samyakgyan aug 2010

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  • 8/22/2019 Samyakgyan Aug 2010

    1/36(1) mecei%eeve (Deiemle-2010) Debke-2

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    mebmLeeefhekee SJeb MegYeeMeerJee&o :hejcehetpe ieefCeveerecegKe Deeefe&keeefMejesceefCe%eeveceleer ceeleepeerFounder & Auspicious Blessings :

    Pujya Ganini Pramukh Aryika


    meceeeespeve :e%eeeceCeer Deeefe&keeeboveeceleer ceeleepeerCo-ordination :

    Pragya Shramni Aryika


    ef veoxMeve :mJeefmle eer heer"eOeerMe #eguuekejlveleermeeiej peer cenejepeDirection :

    Swasti Shri Peethadhish Kshullakratna


    mecheeoke :

    eesieer ye . jJeerv kegceej pewveEditor :

    Karmayogi Br. Ravindra Kumar Jain

    eyebOe mecheeoke : veManaging Editor :

    Jeevan Prakash Jain


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    efkemeer cenevedJeefelJe eje meceepehej efkees iees GhekeejeW kees hejcheje hees

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    ee leerve yeej mee#eeledoMe&ve kejkes Gvekeer Debeflece meuuesKeveeosKeves kee meewYeeie Yeer eehle efkeee Deewj GvneR kes cebieue DeeMeerJee&oDeewj DeeosMe mes Gvekes eLece heeOeerMe Deeeee&eer Jeerjmeeiej peercenejepe mes Deeefe&kee oer#ee eehle keer~ hetpe ceeleepeer DehevesegDeeW kes eefle meowJe ke=le%e jnles ngS Gvekes GhekeejeW kees eeoejkes hetpee-efJeOeeve, mebieeser, efJeefYeVe keee&ece Deeefo kee DeeeespeveejJeeee~ Gve iegDeeW kes GhekeejeW kees meceepe kes yeere eeo

    ejleer jnleer nQ~ Gvekes oe ceW iegDeeW kes eefle Yeefe SkeDeeoMe& GoenjCe nw~ Fmeer kee eefleheue nw efke GvneWves Jele&ceeve ceWmeceepe kees eLeceeeee& eer Meebeflemeeiej Je

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    eeefj$eeeJeleea Deeeee& eer Meebeflemeeiej peer cenejepe keepeerJeve heefjee

    emlegefle-ieefCeveerecegKe eer %eeveceleer ceeleepeer

    pevcekeeue Deewj yeeueeJemLee-ieewjJeMeeueer ekeeMehegbpe Deeeee& kegbokegbo,mJeeceer mecebleYe,

    efJeeeveboer, efpevemesve Fleeefo DeeeeeeX keer pevceYetefce leLee GheosMemes heefJe$e kevee&ke eosMe ceW Deeeee&eer 108 Meebeflemeeiej cenejepekee pevce ngDee~

    yesueieebJe efpeues kes efekees[er lenmeerue ceW otOe-iebiee DeewjJeso-iebiee kes mebiece kes keejCe leerLe&he Yeespe veeceke eece kesheeme esUiegU ieebJe ceW F&. meved1872 ceW Dee

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    ee$ee meceehle ngF&~ Gmekes keg meeue henues ner efheleepeer kee YeermJeie&Jeeme ngDee Lee~ Deye eke=efleefme leeiecee peerJeve DeewjmebeceMeerue yeve ieee~ keesF& ueieeJe Yeer ve jne~ Fmeer keeue ceWeJeCeyesueieesuee-ieescesej Fleeefo hegCe#es$eeW keer oef#eCe ee$eeYeer meceehle kej meeleieeQ[e Yeespeeece ceW Deees~#eguueke oer#ee-

    meeleieeQ[e ves peerJeve kes Fkeleeueerme meeue hetCe& nesves kes

    Ghejeble oer#ee uesves kee { efveee efkeee~ Gme mecee kevee&keceW efoiecyej mJeeceer eer osJeWkeerefle& efJenej kej jns Les~ keeheMeereece kes efveke Getj veeceke osnele nw~ JeneB Gvekee Deeiecevenesves hej meeleieeQ[e cegefveeer kes meceerhe hengBes Deewj efoiecyej oer#eeosves keer eeLe&vee keer hejvlegeer osJesvkeerefle& mJeeceer ves eejbYe ceW#eguueke heo keer ner oer#ee uesves kees kene~ "erke ner nw eceejcYeesfn efmeefke=led ieg Dee%ee kees eceeCe ceevee~ F&. meved1914 ceWpes Megkeue $eeesoMeer efleefLe kees meeleieeQ[e ves #eguueke oer#ee

    OeejCe keer~ Fme ekeej mJeleb$e mebeceer peerJeve kee MegYeejbYe neseee~Ssueke heo-oer#ee Deewj heo-efJenej kejveskeereefle%ee-

    eer efiejveej #es$e kee oMe&ve kejles mecee cenejepepeer keeoe G"er ngF& Jewjeie YeeJeveeDeeW mes ieodieo nes G"e~ YeieJeevevesefceveeLe kes ejCeeW kes hegve:-hegve: oMe&ve kej #eguuekepeer kesJeerlejeie YeeJeeW ceW menpe Je=ef ngF&~ meeJeOeeveer lees hetjer Leer ner~Gmeer mecee eer vesefceveeLe YeieJeeve kes ejCe mee#eer ceW mJeeb

    Ssueke heo kees mJeerkeej efkeee~ Ske keewheerve cee$e heefjen kesfyevee meye Jeeeefo heefjeneW kees leeie efoee~ vetleve eeflecee keereeflee hetJe&eefleefle eeflecee keer mee#eer ceW nesleer nw Deewj veee elefJeOeeve hetJe& ceW eleer kes mee#eer mes ner nesvee eeefnS, Ssmeer SkeDeer eeeerve hejcheje nw~ cenejepepeer Fme hejcheje kees lees[veeveneR eenles Les pewmee efke efvee&vLe oer#ee kes mecee osKee ieee~Fme mecee Gvemes jne veneR ieee~ Jewjeie YeeJeeW keer JesieJeeve ieefleees Jes jeske veneR mekes~ hetpe mJeieeae DevegYeJemece= Jeerjmeeiej

    peer cenejepe "erke kenles Les~ ieg kens mees kejvee ieg kejs meesveneR kejvee~ Demleg! Fme mecee Jeerlejeielee kee JewjeieYeeJe mesDehetJe& efceueve nesvee Lee, nes ieee~ eer efiejveejpeer mes ueewlesmecee Ssuekepeer ves eer oef#eCe kegb[ue#es$e keer Jebovee keer~ eereee&eYegYeieJeeve keer cetefle& keer mee#eer ceW Ssuekepeer cenejepe vesmeye JeenveeW kee DeepeerJeve kes efueS heefjleeie kej efoee~ Deeies kesfueS efJenej kee he heo-efJenej ner efveefele ngDee~ eepebeepeceVeJes leerLe&-mLeeveevehetpeeled~ Meg efvepelegke jemles meseej neLe Deeies keer peceerve kees osKekej efJenej kejles ngS

    mete&ekeeMe ceW eueves keer cegefve keer eJe=efe kees F&ee&meefceefle kenlesnQ~ iee[er, ceesj ee jsue meJeejer kee leeie leeieer kees FmeerefueSneslee nw~ eer #es$e kegC[ue mes efJenej kejles-kejles cenejepeefpevecebefoj kee oMe&ve kejles -kejles vemeueehegj, Ssveehegj, DeLeCeerFme ceeie& mes yeerpeehegj kes heeme DeefleMee #es$e yeeyeeveiej keesDeees~ hegCe#es$e kes meneheCeer eer heee&veeLe YeieJeeve kee oMe&vekejles ngS ueewkej hegve: Ssveehegj Deees~ JeneB Jes 15 efove leke

    "njs~ eneB eesieeeesie mes efveeLe cegefvejepe eer Deeefomeeiej peercenejepe kee melmeceeiece efceuee~YeieJeleerefveJee&Cehee efpeveoer#ee-

    efveheeCeer mebkesej kes meceerhe ejveeU eece ceW hebekeueeCekeceneslmeJe kes efueS cegefvejepe eer osJesvkeerefle&peer heOeejs Les~ SsuekemeeleieeQ[e cenejepe Yeer JeneB hengBes~ GvneWves ieg eerosJesvkeerefle&mJeeceer kees efoiecyej oer#ee osves kes efueS hegve: eeLe&vee keer~ Skeef$elepewve meceepe kees cenejepepeer keer eesielee kee hetje heefjee Lee~

    Jes cenejepepeer mes eYeeefJele Yeer Les~ cegefve oer#ee kes efueS meceepeYej ves Ske mJej mes Devegceesovee keer~

    efveeLe oer#ee uesves kee efJeeej efveefele ngDee~ oer#ee keueeCekekes efove leerLekej YeieJeevedkee Jeve efJenej kee peguetme oer#ee Jeve ceWDeeee~ Fmeer heefJe$e mecee ceW Ssuekepeer ves Yeer oer#eeieg eerosJesvkeerefle& cenejepe kes heeme efoiecyejer efpeveoer#ee OeejCe keer~veweLe efn leheesvellegmebmeejmLewJe meeOeveced~ en {OeejCeeLeer~ YeieJeevedkeer oer#ee efJeefOe kes meeLe Ssueke cenejepepeer keer Yeer

    efveieLe oer#ee efJeefOe mecheVe ngF&, kesMeueeWe meceejcYe Yeer ngDee~Ssueke meeleieeQ[e cegefve nes iees, eLeepeeleheOeejer ngS~ cegefve heokee veece eer Meebeflemeeiej jKee ieee~ F&meJeer meved1920 ceWheeuiegve Megkeuee 14 Gvekeer oer#eeefleefLe Leer~ Fme heefJe$e efove mescenejepe eer kee peerJevejLe Deye mebece kes jepeceeie& eje cees#ecenuekeer Deesj Deheveer efJeefMe ieefle mes meoe ieefleMeerue ner jne~Deblejbie ceW heefjeneW mes Deefuehlelee kee YeeJe meoe kes efueS yeveejnvee Deewj yeee ceW heefjen cee$e mes mJeeb kees otj jKevee en

    cegefve keer Deueewefkeke eee& nw~ Meg DeelcemJehe ceivelee enGmekee DevlemJehe neslee nw~ osn kes eefle Yeer cecelJe kee uesMeveneR neslee, Jes efJeosner YeeJeeW kes jepee nesles nQ FmeerefueS ueesie GvnWcenejepe kenles nQ~

    heeBe ceneele, heeBe meefceefle, heeBe FefveeW kes efJe

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    >es Deveske veiejeW ceW efJenej kejkes Oece&eYeeJevee keer~ cenejepe peerkes efJenej keeue ceW keesCCetj kee eelegcee&me ye[e cenlJehetCe& jne~eneB cenejepe keer peerJeveer ceW DeefleMee cenlJehetCe& IeveeSb IeeR~keesCCetj eece ceW eeeerve iegheeSb yengmebKee ceW nQ~ efvele keer lejnieghee ceW Deeeee& eer OeevemLe yew" iees~ Gmeer mecee Skeveeiejepe-ye[e mehe& JeneB Deekej cenejepe peer kes Mejerj heje{kej Ietceves ueiee~ cenejepe peer Deheves DeelceOeeve ceW efveceive

    Les~ veeiejepe Deeee nw Deewj Jen Deheves Mejerj hej Ietce jne nwFmekee leefveke efJekeuhe Yeer cenejepe peer kees veneR Lee~ ceveesiegefhle,Jeeveiegefhle Deewj keeeiegefhle keer heeuevee efkeme ekeej nes mekeleer nw,Fmekee en cetefle&ceeve he efieesej ngDee~ cenejepe peer kesoMe&veeLe& pees ueesie JeneB hengBes Les, GvneWves en Ievee ele#eDeheveer DeeBKeeW mes osKeer~ Jes meeee& efo*dcet{ nes yew"s jns~ Jes meebhemes [jles Les~ meebhe Yeer pevelee mes Ieye[elee Lee~ cenejepe keeDeeee FmeerefueS Gmeves efueee Lee~ cenejepe peer kee efoJe

    Deelceyeue osKekej JeneB Deees ngS eeef$eeeW ceW mes ecegKe esereerceeve mes" KegMeeueebo peer hene[s Deewj ye. nerjeueeue peer ye[seYeeefJele ngS~ oesveeW meppeve efJee#eCe Les~ oef#eCe ee$ee kes efueSefvekeues ngS ee$eer Les~ efcejpe hengBeves kes yeeo helee euee efkeefveke ner efoiecyej meeOegnQ~ FmeefueS hejer#ee kes nslegJes JeneB hejhengBes Les~ Gvekeer Deheveer OeejCee Leer efke Fme keeue ceW meeOeke keenesvee DemebYeJe nw~ Yejer meYee ceW keee Deehekees DeJeefOe%eeve nw?ee Deehekees $e+ef-efmeef eehle nw? Deeefo Jeweefeke Deeeej


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    eer Peesheef[eeB yeveJeeeer ieF& LeeR~ Oece&MeeueeSB KeeeKee Yej ieF~leerLees$e keceser leLee cenemeYee Deeefo keF& meYeeDeeW kes

    DeefOeJesMeve Yeer ngS~ leerLe&jepe peeOJeefve mes ietBpe G"e Lee~Oece&MeeueeDeeW kes yeenj Yeer e$e-le$e ueesie Dehevee mJeleb$e mLeevepeceeS ngS vepej Deeles Les~ veeres Oejleer Thej Deemeceeve, hetCe&fveefJe&keuhe neskej pevelee eeflee ee$ee kes Gvcege Deevevo jmeee heeve kejleer Leer~ ueesie kenles nQ ee$eer keneR leerve ueeKe mes

    Thej neWies~ Demleg! hebef[le DeeMeeOejpeer kes MeyoeW ceW kenvee nesiee,oefuele keefueueeruee-efJeueefmeleced ener heJe&lejepe kee mepeerJe ceveesnejerMe Lee~ Deveske Yee

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    peyeefke Deeeee&eer kee kenvee Lee efke hetJe& ceW cegefve mebIe ceW Ssmescegefve Yeer jne kejles Les pees efpeccesJeejer kes meeLe e$eeW kee eyebOekejles Les Deewj %eeveoeveeefo osles Les~ en lees #eguueke eeflecee kesele eeJeke kes ele nQ~ Deble ceW Deeeee& cenejepepeer ves MeeeeW kesDeeOeej mes Dehevee efveCe&e efme efkeee~ heuele: ye. eer osJeebopeer ves #eguueke heo kes eleeW kees hetCe& Glmeen kes meeLe mJeerkeejefkeee~ Deeeee& eer ves mJeeb Deheveer Deevleefjke YeeJeveeDeeW kees

    eke kejles ngS oer#ee kes mecee mecebleYe Fme YeJe veece mes#eguuekepeer kees veeceebefkele efkeee DeewjhetJe&kes mecebleYe Deeeee&keer lejn Deehekes eje Oece&keer Jeeheke eYeeJevee nes,Fmeekeej kes MegYeeMeerJee&oeW keer Je

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    ej jnves kes efueS keesF& yeeOee veneR nw~ efJekeuhe keer keesF&DeeJeMekelee veneR nw~ efpeme ekeej mes keee& MeerIe hetje nes mekesetje eelve kejvee~ keee& DeJeMe ner hetje nesiee~ megefveefele hetjenesiee~ Deehe meyekees nceeje MegYeeMeerJee&o nw~

    hetefCe&cee kee MegYe cebieue efove Lee~ MegYe mebkesle kes he ceWeeerme npeej heeeW keer mJeerke=efle Yeer lelkeeue ngF&~ keeceueeKeeW kee Lee~ eLeekeeue meye keecehetCe& ngDee~ heemee keceueb

    eceuesve hee: heemee keceuesve efJeYeeefle mej:~ heeveer mes keceue,eceue mes heeveer Deewj oesveeW mes mejesJej keer MeesYee ye{leer nw~ "erkeFme keneJele kes Devegmeej YeieJeevedkeer cetefle& mes mebmLee keeDeOeelce JewYeJe ye{e ner nw~ DeefleMee #es$e keer DeefleMeelee ceWDeer Je=ef ner ngF&~ Deye lees cetefle& kes eebieCe ceW Deewj efme#es$eeWeer eefleke=efleeeB yeveves mes eLeeLe& ceW DeefleMeelee ee efJeMes

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    Glmeen leLee Guueeme kes meeLe kejleer ner Dee jner nw~ meved1952keer Ievee nw~ hetpe eer keer peerJeveer kes 80 Je

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    Gvcege ceve mes DeefOekeeefOeke ceive nesles ngS vepej Deeles Les~Meebeflemeeiej mJeveeceOeve Meebeflemeeiej DeLeen Meebefle kes meeiej ceWfveceive Les~ Gmeer mecee pevelee meeiej Meeske ceW [tyelee ngDeeefieesej neslee Lee~ kegbLeueefiejer kee Me keg DehetJe& Lee~yeenj keer ogefveee ceW pewveepewve meceeeej he$eeW ceW Devegketue-eefleketuemeceeeej meeefYeeee eie nesles ner Les~ Deheves efJekeuheeW kees meyekesfueS t nesleer ner nw~ JeefemJeeleb$e kee egie nw~ keesF& pewve

    meeOegkeer heefJe$e ceneee$ee efueKelee Lee keesF& pewve meeOeteerDeelcenlee efueKelee Lee~ eg ceW ce=legnes lees JeerjcejCeenvee~ osMeYee kees eefo heeBmeer nes lees Gmes ngleelcelee kenveeeneB leke ner ueewefkeke ef keer hengBe nes mekeleer nw~ Fmemes Yeerye{kej meeOeke keer meceeefOe nes mekeleer nw, Fmekee Fvekees keeeelee? Oece& Deewj Deefnbmee pewmeer heefJe$e-heefJe$elece JemlegDeeW keer Je

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    ele veece GheJeemeeW keer mebKee1. eeef j$eMegef ele 12342. leerme eewyeermeer ele 7203. kece&onve ele (leerve yeej) 4684. ef mebnefve

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    hejcehetpe eeefj$eeeJeleea eLeceeeee& eer 108 Meebeflemeeiej peercenejepe kes mebIemLe leeieereleer (efMe

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    From hoary antiquity India has been es-teemed and venerated for her charming and

    divine philosophy and highly cultured saints.

    Countless inhabitants of the country had re-

    nounced their material comforts and amenities

    of life in order to drink deep at the blissful

    fountain of human life in extreme seclusion and

    attain their goal of deathless divinity, the

    summum bonum. It is they who by their pureand brilliant lives and sermons dispelled inner

    darkness and showed the infallible path of peace

    and rectitude.

    Birth of noble soul :

    Even in this age of lust and licentiousness

    and spiritual darkness a selfless and mighty soul

    named Acharya Shantisagarji Maharaj was born

    at Yelgula village Bhoj situated on the conflu-

    ence of rivers Veda Ganga and Doodha Gangain the Belgaum district in the month of July, 1870

    (On the 6th day of the dark half of the month of

    Ashadha). His father Shri Bhim Gauda Patil was

    a rich, pious, talented, chivalrous and powerful

    landlord. He was a mighty personality, and was

    honoured by persons of all ranks. Mother

    Satyavati was a religious, charitable and saintly

    lady. This benevolent, honest and generous par-entage had much influenced the life of our

    would-be saint, who was called Sata Gauda,

    which meant Lord of Peace. He had three broth-

    ers and one sister.

    It is remarkable that the child had in him

    something unique, which indicated that he is des-

    tined to be a great and world-venerated figure.

    He was a child without being childish. He took

    no interest in the fun or frolic common to boy-


    ACHARYA SHRI SHANTISAGARJI MAHARAJ(quoted from the book 'Religion & peace')

    -Late Pt. Sumer Chand Diwaker, Seoni (M.P.)

    hood. He was fond of solitude and was used tomeditation. He has a great love for virtue and

    virtuous persons. I had the good luck to be in

    contact with him for long.

    In one of his reminiscences he had told

    me that he had some recollections of the past

    and that he was also in his previous life an

    ascetic; therefore he had the remarkable tem-

    perament of detachment from temporal andevanescient pleasures of the world. Satagauda's

    physique was exceptionally good. He was

    robust, strong and sturdy like his father. He was

    a fine wrestler and had the reputation for his

    feats of valour. He possessed amazing memory,

    sharp intellect and philosophic mind. As a mat-

    ter of fact he was a born saint, a great thinker,

    and a living philosopher, who might have been

    blessed with the majestic vision of reality. Hehad in him all those remarkable virtues and quali-

    ties which are indispensable for righteous saint-

    hood. He had from his boyhood adopted the

    habit of speaking truth, love for all beings and

    keen interest in amazing austerities (to lead the

    life of a saint).

    Soon after the demise of the father, his

    mother also died. This made his path quite clearto fulfil his noble ambition.

    Spiritual preceptor :

    Satagauhda without disclosing his mind left

    for Uttura village, where a life-long celibate and

    nude Saint renowned for his high spiritual at-

    tainments, Devendrakirti Maharaj alias Devappa

    Swami was staying. His Holiness Devappa

    Swami was not only a nude Jain saint, he was

    adorned with several miraculous attainments as

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    a result of his supreme vow of celibacy and

    sparkling penances. Outworldly such noble souls

    appear without anything astonishing in them, yet

    heir inner life is rich with extraordinary treas-

    ures, which the materialists cannot conceive in

    heir branis.

    One day in the afternoon His Holiness left

    for Gokak town of Mysore state. Due to night-

    fall in the way the saint had to stay over a hill

    nfested with terrible beasts of prey. The saint

    had one Jain devotee with him. The nude Jain

    monk does not move from place to place in the

    night in due regard to his vow of absolute non-

    njury, therefore he said to his disciple, "This

    forest abounds in ferocious animals. It is just

    possible that some tiger or other wild beast may

    come here in the night. I shall be busy with myDhyana-meditation; but you need not be

    errified. I have drawn this circle with a piece

    of stone and we shall remain within this area.

    You need not go out of this spiritualised area;

    hus you will not get any kind of trouble." So

    saying the Saint commenced his meditation in

    hat dreadful forest with equanimity and com-


    As the night advanced the roaring of the

    wild animals was echoing in mountainous area.

    Soon after a tiger came over that place. It moved

    ound the circle but could not break throught it.

    t terribly roared, whereby the disciple was non-

    plussed and confounded, but as per orders of

    he Master he carefully kept himself with in the

    imit of the circle.

    The saint was unmoved by this roaring anderrifying noise. He was perfectly peaceful.

    After dawn the tiger went away. Due to the

    high attaniments of the saint no untoward

    ncident took place. Because of such outstanding

    virtues Satagauda went to Devappa Swami and

    begged of him for being initiated into sainthood.

    Devappa Swami apprised Satagauda of

    he arduous path of Supreme renunciation cul-

    minating in the abandonment of all garments and

    embracing nudity. Nudity is not an end in itself,

    it is the means to acquire that serenity and equa-

    nimity, which contribute to perpetual bliss. The

    truth is that to burn all the filth of passions and

    mental flaws the fire of concentration must be

    kindled to its highest capacity.

    Initiation into Junior Monk-hood :

    Satagauda thought over the entire matteras explained by the saint Devappa Swami and

    agreed to first become a junior monk called

    'Kshullaka' who had to lessen his needs to the

    extent of a loin-cloth and a small piece of cloth.

    He was allowed to keep a brush of peacock

    feathers to protect the small insects that came

    in contact with his body or which needed pro-

    tection. A wooden bowel was also permitted to

    keep water with a view to cleanse himself afteranswering the calls of nature etc.

    Satagauda becomes Shantisagar :

    Now with due religious ceremonies

    Devappa Swami initiated Sataguda into junior

    monk-hood with a view to prepare himself for

    the superior life of complete nudity. In keeping

    with his nature and mental equipment he was

    named Shantisagar, the Ocean of Peace. This

    function took place in the summer of 1918 on

    the 13th day of bright half of the month of

    Jyeshtha. This auspicious day gave the world a

    great saint, who will heal the wounds not of the

    body but of the soul.

    Shantisagar Maharaj is no more the

    powerful and rich land-lord, but in fact he is the

    lord of himself. He has severed all bonds of

    affection or aversion. He is no longer a memberof the Patil family of Bhoja. He has become a

    citizen of the world. He thought of establishing

    harmony in the hearts of all.

    Nude Monkhood :

    In the year 1915 there was a huge con-

    gregation of Jainas at Yernal village to witness

    the 'Pancha Kalyanaka Mahotsava'-a most

    sacred Jain religous function. On that auspicious

    occasion Shatisagar Maharaj was also present

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    with his Guru-spiritual preceptor Devappa

    Swami. All eyes were concentrated upon this great

    soul Shantisagarji, who rose, touched the feet the

    Devappa Swami and implored for 'Muni Diksha'-

    initiation into the Order of holy nude monk.

    The Master had already known of the rapid

    and extra-ordinary progress achieved by the

    novice, still reflecting upon the great responsi-

    bilities which one has to undergo after initiation

    into the holy order of nude monkhood. Devappa

    Swami reminded Shantisagarji of the hardships

    and difficulties which beset the path of the saint.

    The man, maddened by the liquor of infatuation,

    is not in a position to appreciate and comprehend

    the real position. This was a very serious affair.

    The preceptor apprised him of the whole thing.

    Shantisagar Maharaj solemnly promisedthat he shall keep his vows intact even at the

    cost of his life. The whole congregation was

    over-joyed to hear the sublime resolution of

    Shantisagarji and they whole-heartedly

    commended the noble determination.

    Memorable Coincidence:

    The occasion was unique and memorable

    because that day the Diksha Kalyanaka of theidol of the Tirthankara was scheduled to take

    place at that sacred time. There was really un-

    paralleled harmony of outward and internal cir-

    cumstances. Reflecting upon the entire fact the

    preceptor condescended to fulfil the innermost

    and long cherished lofty longing of him. Now

    Shantisagar Maharaj had discarded his loin cloth

    and had become nude. In a moment this

    momentous initiation to the great spiriutal honourtook place. Thousands of pepole deemed them-

    selves extremely fortunate for witnessing this

    ceremony. Shantisagar Maharaj became nude

    physically as well as internally.

    Ennobling influence :

    Saint Shantisagarji was deeply engrossed

    in amazing penance. He used to observe long

    fasts. He was only taking milk and rice in thepalm of his hands during the day time once in

    24 hours or after a longer period in the standing

    posture. He always kept the vow of silence in

    the night. He used to lie down on the ground

    during the night. He was ever active either in

    the study of scriptures, meditation or doing good

    to the people, who used to come for his dis-

    courses or blessings. He was very keen to abide

    by the code of conduct prescribed for saints in

    Jain sacred literature.

    He used to pass his night and most of the

    day time in the forest or lonely places. He had

    no fear of the ferocious animals which infest

    the forest. He was moving undauntedly like a

    lion. He was a man of few precious and

    remarkable words, which had marvellous effect

    upon all to elevate and ennoble themselves.

    Every word of his was very impressive. Itentered into the heart and had its desired effect.

    His glorious example made his precepts very

    enchanting. Whosoever came in his contact took

    several vows pertaining to non-violence, truth,

    non-stealing, chastity, limitations of possessions,

    honest and fair dealings, life of love and affection

    towards all beings and many other virtues which

    make an ideal man and useful citizen. What the

    powerful governments and other institutions

    failed to achieve, his mere contact and few

    words could easily produce that noble and salu-

    tary effect. Innumerable souls got enlightenment

    from him without the distinction of caste, creed

    or nationality.

    Confunding Cobra Incident :

    His fame as a great saint reached all cor-

    ners of the country, when he was in a caveoutside the village known as Konnur, district

    Kolhapur. It was the noon time when

    Shantisagar Maharaj was sitting inside a cave

    deeply engrossed in meditation. A big and terri-

    ble cobra came out of a bush close by and en-

    tered into the cave. The ferocious creature

    wound itself round the saint's neck for long. The

    saint was motionless like a statue. When in the

    after-noon several devotees went for the saint's

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    darshan they were much amazed and impressed

    by the extraordinary sight. The snake was some-

    imes moving over the body to cause sufficient

    consternation and disturbance, but the saint did

    not mind the presence of the agent of death.

    When I had once enquired of him about

    he snake incident, he said to me, "I was then

    mmersed in meditation of the Siddhas-the

    bodyless perfect souls, therefore I had no idea

    of what was taking place outside. After the

    ermination of my meditation the cobra had left

    he cave."

    I further inquired of him if he had any kind

    of fear or uneasiness, he replied, "From my

    boyhood I never had any kind of fear either from

    snake or tiger or any other ferocious being."

    This outstanding incident, which was witnessedby several pepole brought into light the greatness

    of the saint. Thousands used to come for his

    darshan and blessings.

    These astounding and amazing austerities

    of Shantisagar Maharaj were developing his

    personal magnetism. For several years he

    emained indulged in such hard austerities.

    Preparation for Samadhi :

    Since the great sage Acharya Shantisagar

    Maharaj was an uncommon figure, who had

    been blessed with the faculty of discrimination

    between self and non-self, he could easily start

    his preparations for the great fight with the

    demon of death. The first thing that he did was

    o devote most of his time in Samadhi-Self con-

    emplation and meditation utterly forgetting the

    fact that he had the body.In his meditation he fixed his attention upon

    he self, the treasure house of infinite virtues

    and everlasting joy. He has once told me, "When

    am deeply engrossed in meditation, you do

    whatever you like with my body. I will not

    experience the physical pain or pleasure.

    Places of Choice :

    Acharya Maharaj had a desire to spend

    his last hours at the Parasnath hil in the Bihar

    State, for infinite souls had attained liberation

    therefrom. His second choice was for Pavapuri,

    the place of nirvana of Lord Mahavira, the

    revivor of Jainism but who is wrongly called

    the founder of Jainism. Pavapuri is a wonderful

    and sublime place.

    However, from the beginning of his spiritual

    awakening he had a very high regard and respect

    for Brahmacharya-the vow of celibacy and so

    for the Kunthalgiri Hill. He said, "The hill was

    asociated with the Nirvana of two young princes,

    who were life-long celibates."

    Encounter with Death :

    Therefore Acharya Shantisagarji ulti-

    mately came to Kunthalgiri Tirtha just before

    the commencement of rainy season in 1954. The

    saint felt that this is the right time when he oughtto lanuch upon the world astounding encounter

    with death. Life is most dear to all, but to the

    man of honour and principle death is not a terror,

    but it is a courteous comrade, whose arrival is

    eagerly awaited.

    Self-Guidance :

    Shantisagar Maharaj needed no outward

    guidance since his preparation for duel with

    death was complete. When I reached

    Kunthalgiri during the period of his samadhi and

    requested for service to me in the form of

    reading from the scriptures or delivering dis-

    courses as in the past, he said; "Now I do'nt

    need any guidance or outward help. I see all

    the sacred books shining before my mind's eye.

    I have resorted to the 'Ingini' type of Samadhi-

    maran from the 14th of August 1955." This is avery high type of death, wherein the saint

    forbids receiving help or assistance from others.

    Last massage :

    It was the 26th day of the fast when upon

    the request of the people the saint condescended

    to give his last and lasting message to the be-

    wildered humanity for 22 minutes. In his

    memorable sermon the Saint of Ahimsa laid

    special stress upon the fact that the soul should

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    try for its release from the bondage of material

    karmic shackles. He dealt with upon the great

    potency of self-control.

    He said, "Oh, do'nt fear, exercise the

    principle of self-control in your life. Develop the

    faculty of discrimination. It is essential to cut

    the cord of transmigration and the series of

    deaths and births in the world. Your soul is

    distinctly separate from the souls of your so

    called relations. In fact the Jiva-soul is all alone.

    The jiva puts on different bodies and roams in

    this universe all alone. If the self tries to develop

    the habit of meditation and concentration, it will

    achieve the bliss of beatitude."

    Universal Desire for Saint's Darshan:

    Every day thousands of devotees-Jains

    and non-Jains were blessed with his 'darshan'-sacred glimpse, but in the end the people were

    disappointed since the condition of the body was

    taking a serious turn, still it was arranged that a

    queque be made so that one by one all may

    bless themselves by the sight of the greatest

    man of the spiritual world. The queque was

    about half a mile long. Thousands of males, fe-

    males, boys and girls were awaiting for severalhours with the intense longing for the noble sight

    even for a moment.

    Last Moment :

    Time was passing quickly. The last moment

    of the great saint was at hand. It was six o'

    clock when it appeared that there are very few

    moments for the body to be without the breathing

    saint. When there were only ten minutes to

    seven on the 18th day of September, 1955, thesage slowly utterd the syllable efmeee vece:-

    Om Siddhaya Namah-my salutations to the lib-

    erated souls, and the body became motion-less.

    This great travel-Mahayatra took place

    when the morning sun was on the horizon.

    Words fail to depict the grief of the people when

    they learnt that today the great sage of Ahimsa,

    whom, the world venerated as Shantisagar

    Maharaj is no more. Long live Shantisagar


    In his duel whith dreadful death he was in

    fact victorious, since he kept his vow of Ahimsa

    with all its supplementary vows intact against

    the onslaughts of death. The saint never moved

    in the night with due regard for his vow of non-

    injury even to small insects, therefore I surmise

    that on the eve of his final departure from this

    land of ours to far off unknown world his breath

    did not leave as long as the sun did not rise. To

    me it appears, that Death might have thought

    that this good old sage never moved in the night

    all his life, why should his vow be disturbed?

    Therefore the soul started on its final travel

    having seen the radiant sun on the horizon.

    The religious rites were performed accord-ing to the Jain scriptures by Swami Lakshamisen

    Maharaj of Jain monastery at Kolhapur.

    The news was flashed by the All India

    Radio, New Delhi in the noon. The entire nation

    was shocked. A mammoth condolence meeting

    was held in New Delhi, the capital of India. The

    Vice-President of Indian Goverment-Dr. S.

    Radhakrishnan presided.He paid eloquent tributes to the great saint

    and observed; "It is very easy to talk about

    knowledge and renunciation, but it is very diffi-

    cult to translate them into action. Acharya

    Shantisagarji Maharaj was a saint of very high

    order, upon whose blessings our world is living.

    He was one of those exceptional beings, whose

    spiritual greatness fashions bricks and mortar

    for the tall edifice of human civilisation. He hasbeen a super-man, a prince among ascetics. His

    passing away is a loss to human race. Such

    people incarnate the spirit of our country."

    "It is the sacred duty of every one to give

    a practical shape to the great ideals of the sage

    of Ahimsa."

    May his memory live long and inspire the

    world for Self-realisation.

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    -mLeehevee-hetpeve kejes js,

    eerMeeefvleefmevOeg Deeeee&eJej keer, hetpeve kejes js-2~YeejleJemegvOeje ves peye, cegefveeeW kes oMe&veefnb heees~

    meoer yeermeJeeRceW leye eer, eeefj$eeeJeleeaDeeS~~oef#eCe Yeejle Yeespeeece ves, Ske ueeue kees pevce efoee~Gmeves ner meyemes henues, cegefvehejcheje peerJevle efkeee~~

    cegefvehejcheje peerJevle efkeee~~hetpeve kejes js,

    eerMeeefvleefmevOeg Deeeee&eJej keer, hetpeve kejes js-~ eR eeefj$eeeJeleeaeerMeeefvlemeeiejeLeceeeee&Jee& ! De$e

    DeJelej DeJelej mebJeew

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    meeOeg DeJemLee OeejCe kej, ece-ece mes esCeer ye{leer nw~kece&efvepe&je kes yeue hej, Deefjnvle DeJemLee efceueleer nw~~ieg ejCeeW ceW FmeerefueS nce, DeeS DeIe&e{eves kees~

    DeeS DeIe&e{eves kees~~ oer#ee ueskej...... eR eeefj$eeeJeleeaeLeceeeee&eerMeeefvlemeeiejee

    DeveIe&heoeehlees DeIe efveJe&heeceerefle mJeene~-Mesj vo-

    meeiej peneB iebYeerjlee ceW meggeefme nw~ieg MeeefvleefmevOeg kes mece#e Jen Yeer leg nw~~

    peneB Meebefle kee peue meJe&oe keuueesue kejs nw~Gve ieg ejCe ceW nce Yeer MeebefleOeej kejs nQ~~1~~

    Meevlees MeeefvleOeeje~meeeo kes heg

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    eeefj$eeeJeleeaDeeeee&eer Meebeflemeeiej eeueermeejeefe$eer-e%eeeceCeer Deeefe&kee eboveeceleer


    mevceefle Meemeve kees vecetB, vecetB Meejoe meej~

    kegvokegvo Deeeee& keer, ceefncee ceve ceW Oeej~~1~~Fmeer Meg Deecveee ceW, ngS keF& Deeeee&~meoer yeermeJeeR kes eLece, Meeefvlemeeiejeeee&~~2~~

    es eeefjle eeer cegveer, iegDeeW kes ieg ceeve~eeueermee Fvekee kentB, he{es megvees kej Oeeve~~3~~


    pee eer iegJej Meevleermeeiej, cegefve ceve keceue efJekeeefme efoJeekej~~1~~Fme keef}egie kes cegefveheLeoMe&ke, veceve keB ieg ejCeeW ceW efvele~~2~~Meem$eeW ceW cegefveeeW keer ceefncee, ueesie he{e kejles Les ieefjcee~~3~~YetOej eevele keer keefJeleeSB, kenleer nQ Gve oe JeLeeSb~~4~~Jes lees lejme iees oMe&ve kees, Deeiece JeefCe&le cegefve Jevove kees~~5~~veive efoiecyej eee& ogue&Ye, Leer meew Je

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    eMve 1 -yeermeJeeR meoer kes eLece Deeeee& keewve Les?Gej -eeefj$eeeJeleeaDeeeee&eer Meebeflemeeiej peer cenejepe~eMve 2 -Fvekee pevce keye Deewj keneB ngDee Lee?Gej


    Deeeee&eer kee pevce F&meJeer meved1872 ceW Dee

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    Deheves oeref#ele peerJeve ceW mecheVe efkeS~eMve 24-Deeeee&eer kee meceeefOecejCe keye Deewj keneB ngDee?Gej -YeeoeW Megkeuee otpe, meved1955 ceW kegbLeueefieefj efme#es$e

    hej Gvekee megvoj meceeefOecejCe ngDee~eMve 25-hetpe ieefCeveer eer %eeveceleer ceeleepeer ves Deeeee&eer kes

    keye Deewj efkeleveer yeej oMe&ve efkeS nQ?Gej -leerve yeej oMe&ve efkeS nQ-1. veerje (cene.) ceW meved

    1954 ceW, 2. yeejeceleer (cene.) ceW meved1955 ceW,3. kegbLeueefieefj efme#es$e (cene.) ceW meved1955 ceWmeuuesKevee kes mecee~

    eMve 26-Deeeee&eer kee cegKe mebosMe keee Lee?Gej -yeeyee vees, efYeT vekee, mebece OeejCe keje DeLee&led

    YeeF&! [jes veneR, mebece OeejCe kejes~eMve 27-Deeeee&eer kes peerJeve kee meyemes cenlJehetCe& keee& yeleeFS?Gej -DeveskeeW cenlJehetCe& keee& Deeeee&eer ves Deheves peerJeve

    ceW efkeS, efpeveceW mes meyemes cenlJehetCe& keee& ceW GvneWvesOeJeueeebLeeW kees leecehe hej GlkeerCe& kejJeeee~eMve 28-Deeeee&eer kes efJeMes

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    eMve 47-oer#eeieg eer osJesvkeerefle& peer cenejepe keer meceeefOeefkeleveer Gce ceW ngF&?

    Gej -105 Je

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    -Yeespeeece kee Me-oef#eCe Yeejle kes Yeespeeece ceW YeerceieeQ[e heeerue kes Iej

    ee Me~ eer YeerceieeQ[e heeerue yew"s nQ leYeer Gvekeer Oece&hejeeCe

    elveer meewYeeieJeleer meleJeleer Yeespeve kee Leeue ueskej Deeleer nQ, JeseYe&Jeleer nQ, heeme ceW ner ese yeeueke osJeieeQ[e Kesue jne nw~Deeeveke meleJeleer peer kes cegjPeeS esnjs kees osKekej heeerue peeretles nQ-

    YeerceieeQ[e-Dejs osJeieeQ[e keer ceeB! keee yeele nw? keeelegcneje mJeemLe Kejeye nw DeLeJee keesF& Deewj hejsMeeveer nw,legcnejs cegKe hej Fleveer #eerCelee keeeW nw?

    meleJeleer peer-(cegmkegjeves kee eeeme kejles ngS) veneRmJeeceer! ceQ efyeukegue mJemLe ntB, cegPes keesF& Yeer hejsMeeveer veneR nw~

    YeerceieeQ[e-osKees meleJeleer! legce DeJeMe ner cegPemes kegfhee jner nes, yeleeDees, DeeefKej yeele keee nw?

    meleJeleer-(efmej veeree efkeS ngS) mJeeceer! cegPes kegfove henues oesnuee ngDee nw efke ceQ Ske npeej oue Jeeues Ske meewDee" keceueeW mes efpevesv YeieJeeve keer hetpee keB~

    YeerceieeQ[e-(emeVe neskej meleJeleer kes efmej hej neLeesjles ngS) yeme! Fleveer meer yeele, ceQ DeYeer helee ueieelee ntB efke Jeseceue keneB efceuesWies (hegve: veewkej kees DeeJeepe oskej) jecet! DejsDees jecet!

    veewkej-(neLe pees[kej) peer ceeefueke! keefnS, efkemeefueSeeo efkeee?

    YeerceieeQ[e-osKees! legcnejer ceeueefkeve kees mene oueJeeues Ske meew Dee" keceue eeefnS, peje helee ueieeDees lees efke Jeseceue keneB efceueWies~

    veewkej-DeJeMe ceeefueke! DeYeer helee ueieekej Deelee ntB~(veewkej euee peelee nw Deewj keg osj yeej helee ueieekej

    Jeeheme Deelee nw, leye leke heeerue peer Yeespeve mes efveJe=e nes peelesnQ Deewj Deejece kegmeeahej yew" peeles nQ)

    veewkej-ceeefueke! ceQves helee ueiee efueee, keesunehegj kesmeceerhe kes leeueeye ceW Jewmes keceue efceue peeSbies, Deehe cegPes JeneBYespe oerefpeS, ceQ JeneB peekej ues DeeTBiee~

    YeerceieeQ[e-(emeVe neskej) Dejs Jeen! en lees yengle ner

    emeVelee keer yeele nw, legce MeerIe ner peekej keceue ueskej DeeDees~

    Meebefle kes meeiej-Deeeee& Meebeflemeeiej (veeke)emlegefle-ye. keg. Fvotpewve (mebIemLe)

    veewkej-peer heeerue meenye (euee peelee nw Deewj meneoue Jeeues 108 keceue ueskej Deelee nw, leye meleJeleer heefle Deewjheg$e kes meeLe efpevecebefoj ceW peekej YeefehetJe&ke YeieJeeve keer 108

    keceueeW mes hetpee kejleer nQ~ Oeerjs-Oeerjs veew ceen Jeleerle nes peelesnQ~ Fme mecee meleJeleer peer Yeespeeece kes meceerhe ueieYeie eejceerue keer otjer hej efJeeceeve Deheves efhelee kes ie=nmLeeve esUiegUeece ceW nw~ Dee

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    Deehe meye Oeve nes ieS~meleJeleer kes efhelee-(Deeee& mes) Dee! Ssmee keee nw

    Fmekeer he$eer ceW?peesefle

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    Deewj yener ceW Deheves ner neLe mes efueKe oes, ceQ Fve meye PebPeeW ceWveneR he[vee eenlee~

    eenke-(Deeee& mes Deeheme ceW) 1-osKees YeeF&! kewmeerfvemhe=nlee nw~

    eenke 2-neB YeFee, en Deheves ieeBJe kee ieewjJe nw~eenke 3-mee kenles nes, Fmekes Ske yeej kenves hej ner

    fyevee keesF& efueKee-he{er efkeS ueesie hewmes os osles nQ~

    eenke 4-

    meecege YeerceieeQ[e kee peerJeve Ssmes heg$e keeseekej Oeve nes ieee~

    (Fme ekeej meYeer cegekeb" mes Gvekeer eMebmee kejles ngSeues peeles nQ~ meeleieeQ[e Yeer ogkeeve yebo kej Iej peekej Yeespeveejkes Kesle hej eues peeles nQ~ eeCeercee$e kes eefle oee jKevesJeeues yeeueke meeleieeQ[e kees efveye&ue, oerve-og:Keer peerJeeW, heMeg-eef#eeeW, eneB leke efke Kego kee meeceeve eesjer kejves JeeueeW hejDelevle keCee yegef Leer~ Jes eefleefove Meewe Deeefo mes efveJe=e nesves

    es efueS Kesle keer Deesj peeee kejles Les, Ske efove keer yeele nw)--Kesle kee Me-

    eele:keeue kee Me(meeleieeQ[e Meewe mes efveJe=e neskej Jeeheme ueew jns nQ)

    Kesle ceW Ske veewkej eesjer kej jne nw-veewkej-Deepe ye[e Dee ceewkee nw, Deeme-heeme keesF& Yeer

    veneR nw, peuoer mes pJeejer kee Ske iej Deheves Iej hengBee oslee ntB~G"ekej eueves ueielee nw, leYeer Jen meeleieeQ[e kees osKe ueslee nw)-


    (Ieyejekej) Deesn! cegPes meeleieeQ[e ves osKe efueee,Deye lees cesjer Kewj veneR, pej es cesjer efMekeeele heeerue meenyemes kejWies, Deye ceQ keee keB?

    meeleieeQ[e-(veewkej kees osKekej heer" heers kejkes meeselesngS) Deesn! yeseeje iejeryeer keer ceej mes og:Keer neskej Deepe eesjerejves kees efJeJeMe nes ieee~ yeseeje heefjJeej kee hes Yejves kes efueSner lees Deveepe ues pee jne nw, keesF& yeele veneR ues peeves oes~ ceQegheeehe yew" peeTB, cegPes osKekej keneR en [j ve peeS~


    (ceve ceW) Deesn! Fvnesbves lees cegPes osKekej Yeereg veneR kene, efkeleves oeeuegnQ es Deewj ceQ kewmee heeheer ntB peeslees Ssmes ceneheg

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    (meeleieeQ[e cee$e cegmkeje osles nQ keeeWefke JeLe& keer yeeleWkejvee GvnW hemebo veneR Lee~ keg mecee yeeo peye hetjer hemeueDeeF& leye Gvekes Kesle ceW Deve ueesieeW keer Dehes#ee DeefOeke Deveepehewoe ngDee)

    Jesoeble esceer hhee mes Gvekeer ye[er Ieefvelee Leer, GvekesGheosMe mes Jen heeveer evekej heerlee Lee, jeef$e Yeespeve veneR kejleeLee, meleYee

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    31/36(31) mecei%eeve (Deiemle-2010) Debke-2

    -Deieuee Me


    (Iej ceW ceelee-efhelee, YeeF&-YeeYeer Deewj meeleieeQ[e yew"s nQ,meeleieeQ[e Deheves efhelee kes hewj oyee jns nQ, leYeer efheleepeer kenles nQ)-

    YeerceieeQ[e-yese meeleieeQ[e! nceejer Fe nw efke legceegve: efJeJeen kejes~

    meeleieeQ[e-efheleepeer! cesjer efJeJeen kejves keer Fe veneRnw, cegPes oer#ee ueskej DeelcekeueeCe kejvee nw~


    hejvlegDeYeer legcnejer Gce ner keee nw?meleJeleer-neB yese! nce Yeer legcnejer yemeer ngF& ie=nmLeer

    osKevee eenles nQ~meeleieeQ[e-ceeB, efheleepeer! eefo Deehe ueesieeW ves nceW hegve:

    e=nmLeer kes pebpeeue ceW hebmeeee, lees nce cegefve oer#ee ues ueWies~osJeieeQ[e-YeeF&! DeeefKej legcnW Flevee Jewjeie efkeme efveefcee

    mes ngDee nw?meeleieeQ[e-YeFee! nceeje Jewjeie mJeeYeeefJeke nw, Ssmee

    ueielee nw pewmes en nceeje hetJe& pevce kee mebmkeej nes, Iej ceWcesje ceve veneR ueielee, yeme yeej-yeej Iej es[kej oer#ee uesves kesYeeJe nesles nQ~

    YeerceieeQ[e-(G"kej yew" peeles nQ Deewj heej mes Gmekescemleke hej neLe hesjles ngS kenles nQ)-yese! peye leke nceejepeerJeve nw, legce leye leke Iej ceW jnkej Oece&meeOevee kejes, yeeo ceWoer#ee ues uesvee~ legcnejs Iej mes yeenj eues peeves mes nceW ye[emebkeuesMe nesiee Deewj eesie heg$e kee keee& efhelee kees keuesMe GlheVeejevee veneR nw~

    meeleieeQ[e-(keg og:Keer ceve mes) "erke nw efheleepeer! DeiejDeehekeer Ssmeer Dee%ee nw, lees ceQ peerJeve Yej Deehe oesveeW keer mesJeeeBiee, efkevlegefJeJeen ve kejkes yeeeejer ner jntBiee~

    (en megvekej ceelee-efhelee kes ves$eeW ceW DeeBmetDee peeles nQDeewj ceelee GvnW ieues mes ueiee uesleer nQ, oesveeW kenles nQ)-

    ceelee-efhelee-yese! legceves nceeje pevce meheue kej efoee~legce pewmes heg$e kees heekej nce Oeve nes iees~

    (Fmeer DeJemLee ceW meeleieeQ[e kes keg Je

  • 8/22/2019 Samyakgyan Aug 2010

    32/36 mecei%eeve (Deiemle-2010) (32) Debke-2

    Ghejeble oer#ee uesves kee { efveee efkeee Deewj Getj eece ceWhengBekej cegefve osJesvkeerefle& peer mes cegefveoer#ee osves keer eeLe&vee keerefkevlegieg ves GvnW meJe&eLece #eguueke heo eoeve efkeee DeewjGvekes mebeceer peerJeve kee MegYeejbYe nes ieee~)

    -Deieuee Me-

    Getj eece, meeleieeQ[e kee eJesMe, heeme ceW cegefve eer osJesvkeerefle&peer efJejepeceeve nQ~


    veceesmlegcenejepe eer! veceesmleg! (yew" peeles nQ)cegefvejepe osJesvkeerefle&-mece&Je=efjmleg!meeleieeQ[e-mJeeceer! ceQ efvee&vLe oer#ee uesvee eenlee ntB,

    ke=heee cegPes oer#ee oskej ke=leeLe& kejW~cegefvejepe-YeeF&! legce keneB mes DeeS nes Deewj oer#ee keeeWW

    uesvee eenles nes?meeleieeQ[e-hetpeJej! ceQ Yeespeeece kes elegLe& peeefle kes

    heeerue YeerceieeQ[e peer kee megheg$e ntB, yeeheve mes ner cegPes mebmeej,

    Mejerj, YeesieeW mes efJejefe nw FmeefueS oer#ee uesvee eenlee ntB~cegefvejepe-Jelme! en heo ye[e keef"ve nw~ Fmekees OeejCe

    kejves kes yeeo ceneve mebke Deeles nQ, Gvemes ceve efJeeefuele nespeelee nw~

    meeleieeQ[e-YeieJeved! Deehekes DeeMeerJee&o mes Deewj efpeveOece&kes emeeo mes ceQ Fme ele kee efveoex

  • 8/22/2019 Samyakgyan Aug 2010

    33/36(33) mecei%eeve (Deiemle-2010) Debke-2

    veueJee[er ceW Deeeee&eer Meebeflemeeiej Je

  • 8/22/2019 Samyakgyan Aug 2010

    34/36 mecei%eeve (Deiemle-2010) (34) Debke-2

    pecyeterhe ceW ieefCeveerecegKe eer %eeveceleer ceeleepeer memebIe kee Je

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  • 8/22/2019 Samyakgyan Aug 2010
