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Post on 18-Mar-2018




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Winter break Holidays Homework (English)


Draw a family tree and paste photographs of your family members on it and also write two qualities (adjectives) of each family member below those photographs.

Write few lines about your any two favourite television shows and also paste or draw pictures related to those shows.

Solve the given word puzzle.

Read any five stories and write their summary.

(Do your homework in a scrapbook)

Holiday HW of Maths

Try These Question of page no - 151,159,175,176,180,245,248,254 and learn times table from 10 to 20


1] Draw a bar graph showing sale of cars in India during the months January to November 2016 [take help of internet]

2] Draw different shapes with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 lines of symmetry.

Winter break home work

Class- 6

Subject science


1. Make a project on the theme best out of waste. (Roll No. 1 to 10)

2. Make a habitat album. Try to obtain pictures of animals and plants that you have listed in activity 1 and paste these under different habitat sections in the album. Draw the leaf shapes and structures for trees found in these different regions and include these in the albums. In addition draw the patterns of branching found in trees of these different regions and include these also in the album. (Roll No. 2to 20)

3. Imagine there was no electric supply for a month. How would that affect your day to day activities and others in your family? Present your imagination in the form of a story or a play. If possible stage the play written by you or your friends in school. (Roll No.21 to 30)

4. You can an intelligent doll, which picks up the things it likes (Fig 13.17). Take a doll and attach a small magnet in one of its hands. Cover this hand with small gloves so that the magnet is not visible. Now, your intelligent doll is ready. Ask your friends to bring different objects near the dolls hand. Knowing the materials of the object you can tell in advance whether the doll would catch it or not. (Roll No. 31 to___)

5. Read and find out about alessandro volta who invented the electric cell. You may also find out about Thomas alva Edison who invented the electric bulb.

6. Learn the chapters we have done.

7. Read the chapters which are to be done in January and February.

Social Science holiday homework

1. Learn and write the question and answers of the following lessons:

a. Our Country India

b. Vital village thriving towns

c. Urban Livelihood

2. Collect and paste the picture of the 10 movements of India and write 5 lines about each.

3. Locate the countries in political outlines maps of the world that have following cities:

a. New Delhi-India

b. Colombo-Sri Lanka

c. Dhaka Bangladesh

d. Tokyo-Japan

e. Melbourne-Australia

4. Locate the states of in the political maps of India that have following cities:

a. Gandhinagar-Gujrat

b. Bhubaneshwar-Odisha

c. Patna-Bihar

d. Srinagar-Jammu and Kashmir

e. Lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

f. Jaipur-Rajasthan

g. Bangalore-Karnataka

h. Dispur-Assam

i. Chennai-Tamil Nadu

j. Gorakhpur-Uttar Pradesh


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