
JHOSPITALIST network 「腎結石症疑いには、エコーかCTか」 2016629 担当者 筑波学附属病院 総合診科 五野博基 Ultrasonography versus Computed Tomography for Suspected Nephrolithiasis N Engl J Med 2014;371:110010. PMID: 25229916

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  • JHOSPITALIST  network


    2016年年6⽉月29⽇日担当者  筑波⼤大学附属病院  総合診療療科


    Ultrasonography  versus  Computed  Tomography  for  Suspected  Nephrolithiasis  

         N  Engl  J  Med  2014;371:1100-‐10.          PMID:  25229916  

    水戸協同病院モデル:!  チーフレジデントからみた!   総合診療科体制の特色と展望!

  • 症例:43歳男性  主訴:右下腹部痛現病歴:受診前日の昼、結婚式に参加した。18時頃より腹痛を自覚した。下痢・嘔吐なし。腹痛は右下腹部痛で数十分周期で数十分続く痛み。VAS9/10。受診当日排便あり。疼痛続くため、朝ERを受診した。アレルギーなし、  内服:降圧薬、糖尿病の薬  既往歴:DM(+),HT(+),HL(+),不整脈なし     5年前に左尿路結石で入院あり。バイタル:BT36.3℃、BP104/67mmHg、HR  86  reg冷汗あり、腹部圧痛なし、CVA叩打痛なし、  尿検査:尿潜血3+  

  • ‣疑問  

    結石の既往があり、血尿もある。  尿管結石症を第一に疑う。  次に行う画像検査は、超音波検査か、レントゲンか、CTか

  • EBMの実践 5  steps

    Step1 疑問の定式化(PICO)

    Step2 論文の検索

    Step3 論文の批判的吟味

    Step4 症例への適用

    Step5 Step1-4の見直し

  • Step  1疑問の定式化(PICO)

    P:  尿尿管結⽯石疑い I:  腹部エコー、レントゲンC:  腹部CTO:診断精度度、有害事象、

  • Step  2論論⽂文の検索索②1次研究(primary  studies)PubMedを利利⽤用"Nephrolithiasis"[Mesh]  AND  ("ultrasonography"[Subheading]  OR  "ultrasonography"[All  Fields]  OR  "ultrasonography"[MeSH  Terms])  AND  

    Randomized  Controlled  Trial[ptyp]29件中1件⽬目に

    T h e n e w e ngl a nd j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e

    n engl j med 371;12 nejm.org september 18, 20141100

    Original Article

    The authors’ full names, academic degrees, and affiliations are listed in the Appendix. Address reprint requests to Dr. Smith-Bindman at rebecca.smith-bindman@ucsf .edu.

    N Engl J Med 2014;371:1100-10.DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1404446Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.

    BACKGROUNDThere is a lack of consensus about whether the initial imaging method for patients with suspected nephrolithiasis should be computed tomography (CT) or ultrasonog-raphy.METHODSIn this multicenter, pragmatic, comparative effectiveness trial, we randomly assigned patients 18 to 76 years of age who presented to the emergency department with suspected nephrolithiasis to undergo initial diagnostic ultrasonography performed by an emergency physician (point-of-care ultrasonography), ultrasonography per-formed by a radiologist (radiology ultrasonography), or abdominal CT. Subsequent management, including additional imaging, was at the discretion of the physician. We compared the three groups with respect to the 30-day incidence of high-risk diagnoses with complications that could be related to missed or delayed diagnosis and the 6-month cumulative radiation exposure. Secondary outcomes were serious adverse events, related serious adverse events (deemed attributable to study par-ticipation), pain (assessed on an 11-point visual-analogue scale, with higher scores indicating more severe pain), return emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and diagnostic accuracy.RESULTSA total of 2759 patients underwent randomization: 908 to point-of-care ultrasonog-raphy, 893 to radiology ultrasonography, and 958 to CT. The incidence of high-risk diagnoses with complications in the first 30 days was low (0.4%) and did not vary according to imaging method. The mean 6-month cumulative radiation exposure was significantly lower in the ultrasonography groups than in the CT group (P

  • 研究デザイン前向き、無作為化試験で、盲検化はされていない研究である。⽶米国15の多施設で⾏行行われた。論論⽂文の概要は、

    P 腎結石症の疑いで救急受診I 救急医によるベッドサイドでの腹部エコーC 放射線科による腹部エコーC 腹部単純CTOPrimary①診断の遅れ/見落としの結果、合併症を伴う  

           高リスク疾患と30日以内に診断       ②6ヶ月以内の総被曝量  

  • 背景ベッドサイドでの超音波検査(Point-‐of-‐Care  US)(POCUS)が様々な領域で注目されている。腎結石診断のほか、外傷のFASTや、新しいところではショックの鑑別にRUSH  Exam(Pump-‐Tank-‐Pipesを評価)                        Emerg  Med  J.  2013  Jan;30(1):3-‐8.     

    N  Engl  J  Med  2011;364:749-‐57.  

    to as “the tank.” Placement of the probe in the sub-xiphoid position, along both the long and short axisof the inferior vena cava (IVC), will allow correctdetermination of the size of the vessel. Looking atthe respiratory dynamics of the IVC will providean assessment of the patient’s volume status toanswer the clinical question, “how full is thetank?”33–38 The clinician can also place a trans-ducer on the internal jugular veins to view theirsize and changes in diameter with breathing tofurther assess volume.39,40 Also included in evalu-ation of the tank is an assessment of the lung,pleural cavity, and abdominal cavities forpathology that could signal a compromisedvascular volume. Integration of lung ultrasoundtechniques can quickly allow the clinician to iden-tify a pneumothorax, which in the hypotensivepatient may represent a tension pneumothoraxrequiring immediate decompression. Tensionpneumothorax presumably limits venous returninto the heart due to increased pressure withinthe chest cavity.41,42 The lung can also be exam-ined for ultrasonic B lines, a potential sign ofvolume overload and pulmonary edema.43,44 Theclinician can further examine the thoracic cavityfor a pleural effusion. Last, the clinician canperform a FAST exam (Focused Assessment withSonography in Trauma examination), to look forfluid in the abdomen, indicating a source for “lossof fluid from the tank.”

    The third and final part of the shock ultrasoundprotocol is evaluation of the large arteries and

    veins of the body, referred to as “the pipes.” Clini-cians should answer the clinical question “are thepipes ruptured or obstructed” by first evaluatingthe arterial side of the vascular system to specifi-cally examine the abdominal and thoracic aortafor an aneurysm or dissection. Next the clinicianshould turn to evaluation of the venous side ofthe vascular system. The femoral and poplitealveins can be examined with a high frequency lineararray transducer for compressibility. Lack of fullvenous compression with direct pressure ishighly suggestive of a deep venous thrombosis(DVT).45–47 Presence of a venous thrombus in thehypotensive patient may signal a large pulmonarythromboembolus.

    RUSH Protocol: Step 1—Evaluation ofthe Pump

    Focused echocardiography is a skill that is readilylearned by the EP and the use of this applicationhas been supported by a recent consensus docu-ment developed by colleagues in EmergencyMedicine and Cardiology.48 Imaging of the heartusually involves 4 views. The traditional views ofthe heart for bedside echocardiography are theparasternal long- and short-axis views, the subxi-phoid view, and the apical 4-chamber view(Fig. 1). The parasternal views are taken with theprobe positioned just left of the sternum at inter-costal space 3 or 4. The subxiphoid 4-chamberview is obtained with the probe aimed up toward

    Table 1Rapid Ultrasound in SHock (RUSH) protocol: ultrasonographic findings seen with classic shock states

    RUSHEvaluation Hypovolemic Shock Cardiogenic Shock Obstructive Shock Distributive Shock

    Pump Hypercontractileheart

    Small chamber size


    Dilated heart


    Pericardial effusionCardiac tamponadeRV StrainCardiac thrombus

    Hypercontractileheart (early sepsis)

    Hypocontractileheart (late sepsis)

    Tank Flat IVCFlat jugular veinsPeritoneal fluid(fluid loss)

    Pleural fluid(fluid loss)

    Distended IVCDistended jugularveins

    Lung rockets(pulmonaryedema)

    Pleural fluid (effusions)Peritoneal fluid(ascites)

    Distended IVCDistended jugularveins

    Absent lungsliding(pneumothorax)

    Normal or small IVC(early sepsis)

    Peritoneal fluid(peritonitis)

    Pleural fluid(empyema)

    Pipes Abdominal aneurysmAortic dissection

    Normal DVT Normal

    Abbreviations: DVT, deep venous thrombosis; IVC, inferior vena cava; RV, right ventricle.

    The RUSH Exam 257

    Ultrasound  Clin  7  (2012)  255–278

  • 背景

    腎結石症疑いへの腹部CTの使用頻度は10年で10倍  しかし、CTが予後改善に繋がるかは不明       コスト、被曝、時間の問題もある  

    Acad  Emerg  Med.  2011  July  ;  18(7):  699–707    

    Ultrasound  Q.  2012  Sep;28(3):227-‐33  


    腎結石症の疑いがある患者に対する初回画像検査法は、CT  と超音波検査のどちらにすべきか意見が一致していない

  • ‣  Inclusion  criteria

    • 2011年年10⽉月から2013年年2⽉月• 18-‐76歳で腹痛、側腹部痛あり• 救急医が腎結⽯石を除外するために画像をオーダー

  • ‣Exclusion  criteria• 重⼤大な他の診断のリスクが⾼高いと医師が判断した場合(例例えば胆嚢炎、⾍虫垂炎、⼤大動脈瘤、腸管の病気)• 妊婦• 肥満:男性129kg以上、⼥女女性113kg以上• ⽚片腎、腎移植後、透析中

  • ‣介⼊入  IntervenVon• Point-‐of-‐care  ultrasound  (ベッドサイドエコー):トレーニングを受けた救急医が施⾏行行• Radiology  ultrasound:ガイドラインに沿って放射線部で⾏行行うエコー

  • ‣⽐比較  Comparison

    腹部単純CT:local  standardに沿って。

  • Outcome:Primary  Endpoints①診断過誤あるいは診断の遅れに関連して起こり得る,合併症を伴う高リスク診断high-‐risk  diagnoses  with  complica_ons  that  could  be  related  to  missed  or  delayed  diagnoses      具体的には、腹部大動脈瘤の破裂、敗血症を呈する肺炎、膿瘍または敗血症を呈する憩室炎、腸管虚血または穿孔、腎梗塞、膿瘍を呈する腎結石、尿性敗血症または菌血症を呈する 腎盂腎炎、壊死を有する卵巣捻転、虚血のある大動脈解離と定義  ②6ヶ月以内の総被曝量  ③総コスト(まだ調査中で、今回は述べられていない)    追加の画像検査 を含むその後の管理は医師の判断に任せた.  

  • Outcome:Secondary  Endpoints

    重篤な有害事象、試験参加による重篤な有害事象    疼痛、救急再受診、入院、痛み、腎結石の診断精度   重篤な有害事象とは、死亡、重症、入院が必要、障害をきたす、早期に診断していれば避けられた薬物治療、手術その他インターベンション。      患者は、ランダム化から3,7,30,90日後に、これらoutcome評価のため来院し、健康状態や受けた医療に関して構造化面接で評価された。    

  • ‣倫倫理理的配慮全ての患者へのICと倫倫理理委員会の承認を得ている。

    Commibee  on  Human  Research  and  the  ins_tu_onal  review  board  at  each  par_cipa_ng  site  approved  the  study.  All  par_cipants  gave  wriben  informed  consent.    

  • Step  3  批判的吟味  

  • 治療療に関する論論⽂文のユーザーズガイド①結果は妥当か

    介⼊入群と対照群は同じ予後で開始したか  患者はランダム割り付けされていたか  ランダム化割り付けは隠蔽化(concealment)されていたか  既知の予後因⼦子は群間で似ていたか=base  lineは同等か

    研究の進⾏行行とともに、予後のバランスは維持されたか  研究はどの程度度盲検化されていたか(⼀一重〜~四重盲検)  

    研究完了了時点で両群は、予後のバランスがとれていたか  追跡は完了了しているか=追跡率率率・脱落落率率率はどうか  患者はIntention  to  treat解析されたか  試験は早期中⽌止されたか

  • 介入群と対照群は同じ予後で開始したか

  • 患者はランダム割り付けされていたか

    • 2759名を1:1:1にランダムに割り付けた  各908,  893,  958名


    ultr asonogr aphy vs. ct for suspected nephrolithiasis

    n engl j med 371;12 nejm.org september 18, 2014

    groups of 5% for events with a prevalence of 10%, 0.34% for events with a prevalence of 0.5%, and 0.14 SD for radiation exposure. Our target sam-ple size was 2500 patients. We used SAS software, version 9.4, for all the analyses.

    R esult s

    PatientsWe screened 3638 patients, of whom 3100 were considered to be eligible. A total of 2776 patients underwent randomization; however, 17 of those patients were excluded before the baseline data collection (Fig. 1), with the result that data were collected for 2759 patients (89% of eligible pa-tients). We randomly assigned 908 patients to point-of-care ultrasonography, 893 to radiology ultrasonography, and 958 to CT (Fig. 1). The base-line characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. The mean pain scores at enroll-ment and the proportion of patients admitted di-

    rectly to the hospital from the emergency depart-ment did not differ significantly among the groups, suggesting that the severity of illness was simi-lar in the three groups. A total of 113 patients (4.1%) were lost to follow-up, with no significant variation according to study group (Fig. 1).

    The medical history, laboratory values, and physical examination findings for the enrolled patients and the emergency department physi-cians’ assessment of the likelihood of various di-agnoses are shown in Table 2. There were no significant differences according to study group. Overall, 41.6% of the patients had a history of kidney stones, 63.3% had hematuria, and 52.5% had costovertebral-angle tenderness, whereas a small minority had physical examination findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis (1.3%) or appen-dicitis (3.6%) or were judged by the enrolling physician to be at high risk for aortic aneurysm (0.8%), appendicitis (3.1%), or bowel obstruction or ischemia (3.6%).

    Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and Follow-up.

    2776 Underwent randomization

    3638 Patients were assessed for eligibility

    229 Were ineligible309 Declined to participate before eligibility confirmed324 Were eligible, but declined to participate

    2759 Were included in intention-to-treat population

    17 Withdrew before any data collected1 Underwent point-of-care ultrasonography8 Underwent radiology ultrasonography8 Underwent computed tomography

    908 Were assigned to point-of-care ultrasonography

    958 Were assigned tocomputed tomography

    32 (3.3%) Were lostto follow-up

    32 (3.5%) Were lostto follow-up

    49 (5.5%) Were lostto follow-up

    876 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    926 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    893 Were assigned toradiology ultrasonography

    844 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org at UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA LIBRARY on April 7, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • ランダム割り付けは隠蔽化されていたか

    Ranuni関数を用いた乱数表を使用    Randomiza_on  was  performed  with  the  use  of  the  RANUNI  func_on  in  SAS  sodware  at  the  study  website.  

  • 既知の予後因⼦子は群間で似ていたか


    T h e n e w e ngl a nd j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e

    n engl j med 371;12 nejm.org september 18, 2014

    High-Risk Diagnoses with ComplicationsHigh-risk diagnoses with complications during the first 30 days after randomization were recorded in 11 patients (0.4%) — 6 patients (0.7%) assigned to point-of-care ultrasonography, 3 (0.3%) assigned to radiology ultrasonography, and 2 (0.2%) as-signed to CT — with no significant difference according to study group (P = 0.30) (Table 3). Additional information on the patients who had high-risk diagnoses with complications is provided in Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix.

    Radiation ExposureOver the course of the 6-month study period, the average cumulative radiation exposures were sig-nificantly lower in patients assigned to point-of-care ultrasonography and radiology ultrasonogra-

    phy than in those assigned to CT (10.1 mSv and 9.3 mSv, respectively, vs. 17.2 mSv; P

  • 研究の進行とともに、予後のバランスは維持されたか

  • 研究はどの程度度盲検化されていたか

    • 盲検化は、患者・医療者ともにされていない  • Pa_ents  and  providers  were  aware  of  the  imaging  method  to  which  the  pa_ents  had  been  assigned.    

  • 研究完了時点で両群は、予後のバランスがとれていたか

  • 追跡は完了了しているか  患者は、ランダム割り付けされた集団において解析されたか

    •  Figure1にあるとおり、全体で113人(4.1%)がlost。群間での差はなし。  

    • 解析はinten_on-‐to-‐treat  principle  


    ultr asonogr aphy vs. ct for suspected nephrolithiasis

    n engl j med 371;12 nejm.org september 18, 2014

    groups of 5% for events with a prevalence of 10%, 0.34% for events with a prevalence of 0.5%, and 0.14 SD for radiation exposure. Our target sam-ple size was 2500 patients. We used SAS software, version 9.4, for all the analyses.

    R esult s

    PatientsWe screened 3638 patients, of whom 3100 were considered to be eligible. A total of 2776 patients underwent randomization; however, 17 of those patients were excluded before the baseline data collection (Fig. 1), with the result that data were collected for 2759 patients (89% of eligible pa-tients). We randomly assigned 908 patients to point-of-care ultrasonography, 893 to radiology ultrasonography, and 958 to CT (Fig. 1). The base-line characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. The mean pain scores at enroll-ment and the proportion of patients admitted di-

    rectly to the hospital from the emergency depart-ment did not differ significantly among the groups, suggesting that the severity of illness was simi-lar in the three groups. A total of 113 patients (4.1%) were lost to follow-up, with no significant variation according to study group (Fig. 1).

    The medical history, laboratory values, and physical examination findings for the enrolled patients and the emergency department physi-cians’ assessment of the likelihood of various di-agnoses are shown in Table 2. There were no significant differences according to study group. Overall, 41.6% of the patients had a history of kidney stones, 63.3% had hematuria, and 52.5% had costovertebral-angle tenderness, whereas a small minority had physical examination findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis (1.3%) or appen-dicitis (3.6%) or were judged by the enrolling physician to be at high risk for aortic aneurysm (0.8%), appendicitis (3.1%), or bowel obstruction or ischemia (3.6%).

    Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and Follow-up.

    2776 Underwent randomization

    3638 Patients were assessed for eligibility

    229 Were ineligible309 Declined to participate before eligibility confirmed324 Were eligible, but declined to participate

    2759 Were included in intention-to-treat population

    17 Withdrew before any data collected1 Underwent point-of-care ultrasonography8 Underwent radiology ultrasonography8 Underwent computed tomography

    908 Were assigned to point-of-care ultrasonography

    958 Were assigned tocomputed tomography

    32 (3.3%) Were lostto follow-up

    32 (3.5%) Were lostto follow-up

    49 (5.5%) Were lostto follow-up

    876 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    926 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    893 Were assigned toradiology ultrasonography

    844 Had at least onefollow-up assessment

    The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org at UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA LIBRARY on April 7, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • 試験は早期中止されたか

    • 予定追跡期間を完遂している。

  • 治療療に関する論論⽂文のユーザーズガイド②結果は何か

    治療療効果の⼤大きさはどれくらいか  RRR・ARR・NNTはそれぞれいくらか治療療効果の推定値はどれくらい精確か  上記それぞれの95%CI区間の範囲は適切切か・広すぎないか


  • 結果  Primary   





    高リスク診断 6例(0.7%) 3例(0.3%) 2例(0.2%) 0.30

    はじめにエコー検査を施行しても、高リスク診断は増えなかった。  P値0.3と有意差がない    高リスク診断11例の内訳は、  尿路感染症から菌血症OR周囲の膿瘍形成が判明した症例が8例  小腸虚血の切除を要した症例、憩室炎で膿瘍を形成した症例、  卵巣捻転が1例ずつ  

  •   救急医エコー(908例)




    総被曝量 10.1mSv 9.3 17.2

  • ○○mSvのイメージわきますか?    補足②:放射線被曝と先天異常

    • 妊娠可能な女性の放射線検査は、時期を選べるならば、月経周期の最初の10日間(卵胞期)に施行する。妊娠の可能性があれば先に妊娠検査をし、十分な説明を放射線検査(被曝)の前に行う。  •  50msv以下の被曝では、胎児奇形、精神遅滞、発


    参考:UpToDate:Diagnos_c  imaging  procedures  during  pregnancy  

  • 結果  Secondary割付に関連した重大な有害事象は、全部で12例。  その内訳は、急性胆嚢炎5例と多かった。    その他、ER再受診、入院、痛み、診断精度(感度8割、特異度5割)に差はなし。ER滞在時間は、6.3,7.0,6.4時間で、放射線部エコーで長かった    

    Outcomeではないが、  •  エコー群で追加の検査が必要となりやすい  •  救急医エコーの4割、放射線部エコーの3割が追加の画像検

    査を 最初のER受診中に施行。これはCT群の5%と比較して、有意に多かった。  

    •  腎結石が疑われた患者を対象にしたものの、6ヶ月時点までで 腎結石症と診断されたのは、31-‐35%だった。

  • ‣結果を⾔言葉葉にする腎結石症を疑った場合、まず腹部超音波検査を施行し、それから必要ならCT検査を追加しても、合併症や診断の遅れは増えないで、被曝量は減らせる。    今回は、エコーを先に検査しても、4割は追加検査をしていた。  

  • Step4  症例例への適⽤用



    結果を患者のケアにどのように適⽤用できるか  研究患者は⾃自⾝身の診療療における患者と似ていたか  患者にとって重要なアウトカムはすべて考慮されたか  ⾒見見込まれる治療療の利利益は、考えられる害やコストに⾒見見合うか

  • 研究患者は⾃自⾝身の診療療における患者と似ていたか症例例43歳、糖尿尿病、⾼高⾎血圧あり、腎結⽯石の既往あり、⾎血尿尿ありは、全て本研究に合致している。


  • 患者にとって重要なアウトカムはすべて考慮されたか

    • 臨臨床的にも患者にとっても重要な結果が吟味されている。

    • 予め設定されたアウトカム、コストに関してはまだ述べられていない。

  • ⾒見見込まれる治療療の利利益は、考えられる害やコストに⾒見見合うか


    今回コストは⽰示されなかった。腹部単純CT  830点腹部超⾳音波検査  550点

  • ⽂文章疑問の定式化をうまく⾏行行ったことで、それに合致した論論⽂文を選ぶことができた。  論論⽂文は⼀一次研究Pubmedから検索索した。論論⽂文の批判的吟味では、結果は妥当であった。検査の特性から、盲検化は困難だろう。  

    Step5  1-‐‑‒4の⾒見見直し

  • 論論⽂文のまとめ

     腎結石症を疑った場合、まず腹部超音波検査を施行し、それから必要ならCT検査を追加しても、合併症や診断の遅れは増えないで、被曝量は減らせる。     比較的若年者が多く、心血管リスクは一部不明である。腎結石疑いが対象だが、何をもって疑うのかは不明で、最終的に腎結石と診断されたのは3割にとどまっており、外的妥当性が不十分かもしれない。    

  • 選択したマネジメント尿管結石を疑い、  まず腹部USを施行した。結石は認めなかったものの、腎盂の拡張を認め、尿管結石症と判断した。  鎮痛剤NSAIDsで症状は改善し、帰宅とした。後日排石あり、分析の結果シュウ酸Caと判明した。  より心血管疾患のリスクが高い症例では、 初めから腹部CT検査の施行も考えたい。  

  • ちなみにレントゲンKUBについては、

    大きなカルシウム、struvite、シスチン結石では、検出できる。しかし、尿酸結石や小結石、骨構造と重なった場合には見逃す可能性があり。また、閉塞の有無はわからない。 UpToDate