अगर पत्नी बर्तन पटके यह फोन मिलाओ झट...

दहेज कानून की आ ं अगर पी सताये तो Evidences/ Wife's Statement/ RTI/ CrPC 91 के basis पर PERJURY लगाएं * ATUR CHATUR COUNSELLING* अगर पी बततन पटके यह फोन मलाओ झट से (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी का लगे चकर ना बमनयो घनचकर (Call.: 9873540498)* अगर पी बच पर मनकाले गुसा then consult me (Call.:9873540498)* If Wife Calls Police to Harass you then Consult Me (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी घर छो कर जाये ुझसे सलाह शवरा करने जर आयं (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी बचा ले कर भागे या बचा ले कर चली जाये (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी या कोई औरत झूठा ुकदा u/s 376(rape), 377, 307, 354, करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी 107, 151, या 498a/406/34 या POCSO etc फांसने की कोमशश करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी रतेदार का ना Police Complaint मलखवा दे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर करायेदार की पी कान पर करने के मलये झूठा Case या FIR करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पी ारा कये गये झूठे Court Case फं से हो तो सबूत/RTI/CrPC 91 के आधार पर PERJURY file करो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर Court Cases को Speedy Trial ारा जदी मनपटाना चाहते हो तो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर अपना Court Case खुद ही लना चाहते हो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर Police/Univ/Ministry/Business या कसी पर RTI या TEP लगाना चाहते हो (Call.:9873540498)* अपने बेटे या बेटी की शादी से पहले परशत करं ताकभववय उजवल हो (Call.:9873540498)* हेपलाइन बॉयं ड गलतं ड एड Live-in के मलये भी उपलध ताककल को झूठे cases से बचा जा सके (Call.:9873540498)* अगर Police वाला Arrest या Bail Cancellation का डर कदखाये (Call.:9873540498)* Also Husband-Wife Counselling to save married life. शादी से पहले और शादी के बाद ATUR CHATUR को रखना याद कॉल # 09873540498 (24 Hours based on availability) * Counselling Fees = Rs 2,000/- per meeting* (Pay in my Bank Account. Cash NOT accepted) *Disclaimer:- Atur Chatur is my pen name. I am Delhi University Ex-Lecturer. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a PIP (Party-in-Person). I filed Perjury (fraud on court) on lies of my wife with proofs. I filed court case against Police/CAW. I filed complaint against Judge Family Court (JFC) due to unethical practices/ gender discrimination which resulted in JFC Recusal. I also became a RTI Activist. I acquired all other knowledge/info after false 498a/DVC/Divorce/CAW cases were filed against me & entire family & my income greatly affected so I have chosen this profession to support my family & also to support my one man fight against gender discrimination in India. Counselling Fees = 2,000 only for approx one hour talking to you & suggesting you few methods like RTI or other methods which is based on my knowledge which I acquired while fighting false cases. Fees is subject to change due to urgency & other factors so please confirm. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & my suggestions etc is my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counseling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. Disputes if any shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. [email protected]

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Post on 13-Feb-2017




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दहेज कानून की आड़ में अगर पत्नी सताये तो Evidences/ Wife's Statement/ RTI/ CrPC 91 के basis पर PERJURY लगाए ं*


अगर पत्नी बततन पटके यह फोन ममेलाओ झट से (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी का लगे चक्कर ना बमनयो घनचक्कर

(Call.: 9873540498)* अगर पत्नी बच्चचं पर मनकाले गुस्सा then consult me (Call.:9873540498)* If Wife Calls

Police to Harass you then Consult Me (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी घर छोड़ कर जाये मेुझसे सलाह मेशवरा करने जरूर आयं (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी बच्चचा ले कर भागे या बच्चचा ले कर चली जाये (Call.:9873540498)*

अगर पत्नी या कोई औरत झूठा मेुकदमेा u/s 376(rape), 377, 307, 354, करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी 107,

151, या 498a/406/34 या POCSO etc मंे फांसने की कोमशश करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी ररश्तेदारं का नामे

Police Complaint मंे मलखवा दे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर ककरायेदार की पत्नी मेकान पर क़ब्ज़ा करने के मलये झूठा Case या FIR करे (Call.:9873540498)* अगर पत्नी द्वारा ककये गये झूठे Court Case मंे फंसे हो तो सबूतं/RTI/CrPC 91

के आधार पर PERJURY file करो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर Court Cases को Speedy Trial द्वारा जल्दी मनपटाना चाहते हो तो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर अपना Court Case खुद ही लड़ना चाहते हो (Call.:9873540498)* अगर

Police/Univ/Ministry/Business या ककसी पर RTI या TEP लगाना चाहते हो (Call.:9873540498)* अपने बेटे या बेटी की शादी से पहले परमेशत ़रूर करं ताकक भववष्य उज्जवल हो (Call.:9873540498)* हेल्पलाइन बॉयफं्रेड गलतफं्रेड एण्ड

Live-in के मलये भी उपलब्जध ताकक कल को झूठे cases से बचा जा सके (Call.:9873540498)* अगर Police वाला Arrest

या Bail Cancellation का डर कदखाये (Call.:9873540498)* Also Husband-Wife Counselling to save married life.

शादी से पहले और शादी के बाद

ATUR CHATUR को रखना याद

कॉल # 09873540498 (24 Hours based on availability) *

Counselling Fees = Rs 2,000/- per meeting* (Pay in my Bank Account. Cash NOT accepted) *Disclaimer:- Atur Chatur is my pen name. I am Delhi University Ex-Lecturer. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a PIP (Party-in-Person). I filed Perjury

(fraud on court) on lies of my wife with proofs. I filed court case against Police/CAW. I filed complaint against Judge Family Court (JFC) due

to unethical practices/ gender discrimination which resulted in JFC Recusal. I also became a RTI Activist. I acquired all other knowledge/info

after false 498a/DVC/Divorce/CAW cases were filed against me & entire family & my income greatly affected so I have chosen this profession

to support my family & also to support my one man fight against gender discrimination in India. Counselling Fees = 2,000 only for approx one

hour talking to you & suggesting you few methods like RTI or other methods which is based on my knowledge which I acquired while fighting

false cases. Fees is subject to change due to urgency & other factors so please confirm. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or

anything like that. All written by me & my suggestions etc is my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my

counseling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. Disputes if any shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. [email protected]