resume - akash kumar athghara

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Fremont, CA 94536 (510) 709-7818


Computer engineer with 4+ projects using various software and networking tools seeking a full time position.

Specialties in software development and creating innovative applications for multitude of users.

Education MS in Computer Engineering, GPA: 3.8 Expected May 2017

San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

Relevant Coursework: Object Oriented Programming, Algorithms & Data Structures, Operating Systems, Network Programming, Network Architecture & Protocols, Network Security, Computer Architecture.

B-Tech in Electronics & Tele-Comm May 2015 Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha, INDIA


Programming/Scripting Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Algorithms & Data-Structure, HTML5, CSS,

JavaScript, SQL, VBA, MS-Access, MS-Excel.

Networking Tools: Socket programming, TCP/IP, IP addressing (IPv4 & IPv6), Subnetting, Routing, Switching, IDS/IPS, GNS3, LOIC, Putty, Wireshark, Eclipse, GitHub, VMware Workstation 12. Protocols: ARP, DNS, DHCP, OSPF, ICMP, IGMP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, Firewall/NAT, Multicast. Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix, Macintosh. Soft Skills: Excellent communicator, self-starter, efficient in resolving issues and implementing new ideas.

Experience Software Engineer Intern, Singulex Inc., Alameda, CA, USA June 2016 - August 2016

Streamlined the complete data analysis process by building a software to automate the entire manual work

for handling patient test results and raw data.

Saved 2hrs/day of analyst time along with removing a risky source of manual error.

Exceeded my manager’s expectation by leading discussions regarding strategic project planning and

tirelessly working with the changing requirements to create better results.

Academic Projects Fully Automated Store Ordering System September 2015

Built a DVD store online ordering system using client-server methodology. Applied the concept of multi-

threading to handle multiple clients and kept track of all the DVDs being purchased on a real-time basis.

Technologies used: C++, TCP/IP, Multi-threading, File Handling.

Remote Device Management December 2015

Conceptualized and achieved high scalability and efficiency with my team to locate remote-client's location using the Maven API and exchanged files between them by converting them in bytes. Technologies used: Java, Eclipse IDE, Multi-threading.

Sudoku Validator May 2016

Improved the performance of a Sudoku game validator by creating 9 threads. Implemented the concept of

multi-threading and used the Pthread API to achieve the result.

Technologies used: C Programming, Pthread API, Multithreading.

DDOS Attack and Its Mitigation Techniques December 2016

Successfully studied DDOS attacks by creating SYN flood and ICMP flood using OSPF, DHCP, NAT/PAT

and performed its mitigation using ACL, NAT/PAT and port security.

Technologies used: GNS3, LOIC, Wireshark.

Intrusion Prevention System(IPS) Using Snort May 2016

Collaborated with a team of 4 to prevent buffer-overflow attacks using the snort open source firewall by

creating rules to block large size packets coming from any connection.

Tools/Technologies used: Snort, Wireshark, Linux.

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