpamme of Work, asapproved b y the EngJneer. R eq uirem ents for m ajor plant are ou tlined inClause 1/29 o f these ' Specifications..3/28.2 In addition to the ab ove requfrements , trucks used fo r haulihgbitUIT)ihousmix s~aUhave tight, olean,smooth metal beds which haveb een thinly c;oated with a minim al amount of paraffin oil, lime solution;

    or dtherappravec! material to preve:nf the mix from adheringfo the_~f5tQ.s . ' f l , e . - n , required D Y ' t h e E ;nglnee r, each, veh!q_I~~I l . .b&~quipp~d.w ith a canvas cover or other su itab le Materia l of such s ize as to protectthe m ix from the w eather..frI '!:'. 3128.3 RQ II,iI" l9 , I?gu~pmEmtshali besa!f-propel led. The wheels on the rollersshall b e e-q ,u ipp~ with adJus tab le scra.~rs and the rollers shall havew ater tanks a nd s prink lin g a ppa ra tu s, which shal l b e used"to keep thewflee'l wet and preventthe surface material from sticking.

    3129 PREPARATION OF(BITUM EN BINDER.3l29.1 The, heating of' the~itomen binder for mixing and com pacting shan be inaccordance w ith ASTM 01559.313'0 PREPARA nON OF MINERAL AGGREGATE FOR B .ITUM INOUS M IX3130.1

    i. C oars e and fine aggregate shaU .b e s tored at the asphalt. plant in su ch amanner that. the s ep ara te s to ck pile s' will no t become intermixed. Thestookpi,lesshall ' be of su ffic ient s ize to provide a rn ln lm um quantity ofone week's, continuous production of asphalt mix. Taking intoconsidera.tion the f requency of ag,gregate tes ting as mentioned inClause 3/47.2 egg,reg,ates . b rou ght to the as phalt p lant to. s upplements tocks s hou ld be tes ted and approved prior to ' placing in th e e xis tin gapproved stockpiles.

    n : The cold b ins shall b e calib rated w ith th e materia ls to be used and thesettings shal l be such as to p'roauce a combined gradation inaccordance with th e job mix form ula. The proportioning s hall b es uchthat surp luses and shortages in the hot bins wlll no t cause b re ak s, in th econt inuous operation. AI! the above shal l be as approved by th eEngineer.

    m . The materi.afs shall be thoroughly dried.and heated so that theirtem peratu re is within +1- 8 deg.C. of the temperatu re needed to satisfythe viscosity requirements of th e asphalt cement The moist~S'!Et CUBAI

    CQMSIR "CT]ON CO. ,L,L.C3/25 SePte~~as~

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  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt



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    ,( ~~I 3/31.1L . .l~" ' 3/31..2!..I ~ ,J':.._,

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    3/32. . . . , .


    , .t ,L ,. . . .

    of the heated and dried materials shall not exoeed 0.5; percent. Thequantity of materials fedap through the drier shall in all cases be held toan amount which can be thoroughly dried and heated within the limitsspecified .Immediately after heating, the aggregates shal l be screened into atleast five (5 ) sizes and conveyed into separate bins ready for batchingand mixing with' bituminous material. When the aggregates suppliedareof such 'size and grading thflt separating into five (5) bins is impractical,the number of required s eparatlcns m ay be reduced to four (4 ) or tothree (3) with the approval of the Engineer. The efficienoy of thescreening operations shall be sufficient to produce, at plant operatingcapacfty, gradations in each of the sizes, of heated and died aggrE!gateswhich are reasonably uniform and result the production or a mixcomplying with the l imits specified for the agg rega te gradation.PREPARATION OFBITUMINOUS MIXDried aggregate as specified and prepared as prescribed above shallb~_cornbinf3CI j i ) _ the plaht conforming to ASTM D 995,- 8 a in theapproved proportions. The bitumen binder shall be intrddueed into themix in the proportion specified by the job-mix formula.The initial mixing timewilJ 'b e deSignated by the Engineer. Mixing timemay be Increased by the Engineer if additionaJ time is necessary toob ta irr a homogeneous Mix and satisfactory coating.Theb,atch plants, timing. shall .beg in at the start of the introduction of-~ bifiJ-meninto the pugrnlll,The length of mixIng time (or. confinuo\Js plants will be determined bythe following formula or other approvedmethcde:

    Pugmill dead load capacity in K gPug'mill output in Kg/second

    ihe temperature of the aggregate immediately prior to mixing shall bewithin a deg_C of the temperature afthe asphalt cement and thetemperature of the aggregate and asphalt prior to mixing shall beapproximately that of the completed mix as defined in the job mixformula approved by the Engineer. The mix temperature shall be withinthe lirrnts setout in the job Mix formula when emptied from the mixer.

    Mixing time in seconds

    SURFACE PREPARATIONWhen the Bttuminous Mix is placed on a prepared roadbase andwhether or not a prime ooat is designated on the Drawings, theGranular Roadbase sball be even and firm and within the constructiontolerances specified for the road base to the satisfaction of theEngineer.


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    1 ', I I .r -rf,f '~r : - , . . - -{ ~L ~ :( ,[ :

    l ': ; - 'l

    SECTION 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION3/32.2 When the paving layer 'is constructed on an existing bituminoussurface, shall be cleaned of all foreign material and broomed free ofdust. In addition any loose, broken or shattered bituminous materialalong the edges of the existing surface shall be removed, and th eexposed sUb-grade ~and a sufficient width of the shoulder adjacent tothe edge of the eXisting surface to receive the new bi tuminous mix shal lb e shaped , b lad ed , com pacted a-nd b room ed and primed to prov ide auniform firm subgrade for th e new surfac-e course.3/32.3 The. existing bi tuminous surface, base, or subgrade shall be removed jf

    broken, shattered, o r unstable. The areas shall be excavated to a deptha s d ire cte d by th e Eng ,rn ee r, and refilled with the B itu rnmous M ixaccordIng to the Specifications.

    3/32.4 Prior to th e placing of th e mix, when designated on the DraWings ordirected by the Engineer. a prime coat or tack coat shall be applied tothe road-base or surface in accordance with the SpeCification for PrimeCoator Tack Coat.3133 PLACING OF THE M IX3133.1- - .. - - All bituminous mixes shan be ifltroduced to the paver at.a lemperatur.eno lesathan 135 deg.C and not more than 163 deg.C. Mixes outsidethis temperature rang.e shall be discarded.3/33.2 The bi~mil'!Ous mix $f:!allt!e spr~ad and finished to crown an_dgrade byautomatically controlled bi tuminous paver. Bituminous mix may b~spread and finished by hand methods only where machine methods afeimpractical as determined by the Engineer.

    The automatically con tr ol led p -a iv e rs~alllay tbe bitumil"lou~ mix withoutteating the surface and shall stn1

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    I "I " .r 'f.,l i _ :

    shall pave the tratling half to a point approximately even with theleading half.3133.8 Unless otherwise dlreoted by the Engineer, where successlve layersare to be placed, the of the existing layer shall be swept clean with apower broom, or by other means as approved b y the E n,ginee-r, and atack coat applied. Tack coat may not be required where the delay

    between courses laying is less than 48 hours and when the surface isfresh and clean' and, at the discretion of the Engineer. The rate ofapplication of tack coat to be between 0.2 to 0.6 Um2.3/33.9 Aspha.ltjc concrete m ixes , except le ve lin g cou rs es shallbe laid at an. uncompacted thickness such that, after rolling the thicknes s -of the

    compacted layer shall be:8ase Course : Min. 6 cm Max. 10 emBinder Course: Min. 5 em Max. 8 emWeating Course: Min . .4 C I 1 1 Max. 6 emHowever, OBM thickness shan be as specified In tables 3 and 4.

    c -::rne maximu~thickness for layers may be increased s lightly -when suchincrease Is more adaptable to to ta l pavemenfthibRness ant::!When in theopinion of the Engineer it is not detrimental to placement and rollingconditions. .'f'I "c;--- .. --------3134--~----- ----P-RELlMINAR-SURVE-ANO ..RaF-eRENCE-Sl'RING--LlNE---------- ...----


    3134 .2


    The Contractor shall make the necessary sUlVey required for therefsrenge grade. When the survey is ~pproved by the Englneer, theConti"ad to r shaI l erect and maintain an app ro ved referenoe string line,. -an d operatathe paver to conform to t h e , reference string line for the"-inltl~ r a y e t andlor any either layers as directed. ElevatIon control pointS t kes for the first layer of bituminous paving course shall be set at 2max imUm s pacing of -twenty (20) meters. For subsequent layers,control points shall be set at ten (10) meters maximumspadng. TheContractor shall furnish and maintain an approved moblla string line fora ll la yers not laid with the erected string line. The string line shall beerect.ed parallel to the reference grade, and the bituminous mix shall bespread at a constant elevation above, below or at the string lineelevations as directed.The use of the automatically controlled bituminous paver, to provideboth Iqngitudinal and tra ve rs e con tro l, shall include t he fu rn ish ing andmaintaIning of a string line, fixed or mobile, by -the Contractor. Thelongitudinal and traverse controls shall operate independently of eachother, to the extent that the surface of the bituminous mix will conformto the string line and wUl be uniform in cross-section and crown.The Contractor shall establish the centerline paints and shalf maintainthe location of the points until the completion of the surfacing or asdirected. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall erect astring lihe, to be used as a guide for the finishing machine, in order tomaintain < 3 u niform ed ge alignment. If any other methoQAss-n.r..o,Q,Qs~ct~the Contractor, it shall first be approved by the E1J9inee~Uf\~t:L..DU6AI

    . cONSTRUCTION CO . L.L.C~.J J. wS-,# a s ~3/28 (rr.l) D ece"'k& 'z,oo ;L1~jS

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    r '3/353135.1

    r . ,3/35 .2


    - .......... ~.-:::r-. ,!"I",.




    BITUMINOUS LEVEL.LING COURSEA leveling course, consisting of a layer of bituminous material variablethickness rilay be used , to eliminate ir regu la ritie s in existing surfaces Ofbases and to v ary existing cross-section elements of roadways.

    In areas where le ve lin g co urs es a re re qu ire d, as shown in the drawingso r d ete rm ined by the Engineer, the Contractor shal l make a survey ofthe exIsting surif j lce or base. When the survey is approved, theEngineer will determ ine and inform the Contractor of' the preciselocations a rid th ic knes s of levellng c-ourse to obtain the smoothestpossible riding surface, Upon receipt of the locations and thicknessfrom the Eng ln se r, th e Con tra cto r shall proceed with the placement ofthe leveling Course.THTCKNESS CORESThe depth of each b itum inous pav ing course shall be measured bycoredsamplea, T h e Contractor shall furnlsh and ope ra te a n a pprov ed_ c m . e c;lri l l f .or c u f t l n g samplesfrotrLtl1a:c:g_lJ.lgacit.d.-~or:; l..~oa&t~!tJ~equipment shall be capable of cutting the mix without shattering the'ed~es of the- specimen or otherwise disturbing the density of thespsclmen. The nlminal si2e of the Coredsa,mples shall be ten (10)centimeters .l n t r r a m e t e r far binde'r course and wearing course a n afifteen (15) cEmtit,Deters in d!amete!'r for base course and road base.Cores shall be obtaihed in accordanoe with ASTM 0 .979' in ' sets of two(2) from the same locatlon of the road.OpTes extracted I for th~ckn~ss measurement may be USeQ for c l e . n s i t ydetermination and dehsity samples may b.e used for thioknessmeasurements Determination of1hickness and 'density of core samplesshall be determined in accordance With ASTM D3549 & ASTM 01188o r ASTM D2726 resPectiVely an d as required by Engineer. _Coressampil?S shal l be taken after completion of rolling minimum after24 hours andJl~ lat~~1tian 32hrs. or cODtractor shaH ptdpose the date

    ~~ I --~~.""!f'rI - . ~- ;~ani:! time of o o ' r t n g or ,re-coring to the Engineer. The approval will begiven after consultation with DM Uaison Engineer.COMPACTION OF BITUMINOUS LAYERSAfte r sp read ing and s trike o f, and as soon as the mix c ondftio ns perm itthe rOiling to be performed without excessive shoving or tearing, themixture shall be thoroughly and u niform ly com pacted . Rolllng will not b eprolonged to an extent that c ra ck s appea r.Rollers shal l be o f the steel-wheel and pneumatic tyre type and shallbe in good condition, capable of reversing without backlash, and shallbe operated at speeds slow enough to avoid displacement of thebituminous mix. The number and weight of roUersshal l be suff icient tocompact the mix to the required density while it is still in a workablecondition. The us~ ofeauipment which results in excessive crushing ofthe aggregate will not be permitted. A minimum of three (3) rollers, two(2) steel-Wh~el and o~e (1) pneumatic tyre type, shal~ t:tnBAIeach spreadmg operation for each f~ne. CONSTRUCTION CO l .. . .L.e'.. MI W% ; 4~

    (f'rly~mbe~6 'mJ ,JS/29

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    1 I ,-J ~JI ,O fr ,

    r - .-r ,-{ "

    1. '("![!Il_l !Lli


    SECTION 3 UCT10N3/37.3



    3 Y 3 7 , 6 -


    3 1 3 1 . 8


    3 1 3 83/38..1

    ,The Contractorshall provide adequate back...up .squipment 'for use inthe even of mechantoaltallure, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.Initial o r b reakdown~ rol lin g shall be done : by means of either a tandempow er s teel roller or three-wheel roller fo llowed by a pneumatic ty rerolier or asagreed b y the Eng ine er, R oU lng shall beg'in as soon as them ix will b ear the toller W ithout undue d isplacement. Rolling shall b elongitudinal" beginning at the low side of the spread of materia l andproceed lnq tow ard theM ig~h sid e, Q v erlapping on s ucces sive pass es b yat [east one half (1/2) the width of the near w heels . A lternate passes ofthe roller s hall b e ois llghtly d ifferent lengths .The motion of the roller shall at all times be slow enough to avoidd isplacement of the mix. To prevent adhes Ion of the mix to the roller,the wheels of the rollers shall b e kept properly mois tened w ith w ater,bu t an excess o f will not be pe.rmitted.Under no circumstancesshaH th e use of diesel fuel or any o ther sSphal ts tr ipping 'a-g'entbe usedfo r preventing adheslonof the asphalt to the roller wheels.Firnal compaction and finish foiling shaUb a done. b y means of tandemptiwer steer-roller. unlessathe-rNlse direCtea.-wnefi the specifie'ddensitY is not -cibtained, changes In the -si.ze~andlor number of rollersshall be made as corrective measures, to satisfy the densityrequirements.RoUer shall ~e operated by cornpete:nt and expenen:_ed rciter men and_shaJibe kept in ope.ration continuously f t necessary, so that all parts ofthe pavement will receive substantiaUyequal com paction at the t imedesired. The Engineer will order the mixing plant to cease operation at: a n y tim e proper rolling lsnot beIng. performed . .The road denstty' requirements shall beequal to or gre ater th an ninetyeight 98 eroent 'of the avera e Marshall density o f each day'spro .ucfJon for weanngeou rSean . I' et seven . 9 . ercent of thea ve ra ge Mars ha ll d ens ity of each day's Production for aepnamc .road-base , base-course and binder course .. However, densit ies in excess of101.8% shall n o t . be perm itte d .Any mix that b ecomes loose, b roken, m ixed with foreign materia l orwhich is In any way defective in finish or dens ity or whioh cloes notcomply in o ther respects With the requ irements o f the Specification Sha llb e removed, replaced with new mate rials , a nd finished in accordancewith the Speciffcati'ons. 'RE-ROLLING O F BITUMINOUS COURSSSShould any bituminous course fall to achieve the s pecified d ens ity , atthe discretion of the Engineer re-rolling may be allowed subject, to thef oJ lowing cond iUons :i. the densification to be achieved shall be 1 % o r le ss .ll, Only PTR's to be used weighing no greater than 18 tons.

    YUK-SEl D UBAICONSTRUCTIONCO.l.LC~iOa UWi:itias ... - R~cem"Oer Ztlae ~(f':'F.~JO, tQ~..t53/30 r.' 1

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    1 -J ~f - -r ~ ~r ~ -r~r \ ~r :Jf '~[ :(~[ :




    '-'iiil~) < .l .

    r o[ ~


    iii. Re-rolling to take place within 72 hours from the time of the initialrolling of the asphalt.iv. Re-rolling to take place at the t ime of the day when the asphalt hasattained its maximum natural temperature.v . Re-rolling to be applied for a maximum of two hours.v i. Re-rolling to be carried out in the presence of the Engineer'sRepresentative.VIi. The section of the works in question shal l be cored for densitydetermination immediately after the comple t ion of re-rolling.viii. If after re-testing, the density achieved is 0..5% below the specifieddensity, the asphaltIc m aterial w ill b e accepted in the works sublec tto a 20.% reducnon to the billed rates. If, on the other hand, thedensity is gre~ter than 0.5% beloW the specified density, theasphaltic materia, shaH b e removed and new material to the

    specification laid at tbe Contractor's cost ,CONTACT SURFAOESContact eurfaces between the bituminous paving and of kerbing,gutter~; hi~'r"holes~ arid other appurtenances shall be painted with a thinuniform coaUng of tack coat as approved byt[le Engineer. -JOINTS IN BITUMINOUS PAVINGJoiht.s t : ) e t w e r e o .old a1'1Pne.w pavernen~ or be tween s uoc ,e s~ iv e dayiswork shat, q e made to ensure thorsUQ_h and cont inQous bandingbetweel) th e -two_AJI construction joints in previously laid material shallbe construGt6d Q Y cutting the material baak vertically fo r its fU ll depth - toexpose a fresh surfaoe.Before plaCing the fresh mix against a cut joint or against old pavement.the contact surface shall be sprayed or painted With a thin un1 fonn c oa tof tack coat. Where a finishing machine is used the longltudinal jOintshall be made be overlapping the screed on the previously laid materialfor a width of at least three (3) centimeiersand depositing a sufficientamount of mix sa that' the jOint formed will be smooth and tight.The reinforcement fabric is specified for use on longitudinal joints, itshall-meet the following specifications:Raw ma te ria lCo~tingweightmesh sizeUltimate strengthss6906; P1 (kN)Elongation at break886906; P1 (%)Strength at 3% elongation


    PolyesterB ltu rn ln ou s o r a s p er man ufa ctu re r'srecommendations240g /mm230x30 mm :50 longitudinal,50 transver-se12 longitudinal,14 transverse12 longitudinal YUKSEL DUBAJ

    CONSTRUCTION CO" L.L.C( f ' . ; , ~ r g m : t : : i !a 5 ; 7 . 1 _ g S

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    f .SECTION 3

    10 transverse31413/41.1

    PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION8S'6906; P1PROTECTION OF COMPACTED LAYERThe Contractor shall protect all sections of n.ewlycompacte d p av emen tfram trafflo until they have hardened sufficiently to the approval of theEngin.eer, On heav ily trafficked roads du ring the summer months aminimum period of 7 days must elapse before the newly compactedpavement is traff icked.

    3142 COMPACT ION TRIA LS FOR B ITUM INOUS COURSES3/42.1 Prior to the commencement of the bituminous paving operations, theContraCtor shall construct trial lengths, of at least 30 meters. Thematerials used in the trials shall be those approved for use in theb itu minou s pavfng courses and the equ ipment u sed shan be thataccording to the Contractor's approved detailed Method Statement andequipment I1stand the programme ofwork,3/42.2 The objeCt o f these trials is to determine the adequacy of the

    " ~--~"--- .f~ --"eontractD~s ., , the loose depth-measerements-necesaary to[,result in the specific eompact~d layer depths, an-dth~ relatlo-ryshipbetween the number of compaction passes and the resiJlting,qensity of

    r ' ~ the mate~:al.3/42.3 The Cohtractor may proceec:lwith the bi~mjnous paying operations... ohly after the method and procedures established by the 'compaction[ trials have been approved by the Engineer. .J 3/43 SURFACe TOLERANCE FOR BITUMINOUS COURSESr ~ : 3143.1 ~~,fi.n~ compaction t h e f i n l ; ; t ; d surfaces of the individual layers shallfan~-wil:hin the foilpWing maximum tclerances, measured with a 3 mL ~ straightedge laid in any direction.Base Course 6 mmI(~L

    3143 .2

    Binder Course 6 mmWearing Course 4mm

    i. The rid eab ility of the fin is hed w ea rin g cou rs e when te ste d w ith a LaserRead Surface Testing MaChine shall have an IRI (IntemationalRoughness index) not exceeding the following values:Averag.e value over a 400 metersection .:: 0.90


    Peak value over 25 meter section .:: 1.5(not more than 2 values per 400 meters)The amplitude of the longitudinal profile of the road, filtered betw-een (a)I meter and 3.3 meters and (b) 3.3 meters and 13 meters shall notexceed the following values: Y UK SEL DUBAI

    CONSTRUCTION CO. L.L.e, I.' [ It" 'Sft ' f!S:~_::0 . . .I

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    r~r - ~ -r~r . ~

    l~~I i ,(~. . .r rL ~ :(~(~



    1m3.3m -

    3.3m13m ~ 1.8 mm~3.5mmAU hu mps and d epress ions exceed ing the specified tolerance shall b ecorrected b y remov ing the defective work and replacing it with new 'm ateria l as d irected b y the E ngineer at th e Con tra cto rs c os t.TOLERANCE IN B ITUMINOUS P AV ING THIC KNES SThe thlckness of the b itum inou s pav ing courses s ha ll b e d eterm ined inaccordance with ASTM 03649. .For the pu rpose of es tab lishing an ad ju s ted unit rate for b itum inouspav ing cou rses , u nits to b e cons id ered separately are d efined as threehundred (300) l inear m eters in each tra ffic lane. The la st 'u nit in eachlane shall b e three hund red (300 ) meters plus the fractional part o t -three hund red (300 ) meters remaining. At least three (3) samples ofcores . in set of 2cq res shall b e taken at rand om from each u nit b eings ampled (l.e , s ix 0 . 0 re s per u n i t ) .

    -. 3/~.3' ---- ''- -O th er a re as - s uCh a s irite r~ eC tio n's -; e - n t f a r i c e s ; ~ c l t " S s o v e r s . - r a m p s : etc. .W i l l be considered as one unit and the th ickness of each "unit shall b edeterm ined separate ly . Sm all irregu lar unit areas m ay b e inclu ded as~rt of another unit, .A t s LIGh,painttits.Jhe I i i : .ogmeer may .s ~e ~tio .ea chlih it. three (3) sam ples of cores in set c if2 co re s s ha ll b e ta ke n fc r.s ac hu nit of biturninOlls pav iRg cou rs e. On-e u nit s hall represent an area ofnot more th an 1125 sq.rn .

    3 /44 .2




    Ifitle Sampl~fof ~ G 1 ? r r ; , .s o:taken is ; rig" t!efj'cj~lit by,,1t '9teJhan th~e (3)mi ll ime te rs - fr orn the ' s 'l il ec ifje d th ic ;l

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt



    f "r . '

    r ~ ~ , I Ir ~ "( .[:.

    f 1" .;-r -

    COUfS'e in this area will be determined by taking additional cores in two(2) sets at not less than three (3) meter intervals parallel to thecenterline in each direction from the affected location until, in eachdirectlon a core is, found which IS not deficient by more than ten (10)mil l imeters, Of fifteen (15) pe rcent {whichever is ' les e}, As phalt areaswhich are deftclent b y more than ten (10 ) rom or 15% (whichever isless) shall be r:emavedand replaced at the contractors expense.Exploratory core for different thickness may be used in average foradjl .Jste'dunit prtcs. (Rafer to the Bill of Q u antities .. Preamb le s fo rPavement . Cons truc tion fo r p rice ad jus tments ).





    The contractor shalt cu t t he ; samp les With an approved core d rill in thepresence of t n a . , The equipment shall be 'Gapabl~ 'of cuttingth e mate ria l W ith ou t s h;:itte ring tb e ed g,e s o f the specimen. The Rom inal .size of the Samples sh4JI be fen (to) centimeters in diameter for bindercourse ~d w 'e arin g cm .ir sf) a nd fifte en ( 1.5 ) Centime te rs In ' diamete r forb ase cou rse and road base. ?AlI' hole s s h? lll befille_g~nd made goad Witj1 approved material b ytJie Contractor at his"expens8.WEATH ER UMITATI.O NS FO R PAVIN G O PER ATIO NSHot bituminous mix shall b e placed when the air tem peratu re is eight(8) degrees Cor ab ov e"and when the weather- is not dusty, foggy orrainy and when the exis ting su rface is free from mois tu re . B ituminousm i x sha ll not b e place d during sand s torms. .No pav. ing ope ra tio ns s ha ll b e started if ra in is imm inen t..MINIMUM TEST REQ U IREMEN TS FO R BIT UM INOUS COURSES

    ;:!il;~,~"":r"';lt'l~~ -:"."""~'-"f"-: shall b e tes ted fo r penetratlonand0 : : " " " ' 1 " " 0 0 1 1 . ' 1 lll.t,iiin;:;'El or-part thereof. Other tests specifiedin dause,3/2B.3 Table ,shal l be determlnedat the time of sourceapproval .or whe re ve r th ere is a change in tns source of supply and theEngineer w i l l , if he deems it necessary.


    .YUKSEl DUBAICONSTRUCTION CO . L.l.C~ ~ ~ . . . ~ .~ ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ _ c . . . .~~(r"f.":.I) u ttrSJ jwJ~

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    I -r[ '"

    rr r ~ .[ \.i

    [ ,~

    iL~l~LI._ .---,

    SECTIDN 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION* To 260 deg. C 02026 20 6 0. . To 316 deg. C 02026 65 90

    Res idue from d is til la tionto 360 deg. C, percent byvo lume difference. 55T es ts on res id ue fromdistil lation:

    Pene trat ion (0.1mm) 25 deg . D 5 120 250C , 100g 5 s ec. - Duc til ity 25 C (5cm I m in) cm 0113 100

    - So lub i l it y intnch lo roe thy len 0'2042 99pre sence o f W ater pe rcen t % D95 0 .2

    3148.3 Prime Coat shall be applied at a rate of not less than 0.7 liters R er. s q uare metera nd not-more thant.B l i ters"persquare m e t e r ~- - - - .3148.4 The exact rate Q f application, whieli may, b e varied to suit field'conctItiQ ,l'ls,. W m be qetermined by th e E ng ineer following trials to bec arrie d o ut t i y tH e Contractor.

    The surface to b e p rime coaled shall be unlformly smooth C lnd firm andtrue to the grades and cross-sect ions shQwn. .on th e d rawin gs wittJinspecifi~ tolersnoes, and so mafntaineCi throughout ~time- coatin.g.Prime coat 'shall not be placed on a s~ft:~uneven bas&-Aily holes,depTessions\~r; irt.~ul~ritie~ shall be relJ,alr~ by the rern~y,alof l oaseand lInsu itq :cle m ateria l and . its replacement WitH suif

  • 7/31/2019 UAE Code Asphalt


    SECTION 3 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION3/48.8 The Contractor shall furnish and spread at his cost sufficient clean finesand, o-fan approved quality, to blot up areas which show an excess ofprime coat.


    3/48.9 The primed surface shall be maintained in a good, clean condition atall times un til th e next cou rse is placed. Arty s urface irregu larities orhales in the primed surface, however cau sed , s hall be repaired andcorrected to th e Eng in ee r's s atis fa ctio n,3/49 B ITUMINOUS TACK COAT3/49.1 B itum inous tack coat shalt cons is t of supplyIng and app ly I ng emu ls ifie d

    as phalt d ilu ted w ith an equal quantity of water (1: 1) to a prev ious lyp re pa re d b itum in ou s base course or binder course or to an eXistingb l tumlncus surface in accordance w ith th is specification.r r 3/49.2"

    f :~,;. .- . + ' . - ._LI~

    r _, .r -it

    j L '*~l I~ lLLtL ,l - ~. \I

    The materials for b itum inous tack coat shall b e s low setting emulsif ied~sphalt, grade ss-rn (anlonlc) conforming to the requlrernents ASTM0977. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM 0140, V is co sity te stshall be conducted 1n accordance with ASTM 0 244:2000 for every~a.. Q O ' - L l t e " r s or p a r t thereof. Other tests specified in Tab le 10 A s h a n be-:- "'-1' ~detem,iRed' at tI:Ie tim e ofsou rrce 08pproval or whenever-there lsa"cn2mge in the source of 'supply and the -Engineer wllr, if he deems itnecessary.


    Density a t 1 5 c le g.CSaybolt Furo l Viseasity at 25deg CStorage stability Test 24 Hrs

    Kg/Lsfs 20 100%Wt 1 max

    OJstU I.ationResidue from distil lation to 260degC % V ol 57

    Test of residue from DistillationPenetration at 25 deg C (100gm)5 sec

    mm 40 90

    So lub i lity in T richl oro Ethylen %Wt 97.5Ductility at 25 d eg em /m in- 5 cm cm 40 min

    The sample shall meet the requirements of SS1--h grade specificationas per ASTM 0-977 with respect to the above tests. Tests shall beconducted as per ASTM D 244:2000

    3 f 37

    YUKSEL DUBAICONSTRUCTION CO. L.LC' " '2~as~.. ecember 0'6(rr.~f=:. i~t.JjS

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    l'"L(r[ l,I

    3150 .2

    SECTION 3- PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION3149.3 The tack coat (diluted ernulsiort) shall be applied in quantlties of notLess than 0.3 liters per square meter and not more than 0.6 lltsrs persquare meter.3 1 4 9A lmrnedlately befare applying the tack coat, al l loose material, dirt, clayor other ob jec tionab le mate ria l, s 'haJ I be removed from the surface witha power b room or b lower supplemented with hand brooms, as d ire cte dby the Engineer. After the cleaning operation, and prior to theapplication of the tack coat, an inspection of the area to be coated willoli made by the Engineer.3149.5 The BpplicaQ{lf] temperature for the tack shall be between10~deg. Csnd 60 deg. C as directed b y t he EngIneer . The material should no t beappUed when the amb ient temperatu re is less than 13 d eg.C or duringraln, fag, dus t s torms or other unsuitable- weather.3149.6 After application the su rface shal l be anowed to q r y to' the propercond ition of tacklness to receive the following 'pavem ent cou rse, Tackcoat shan be. appli.ed only_s.o fa r I n advance to pavement courses t o

    obtain theproper condition of taoklnessafid the Contractor shall protect__ .....~t[:l.~ _ a k . 9 , o a & f r o m dama,ge' during J p i p e r io g . ." . ~ _ ~ - . ' " < . .. .- . " , " , _ _3149 .7 .I f the completed tack ccat is damaged by rain or dust, it shall be'aHowed to dry, cleaned by power broom or b1owerand, if required bytne. EI1gineer1 an add i tl on a .1 light apptfcation ofta~' coat shallbi3applied. No add it ional payment shall b e-m ad e fo r this:work.3/49.8 Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, a tack coat is not necessary, theContraal:.orshall clear at his expense the existing surface 'free o f dustand other deleterious material as paragraph 4 abov e . .3150 APPUCAnON AND HEATING EQUIPMENT .FOR LIQUJD AS.PHALT,3150.1 A self-powered pressure distributor should be used for appiying:asphaltrnbdure. The distributor shall have pneumatic tyrss dfsuch width- andnumber that the load produced on the base surface shall not exceed11"0 Kg per cen time te r of tyre wfdth,and shaH be so designed andequipped es to d is tr ibu te the bituminous material uniformly at even heaton variab le wid th, of su rface at readily determined and con tro ll ed rates'from 0:2 to, 7.5 lit,srs per sq.m, with a p re ss u re range of 1..25 Kg taS.2Kg per s q .rn , a nd with a n aHowab le variation from any specified ratenot

    exceed ing 5 percent. Distributors and booster tanks shaJ I b:esomaintained at all items that. no dripping of bituminous material will occurfrom any part of the equ ipment. .D is trib ution eq ulpm entshall inclu de an ind epend ently operated b itu menpump, technometer pressure gauges, volume measuring devices, athermometer for read ing the temperatu re of tank contents, anda hoseattachment for ap ply in g b itumin ou s material to spots unavoidablymissed b y the distributor. The distributor shall be equipped forcirculation and agitation af the bituminous materia! during the heatingprooess.


    YUKSELDUBA. ICONSTRUCTION CO, L.L_C. I'J sas '"5"- ~ -- .. 4J---~(F'.r+.l1~ ' 1 ! u J _ g $