subject—history…  · web view · 2017-01-13हड़प्पा की लिपि को...

I-PRE BOARD – 2016-17 CLASS—XII SUBJECT— HISTORY TIME-3hrs M.M.-80 lkekU; funsZ श % ¼i½ lHkh शशशशशशशश ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd शशशशशश ds vad mlds lkeus fy[ks gSaA ¼ii½ 2 vad okys izR;sd शशशशशश ¼[k.M d & शशशशशश la- 1 ls 4½ dk mRrj 30 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg, ¼iii½ 4 vad okys izR;sd शशशशशश ¼[k.M [k & Hkkx शशशशशश la- 5 ls 10½ dk mRrj 100 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A ¼iv½ 4 vad okys शशशशशश ¼[k.M &शशशशशश la- 10 )dk mRrj 100 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A (शशशशश शशशशशश शशशशशश) ¼v½ 8 vad okys izR;sd शशशशशश ¼[k.M श &शशशशशश la- 11 ls 14½ dk mRrj 350 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A ¼vi½ [k.M ds शशशशशश rhu lzksrksa ij vk/kkfjr शशश (5-5 शशश ) ¼vii½ ekufp= viuh mRrj&iqfLrdk ds lkFk शशशशशश dhft, ¼[k.M श ½A General Instructions: i.Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

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I-PRE BOARD 2016-17




lkekU; funsZ %

i lHkh ds mRrj nhft,A izR;sd ds vad mlds lkeus fy[ks gSaA

ii 2 vad okys izR;sd [k.M d & la- 1 ls 4 dk mRrj 30 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,

iii 4 vad okys izR;sd [k.M [k & Hkkx la- 5 ls 10 dk mRrj 100 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A

iv 4 vad okys [k.M & la- 10 )dk mRrj 100 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A ( )

v 8 vad okys izR;sd [k.M & la- 11 ls 14 dk mRrj 350 Cnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A

vi [k.M ds rhu lzksrksa ij vk/kkfjr (5-5 )

vii ekufp= viuh mRrj&iqfLrdk ds lkFk dhft, [k.M A

General Instructions:

i.Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

ii.Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (Part AQuestions no. 1 to 4) should not exceed 30 words each.

iii.Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part BSection I, Questions no. 04 to 09) should not exceed 100 words each.

iv.Answers to question carrying 4 marks (Part BQuestions no. 10 ) should not exceed 100 words each.(value based question)

v.Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part CQuestions no. 11 and 14) should not exceed 350 words each.

vi. Part (D )has questions based on three sources.(7marks each)

vii. Attach the maps with the answer scripts (Part E).


Answer all the questions given below :


1. Mention any two difficulties faced by historians in deciphering the Indus script? 2

? |

2. Why did Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti Dargah very popular? Give two reasons. 2

? .

3. Why was the salt march notable? Mention two reasons. 2

? .


Section I


Answer any five of the following questions :


4. What does Megasthenese write about the municipal administration of Pataliputra?4


5. Describe the Mahabharata as a dynamic text.4

? |

6. Compare and contrast the perspective from which Ibn Battuta and Bernier wrote their accounts of their travels in India.4


7. For members of nobility under Mughals, imperial service was a way of acquiring power, wealth and highest possible reputation. Examine the statement.4

- , , | |

8. Why did the fifth report become the basis of intense debate in England? Explain.4

? |

9. What were the political and economic causes of revolt of 1857 C.E.?4

1857 . ?





10) Read the value based passage given below and answer the questions that follow-4

When the king Devanampiya piyadassi had been ruling for eight years, the country of the(country of the )Kalingas(present day coastal Orissa)was conquered by (him).

One hundred and fifty thousand men were deported,a hundred thousand were killed and many more died .

After that,now that (the country of )the Kalingas has been taken Devanampiya (is devoted)to an intense study of Dhamma ,to the love of Dhamma,and to instructing (the people) in dhamma.

This is the repentance of Devanampiya on account of his conquest of the (country of the)


For this is considered very painful and deplorable by Devanampiya that,while one is conquering an unconquered(country)slaughter, death and deportation of people (take place)there.


(a)This passage refers to which king? 1


(b) How was the Kalinga war a bloody war? 1

/ ?

(c)What human value are revealed in the above passage ? 2




Answer all the questions given below :

: 8x3=24

11.To what extent does knowledge of Buddhist Literature help in understanding the sculpture at Sanchi?8



Explain the significance of kabir s poems and the traditions he drew to describe the ultimate reality. 8

, |

12 ) Explain the role played by Zamindars in Mughal India?8



Describe briefly the changes that came about in the Indian towns during the 18th century.8


13) In what way did Gandhiji transform the nature of national movement?8



Why was British India partitioned?8




Read the given excerpt/passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Q 14.

How artefacts are identified?

(i) What are the two types of querns? 1

(ii) What materials were these querns made of? 2

(iii) Why are they described as curry stones? 2

(iv) Explain any two ways in which the archaeologists classify finds and way they determine the function. 2

(i) - ? 1

(ii) ? 2

(iii) ? 2


| 2

Q 15. In praise of taswir

(i) Why did Abul Fazl hold the art of painting in high esteem? 1

(ii) According to him what steps were taken by Akbar to promote this art? 2

(iii) What were the chief characteristics of the paintings made during Akbars reign? 2

(iv) How did Abul Fazl praise the Hindu painters? 2

1. ? 1

2. ? 2

3. ? 2

4. ? 2

Q 16. Charkha

(i) What is the source of this excerpt/passage? 1

(ii)Why was Mahatma Gandhi against the use of machines? 3

(iii)Why did Mahatma Gandhi lay emphasis on the use of Charkha? 3

(i) / ?1

(ii) ?3

(iii) ?3




17.1 On the given outline map of India locate and label the following with appropriate


Dhaulavira, Lothal2

17.2 On the same outline map of India three centres of Revolt of 1857 are marked as 1, 2, 3. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines given against each.3



1857 1, 2, 3 |

Q.N.17.1 and 17.2



