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  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


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    +ery reat once in a whie; Abso1te Awareness manifests within %ts fascinatin dream

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    #hey made no distinction as between )ia and (ishn1. $is father oed to sin bhajans

    Ideotiona sonsJ; especiay o1dy as do the foowers of ItheJ (arkari system. I#he (arkaris

    are mystics and deotees of %ndiaBs aharashtra state; fo1nded by the sae Fnanesar C2"5

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    ass of water thereinLand in doin so; they were often heaed. )iddharamesar earned of this

    and asked ar1ti to stop intendin s1ch heains; which are triia in iht of the need for

    spirit1a awakenin from the 1timate Hdisone dwein in the nat1ra state. >,iswitho1t parts;

    and s1ests the 1nframented; seamess; soid Awareness of a sae. As he ater tod a dear

    discipe and s1ccessor; Fean 01nn: >$t one time I %as composing poems& 'oems used to flo% out

    of me and, in this flo%, I just added (#isargadatta&) I %as reveling in composing poems until my

    Guru cautioned me, (*ou are enjoying composing these poems too much+ give them up!) hat

    %as he driving at .is objective %as for me to merge in the $bsolute instead of reveling in my

    beingness. C/onsciousness and the $bsolute" 0he 1inal 0alks of ri #isargadatta aharaj; pp.


    ceased after a whie; iin way to absorptionsMater; fina absorptionLin the 1ttery nat1ra

    absorptie state of nisarga samadhi; orsahaja samadhi. #his >e6traordinariy ordinary;

    >1nconditioned condition is formess Awareness abidin 1nto %t)ef whie a formwakin seep by the i1strio1s sae; )ri

    &amana aharshi C8"9

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    it as the absolute truth& *our joy is divine, your suffering is divine too& $ll comes from God&

    Remember it al%ays& *ou are God, your %ill alone is done&< I did believe him and soon reali7ed

    ho% %onderfully true and accurate %ere his %ords& I did not condition my mind by thinking, ;I

    am God, I am %onderful, I am beyond&< I simply follo%ed his instruction, %hich %as to focus the

    mind on pure being, ;I am,< and stay in it& I used to sit for hours together, %ith nothing but the

    ;I am< in my mind and soon the peace and joy and deep all-embracing love became my normal

    state& In it all disappearedmyself, my guru, the life I lived, the %orld around me& :nly peace

    remained, and unfathomable silence&CI $m 0hat; 0iao1e 5; Apri !; 9"D

    )ri )iddharamesar ahara passed away on ,oember 9; 93!; 1st before the 0iai festia

    commenced. ,isaradatta had traeed a bit with )iddharamesar; s1ch as to his 1r1Bs home

    town of atri; and Hhe did not miss; d1rin those days; een a sine traditiona f1nction Ie..;

    ceebrations of birthdays and mahasamadhi passin days of the 1r1s of recent ineae hoders

    of the ,anath sampradayaJ hed at %ncheri; aewadi and )iddhairi C*ohap1rD Iin

    aharashtraJ.H Ceet the age; p. 5D

    A year ater; d1rin the 0iai ceebrations in Na; 93"; Nisargadatta left home; takin 1p the

    ife of a ren1nciate; an acceptabe thin in %ndia for someone who is en1iney caed to spirit1a

    freedom. $e was inspired by a remark his 1r1 had once made: >%s there anyone ready to

    reno1nce materia ife competey for the sake of his )ad1r1Gs word? @itho1t informin

    anyone; ,isaradatta eft ombay; traein on foot so1theast to aharashtraBs hoy tempe

    town of andharp1r Ca main center for the (arkari moementD. #here; he ae 1p his costy

    cothes; p1t on a simpe arment; and with ony two sma pieces of oincoth and a coarse

    wooen coerin; he bean the ife of a penniess wanderer. 'nder the scorchin s1n;

    ,isaradatta waked to anap1r; then t1rned so1th and roamed on foot thro1h #ami ,ad1 in%ndiaBs deep so1th; isitin more shrines; tempes; and hoy paces. #hro1h the race of his

    discarnate 1r1; ,isaradatta was neer witho1t food. En one occasion; an od man and a ho1se

    mirac1o1sy materiaied themsees o1t of nowhere in a barren pace to proide the h1nry;

    tired ,isaradatta with food; water and a brief restin pace. @hen he departed; on a whim he

    ooked back after takin seera steps: the pace had competey anishedO %t was eidenty a

    yoic menta creation inter

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    the spirit of ren1nciationLfor tr1e ren1nciation is an inward 1nattachment hain nothin to do

    with oneGs e6terna sit1ation. En the ret1rn o1rney he eidenty opened 1p in an irreersibe;

    1nbroken reaiation of the$tmaor transcendent#othing %as %rong


    After his eiht months of wanderin; pirimae and f1 awakenin from the dream of >me;

    Nisargadatta came once again to !ombay in "#$%. $is b1siness irt1ay wiped o1t; he ied

    in the famiy apartment C(anmai haan b1idinD on -th 7ane in the hectic downtown

    *hetwadi area; 1st one bock from a b1sy bo1eard; maintainin one nearby tiny acoe streetreat C)pirit1aD *in. et he was

    re1ctant to hae discipes and sere as a 1r1. )inally, in "#*", after receiving an inner

    revelation from Siddharamesvar, he began to initiate students into discipleship. %n 9!!;,isaradatta finay made a compete retirement from any f1rther b1siness

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    he himsef e6periences within.... )hree ahara reeas; thro1h his daiy disco1rses and taks;

    the essence of &eaity thro1h his own coniction with e6ceptiona ior and carity. *nowede

    fows thro1h his taks eeryday for ho1rs on end. %t po1rs freey ike the rain and is addressed toa who are present. ,arrow distinctions of mae and femae; hih and ow; caste and creed; isms

    or schoos make no sense here. $is s1bime and )ainty ooks po1r peace and oe e1ay on

    a.... $is a1dience inc1des seekers from different waks of ife. rofessors; peaders IawyersJ;1des; hih e6ec1ties; poitica and socia Iand spirit1aJ eaders often isit the Ashram Ihis

    meanine oftJ to seek spirit1a 1idance from him. )eekers of #r1th from the @est ike )hri

    a1rice Nrydman often isit him for disc1ssion and spirit1a 1idance. )ince he has noe6pectations from others; he is; as in his day

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    so1th end was a fairy are window oerookin -th 7ane; on the other end to the north; ne6t to

    the stairs; stood the rather rea wood

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    *nowede;B and nothin ese.... y process is$tma-yoga; which means abidance in the )ef.H

    C0he #ectar of Immortality; pp. 22; 25D

    Eperationay; this is the cassic threefold practice of hearingthe 8ruth of our 'bsolute

    Nature,!ondering"contem!#atingthis 8ruth, and meditatingdeeply on this 8ruthCsravana;

    mananaand nididhyasanaD 1nti we are f1y; 1nshakeaby estabished in this convictionthat weare notthe body

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    psychic. oin f1rther; howeer; one m1st find o1t: what is the transcendentSo%rceof thisall2manifesting consciousness? As ahara stated the t%o stages of disidentification via

    %itnessing: H#here are two witnessin staesQ beinness Iconscio1snessJ witnesses a thismanifestation. IAndJ witnessin of this beinness; conscio1sness; happens to that eterna

    principe; the Abso1te.H C'rior to /onsciousness, p& CD $e aso decared: H#here is ony one

    conscio1sness Imanifestin a beins

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    the eer% Am conscio1sness; which in t1rn has whimsicay or

    mischieo1sy con1red 1p the imited indiid1a sense of personaity. )o; says the ahara;

    there is nothing to doabout the A12'm2nessB but just penetrate it by dee!#y meditating %!on

    it. #his is Ameditating on the meditator,B Acontemplating the contemplator,Bas he sometimes

    said. )1ch profo1nd meditation on the root% Am aon with being completelyone %iththe Ponscio1sness that is >% Am. 'pon f1y seein% Am; by the 0iine

    race of oneGs &ea ,at1re this root of a indiid1aity is transcended; and @hat remains is ony

    the inconceiabe; 1nimainabe 'timate; the Aone CAfie breaths / ita forces:prana;samana; apana;

    vyana; and udana; the eneries that oern breathin; diestion; e6cretion; circ1ation; and

    re1ation of the three basic cycic states Cwakin; dream; seepD. #he ahara did not dee into

    partic1arities b1t instead simpy pointed o1t the obio1sLthat witho1t thepranaorsaktiitaenery; we cannot ie; think; fee; moe or do anythin. @hereas conscio1sness is the >static

    sentience principlein o1r ies; theprana-saktiife force is the >dynamic %orking, acting,

    kinetic principle; said the ahara; tho1h 1timatey >ItheyJ are not reay two... they are reayone.... Ponscio1sness and ife force are two components; ine6tricaby woen toether; of one

    principe. >7ife force; oe and conscio1sness are a one in essence. C0he Altimate edicine;

    pp. 24; !; !5.D #herefore; this ita force is reay'ranesvar; the 7ord of +nery; the

    effectie od of o1r ies and word; >the hihest principe; the >reat ower or reat +nerywitho1t which there cannot be conscio1sness Cibid.; p. "-.D >#his ife force is od and od is

    this ife force. Cibid.; p. 2.D

    Accordiny; )ri ,isaradatta said Cas he wo1d often ikewise say of conscio1sness or the >%Amod as is done in most deotiona reiio1s paths. ,ow;the ahara did notteach or recommend the two traditiona ways of workin with theprana-sakti: the compicated tantra of k1ndaini yoa Cworkin with the cakra enery centers aon the

    spine; baancin the idaandpingalaenery c1rrents; etc.D; or the een more ancient eiht1nconditioninthe ife force; one aows thisprana-saktito spontaneo1sy >p1rify; to transcend any fi6ation on

    the indiid1a person and sefish desires. #he ita enery then can >1nfod or open 1p freey to

    its tr1e ast and potent nat1re as the transpersona; 1niersa ife force. Ninay; >this ife force...

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    meres with the iht of the$tman/)ef. Cibid.; p. 2D #h1s does one transcend death; for the

    1niersa ife

  • 7/25/2019 Abhirami Andhadhihttp


    o1dy cappin or sappin down onto his thihs; a finer s1ddeny e6tended 1pward or

    sideward or abbed toward the istener.

    Not only did the Maharaj sometimes insult his own >indu traditionCe..; irreerenth1moro1s p1ns on the names of the ods and oddessesD; he often insulted or testily

    confronted his own students and visitors. 0aid odman; a1thor of a1abe books on&amana aharshi and his discipes; recas in his coorf1 and insihtf1 memoir of isits with

    ahara Isee &eso1rces section beowJ: H@e a ot sho1ted at on ario1s occasions; and we aot tod off from time to time beca1se of thins we did or said. @e were a a itte fearf1 of him

    beca1se we neer knew when the ne6t er1ption wo1d come. @e had a come to hae the dirt

    beaten o1t of 1s; in the same way that the dhobis Iwasher

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    and ettin 1estions; ahara himsef was often the one bastin away with 1estions; probin

    peopeBs ee of spirit1a 1nderstandin; prookin them into awakenin; and modein for them

    what it means to enae in profo1nd en1iry and sefe

    fre6uently deployed koan26uestions lie a Een masterLe..; H@hat were yo1 before yo1were born; before the B% Amolume" 5EF3;p. 2D

    1t the ahara was not 1st a seere ranite ciff; or a rain fire of destr1ction incineratin a

    eoic identifications; tendencies and attachments. CH@hen yo1 come here; yo1 wi be crematin

    yo1rsef. @hateer identity yo1 hae; whateer idea yo1 hae abo1t yo1r own sef; wi becremated.H I0he Hperience of #othingness; p. 33.JD

    $e was basicay a s1premey

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    hardy contain....H any of 1s saw that same gleeful smile and merrily twinling eyes

    dispayed on the aharaBs face d1rin the thunder and theatrics of his ego2busting tirades.

    @e hasten aso to note here that ,isaradatta ahara was a very devotional and spiritually

    respectful man, devoutly respecting the 5ne Spirit or 0eality in everyone; and maintainin

    an o1twardy deotiona ife; een if he had inwardy on ao dropped any sense of d1aismtoward a separate od. #his deotiona; spirit1ay respectf1 aspect is ost on some of those who

    hae more recenty endeaored to spread aharaBs teachins and een em1ate his stye ofteachin. #he ahara san in his arathi ton1e the od bhajansongs and litaniesfo1r times

    daiy Ctwo sessions open to isitorsD; performed the traditiona arati2worship ritualto his

    ineae of 1r1s and eaitarian distrib1tion ofprasadCfr1it; sweets or fowersD. And eerymornin he tireessy CdoeressyOD ceaned; aranded and anointed with sandawood paste and

    kum-kumCermiionD powder those atar photos and hiheritem not fit to brin into any %ndian home; onto the cean foor 1nder a nearby cot.D any of 1s

    enoyed powerf1 HinitiatoryH dreams of ahara and teachin dreams thereafter.

    ahara did not hae to do this work; b1t spontaneo1sy and most enero1sy he did: ettinfoks inade his priate space; which he had t1rned into a ow

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    to a; and he did accept from some of 1s o1r p1rchased bo6es of the incense

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    0eaders can and should be careful with these e